On this tutorial we talk about how to acquire new patients using your WEBSITE by following the Accelerator Method.
Before we begin… if you’re new to this 5 part series of tutorials, you can catch up on the previous ones here:
Part 1 – Picking Your Perfect Patient
Part 3 – Attract and Get their attention Online and Offline
In Part 4, we are talking about how to effectively use your website to win more of the massive pocket of people currently being overlooked for PT, by most owners when they’re marketing their services.
Remember, the golden opportunity that exists for you right now is when you consider that so many people with problems you can solve, are being overlooked…
“93%” of people who are going to a doctor with pain, are NOT leaving with a referral for PT…
And there’s even more people who aren’t even going to their doctor in the first place (…but still need some help)…
Most people have no clue what a PT even does, or if they can help what they’ve got…
And many people are just simply too “skeptical”, lack motivation or remain confused about the benefits of what a PT even does.
So when you take all of that into consideration all of the above, it makes sense to STOP communicating with people about Physical Therapy…
…and start talking to them about their CURRENT problems – and show how you can help them overcome those problems.
We can most definitely do that on our website.
The reality is that most PT websites are built to communicate with people actively looking for a PT clinic…
…you now know that there’s NOT that many, and that explains why so many business owners are so frustrated by the performance of their sites.
And given that there’s Physical Therapy clinics aplenty in your small town…
…the chances of being successful just because you have a nice looking “me-too” style website all about you and your PT – is slim.
Does that mean that having a website is a waste of time?
Far from it…
It just means we have to design your website slightly different…
You need a website that clearly articulates how you’re able to solve the problems of your perfect patient…
Think about someone with chronic low back pain right now…
How do they use “Google” to solve their problem?
We know that most people are NOT searching for PT.
What are they searching for?
INFORMATION – in the form of ADVICE – on WHY their back pain is happening…
…and THEN what they can do about it.
So, how about we design websites to reflect what consumers are actually DOING and LOOKING for?
(Rather than creating a site which is only about our services?)
Most PT’s do it because they use a “done for you” style company who are WRONGLY assuming that anyone with low back or knee pain etc, is thinking about choosing a PT.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Google is a QUESTION engine…
Meaning most people who use it, do so to get ANSWERS to problems.
I know for sure there’s 100X more people in your town today typing “back pain advice”…
…than typing “good physical therapist” into their iPhone. .
So, one of the easiest ways to boost response from your website is to design it in such a way that you’re the one able to answer their questions…
We do that by ensuring that people can interact and engage with our sites – and NOT just book appointments.
One of the biggest mistakes of any PT site is to ask people to “Book An Appointment” or “Schedule Now”.
You might get one or two people who are ready to “book now”…
…but you’re NEGLECTING to consider the HUGE amount who aren’t.
Asking me to “book now” is like asking me to get married when we’re on our first date.
You wouldn’t do it.
Better to ask people to MAKE AN INQUIRY which is much less of a commitment, and easier for them to do…
Remember, success in business is simply about working out how humans interact in every day life – then re-creating that, inside of our business.
This “Book Now” issue explains in a “New York minute” why so many owners look at their website, see that 400 people have been on the site, and yet only 3 people booked.
It’s less than a 1% response rate – which is TYPICAL FOR MOST SITES…
…And yet on my site, the “Paul Gough Physio Rooms”, we get anything from a 15-20% RESPONSE/CONVERSION rate.
Simply because on my site, we let people take “baby steps”…
We don’t ask for any big commitment, and they can leave their contact details in exchange for my free tips reports (the ADVICE they’re looking for)…
…and as a result we will come into our clinics each day with the contact details of anything from 6-10 people.
Contact details of people who live within a 5 mile radius of my clinic, who I now know are SUFFERING with low-back pain, (or knee pain etc), who want some help.
Now I know that these people didn’t book a session with me…
But that’s alright…
…because I have my follow up systems in place (discussed in Part 2) and they go to work at educating and proving VALUE of what I do and how I can help my perfect patients.
So now that I know my Perfect Patient (covered in Part 1), it means that any information that this person takes is specific to THEM…
And that gives me a much better shot at them becoming a patient.
Now you know why we covered the Perfect Patient and Proving Value FIRST – all of your marketing fails, or is held back, unless you do this and go through those exercises first.
When it comes to marketing – contact details is the new currency you should be thinking about.
Not “how many referrals did I get today…”
It’s “how many INQUIRIES did we get today, that we can begin relationships with”.
I work on the theory that for every 10 people who make an Inquiry on my website, 5 or 6 will become patients once they know more about me – and how I can help them.
It’s just a matter of earning their trust – which takes a little time, but once I do have their TRUST, I inherit a very valuable patient that is likely to stay with me for life.
So when it comes to websites, it’s about being clear who the website is FOR…
…which ISN’T for people looking for PT (because you know there isn’t that many of them)…
…it’s about having words on that website that prove to your PERFECT PATIENT that you know how to solve their problems…
…and it’s about letting them make INQUIRIES, and get answers to concerning questions in EXCHANGE for their contact details.
If you have a website that reflects those basic principles and respects how people actually make decisions on the internet, then you’re going to get a lot more leads and new patients at your clinic using this Accelerator Method.
In the Next, and final Tutorial in the Accelerator Method series, we’ll talk about how to combine everything that you’ve done so far…
…to pick a perfect patient…
…educate and prove value…
…get noticed online and offline…
…pick up inquiries 24/7 from your website…
…and use all of that LEVERAGE to RAISE YOUR RATES above the $160 mark.
Success with raising your rates is a lot easier when you have something called “Deal Flow” – that is a constant flow of people who wan to do business with you.
Now that you have that, because you’re using the Accelerator method to communicate to the MASSIVE AMOUNT of overlooked people..
…you’ll find it much easier to raise your rates.
We’ll talk more on that in the next tutorial.
To get more info, go here…
– Accelerator Method: 6 Simple Steps To More Patients and Higher Profits >
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