Welcome to part THREE of the Accelerator Method:
In part one of the process we spoke about the OPPORTUNITY that exists to access the 93% of people who are currently being overlooked for PT…
– Click here to catch up on Part 1- The Perfect Patient
…this is called finding your PERFECT PATIENT and once you know who they are – and why they’re NOT coming to see you and what you can do to over come that…
– Catch up on Part 2 where all that is covered on here! >
…then the NEXT thing you need to do is ACTUALLY get noticed.
Here’s the thing… long lasting business success is a simple 3-step process:
1. Get Noticed.
2. Serve more people
3. Build a bigger business
So the big question is this:
“How do you go about getting NOTICED by your perfect patient?”
Well, depending upon WHO that is, that’ll determine where you will want to run your ads…
For example:
My ideal patient “Mary” is aged “53”… so she’s STILL reading NEWSPAPERS…
…she has done for years and will continue to do so because it’s a habit…
…so I can find and get her attention there…
…and she’s also spending a lot of time engaging and connecting on Facebook theses days.
So, what I might do is run the SAME ad on Facebook – as I do in the newspapers…
…familiarity breeds TURST and remember, trust is one of the things that I need to win over if I want to access the “93%” who have been overlooked.
What will I say in my ad?
Well, believe it or not…
I’m NOT going to run an ad that is all about physical therapy.
Because that’s NOT what she’s looking for.
Mary (my patient) is in need of a solution – but currently she doesn’t even know that solution she needs CAN even be physiotherapy.
So my ad in the newspaper OR on Facebook has to advertise a solution to her problem…
This problem could be anything from:
* Fear of a life time dependency upon painkillers
* Risking dangerous spinal surgery for her chronic back pain
* Losing independence or mobility…
* Not knowing what’s wrong to cause her pain…
So when I realize all of this, I can create an ad that talks about how my clinic can solve these PROBLEMS.
They’re called “INTERNAL” problems…
…And the companies that solve INTERNAL problems generally are a lot more successful – especially when the price is over “$100”.
For context, running an ad that says you solve “back pain” is solving an EXTERNAL problem.
Fine on the face of it, and is definitely one step up from advertising physical therapy…
But remember – a lot of our patients have learned to live with that pain for a long time now – so they’re not THAT motivated to actually do something about that pain…
…the INTERNAL problem surfaces.
That could be realizing that they’ve been on pills for too long…
…seeing an elderly relative in a wheel chair…
…somebody commenting that they are ”slowing down” these days…
Whatever it is, THAT is now the driver that’ll keep them motivated to want to find a solution.
So, when you talk about these internal problems in your marketing – a lot more people are NOTICING you…
…giving you their attention…
…and much more likely to take action.
So instead of my ads running on Facebook to EVERYONE within a 5 mile radius of my clinic…
…they’re only running to females in their 50’s and 60’s.
And all I’m doing is talking about the problems that she’s living with – is offering some easy way to make a difference.
I’m NOT asking for appointments – I’m not asking for them to do anything but take some of my free advice and put one or two of the tips to good use…
…and if they do that, and they experience a “little win” in terms of how good they feel, then most likely they’ll want to know what else I have to offer them.
And when that happens, they ASK for more information – and that’s when I talk about my physio services.
Essentially, I have reverse engineered the process…
…from me wanting them…
…to making them want to ASK about me.
It lets me schedule from a position of authority and confidence, and means the patient is going to be much more committed and fully bought into my plan of care.
I could also find “Mary” using postcards, Social Media, giving talks at sports clubs, attending community events, taking a stall at a fundraising event, using Google Ad words, sending mail pieces to her home…
…there’s an INFINITE number of ways to get noticed by your ideal patient ,but what always remains the same is the STRATEGY to make it work.
1. Pick the perfect patient.
2. Get their attention either online or offline by offering them something of value…
3. And then give them more information about what ELSE you can do.
It’s that simple…
And it is why the “ACCELERATOR METHOD” is working so successfully for small clinics around the US and across the world…
It’s a completely new method for connecting, engaging with, showing value to – and acquiring a vast number of people who need what we do, but just don’t know enough to say yes (yet!).
In the next article we’ll talk more about how to DESIGN your WEBSITE to ensure that it follows the “Accelerator Method” of picking a perfect patient, providing information and leading with value FIRST.
Most websites convert visitors at less than 1%…
…my website is converting at anywhere between 15-20%.
Do the math on that and you’ll see why making just a few of the changes we suggest to your website – to bring it online with the new trend for response online – is going to be very lucrative for you.
We’ll talk through that part of the Accelerator Methodology, next time.
To get more info, go here…
– Accelerator Method: 6 Simple Steps To More Patients and Higher Profits >
Until then, if you’re new to my work, go here next to receive more business education from me:

- Violating Social Norms and Outdated Levels of Thinking - 22nd October 2020
- MORE from LESS: The Go To Strategy During A Financial Downturn (Like here in 2020) - 15th October 2020
- How To Confidently Sell Your Physical Therapy Services - 29th April 2020
- Telehealth: What Does The Future of PT Look Like? - 17th April 2020
- How To Get More Buy-In From Patients - 16th April 2020
- Telehealth: Have You Already Done It Without Realizing? - 16th April 2020
- Telehealth: What Is the Most Important Thing You Can Sell Right Now? - 15th April 2020
- Telehealth: Is A Marketing Funnel Needed Right Now? - 14th April 2020
- Telehealth: What Happens To Discovery Visits? - 13th April 2020
- Telehealth: How Will I Compete With “Big Box” Insurance Companies? - 10th April 2020