Week one of “The New Patient Accelerator Method” kicked off this week, and just as I imagined, we had a GREAT time with a number of breakthroughs.
In week 1 we cover the essential foundation that all small business success is built upon.
It was eye opening…
And there were a lot of breakthroughs…
If you joined in with us, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
As we had a packed out class, and because I know some of you weren’t able to join us on the program this time – I wanted to keep you in the loop with everything we’re learning.
So here’s a look behind the scenes of what happened in Module 1 of the Accelerator Method, we’re going to share with you “10” of the most powerful highlights from week 1 of the class, get your pen and paper ready!
Key Takeaways
#1 Why Most PT Marketing Fails
Most PT clinics experience some kind of frustration when it comes to Marketing.
You might try putting an ad in a newspaper or local magazine, a letter, a leaflet or flyer – something that looks “pretty and nice” and is professionally designed – and on the face of it, is a GREAT ad for a Physical Therapy clinic…
But that’s the problem.
The ad is all about Physical Therapy and NOT about the person they can help.
Let me explain:
One of the main reasons why most PT clinic ads fail is simply because the ad lacks the one single thing that all great Marketing pieces must have – a clearly defined “pocket of people” who you want to pay attention to your ad!
Which brings me onto this:
#2 WHO Do You Want To Do Business With?
You can’t be successful with attracting new patients if you’re trying to reach everyone, which is why you’ve got to get clear on this:
WHO you want to do business with.
Unless you’ve got a multi-million dollar business – the real profit lies in the RELATIONSHIP you have with those people – and you BEGIN and ENHANCE that relationship with your clinic marketing.
Here’s an example:
At my clinic – the Paul Gough Physio Rooms – we call this person our “Perfect Patient”, who comes from the HUGE pocket of people who are being overlooked by most clinics in our area…
…The huge group of people who are living with some form of pain and restriction that they need some help with, but just don’t know what to do.
Our Perfect Patient is called Mary – she’s 53, has two children and 3 grandchildren, and loves to live an active lifestyle attending Pilates classes a few times a week and socializing with friends.
So, here’s something for you to think on – who is YOUR “Perfect Patient”?
#3 Why You Need To Get Crystal Clear On Who Your “Perfect Patient” Is…
The biggest area of opportunity lies within figuring out WHO is is you’re talking to.
Because if you don’t, then you can’t say the right things in your Marketing that’ll get their attention and instantly tell them that you have something that they should consider paying attention to – or reading on.
We have to be able to show them that we understand their problems and frustrations…
…and that you’re the place to go to for help to solve their problem.
These people are likely being overlooked by other Physical Therapy clinics in your town – because so many of them are focusing on getting referrals from Doctors that they’re neglecting the people who DON’T get given a referral from a doctor (even though they need us).
So it’s your job to help them.
But how do you find those people currently being overlooked?…
By understanding this:
#4 Your Patients Have Three Problems
External, Internal and Philosophical.
Most PT’s talk to people about their external problems when what they should be doing to stand out, is talk to them about INTERNAL problems.
What pain are they in emotionally? What are they struggling with and missing out on because of the physical pain they’re in?…
#5 The Most Important Point To Remember When “Selling Your Services”
As a general rule, we move people AWAY from pain and loss – not towards health and happiness – which is why Marketing that promises to “reach the peak of health”, doesn’t resonate with many people or compel them to make decisions.
People have a hard time imagining how good it feels to be happy and healthy right now when they’re suffering. Move them AWAY from pain, and co-pay won’t be an issue.
Which leads me onto this…
#6 The Real Purpose Of Your Marketing
Once you’ve become crystal clear on WHO it is you want to do business with, and you understand them on a deeper, emotional level…
It’s time to show up and drop the solution to their problems – in their lap.
With my Perfect Patient at the Paul Gough Physio Rooms, I know that ‘Mary’ is someone who doesn’t like taking pills, and doesn’t want to ‘bother’ the Doctor – and yet still wants a solution to her problem that resembles her lifestyle choice.
But the problem is, since she went to see her doctor and DIDN’T get a referral (because most don’t) – she’s a little “confused”…
..she was told to rest, accept it, and take pills.
Therefore if you show up and and give away free information that helps her to make a better decision – you’ll gain her trust and she’ll know that PT is the solution she’s been looking for all this time
But keep this in mind…
#7 Marketing Is All About Building A Bridge
The rules of small business advertising have changed.
It’s almost impossible to get people to say “yes” and hand over money for your PT services immediately.
When stats suggest that just 3% of the population are confident enough and ready to buy now – the key for you is to build a relationship and develop trust with your Marketing messages, to help people make better decisions.
So how can you begin to do this?
#8 Give Away Free Information
For small businesses like you and I, providing people with MORE information to help them make better decisions, faster, is the ONLY way to win.
Because of TRUST issues, it’s much easier (and smarter!), to advertise helpful information than it is to ask people to buy from you immediately.
Putting out an ad that says something like: “Back pain evaluation – call today” will waste the attention of 9 out of 10 people and your precious dollars.
But offer free information as a solution to their problem, and you’ll be helping people to confidently say YES to PT services, and get back to living the life they deserve!
#9 Adopt The Strategy Of Pre-Eminence
What do I mean by this? You offer to help your Perfect Patient BEFORE you ask for any money.
Think about how trust was established in PT clinics years ago… by doctors who TOLD THEM to go and see a PT – patients didn’t have to make a decision!!
But now that times have changed (and more importantly if you want to move away from relying upon doctors for referrals…) you need to re-create that trust, so people can confidently make a decision on their own.
One of the ways we do it at the Paul Gough Physio Rooms? With free information reports:
There’s no effort required on your prospects part, it’s low-risk and easy to get – therefore MORE people are likely to respond to your ad.
A great way to understand this is to look at it like this:
#10 Think Of Going On A First Date
You wouldn’t ask someone to marry you on a first date, would you?…
Well, asking people to book an appointment with you in your Marketing is a lot like asking for marriage on a first date.
Slowwwww down, that’s too quick – you don’t know each other well enough yet, go for coffee first
Remember, not everyone is ready to book now, offer free information, be helpful, get to know your prospects and nurture them.
Master this and issues with “co-pay”, “deductibles” and the increase in monthly premiums will become a thing of the past.
To sum up:
In PT school we’ve been led to believe that if people are in pain, they’ll book our services when they see us Marketing how great our clinic is in an ad…
But in reality, not enough people know what PT actually is – and not enough people are confident enough to make decisions about their health for themselves
When you really start to think about WHO your Perfect Patient is, and understand them at a deeper level that many health care professionals don’t take the time to do – you’ll be able to serve the MASSIVE pocket of people who are currently suffering with something you can help with – and who will be happy to do business with you – by helping them make better decisions.
See you right here next week, for Module 2 where we’ll cover one of THE fastest ways to boost your clinic’s profits, and how to get more patients on schedule from ANY referral source.
If you’d like to get notified of when this class next becomes available – please click here and we’ll be sure to add you to the early priority list, next time.
OR If you’re brand new to my PT Business Education Material:

- Violating Social Norms and Outdated Levels of Thinking - 22nd October 2020
- MORE from LESS: The Go To Strategy During A Financial Downturn (Like here in 2020) - 15th October 2020
- How To Confidently Sell Your Physical Therapy Services - 29th April 2020
- Telehealth: What Does The Future of PT Look Like? - 17th April 2020
- How To Get More Buy-In From Patients - 16th April 2020
- Telehealth: Have You Already Done It Without Realizing? - 16th April 2020
- Telehealth: What Is the Most Important Thing You Can Sell Right Now? - 15th April 2020
- Telehealth: Is A Marketing Funnel Needed Right Now? - 14th April 2020
- Telehealth: What Happens To Discovery Visits? - 13th April 2020
- Telehealth: How Will I Compete With “Big Box” Insurance Companies? - 10th April 2020