On this Physical Therapy Profit Academy Infusionsoft Master Class, we’re going to show you how to use the power of infusionsoft to keep in touch with patients, even WHEN they’ve been discharged – so they’re a customer for life, and not just for 8 PT sessions.
Previously we’ve covered things like:
– How to attract NEW patients to your clinic
– How to master your clinic’s website into a profit generator
– How to tackle any patient objection that comes your way
Etc, etc…
Which are all huge for your success!
But in today’s article, we’re going to dig even deeper – specifically, how to make sure that once a patient has come to the end of their treatment sessions, we have a method to keep them coming back to us – for life.
It all begins with….
A Powerful 12 Month (Plus!) Discharge Sequence
…POWERED with the magic of Infusionsoft.
Let me ask you a question:
When someone pays for your services, what happens next?
Do you have something in place to keep in touch with them after?
Does that person walk out of your clinic’s doors never to return again?…
For most clinics, it’s the latter.
Having such an Automated Discharge System in place is what separates “ok joe” businesses that are surviving – from successful businesses that are THRIVING.
With powerful, automated discharge systems in place, it ensures that you don’t end up missing out on things like:
– Additional sales from patients buying more products (not just PT!)
– 5 star patient happiness – so they can never leave unhappy with what you provided, and talk ‘bad’ about you to their friends
– More interaction on Social Media…
– Patients getting re-activated at WILL – just by offering them an easy and no-excuse needed way to come back
– More word-of-mouth referrals – because no one else compares
The problem is, most small businesses have nothing like that in place (or even if they do, it’s definitely not as effective as it could be).
That means a HUGE portion of the upside in profits that new patients can bring, is being left on the table.
Here’s Where Infusionsoft Comes Into Play…
Unlike any other e-mail marketing system, Infusionsoft takes follow-up to the next level and makes your life as a business owner a hundred times easier.
It allows you to make a lot of money by keeping people coming back for more by logging something I call a patients “primary interest”.
Let me explain…
At my own clinic – the Paul Gough Physio Rooms – as soon as a patient has come to the end of their treatment plan and they’re ready to be discharged – we give them a call within 24 hours with a view of providing them with information on WHAT ELSE we can offer them, and to see when they might be ready to buy it from us.
Now, ‘primary interest’ = patients hobbies, goals, what other services they use outside of PT such as massages, acupuncture, etc.
It’s something that my therapists pick up on once they’ve established a relationship with that patient…
So, once a patient comes to the end of treatment, all my therapists need to do is simply fill out a form with all of the relevant information they’ve picked up along the way about that person, (during therapy)…
…which then gets sent to my font desk staff notifying them to make the follow-up call the next day!
Lets say your clinic offers massage services as well as PT…
During a conversation you or your therapist has with a patient, they bring up that they can’t wait to get their monthly massage at the end of the week over at MASSAGE ENVY (or where ever)…
So you ask – “Why don’t you come and have your massage with us?”
They’ll probably say something like…
”Oh I didn’t realize you did that here!”
And that’s where the gold lies within – because now you can offer it to them – elegantly and sophisticatedly as part of an “exit offer”, or a cash up sell, as it is more commonly known as.
80% of people won’t even realize what ELSE you have to offer, even if it’s displayed on a leaflet at the front desk or in the reception area…
…I promise YOU, unless they’re looking for it, they won’t know unless YOU tell them!
Just like it’s important to find out what concerns a patient most about their back pain when they come to see you, and what they’d like to get out of it – it’s equally as important to know what else interests them so you know how you can keep adding value to their life – for which they’ll happily pay you for!
Which is exactly what you’re doing – all the time, adding value!
If the only time you contact a patient is when you’re promoting something, or to ask for a referral…
…you’re not going to enhance the relationship.
What you want is to be seen as a “value provider”, someone who can offer other products and services that’ll add significant value to their health – over and above PT!
You want to become someone who ‘gets’ what their needs and wants are.
And if you become that person – you’ll need a suitcase to take the cash because so many people will be happy to pay you for being THAT person in their life!
Make sense so far??
Once you have clear answers to those questions – of what ELSE people want – you can then deliver answers to them until they’re ready to come back and buy it from you, (using infusionsoft it’s done automatically) – and that way, you’ll always be seen as more than just a PT clinic, but someone they trust and want to do more business with too.
Infusionsoft allows you to send the right message, to the right person, based upon what THEY tell you they want to receive – sending messages or promoting about – simply by inputting unique information about patients straight away.
After that, you let it go to work!
You’re setting, then forgetting!
This type of thing is something that I’m working on right now and helping my community of Next Level PT Entrepreneurs to build into their clinics.
It’s a game-changer, that’ll make you a lot of money AND likely to free you from always thinking that you HAVE to KEEP on looking for more new patients to survive.
With sophisticated follow up systems like this that go to work after discharge, you’ll have a pipeline – a steady stream of happy past patients desperate to come back and see you.
Want to know more about how we can implement these types of award winning Infusionsoft systems into your PT clinic?
Reach me here and I’ll arrange to give you a demo of Infusionsoft – the software that allows me to run my clinic on autopilot at any time, no matter where I am.
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Paul Gough is an AWARD WINNING Infusiosoft User. A Small Business Icon – Best In Class Lead Nurture Systems 2016. Paul was selected from 100,000 world wide Infusionsoft users as having the BEST in class systems for lead nurture and conversion.
What that means is – if you’re thinking about using Infusionsoft, there’s no PT better in the WORLD to show you how to implement it’s powerful capabilities into your PT practice.
Reach out to Paul, here: paul@paulgough.com

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