As I write this I’ve JUST finished packing my bags for another trip.
In the last *3 months* I’ve flown around the world and back from Australia – taking in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney…
…I’ve travelled from San Diego (Ca) to Myrtle Beach (SC) – and back (the WIDTH of the US) – and I’m today preparing for another long flight to Orlando (Via London) before heading to Miami and Nashville and back home.
(Inside 7 days).
It’s gunna’ be a wild few days.
BUT, I’m EXCITED as hell for it! 😉
Tomorrow I’m flying “solo”…
(No family this time).
Too short of a trip that doesn’t give Harry (my two year old) a chance to get over the “jet lag” before we’d have to fly back.
Now, whenever I’m about to leave town (flying solo) the topic of conversation is always about “will I miss Harry?”.
My answer:
“More than I could ever tell you”.
When I drive away from the house in the morning, it will be PAINFUL!
Knowing that I’m not going to get to read him his bed time story – or hear him laugh out loud for a whole 7 days – is not nice.
But here’s the thing:
I always think LONG-TERM.
In business, and as a parent.
With “Harry”, I know the day will come very soon where he’ll ask me for some advice on what he should do with his life.
Instead of being a parent who tells him to “live his dreams”…
…I want to be a parent who “SHOWS” him how to do it.
(Big difference).
So as I leave him tomorrow morning I know that the short term pain I’m going to “feel” – as I close the door on his bedroom at 4.30am – will one day be worth it.
It may be a few years down the line…
…but that day is coming where he’ll need my help to make decisions that’ll help shape the rest of his life…
…much more than he needs me this week to “just be there”.
What’s this got to do with business?
Business is no different…
It’s always, always, always… about the LONG-BALL GAME.
Too many people out there in PT Land are focusing on how their business looks TODAY – and not how they want it to look in the long run.
Waiting for the phone to ring or hoping for a referral from a doctor to arrive “TODAY” – is living “day-to-day”.
Walking into your PT clinic and checking the stats on the number of new “leads” you picked up over the weekend via your “Marketing Automation” is focusing long term.
Understanding that a “truck-load” of people in your community need what you do – want what you do – but just don’t know enough to confidently say “YES” to paying for help is you “starting” to think about your business long term.
Setting up the appropriate “nurture systems” to help those people make the right decision, faster, is you PROVING that you’re in it for the long haul.
(What will you check today? ;-))
Last things last:
As I board my flight tomorrow – it’s made easier knowing that the SYSTEMS I set up in my business 3 years ago are powering my clinic today.
I can’t imagine ever returning to a world where I rely upon staff or “procedures that are kept only in my head”…
…meaning that as soon as my plane touches down I’d be having to take an international call from one of the girls in my office asking:
“Paul, how do we do…”.
Those days are long gone.
My business is built for scale…
Built to last…
And, most importantly of all…
Built to let me go and live my dreams…
…Meaning when *THAT* conversation arises (with “Harry”)…
…I’m able to look him square in the eyes and tell him precisely how I did what I’m telling him to go and do next.
(…Live HIS dreams!).
Happy Monday.
Paul Gough.
P.S Business Growth School is filling up fast…
“6” of the “10” priority notification spots have already gone.
Go here next if you want to get a chance to join my next 6 weeks program which, as it happens, is AAAAALLLL about how I created the systems in my business that let me spend this much time away from my business.
(I think it was “22” weeks last year…).
Go here next to get notified early:
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