So yesterday I told you a little bit about my new patient “Attraction System”.
Just one of the THREE systems that I have in place at my clinic to AUTOMATICALLY attract enquires, and convert as many as possible in high paying, life long customers.
Today, let’s talk about the need to STAND OUT.
Because it’s never been more necessary!
The competition in the PT market place is “intense” and relying upon doctor referrals is no longer acceptable… not if you want your clinic to survive, let alone prosper.
Advertising for “free sessions” or simply showing your logo and asking people to “call now”, is no longer enough and the “democratisation” of health care in the USA means you’ve got to get smarter with your marketing efforts.
There are two different strategies I want to tell you about, which separately are awesome, combined, are explosive for clinic profits!…
1.) Turn to data capture (not immediate sale)
While the temptation WILL always be to ask people to book an appointment with you immediately, the way to get floods of enquires (and at the same time raise awareness of your clinic) is to exchange valuable information, for contact details.
What’s more, because a lot of people want to take the easiest possible route to accessing the information you’ve got, it is VITAL to give more than one option to get it from you.
An e.g:
I recently ran a “direct response” style newspaper advert talking specifically to people with knee pain.
And not only did I give them the option of *calling* my clinic to request a free “tips” report, I also included a *website address* AND an a 800 *free record message* option making it easy for people to just leave their contact details without talking to anyone.
This increase response to my ad by 550%.
(Compared to when I ran the ad with just one way to respond – my clinic telephone number).
2.) Customised follow up
So we’ve just dramatically increased the number of people who respond to your ads by offering more than one way to get in touch.
Now we’re going to use a super secret way of customising our follow up messages to them (part of the BUYER system).
You’ve heard of “niching”, right?
Well, the reason why niching works is because every body is different. One solution does not fit all.
The ideal solution…
Custom tailored “offers” and solutions dependant upon what your patients need.
For example:
Why do people come and see you for help with, say, “back pain”?
Some people do it because they don’t want to rely upon drugs or risk surgery.
Others can’t stand the prospect of loosing their independence or mobility and others because they want to keep socially active.
Same pt service being accessed, VERY different motivations for buying it.
(Rarely is back pain enough!)
The challenge USED to be that it was time consuming and expensive to find out your potential patients “real needs” – then tailor your message or offers to show how what you can do i.e. your pt skills, can solve THAT specifc problem (not just their back pain).
Not any more.
These days technology makes it not just possible, but quick and easy to actually automate the follow up (your buyer system) so that it customises your marketing to fit the needs of the prospect.
(“Infusionsoft” is one such example of software technology that would let you do that).
To sum up todays lesson:
The secret of overloading your clinic with more new patients than you’ll ever need is this…
Asking the right questions of your potential new patients however they respond to access your free information – and then let your BUYER system customise the follow up accordingly.
The month that I started doing this it increased the conversion rate of my marketing pieces by between 294-1593%!!!
That’s up to 16 times as much business from the same number of people who contacted my clinic.
Same service.
Talk soon.
Paul Gough.
P.S If you want me to help you create your own Automated Marketing System for your clinic to help you achieve your GOAL and over over come the problem you’re having with a lack of regular new patients, then, go ahead, fill out this form:
Yes! Let Me Talk To Paul About Creating My Own Automated Marketing Follow Up System >>>
…and we’ll arrange to talk on Sykpe in the next few days.
Note to physical therapist looking for marketing ideas…
Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:
Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

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