Word for word – this was posted in the Facebook Message group this weekend:
“Yesterday, (as Paul said) I kept thinking to pursue and keep following up on my clients that were procrastinating in seeing me.
And true enough, I got one to schedule a session and another booked 2 appointments.
Never give up on them until they say No or Bye to you.
– Purissa Saville, Tenafly, NJ.
I’ve said this for a long time now…
Meaning, if they say “no” – it just means “no, not right now!”
Here’s the thing:
The primary reason why people don’t book their appointments – or follow through on care plans – is NOT because they haven’t got “any money” or “don’t want to pay for it”…
…it’s because *I* (the business owner) hasn’t done enough to show them that, in exchange for their time and money, I’ll be able to deliver on the outcome they are looking for.
A.K.A, provide “value”.
And that’s all commerce is – a transfer of time and money for a specific and uniquely defined, pre-determined outcome.
And guess what…
You and I need to see this VALUE too…
And if we don’t, we stumble and stall over making a commitment to ANYTHING the moment we think (or feel) that we might not get it.
Do we label ourselves as “cheap” or “tight” for not wanting to pay for it?
(Of course not).
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One more thing:
I’ve noticed that a lot of business owners take that initial rejection of their services personally…
…it’s as if they’re thinking:
“I’m qualified and skilled – and I have given up “15” minutes of my time to talk to you on the phone – therefore you should book your appointment right now and if you don’t, I’m going to forget all about you and move on to someone who values my time”.
The problem with that way of thinking is that it gets you nowhere…
…definitely doesn’t make you richer, it won’t make you happy – and you’ll be missing out on a LOT of chances to help people live more active and healthy lives.
Taking the time to follow up and give just a little bit more of your time to the people who originally said “no”, is likely to be the biggest area of opportunity for most people reading this email…
…you’ll find that many will all of a sudden value your services a LOT more, they’ll trust you more – and they’ll be way more compliant as a patient.
And all with the same amount of money in their pockets as when they say they didn’t have the money to pay for it, a month ago.
Go figure.
Big Tip Time:
Instead of looking at your patients and thinking about them as having back or neck pain…
…instead, see them as suffering with skepticism, fear, nervousness – and being tentative about getting another decision wrong.
Set up your business to help people overcome THOSE things, and the rewards will undoubtedly come your way.
Aaaaaallll right, BIG lesson over for today.
Paul Gough
P.S We covered this exact topic on the “Paul Gough Physio Rooms” Show just a couple of weeks ago….
Click here to watch the Episode.
It’s aaaaaaalllll about not taking rejection personally and trusting in the marketing process.
It’s already been watched by 100’s of your peers – and many of them are using my in-house training videos to develop their own staff.
(Which is cool ;-)).
If you get value from these videos and it helps you, leave us a comment and let me know how it impacted you.
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