Before you fill out this application form for an Implementation Call – it’s important for you to understand the work we do in helping other small and independent pt clinic owners get huge returns on their marketing activity.
For this reason, we recommend you read this brief case study:
“I needed something to grow my practice from 30 patients per week, to 100 so that I am able to employ an assistant and another pt. I was having great difficulty in competition from chiropractors – there’s 3 in my street - Paul's strategies and systems are helping me to do that.”.
Oliver Patalinghug, Restore PT LLC, Rochester Hills, (MI).
Paul Gough and the PT
Profit Academy are committed to helping small and medium sized pt clinic owners to get
more referrals from direct access, more referrals from past patients and to maximise cash revenue
from every
other referral source.
We do this so that busy clinic owners can get on with running their practices, serving their patients even better, or enjoying more free time and more money. We achieve this by using “Direct Response” Sales & Marketing Strategies – online and offline (“old fashioned”) methods.
PT Clinic owners with little or no marketing skills facing increasing competition from chiropractors, large orthopaedic hospitals and POPTS - surviving only on referrals from a limited number of doctors.
Clinic owners whose new patient numbers have “flat lined” - struggling to get extra referrals from doctors (who seem to be getting harder and harder to reach) - and yet still hoping to grow their clinic from 30 patients per week, to 100.
Clinic owners who are already established and doing “ok” – but looking to grow quickly from 125 patients per week, to 200 – and need a system to help them get there faster.
Independent, multi-practice clinic owners who, (in their own words), want “total domination of their County and beyond” as they grow their clinics from a chain of 2 or 3, to 4, 5 and even 6 in size – who know that having a marketing system for catching more new patients is the fastest way to get there.
Just answer these questions on the form below to let us know you are serious about growing your pt clinic fast and then press the green button to submit your request.