Announcing Paul Gough’s
Done for You Google Ads (+ Facebook Remarketing)
Program 2.0

“Join the Digital Revolution That Has Emerged Since Covid-19 and Create a Powerful Online Marketing System to Take Your Private Practice to an Entirely New Level in 2021…”

Complete Your Application Here »

It is First Come First Served.
Fee, just $1250 Per Month with Set Up Fee.

Could Google Save Your Practice from The Recession? And, Could Google Become Your New #1 Source of Referrals In the Coming 12 Months…

Dear Private Practice Owner,

Just when we thought we had seen it all on Google - it turns out that we are living through another Google Revolution.

Google, is, not surprisingly, emerging as a vital tool in our Recession busting arsenal - but it's more than that. Through a combination of things - primarily costs dropping as advertisers pull out - we are seeing practices small and large get their best ever results on Google.

All Change Online Since Covid-19…

In the last few months the world of Online Marketing has changed radically. Mobile usage has soared, customer behavior has massively changed, what works on Google (and Facebook) has changed, advertising costs have dropped and conversion rates have increased - if you know what you're doing.

Suffice to say, we blinked and everything changed online.

What you need to be doing with your website, Google and Facebook Marketing has changed radically - and you don't want to get left behind.

During the global pandemic, the Paul Gough Media team has worked night and day to implement some of the biggest changes we’ve ever made to any of our programs and we’re now able to bring to you the most complete Google Ads (and Facebook Remarketing) program that includes everything from us creating your own landing pages and call recording to allow you to monitor and improve your phone conversions.

There is no other program like this that exists on the planet where you can get tech-expertise, world class strategy and bespoke landing pages (and more) included in the same program.

“The Fastest Way To Replace Lost Referrals from Doctors, Zero Attendance At In-clinic Workshops and Slow Word of Mouth Referrals Since Covid-19…”

Join our Google Ads 2.0 program and discover a replacement for lost referrals from doctors… an antidote to patients who are staying away from your in clinic workshops or don’t show up for ones online…PLUS, a solution to the worrying trend of patients not referring like they once did (simply because they are “socially distanced” from the people they used to tell about you).

Right now, and for the foreseeable, ONLINE is the go-to place for all Practice Owners who want to get ahead. If you’re a practice owner who aspires to continue to grow a successful private practice – despite covid-19 and the financial chaos we’re engulfed in – this is perfect for you.

Even if you’re doing it yourself and have been doing “ok” doing it yourself, you should consider having my team do it for you. Google needs a lot of attention to keep up with all of the changes.

Think of the time you will save and the additional money you could make by investing your time more wisely and letting us do what we do best. We’re already working with over 40 clinic owners and we know what works and what doesn’t. We’ll apply what we’re seeing working to your account while you’re getting on with running your practice.

No More Confusion – We Do Everything for You

It’s obvious that the biggest thing holding PT business owners back with Google and Facebook is not a lack of opportunity. It’s a sense of complete confusion about a system that is by my own admission, very hard to understand.

I have spent the last eight years and hundreds of thousands of dollars wading through this confusion, so you don’t have to. Me and my team can take over all of your online ads for you and make sure that you are No.1 on Google and you get seen all over Facebook.

Over the last 6 months I’ve put together a TEAM of Google and Facebook Experts and we are going to do everything for you to ensure that your physical therapy business uses the power of Facebook and Google to bring you all of the new patients you need, 24/7.

The great news is that Google and Facebook do not discriminate between Insurance and Cash pay patients – whatever type of clinic you run, whatever country you are in, you’re able to get in on this and fast.

In less than 14 days from now, you will have your Google Ads Ads running meaning your website will be No.1 on Google – and your clinic will be seen by everyone in your town who is currently looking for physical therapy.

Thanks to Artificial Intelligence, that is the new reality.

We can now get your website to the top of the biggest search engine in the world for cheaper than ever. PLUS, the absolute best news is that we can also show your ads on Facebook ONLY to those folks in your town who we know are actively looking for a physical therapist like you.

Think about what this means: you’re number ONE on Google when people are looking for physical therapy in your town - and you’re all over the Facebook newsfeeds of those same people looking for physical therapy.

It’s marketing’s equivalent of the “perfect storm”; it’s as good as we’ve ever seen.

It’s a strategy I’ve been using at my own practice and one that we’ve been doing for our top clinic owner clients in my exclusive “done for you” marketing agency where the fees start at $2500 per month.

As a Google Ads Client of Paul Gough Media, You Will Also Get:

  1. Google Ads set up and clicks to your website or calls to your clinic within 14 days

  2. FREE “call recording” service to monitor how well your staff is handling your incoming calls (this can be the GAME CHANGER for your clinic)

  3. Call WHISPERING – we’ll alert your front desk person with a “whisper” down the phone each time a Google ads prospect is calling you

  4. Accountability: you’ll get 24/7 access to our proprietary dashboard that shows you the performance of your ads in real time (without you being confused)

  5. Facebook Remarketing Ads managed for you and regularly updated by our expert Facebook team


  6. No more web designer fees or hassles – we create, manage and optimize your very own landing pages (mini-websites) that will be laser targeted and customized to the specific key words your patients are searching for…(this will save you $1000’s, and make you $10,000’s at the same time.)

Plus, for the first 15 clients who sign up to Google 2.0, we’ll also add your clinic to our Google Ads Specific Front Desk Training Program where we will work with your front desk person (or you) on how to convert the hot leads you’re getting from Google and Facebook. We’ll train you on handling objections and work through LIVE case studies (from our call recording platform) to ensure your ROI goes through the ROOF!

You will get 8 weeks of training from when you sign up, FREE. This will be a small group training program that will take place weekly and will focus on how to convert the people you’re getting from Google and Facebook.

Complete Your Application Here »

It is First Come First Served.
Fee, just $1250 Per Month with Set Up Fee.

Why Do So Many PT’s Struggle to Get Google and Facebook to Work?

I know many clinic owners who have tried and failed to do their own Google and Facebook ads. But here’s why so many do struggle with doing both on their own:

1. There’s a “Secret Language” on Facebook and Google

When you market on Google and Facebook there is what I call the ‘secret language.’ You cannot just transfer the forms of advertising and marketing that you do elsewhere to Google and Facebook. It doesn’t work.

For example, when your patients are on Facebook, they’re in a certain mode, and you have to speak to them in the right way.

If you get this right, you win. If you get it wrong, your marketing won’t work, and the patients will ignore your messages. And if you’re writing ads for Google, that is completely different again; Google Ads give you less words, so you have to be even more precise with what you’re wanting to say.

2. It’s all in the Bidding and Budgets

One of the reasons you don’t want to advertise on Google or Facebook without knowing what we do is while you might get your ads working, you might also end up paying two or three times more than you should be.

In my experience, this is one of the major complaints from clinic owners. It’s not uncommon for an owner to “blow through” $1000 in a week without seeing much in return. There are numerous bidding and budget options on Google and Facebook, and you need to know which ones to use, when.

Get it wrong and your Google and Facebook Marketing will be a disaster.

Get it right – and you’ve just secured all the patients you need 24/7, on automatic pilot.

Best, we have proven many times owner with multiple different clinics, in different towns and countries, that even with a small ad budget of just $600-800 per month you can WIN BIG with getting new patients on Google and Facebook.

3. It’s all about Precision Targeting

We can now target potential patients with great precision, using the most powerful customer list in the world – Google and Facebook’s! You’ve got to know how to create custom audiences and then constantly update them for relevancy.

Google is undoubtedly the first-place people go when they’re looking for a “physical therapy clinic” or for “back pain treatment” and if set up right, Facebook knows precisely who has done so. We can now access this list of potential patients and create this custom audience to run ads to.

Both companies are willing to give you access to this knowledge – but in a way that does not infringe anyone’s privacy. The power that gives you in reaching the best patients has to be experienced to be believed.

You’re literally only marketing to people who are telling you they want physical therapy. It’s why it’s so powerful AND so cheap.

4. The Sheer Amount of Time Required To do Them Right

Google and Facebook are not “set and forget” type platforms. Meaning, you can’t just set the ads up and expect them to run and be successful. It doesn’t work like that. Most clinic owners know that their adds need optimizing constantly but they simply lack the time to do so.

Something always gets in the way. Something always comes up that is more urgent than spending a couple of hours changing key words or altering headlines and as a result, it is often weeks or months that go by without anyone looking at the ads.

I haven’t had time to go back in and look” is the phrase we would commonly here from clinic owners who start Google Ads, but them struggle with the time to properly manage them. The results end up being poor and what happens next is the owner stops running their ads blaming Google or Facebook for “not working”.

It’s not that they don’t work – it’s that there’s no one making them work; there’s no one manging over them. That’s where we can step in for you.

Complete Your Application Here »

It is First Come First Served.
Fee, just $1250 Per Month with Set Up Fee.

“Re-Marketing” – The Greatest Advertising Breakthrough This Century

To be clear, we’re not going to be running ads offering E-books, free downloads or even promoting workshops to random people.

We’re going to be focusing exclusively on marketing to people who ARE ACTIVELY looking for physical therapy. The best type of leads. We’re going straight for the people who know they want what you’ve got. There’s no chasing leads or having to sell yourself to these types of clients you get from Google.

That’s now possible through something called Re-Marketing. We can use Facebook to target people who have already been on your website or who have already searched for a physical therapist using Google.

We now know how to re-market to those people and we’ll make sure you’re the clinic they see in their newsfeed.

In the past, the focus of Facebook was understandably on getting large numbers of people to know about you, but what most people (...including your competitors) don’t realize is that Facebook has become the single best way to increase sales to your existing patients AND patients who are actively looking for physical therapy.

It means you can spend less money on your ads but get a much better return. We will exploit this new opportunity for you.

We do this through the power of custom audiences and remarketing on Facebook.

(Hint: If you’ve ever seen any of my Facebook messages or ads recently, that’s remarketing on Facebook in action).

It allows you to reach your past patients on Facebook or people who have been to certain pages on your site but didn’t call you. The result is new inquiries from patients you’ve never seen before and your past patients buying again and again. It is, quite simply, amazing.

“Area Exclusivity” Rules Apply – PLUS, It’s by APPLICATION ONLY

We’ll do everything you need to profit from Google and Facebook and best, we can have your ads set up and running in less than 14 days from now.

Here’s the ONLY problem; we can’t do this for all of my 5000+ global customers seeing this letter.

For obvious reasons, we can’t manage the ads of every clinic, in every small town or city in the USA, UK, AUZ or Canada. As much as we would like to, we can’t have a situation where our ads are competing with other ads we’re managing for our existing clients.

It means AREA EXLUSIVITY rules apply.

What does this mean? It means that if we’re already working with some in your town – we can’t take you on. Sorry.

But the good news for you is that because we’re just announcing this, it’s highly likely that you will be able to claim the rights for us to run Google and Facebook ads in your town – for you.

For this reason, it is by Application only - and there’s very strict criteria for you to meet when you complete the form. Including:

  1. You’re happy to spend a minimum $600-800 on your ads each month

  2. You are willing to commit to at least 6 months of running ads

Every month we will feed back your results via your dedicated Account Manager from my team and as well as telling you how well your ads are performing, we’ll make changes to your landing pages for you and we’ll offer training on the way you’re answering the phone to make your results even better.

To be consider for this program, please go ahead and complete the application NOW.

Doing so does not in any way guarantee your space on the program. It is simply an expression of your interest. When we have reviewed your Application, we’ll contact you to let you if your application has been successful or not. Expect to be notified within 48 hours.

Complete Your Application Here »

It is First Come First Served.
Fee, just $1250 Per Month with Set Up Fee.

Online Domination/Google 2.0 Program – Your FAQ’s Answered:

Q. What is the “Online Domination” Program?

A. It’s you getting access to the 100’s of patients in your town currently looking for physical therapy online; we take care of all of the tech and daily management of your Google and Facebook remarketing ads to get you in front of patients looking for physical therapy close by your clinic.

Q. What if you’re already working with a clinic owner/competitor in my town?

A. Sorry, we can’t work with you. No exceptions.

Q. How will I know if my Google and Facebook ads are working?

A. Depending upon your ad spend, your phone is going to be ringing 10-15… perhaps even 20 times more than it is now with people looking for physical therapy.

Q. When will I know if my Application is successful?

A. When you complete the form, your application will be sent to a senior person on my team who will review your location, your answers – and your website – and then get to back to you inside 48 hours with an answer.

Q. What is the commitment?

A. We ask that you commit for at least six months. That is because it is usually at this point that you’re going to see the best results.

Q. How much does it cost?

A. Less than the cost of one new patient that you otherwise would not have got. Right now you can join the program for just $1250 per month with a set up fee of $1250.

Q. If I’m an insurance business, will it work for me?

A. YES! Google and Facebook do not discriminate between patients wanting to pay cash or use insurance.

Q. If I am a new cash pay business, is this right for me?

A. Yes. It matters not how long you’ve been in business; only that you have the ad budget to commit and a website that is Google friendly. If you’re willing to invest $600 per month, just $20 per day, you are right for this.

Q. If I’m already doing it myself, should I join your program?

A. Yes! If you’re doing Google Ads/Facebook yourself, you’ll know that there’s a time commitment of anywhere between 8-10 hours per week to keep the ads working.

That is approximately 40 hours per month and effectively means you’re doing $20 per hour work (against the $1250 cost of hiring us to do it for you). You don’t need me to remind you that this is well below the pay grade of a Clinic owner like you.

What Some of Our Google Ads Clients Are Saying About the New Google 2.0 Program:

“I’ve had more website visitors book on schedule since Paul’s Team switched on Google Ads than I had in the whole of 2019! - And that’s just after two weeks! Why did I wait so long to start advertising the clinic?…”

Brett Peterson, High Country Physical Therapy, Utah

“Paul’s Team brought me in over $3,000 ADDITIONAL revenue with under $300 ad spend in just three weeks! Everything is looking up from here. My only wish is that I would have asked Team Paul to run my ads sooner!!”

Matt Longfellow, Diverge Performance Therapy, Columbus, OH

“So I don't want to say I am SLOW to the party but eventually I got round to asking Simon (…Paul’s Google team) about Google Ads. We launched the Ads campaign and here’s the result: In week one we had 23 extra visitors to the website, 12 people downloaded a back pain or knee pain E-book and we are following up and get this, another 9 people converted to a full consultation with an estimated value of $18,000. Best? I spent just $47.

My BIG Question was..... why the heck I waited so long to start doing Google Ads!!”

Paul Hendricks, Body Balance Physical Therapy, Austin, Tx

“Three new patients in the first weekend of Paul’s team starting my ads – that’s over $7500 in revenue for me in just 48 hours with an ad spend of under $50. I am a solo clinic owner with a small ad budget so this type of return is a really big deal for me.”

Josh Hall, Hall Physical Therapy, Salt Lake City, UT

Here’s What to do Next:

Complete Your Application Here »

It is First Come First Served.
Fee, just $1250 Per Month with Set Up Fee.