YES! I am interested in discovering what is wrong with my clinics marketing – and being shown how to fix it! I want to apply for a 100% FREE Marketing Plan Strategy Call with a senior member of Paul Gough’s Marketing team to review/revamp my current marketing plan - and dramatically increase the number of new patients I am getting at my practice.
Get Your 100% Free One-On-One Consultation And Discover How To Get More New Patients In a Month – Than Most PT Clinics Get In A Year!
From The Desk of Paul Gough:
Dear Physical Therapist,
Do you feel you should be more successful in your physical therapy clinic, making more money with greater ease than you are today?
Are you unsure where to start when it comes to marketing?
Perhaps you’re excellent at the clinical side of things, but simply lack the experience in marketing you need to make good decisions about what to do and what activities will give you the highest and best results?
Does it frustrate you how difficult it is to get prospective patients to see the value of what you do… and aggravate you how UNWILLING they appear to be to pay for high quality physical therapy?
Are you fed up competing on price and having to work so hard to get a patient to understand why they need to have more than just the “one or two sessions” they tell you is all they want to pay for?
If that’s you, I want you to know I completely understand and agree… it SHOULD be easier to market a physical therapy clinic and attract the right patients.
Well, the good news is that it CAN be.
You CAN attract more appreciative, more compliant patients - happy to pay in cash. You absolutely CAN implement a marketing system to attract the types of patients you want and are willing and happy to pay for your services, what ever you charge.
You CAN stop chasing referrals from doctors, relentlessly knocking on doors, asking to leave business cards and always hoping you’ll get a few more calls and YES, you can stop the madness of posting on social media every minute of the day in the vain hope that someone – anyone - will call you.
I know, because I’ve already done this for my self and 100’s (closing in on 1000’s) of physical therapists, just like you.
And now, I want to help you.
Why Should You Pay Attention To Me?
Well, I quite literally “wrote the book” on physical therapy clinic marketing. My book, the New Patient Accelerator Method went straight to Number 1 and became a worldwide best seller on Amazon, with 1000’s of copies sold to physical therapists in 37 different countries.
Over the past five years I’ve coached and consulted with 1000’s of Physical Therapy Business Owners to create marketing systems that deliver more (and higher spending cash pay) patients, increase profits and build a more lucrative, predictably profitable business.
What’s more, I continue to run and grow my own clinic – The Paul Gough Physio Rooms – a clinic that I started from a spare room in my home with no money down, and zero business or marketing experience.
That same clinic that I started from zero has since produced a million dollars in annual cash pay revenue - and has expanded to 4 locations, employing 21 staff. To my knowledge, I am one of the worlds first to scale a multi-location cash pay clinic (and, I’ve done it in a place with completely free health care and in one of the poorest parts of the country.)
I’ve headlined at dozens of industry marketing conferences including speaking at the 10,000+ APTA, PPS Annual Conference where I taught my proven system for attracting new patients to clinic owners just like you.
Putting my usual “British modesty” aside, all of that means I am THE person to go to when it comes to sorting out your clinics direct marketing.
Briefly, Here’s What’s On Offer Today
If you qualify, I want to give you a strategic marketing planning session with one of my most experienced Business Coaches, PLUS, share with you an easy to copy Blueprint for excelling at your marketing.
This Marketing Plan Blueprint will show you how to approach the process of implementing a marketing plan to increase your revenue, attract more HIGH SPENDING patients - and will put an end to the madness of thinking that you have to rely upon insurance companies or doctors to survive in private practice.
There’s no charge for this, and it only requires you to complete the confidential Application Form below so we can prepare for your private consultation.
This call will last approximately 40-60 minutes, but during that brief time we will show you NEW possibilities, NEW opportunities and reveal why you’re struggling with your marketing – and what to do about it.
You’ll also discover whether or not your physical therapy business’s current marketing plan will EVER work – and if what you’re doing now needs to be completely overhauled, measured against all of the other clinics and practices of your size and tenure in business that we work with...
How Do You Compare With All Of The Other Clinics We Work With?
Essentially, we’ll tell answer the question of “how do you stack up?” against what everyone else is doing in the profession right now with the number of leads, volume of new patients, prices - and profits - you’re getting at your practice.
After doing this for 5 years, we’ve not only gotten pretty good at helping clinics get results fast, but also know how well you’re doing compared to the profession as a whole.
Here’s What You’ll Get From The 40-60 Minute Free Call
When you book your call, here’s what we promise to deliver:
Find out why your current marketing strategy isn’t working – and what to do about it (…we’ll ensure that you leave the call knowing precisely what to do to solve your current marketing problem)
Get a new Marketing Plan: Discover the 4 critical elements you must have (…including the one thing that if you do not have, makes it impossible to be successful with your clinics direct to public marketing)
Instantly Actionable Ideas: We’ll suggest at least two or three new marketing strategies available to you – that you currently might be overlooking
Cash Pay Success: We’ll tell you the No.1 most successful marketing strategy for attracting high quality, cash paying patients (…this works for both cash and insurance based business owners)
On top of all that, you’ll also get:
Clarity: Find out what LEVEL your marketing is currently at (there’s 3 levels), and how to step up to the next one…
Answers: The call is one-on-one, so you’ll get answers to your specific questions about implementing a marketing plan, attracting new/cash pay patients, what results to expect, what to budget for and what is REQUIRED for you to even begin to market directly to the public. You’ll get every question answered before the call ends.
Help: After reviewing your specific goals, challenges, resources, budget and situation, we will prescribe which of our programs can best help you. This will not be a sales trap you are lured into and abused by. At the end of the consultation, we’ll simply give you options and details on the most appropriate services and programs for you, so you can make an informed, intelligent decision on whether or not we should work together. We will ask you to make a decision – and it’s perfectly okay if you decide we’re not right for you.
This Is Not For Everyone – Here’s Who Qualifies For The Call
Bluntly, this call is not open to everyone who runs a physical therapy business. We can not help everyone – if you’re NOT motivated to grow… if you are so clinically-minded that you can’t stomach the prospect of needing to market and sell… if you are not willing to invest in yourself or take action on what we say, you’re not for us as we CAN NOT help you.
However, if you are hard working, smart, ambitions – yet are constantly held back due to your current lack of a marketing system or plan – if you see your lack of marketing system as a weakness that makes you vulnerable to the bigger hospital systems or established private practices (with bigger marketing budgets) and therefore anxious about the stability of your income, I would URGE you to take up my offer of a consultation to finally sort all of this out for you.
Spots are severely limited - here’s who should apply:
You are a Cash based clinic owner WITHOUT a predictable system for attracting quality leads and high value patients (..i.e you never know when or where your next phone call is coming from!)
You are an Insurance based clinic owner who wants to attract more cash patients (…more profit, less volume)
You are a Cash based clinic owner struggling to sell and convert at high prices (…you’re attracting patients who don’t understand your value or always want to use insurance)
You are an Insurance based clinic owner who can’t get enough referrals from doctors (…or worried about corporate hospital take over)
You want to know how to create a marketing system that’ll let you attract all of the new patients that you need…
Finally and most importantly;
You are the OWENR of the business – due to the nature of the advice we will be given, you must be the owner of the business
You have an open mind and are able to focus and listen – you must come on the call with a positive attitude, and an open mind to really engage with us. I have one rule that governs all of my businesses: no moaning! The call will last 40-60 minutes so please set aside the appropriate time away from distractions and interruptions so we can have a serious conversation. You must be in front of your PC/MAC, and not driving, walking, exercising, in a coffee shop or be otherwise anything but fully engaged in this conversation. If you won’t take this process seriously and professionally, we can’t help you and as such we will not be willing to give up our time.
If any of those describes you, you can and should apply for the Free Marketing Plan Strategy Call. Do that by clicking the yellow button below:
Why Are We Giving This Call Away For Free?
Ordinarily, a call like this would cost close to $500 per hour. However, we are giving it to you for Free. That’s because we know that Marketing – if you’re trying to figure it out on your own – can be somewhat confusing.
And, we’ve heard from so many physical therapists like you in the past who tell us that the only thing that is holding them back from getting their clinic to the next level of financial success is their lack of marketing know-how!
After all, none of us were taught how to market our practice in school – so it’s no wonder that it appears so complicated! But it doesn’t have to be that way and that’s why we want to offer this to you.
Of course, we can’t promise to solve all of your clinic problems on this call – but we can promise to tell you where you marketing is going wrong and shed light on what you can do about it to fix it.
Who Will You Speak To On The Call?
You’ll be put through to speak personally (one-on-one) with my senior marketing person. This is the person who runs all of my clinic marketing campaigns and who looks after the marketing of my highest paying clients.
It is safe to say you are in very good hands - and you will get answers to your marketing frustrations and all that we promise on this page.
Worried That Your Time Will Be Wasted?
I can understand that….
I too would be worried that this consultation is nothing more than a thinly veiled sales pitch that provides no value.
Therefore, I want to assure you I’ve worked very hard to make sure your time will NOT be wasted, and that you will see real value.
To that end, I’m putting my “money where my mouth is” and making the following GUARANTEE: I will personally guarantee you will find this consultation to be incredibly valuable, with numerous eye-opening details, information and useful advice.
If you don’t agree, let me know and I’ll immediately write you a check for $100 to compensate you for your time.
In fact, we e-mail every single person AFTER each consult, asking for input on how it went.
That response comes directly to me, unfiltered, and is your opportunity to say you feel your time was wasted, and that you want your compensation.
TO BE CLEAR: Provided we feel we CAN help you, we will be presenting you with a few options on how you can work with us. I’m not hiding that as one of our goals for this discovery call and consultation.
But – I also believe we can deliver value to you and NOT WASTE YOUR TIME.
In Summary, Here’s What You’re Coming To Your Consult To Decide (3 Vital Questions That Will Be Answered)
Question 1: Is your physical therapy business revenue, growth, stability and overall business “health” able to deliver the lifestyle and financial security you’re expecting and hoping it will deliver?
Are you on track?
Are you making reasonable progress? How well could you “weather the storm” of another big hospital system moving into town, the loss of a your biggest referral source, an aggressive, well‐funded competitor moving in on your territory OR simply a personal crisis that would prevent you from working?
How do you stack up against your peers? Are you on par? Below? Above?
Question 2: Exactly WHERE are your biggest and best opportunities right NOW to plug the holes in the profit bucket? What opportunities are you completely overlooking right now? What specific aspects of your physical therapy business and marketing strategy are in the direst need of repair?
Where and how should you start to go about fixing them?
Question 3: Whether or not enrolling in one or more of our programs is appropriate for you, and which programs will be help you achieve your specific goals. If yes, how do our programs work? How do you participate? What’s required of you? What is done FOR you, what is done WITH you?
How To Apply For The Call – Complete The Short Questionnaire Below:
If you are ready to apply for the call, here’s how it works:
Step 1: To apply, please fill out the short form below. This will give us important information about your current business situation, your specific goals and what you’re doing now for marketing, so we can formulate a plan and fully prepare for our consultation. Please take a few extra minutes to give us as much detail as possible.
Step 2: Once you have completed your Application it will be reviewed and one of my Client Concierges will be in touch with you to select a time that is most convenient for you to hold this call. This consultation will last approximately 40-60 minutes; depending on how many questions you have, so please clear your calendar of any distractions during that time.
Step 3: Before your call, you will receive your pre‐meeting materials that you MUST REVIEW IN ADVANCE of your consultation.
You will find this information extremely beneficial and interesting – and an “easy” read (most will be short, informational videos).
This is NOT just “brochures” about us, but detailed information on our approach to marketing, case history and client examples, along with answers to questions I’m sure you have about us, our approach, our clients and our capabilities.
One Final Thought If You’re Thinking “Now Isn’t The Right Time”
If you are NOT perfectly happy with the income, take home salary and progress you are making in your physical therapy business, if you’re NOT satisfied with the growth and stability of your patient data-base, if you’re NOT completely confident in your ability to attract the quantity and quality of patients you want, why wouldn’t you say “Yes!” to this opportunity right now?
“If not now, when?”
No physical therapy business can thrive, be stable and secure and have the funds to invest in serving their patients properly without the ability to bring in new patients consistently and cost‐effectively.
If you put it off by telling yourself, “Next month,” I can tell you a month will turn into 2 or 3, and 2 or 3 months will turn into a year.
A year turns into a decade – and once that time is lost, you cannot make it back.
You should have ALREADY implemented a marketing plan when you opened your business. So, please, stop procrastinating and making excuses. Press the button below to complete your application. You’ll be glad you did:
Paul Gough
P.S. Not Ready For A Consultation Right Now? Ok, Let Me Give You This FREE…
If you are not going to book a consultation with us right now, please allow me to at least give you the this - The Ultimate Guide To Physical Therapy Marketing Success.

This is an in‐depth report on why so many physical therapists struggle to get more patients, constantly fight price resistance and fail to convince patients why they need to have more than just a couple of sessions Compliance!).
Inside you’ll find powerful lessons on how to attract more “sweet spot” patients with ease, along with multiple checklists and resources you’ll be shocked we’re giving away FREE!
It WILL be an eye‐opener. You can download it instantly without talking to anyone at:
P.P.S. Are You Ready To Jump In And Get Started Immediately?
Here’s Your FAST PASS to marketing success…
Maybe you’re familiar with us and you’re a decisive, no‐time‐to‐waste entrepreneur who wants to get started IMMEDIATELY.
(I appreciate that because that’s how I am.)
If so, the “speed lane” is to go online to and enrol in our flagship program, the New Patient Accelerator, 6 Week Marketing Master Class Program.

You could literally get enrolled and have access to my BEST strategies, tools, examples and coaching INSTANTLY, within 5 minutes of enrolling.
All the marketing templates, lessons, checklists, tools, examples, exhibits are available instantly via our member portal minutes after you enrol.
Of course, if you have any questions and want to speak to someone before enrolling, call my office at (407) 567-0086 or email with a pre-enrolling question.
My team is ready, willing and able to answer any questions you have about us, our programs and which ones are best for you:
Again, here’s where to go if you already know us, have heard about the success stories of this program and you want to get going right away:
What Other Physical Therapists Say About Paul Gough’s Marketing Ideas

We’re Now Making $20k Cash Per Week!
“Before working with Paul I was making less than $4000 per month – since making the decision to become a client we are now hitting $20,000 cash pay PER WEEK - and I’ve recently had a $7000 revenue day! None of that would have been possible without the help of Paul and the group.”

Working With Paul Has Helped Me Move Out-of-Network AND Drop My Lowest Paying Insurance Company
“Before becoming Paul's client I was frustrated dealing with low paying insurance companies, was extremely stressed out, and struggling financially, which was having an impact on my business AND family life. Working with Paul has changed my life significantly and put a stop to my headaches. I’ve been able to move out-of-network, drop my lowest paying insurance company, and gone from charging $95 a visit to $240! – I’m no longer worrying at the end of each month if I’m going to make payroll and pay rent.”

My Price Has Gone From $150 Per Session To $199!
“Before working with Paul, my Patient Visit Average was only 2-3 visits. I thought that getting more calls equaled getting more patients – but when they only see you for 2 visits, it’s hard to build a profitable business. Since becoming a client – visits are up by 17 PER PATIENT! My prices have gone from $150 a session to $199, which will be going up again to $225 – None of this would have been possible without the accountability I get from the weekly coaching calls and support from the group”

Before I Felt Stuck, I Was Working Too Hard And Felt Like It Was Impossible To Run A Business By Myself
“Making the decision to work with Paul is the single best decision I’ve ever made. It was a turning point in both my life AND business. My confidence has soared, I’ve raised my rates far past anything I would have thought possible, and in just the span of one year I have tripled my annual revenue, moved into my own space, hired a team and am a proud owner of a successful and rapidly growing business! I often have to pinch myself because if you told me two years ago I’d be running a flying business like this - I would have laughed at you. The resources I have at my disposal, and the people in the group that I know I can count on, is priceless. I couldn’t imagine trying to run my business without Paul’s guidance and the community.”

I’ve Tried Other PT Coaching Groups - This One Is VERY Different
“What I have noticed throughout the entire time I’ve worked with Paul is that the people who apply everything being taught have huge success and it has quickly changed so many members businesses and lives for the better. I have gone from 3 STRUGGLING clinics on the verge of folding... To 3 thriving clinics that run without me even having to be there! In addition to that, I’ve even started a cash-based practice in a new state which I never thought was possible! I love being part of a great group of people who are on the same journey and want to succeed with you!”

In 2 Years We’ve Gone From Hustling For Clients To Consistently Generating $50k A Month In Revenue
“We were pretty much struggling with EVERY aspect in business before working with Paul - selling, price strategy, marketing, you name it - we were always busy trying to establish a solid foundation to grow our business on, with no clear direction to head in.
Paul has put us on the path to building the business of our dreams. In a 2 year period we’ve gone from hustling for clients making $2k a month… To being fully fledged business owners, treating less than 8 hours a week and consistently generating $50k a month in revenue. We now have a huge amount of confidence in what the future holds. It’s hard to imagine where we would be today without Paul and the community!”

My Clinic's Revenue Has Doubled Each Year
“Before I was spending less time with my kids, they were in school care until 6pm each night, and I was stressed out!! We had no processes or systems in place, we were just bobbing along and marketing was non-existent.
Since working with Paul my clinics revenue has doubled each year for the past three years. I’ve raised my rates, and right now this year is projected to be my most profitable ever (50% more than last).”

For The First Time Ever My Passion Has Been Re-ignited For My Business
“My business was struggling financially, with growing debt and revenue stagnation. I wasn’t getting the personal satisfaction or the financial reward I expected after 12 years of being in business.
Shortly after becoming Paul’s client I had more courage to make tough decisions which have led to me having more control over my business and life. For the first time in a long time, the flame has been re-ignited for why I started in the first place, and one of the biggest changes is that my business is now profitable, rather than breaking even or losing money every month.”

My Marriage AND My Business Have Improved Since Working With Paul!!
“The biggest struggle I had in my business before working with Paul was that I was starting from scratch after having my second baby (and had no cash flow!) It’s really scary when you’re faced with 2 tough options: invest in yourself and your business OR close down and give up. Since making the decision I have grown not one but TWO profitable companies! I have raised my evaluation rates to OVER $200 and now have a second business that is even more profitable than my PT clinic. On a personal note, I have to say that my marriage has even improved because of my communication skills.”

Every Year Has Been More Profitable - And There’s Now More Time With My Two Children
“I’ve been in the group for three years now and prior to becoming a client, my ability to market and attract new patients without a referral was basically non-existent. I had nothing in place for generating leads and was relying upon Doctor referrals to keep my business going. Paul’s coaching has helped make my business far more predictable and profitable than I could imagine - which has helped me attain a better work-life-balance. I have 2 young children, more time to spend with them, our client volume has doubled and each year has been more profitable than the last. It’s really rewarding to feel like a part of so many people’s success, while I strive to improve my own life, both business and personal.”

I Was Scared Because Of The Cost – But It Has Paid Off Ten Fold!
“I was always scared to make the decision to work with Paul because of the cost - but I knew I needed to do something, so I took the leap of faith, and it’s paying off ten fold.
Ever since working with Paul I’ve been able to identify the areas in my business that I need to work on in order to grow. As a result we’ve raised our rates and I have a team that are 100% on board with our mission. Being part of this group is so refreshing. You ask a question and get answers the same day. The advice and knowledge which this group share has helped transform my mind-set and my business. No buyer’s remorse at all.”

My Revenue Has Almost Doubled And I Have A Lot More Time To Spend With My Family
“I used to be overwhelmed with fear that I was doing something wrong. That if I did or didn’t do certain things at the right time I could be setting myself up for failure. My task list was getting longer and I didn’t have anyone to ask for
help. Since working with Paul my revenue has almost doubled! And while the increase in revenue is one of the greatest wins since becoming a client, it has also helped me grow by being able to focus on the areas I need to excel growth and profits, and has given me back a lot more time to spend with my family. I struggle to think where I would be, and what my focus would be on, if I hadn’t joined this coaching program.”

We Have Grown From A Team Of Two To Seven In Just 2.5 Years
“I started working with Paul right after taking Business Growth School, and all I can tell you is that it’s priceless! In the space of just 2.5 years my wife and I have grown from a team of two (us), to seven, which wouldn’t have been possible without the help and support of this group. Before signing up my wife and I lacked direction and the ability to scale our business. We were doing a lot of work for minimal profit and couldn’t see how we could make our business grow. Not only that, we truly believed that this was going to be the case for the rest of our lives!
I can now finally say that I work “on” my business instead of being stuck “in” it.”

I Was Hesitant To Join Paul At First - But It Was Exactly What I Needed!
“I was hesitant to join at the start, I didn’t know if working with Paul was right for me seeing I was in the early stages of starting my business - but I knew after the value I got from Accelerator and Business Growth School, that this was just what I needed to keep the momentum going and not fall off track. Just by seeing others in the group take action in areas I was stalling in, it has given me the confidence to raise my rates by 40%, and hire my first member of staff to help me convert all of the new inquiries I’m getting! I know that whatever problem I think I’m facing - there are numerous business owners who can help me through it.”

I Don’t Have To Worry About Where My Next Patient Will Come From
“Acquiring New Patients was my biggest concern when I opened my business in 2016. Since working with Paul I now have more than enough clients on schedule, new patients inquiring daily, and bigger, exciting things, like hiring and follow-up systems to focus on instead. I love all of the business insights from Paul and his community - and his ability to help us overcome any roadblock. Nothing is a problem when you work closely with Paul.”

I ALMOST Gave Up On My Business Before Working With Paul!
“Before I became a client I was stuck and wasn’t sure what to do about it. I used to wonder, “how in the world can I compete against all the big hospitals in town?” I even considered throwing the towel in altogether after feeling my passion dying, and doubting if I’d ever grow and thrive in this environment. But then after hearing Paul speak and after taking Accelerator, I made the decision to sign-up and found my passion for business coming back again. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve listened to the group coaching calls and re-listened. Each call has something GOLD to take away and use immediately. Even more importantly the information we’re given saves me from making a bad decision. I’m making things happen and I’m never going to get close to giving up on my business again!”

I Finally Got Out Of Working For Someone Else, To Running A Profitable Business Of My Own
“Prior to working with Paul my biggest worry was having the confidence to say goodbye to being employed by someone full time - to being completely self employed. Since I’ve been a part of this incredible group I gained the confidence to transition to full time business owner, have a team of people working for me, I’ve been able to increase my prices, and most importantly - I have more time to enjoy with my family, being able to drop my daughter off at school each day means the world to both of us. The support from the community is also amazing. So many business owners sharing ideas, struggles, plans, feedback… the list could go on. Saying yes to working with Paul is by far the best decision I’ve ever made.”

If You Want Higher Rates, Higher Profits And Business Growth – You Cannot Make That Happen Without This Program!
“The biggest struggle I was facing before joining Paul was that I didn’t know how to market my business and get patients without Doctor referrals. Since joining, I have been been able to transition from the insurance based practice I had built over 10 years, into a new cash practice! Paul’s coaching has also given me more confidence as a business owner, with the help of the weekly coaching calls to continue my learning and growth - you can always get more clarity on your next steps. If you want to be successful, you cannot do it alone - being part of this group has helped take me to where I want to be.”

When I STOPPED Working With Paul – My Business Became A Mess... I’m Now Back And I Won’t Be Leaving Again
“I stopped being a client once – and basically, my chance of success in business ended with it. I’m now back and I will NEVER leave. It took me walking away to realize the TRUE value of the group. You never know how good you have it until it is gone and leaving was the worst decision I ever made. Not again.”

I Was Burnt Out And Looking To Change Direction Before Working With Paul
“Before I started on this journey with Paul and the group I was a guy burnt out as a therapist and looking to change professions all together. Not in my wildest dreams did I consider owning my own practice but thanks to everything I’ve learned in the group I’m now DOING JUST THAT and loving every second of it!”

Before Joining Paul, I Was Kind Of On My Own Island, Struggling With The Ups And Downs... Since Joining, I’ve Had The Best Year EVER!
“I was in business for 12 years with moderate success and always put off joining a coaching group like this. Since becoming Paul’s client, things are totally different now. Before, I was kind of on my own island, struggling with the ups and down. Now I am part of a nation of people who think like me, are solving the same problems as me and who are willing to share and help all be successful. Now my business is fun, I look forward to Monday and everything runs more smoothly. My employees are happy and working well together. I had the best year ever last year and we’re on course for an even better one this year. The value of belonging to this group is hard to overstate. Joining this group was a great decision – I just wish I’d done it sooner!”

I Would Likely Have Given Up By Now If It Was Not For Paul’s Help
“I cannot believe how important Paul’s input has been for me. I was in business for 3 years prior to making the decision and I would likely have given up by now if it was not for this group. I have learned so much and now have my own personal support group. Everyone is willing to share and provide assistance for every aspect of business. It is amazing how many friendships have been built and how much I now look forward to future in business”

I Continued To Be Scared For A Month Or Two AFTER I Joined Thinking “Will I Be Able To Keep Up?” But Now I‘m So Glad I did... There’s No Looking Back now!
“I took Accelerator – and waited quite a while (several months) to start working with Paul, I wish I had made the decision sooner now that I know its true value. What an amazing impact Paul and this group have already made to my growth and that of my business. In just 3 months since joining I have made progress and finally working “ON THE BUSINESS”. My profit continues to increase month on month, I’m working towards hiring my first admin and the support and resources in the group have made that so much easier for me. I have never ever felt AS confident as I do now and I’m ready to excel and build a team of my own. Truth be told, I continued to be scared for a month or two AFTER I joined thinking, “will I be able to keep up?” But now I‘m so glad I did. There’s no looking back for me just like everyone else in the group”

I Didn’t Think I Could Afford To Join – Now I Know You Can’t Afford Not To (Join!)
“I was one of those “on the fence” people and decided not to start working with Paul after I had done Accelerator (6 week program). What a mistake! I thought I could apply things I had learned and then join later if I needed to. I didn’t think I could afford to at join at the time. When really now I know I can’t afford not to. The power of this group is incredible. It will help keep you motivated and focused. Hearing and seeing what others are doing really drives you on. You won’t regret it if you do join; but like me, you will regret if you DO NOT join.”

Having A Group Of Peers Gives You The Confidence To Do What It Takes To Grow Your Business
“I am so glad I took the leap of faith to make the investment. As a business owner just getting started in private practice, I had zero confidence and no idea how to attract clients.
But since joining Paul, I have the confidence to set myself up for success from the get-go, rather than waste time and money on decisions that don’t work.
Everyone in the community has either been through the same situation or knows what it’s like - it’s given me the certainty that I will get the answers to whatever I need to be successful.”

I’ve Gone From ‘Clinician’ Working In My Business, To ‘Business Owner’ Working ON My Business
“I used to be stuck in the daily grind of working IN my business, now I find myself working ON my business.
Paul’s coaching has helped me gain a top level understanding about how people make decisions, which in turn, has provided my business with a consistent stream of new clients and helped me reach revenue goals.
Being part of this group means you can associate with people who are facing similar challenges and can keep moving forward without the fear of it going wrong.”

I Now Think Critically About My Business And No Longer Worry About Where My Next Patient Will Come From
“Like many other clinic owners, before working with Paul my biggest worry was “how do I get more patients?!” So I thought I had a Marketing problem.
Since making the decision one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that my struggle isn’t getting more patients, it was figuring out what I needed to do to maximize what I’ve already got to increase revenue.
I no longer find myself getting caught up in trying to find more leads - instead I’m now confident about converting the ones I have, turning them into a lifetime customer, and generating more profit with less patients!”

My Business Continues To Grow Without Me Having To Be There, And I Finally Have Time To Spend With My Kids!
“Before I met Paul I was doing everything “old school” - copying others and running around after surgeons all day. I was frustrated at not getting referrals and waiting around all day for the phone to ring - I knew there had to be a better way to run a business, I just needed to know how to do it right.
When I attended Paul’s 3-day Marketing course my eyes were opened up! Working with Paul has given me CONCRETE strategies that I can easily implement. I’ve since been able to hire staff, which has freed up my time so I can spend it with my kids while still making money.
I have the support I need to take my business wherever I want it to be. It has made my life richer in many ways.”

I Can Now Call Myself An Author Of A Book, And Run A ‘Real Business’ That Thrives
“My biggest fear was not being successful as a business owner, and getting ‘stuck’ like every other solo practice owner I saw in the area.
Paul’s guidance has given me the ability to think differently about how to run a business and since joining I’ve found myself raising my rates, hiring staff, publishing a book and now I’m thinking about buying a BIGGER premises.
Paul is always pushing the envelope and always has new ideas ways to attack the same problems. When the leader of the group is always pushing forward, it sets the tone for everyone else.”

Just What I Needed To Keep Focused
“I have a tendency to start projects and get distracted by shiny objects - and when it comes to building a business, that’s not what you need!
When I started working with Paul that’s when everything came together and I finally understood exactly what I need to do to stay focused and take me where I need to be. Since joining I’ve raised my prices, got my team on board, and am moving away from relying upon insurance companies, which is far more than I’ve ever been able to get done in the past.”

Paul Removes The Guesswork So I Can Get Stuff Done
“When it came to implementing systems and actually making them work for my business - I felt like I was in the dark… I knew what I needed to get done, but when it came to actually doing it, there were obstacles I wasn’t sure how to overcome.
Since becoming Paul’s client I am a million times more confident with the direction my business is headed in. Each calls gives me more clarity and helps me move forward. I’m even converting leads steadily since taking the leap.
The community and culture is what keeps me in the program. Being a part of this group makes all the difference.”

Now I Have No Problem Charging Higher Prices
“Before working with Paul I had a huge fear of rejection. I doubted myself and always felt bad about charging higher prices - especially with friends, family and those desperately in need, so I’d end up giving hefty discounts or offering my services absolutely free.
Since joining Paul, my confidence has rocketed beyond measures! I now have no fear about charging higher prices, and because of the communication skills Paul teaches - I was able to raise my rates without any pushback.”

I’ve Been Able To Generate Higher Profits With Multiple Revenue Streams
“Before working with Paul I felt stuck. I started as a Private Pracitce owner seeking freedom and autonomy. I was always busy treating and documenting day and night. I found myself trapped in my business working harder and harder. I was busy working and trying to stay ahead, feeling tired and increasingly frustrated. This was surely not the reason why I joined the PT profession in the first place?? I was trying to shift my business model to out of network and cash, however, I was lacking the time and confidence to make it happen.
Paul and his group have helped me to make that transition and my business has grown considerably. I now have multiple revenue streams in my business, no hassle patients, and our conversion rate from inquiry to paying patient has dramatically increased.
Seeing how other business owners overcome their problems and achieve their success is a HUGE motivator.”

There’s A Plethora Of Physical Therapy Business Owners Always Happy To Help
“The biggest struggle I had prior to working with Paul was that I wasn’t earning enough money to support my business and I felt guilty over raising my rates.
Working with Paul has changed my every outlook. With the help of Accelerator and Coaching I have completely revamped my business, and have started charging what I deserve. I have never been part of a group so willing to help and eager to share unselfishly. I have so many decisions to make it can be overwhelming - the group gives me the support I need so I know I am never alone! The benefits are never-ending.”

In Just One Month, We Raised Our Prices To $450 Per Evaluation
“Before we found Paul we found ourselves scrambling at the end of each month struggling with finances and having no marketing plan.
Within one month of joining we raised our prices to $450 per evaluation, and have been able to recapitalize on our past patients (making more with what we have vs. always thinking we need more new clients).
The support in the community is like no other. Surrounding yourself with like-minded business owners helps you excel and achieve much more than you could alone. We are eager to see what we will accomplish next!”

My Income CRASHED When I LEFT Paul - Then TRIPLED When I Rejoined
“I took BGS (6 week program) last June and was on the calls and part of the group as a guest - that period was my best month in business. I didn’t start working with Paul when I was given the chance and my sales CRASHED! I finally said yes 6 months later and guess what, my numbers for each and every one of the first three months ever since becoming a client were my best EVER. I am on course to triple those numbers and this program is helping me tremendously with that!”

Zero To $15,000 Per MONTH Within 6 Months Of Working With Paul
“Prior to working with Paul I was still working another job, running my clinic and struggling to keep up. I was worried if I could afford to join but since joining I’ve quit my home agency job, hired staff, and I’m booked out solid!
Before I wasn’t making any profit, just 6 months after making the decision to get Paul’s help I’m looking at over $15k per MONTH”.

I’m Now Earning THREE TIMES What I Was Since I Working With Paul
“Before I knew about Paul and his services I had no form of direction, blueprint or guidance to work from. I hadn’t opened my clinic yet, and I realized that business skills are something we’re NOT taught in PT school - so I needed some help.
Since becoming a client so much has changed for me. I’m charging $250 per session, I know how to successfully market to patients, in months 3 and 4 of working with Paul I generated more revenue than I ever had in my previous position, and I wake up each morning excited to build a profitable business instead of winning the ‘rat race’.”

No Matter What Challenge I’m Facing, Paul’s Team Is Always There To Help
“Since becoming a client I have moved from solo PT, to business owner. I’ve developed true friendships with like-minded business owners and I know that no matter what challenge I’m facing Paul’s team is always there to help me continue to grow.
I love how much I have grown since I joined. Everyone’s drive and success sets an example for me to follow.”