So yesterday I introduced you to my “Pt Clinic Growth System…”
The one that solves the biggest problem that most pt’s have which is getting more people to realise how easy it is to self refer to a pt clinic.
(And does it in a clever way which DOESN’T raise the profits of your competitors, either).
It’s a MACHINE that is made up of *three components* and today I’m going to SHOW it to you by taking you behind the scenes of precisely how it works.
And let you see for your self if having this type of Marketing Machine in play at your clinic would help you over come the problem you’re having with things like doctors not referring to your clinic, no marking skills or even chiropractors who dominate in your town.
Press play here to watch the first tutorial: The Attraction System.
Tip: You’ll see it features some real life examples of the types of marketing pieces we’ve been creating for other PT’s in the USA…
An independent pt clinic owner from Michigan who came to me with no Marketing skills, large orthopaedic hospitals dominating in his town AND three chiropractors in his street – which was VERY frustrating for him as every time he looked outside his clinic he could see ten cars parked outside the chiropractor place next door, and not so many in his!
(Even though he specialised in back pain).
And basically, what he wanted, well, was just a better way of educating the community about how easy it is to “self refer” to HIS clinic.
(He’s now got that 😉
Press play to watch the first short video tutorial.
Paul Gough.
P.S The Rochester Hills Area (MI) is “locked out… “
Oliver, who you will see on this video, has claimed his right to “Area Exclusivity” on this “everything done for you” marketing system he invested in himself with me, so his competitors can ask all they want – but they ain’t getting close to this system being in place at their clinic!
(Wouldn’t be right and not how I work!)
Want to talk to me about getting exclusivity on this marketing system in your town (…before your competitors do)?
Note to physical therapist looking for marketing ideas…
Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:
Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

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