“Who Else Would Like To Join Dozens Of Other PT Industry Experts Who Share Secrets To Financial Security, Creating Time Freedom And Even Discover How To “Fast Track” PT Clinic Marketing Success In The New Health Care Economy… All Currently Inside This New, Advisory & Mastermind Coaching Program For Success Driven PT Owners…?”

“The Only Question Is, Of Course, When will YOU be Joining Us All…?”
Request More Information About This Next Level Coaching ProgramBefore we tell you more about it, here’s what some of our other Members are saying about this new program…
“I have been in private practice for 16+ years and have tried many marketing tricks to bring people in the door. I have done past patient mailings (spending hundreds of dollars) with no ROI.
In just a few months I have seen a constantly steady rise in prospects and new patients. Last month I ran an ad in the Sunday paper and had 40 prospects call/email and ended up turning 8 into paying patients in the first week - an ROI of 332%. Using the skills I have learned from Paul I also e-mail my past patients and have brought in 20 past patients who otherwise would have remained lost. The ROI on my investment in this program, easily triple digit, month on month! ”
– Andrew Vertson, Intecore PT. Orange County, (Ca)
“In just a few months of joining this program, we’re already getting to the point we don't have to do ANY physician marketing – thankfully, I am over that! Knowing what I know now, I would rather spend the time marketing directly to, and on the phone with potential patients, and NOT rude MA's, office coordinators, and cocky physicians.
Paul’s strategies have completely transformed my business… this is the most excited I’ve been about PT in 5 years since opening!”
– Scott Gilbert, Canyon PT, Phoenix (AZ)
Dear Physical Therapist,
Before I tell you all about my amazing new “Next Level” - Advisory And Coaching Program For PTs, there’s something you should know about me, right away:
Despite the success that I’ve had helping Physical Therapists in the USA - I’m NOT a professional business mentor, a “guru” or a consultant of any sorts.
No, I’m a regular “small Town” Physical Therapist who just happens to know a LOT about finding tons of ideal patients, making the clinics of PTs more profitable AND easier to run, too.
I arrived on the coaching scene by “default” and somewhat reluctantly at first.
Yes… it happened only after I spoke on stage to a bunch of Business owners at a Big Marketing Seminar in Chicago, openly revealing the new ways I was using to run my own clinic, that I was asked to come back and speak again, and then told that I really should share what I know, with other PTs in the USA, who would profit immensely from my PT marketing systems and business strategies.
And the truth about when I got started in coaching, is this: