Direct Response Marketing Secrets
For PT’s – Click here to watch the video.
Pull up a chair…
And let me tell you a quick story:
…So not long ago I was speaking at a big Marketing Seminar in “St.Louis”.
It’a beautiful city with an impressive Arch and I stayed in the fabulous “Union Station Hotel” which has an awesome light show going on inside the main Lobby each night starting at 7pm.
But that’s not what I wanted to tell you about…
[Press play on the video ^ to watch the webinar]
No, I want to let you know all about another PT I met there whose name is “Chad”.
A PT who REALLY impressed me with his marketing ideas.
At the bar one night, we got to talking about “all of the different ways that PT’s could (and should!) be using to bring more patients into their clinics”…
Mainly, direct response type stuff to attract direct access patients!
It turns out that “Chad”, (of “Madden PT” over in Harrisburg, PA) is the founder of a company called “Breakthrough PT Marketing” – meaning, like me, he also helps other PT’s in the USA to grow more successful practices.
He is an AWESOME guy (and very clever, too) and recently, he invited me to talk to HIS list of clinic owners about how I grew my own practice using direct response marketing,
– AND –
Share some secrets of what I’m doing to help other owners overcome their biggest business challenges.
Owners from all across the USA paid to attend – and the “webinar replay” is here for you to watch:
– Just press play here now >>>
Here’s just a taste of what you’ll discover on the webinar:
* The secret website strategy that generates new patients 24/7, on autopilot.
* Why attacking CHIROPRACTORS in your marketing is healthy for profits.
* The SUPER secret to boosting your average patient visit – you need to get good at just this one thing that anyone can learn!
* How to use patient testimonials to get get more referrals.
* My big tip if you’re sending out “every door direct mailers”.
* The single best way to test past patient reactivation offers, for FREE!..
* How to create your first “lead generation” advert and what to offer.
* How I built a $1m dollar clinic, selling against a completely free health care system!
* The one thing I read that changed the way I think (and my practices profits!), literally over night
* And so much more revealed in under 60 minutes!…
If you want to know all of that, and more, best hop over to this video replay now:
– Just press play here now >>>
Cheerio for now 😉
Paul Gough
P.S I’m the one with the “tropical” British accent.
P.P.S Watch the webinar… and within 3 minutes you’ll also learn the single fastest way to boost referrals from your website, (often in under 20 seconds flat!)
Here is the link to the replay to watch it:
– Just press play here now >>>

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