Reach doctors without ever Marketing to them…

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– Blog: Two Little-Known Ways To Get Closer To (…And Get More Referrals From) Family Doctors You Currently Can’t Reach! >

Reach doctors without ever Marketing to

I didn’t know it back then…

…but I do now.

Lasting success in business comes down to just one thing:


And, growing them. 

Over time.

Some times over weeks.

Often times over months.

(Perhaps, even years!)

But, the longer you foster the relationship, the more it’s valued and worth.

Sure, when I kicked off my practice I knew I had to be “nice” to my clients.

That I had to be polite and say the right things…

And of course, do the right things with my skills to ensure that enough people would value what I do…

…and, would tell people about me as well as buy from me repeatedly.

Most PT’s do that too.

But, not many are as successful as they would hope!

So what’s going wrong?

Well, getting REAL success in business (the kind where you’re not living day-to-day hoping for the phone to ring or a referral to arrive) is way more detailed than that.

It’s about taking the time to study your patients at a level that no one else will…

To ask them questions that no one else does (from the very first time they call)…

To make them feel like no-one else on earth gets them like you do…

And, to create a service so perfectly matched to their individual needs (not just physical) that they couldn’t bare the thought of ever having to look else where to find another PT clinic…

It’s a process called “relational equity”…

How does it work?

Well, you build “equity” – just like you do in your home each month when you pay back the loan – only this time it’s patients who become your prized assets, as you pay into the relationship account you have with them.

And this “equity” begins to build from the very first time a potential client sees your advert, (or lands on your website), and they think the words you choose to write could have been written “just for them”.

And it’s no different with doctors.

They need a little “tender loving care”, too.

And the easiest way for to do that is to reverse engineer the referral process.

Send them something they really want.


(To fund his second home in Florida or his wife’s expensive taste in jewellery).

Either way, any medical doc will thank YOU for ensuring an extra referral to his practice, much more than he will than another PT newsletter landing on his door.

Now I’m no expert on “networking” with the medical docs…

I choose to build a practice WITHOUT their help…

(Could be a little wealthier if I did, but it just ain’t me…)

BUT, I realize that some PT’s aren’t ready to make that leap JUST yet…

And so if you’re looking for a way to get closer to local doctors in your town, and you’d like to start building relationships with more of them, this weeks blog post is perfect for you.

It’s titled:

– Blog: Two Little-Known Ways To Get Closer To (…And Get More Referrals From) Family Doctors You Currently Can’t Reach! >

Specifically, I talk you through the added bonus of using the “Lead Generation”strategy of Marketing at your practice and how if you do, it can take you closer to doctors you just can’t reach right now.

Interested to know more?

Click here to read the latest post.

– Blog: Two Little-Known Ways To Get Closer To (…And Get More Referrals From) Family Doctors You Currently Can’t Reach! >


Paul Gough

About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.
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