Why You Aint’ Got No TIME (…For That!)

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This question came in from an Owner I spoke to on a Strategy Call recently:


“How do you handle the challenges of trying to be a father and a business owner?

Finding it a struggle to manage and take care of my kid, run a full time business, work a part time job and be a husband.

Any advice?” …


I could give you two answers.

One would be the “theoretical” answer – the “BS” type answer that you likely want to hear…

“Get better at time management, organize more, delegate, sleep less, switch your phone off, stop going on F’book or using social media for anything other than to advance business or connect with clients, stop watching TV and rarely read any newspapers…

All of which I do.

But that’s not the REAL way you find time in your life to run a small business.


In my honest, very humble opinion, it comes down to this:

1.) Discipline


2.) Self-belief.

The “discipline” to use the time wealth that you create from side stepping things like watching the TV or playing on Facebook.

And the “belief” is that if you use that new found time more wisely, it absolutely will impact your life in a positive way.

And if you pushed me on it…

It’s the “belief” that is the key to success.

See, I think what holds so many people back from getting things like marketing systems in place, writing blog posts, sending emails, writing books, or giving up any time to work on their business is this…

…that UNLIKE when a patient schedules an appointment, they’re not 100% CERTAIN in the outcomeof getting paid.

It’s as if they’re too emotionally attached to the outcome thinking – “is this the best use of my time?”

So, the way to get round all of that “doubt”… is to ask your self this question:

“What if what I’m about to do couldn’t fail but would bring in the desired out come…”

I.e attract more patients to my practice, grow my revenue etc.

…would I find the time to do it?

The answer is mostly YES you would (…find the time) because you’d be 100% sure of the “trade off” you were about to make.

So, I put it to you that most of the time it’s not a question of a “lack of time” to get things done…

It’s the fear of what you do choose to do, failing… that actually stops you from doing it!

There’s a big difference.

Massive difference.

One more thing:

Most UNSUCCESSFUL people have to see results BEFORE they make decisions.

Yet, go and study the REALLY successful ones…

Those are the guys who trust their better judgement… and themselves… and do it regardless, all the time knowing something good is more than likely to come their way.

And you know what else?…

Before the results of what they just did even come in, they’re off and on to creating something else.

And so the cycle of success continues.

Google “minutiae”… and you might get a very short and precise definition of why most PT owners never get to where they should be, with their business.


If you think you’ve got the TIME to be successful and want to start bringing in MORE results for you clinic…

Just click here to get regular tips sent directly to your inbox to turn your  PT clinic a sales and marketing machine:

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Paul Gough

About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.
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