So it’s only the start of December…
…but it’s already the “8th” day of Christmas in my house.
(I have a two year old who loves chocolate and doesn’t yet understand what an advent calendar is – or how its supposed to work… 😉
Are you having the “advent calendar fight” with the kids in your house already??
Anyhoo (ho ho)…
Yesterday, we completed module 5 of the New Patient Accelerator Program.
(Going great, thanks)
We spent almost 3 hours talking in depth about website design, conversions, important pages and getting more people to that website – meaning more potential paying patients.
But that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about today:
During the Accelerator program “Neil”, (an awesome PT from Michigan) noticed that I kept looking at different screens as I was teaching.
So he asked me the question:
“How many different screens
have you got there, Paul?”
Great observation.
And my answer…
See, having multiple screens on my desk improves my productivity.
Instead of constantly looking for different documents, opening and closing websites and trying to find Email etc…
…I keep everything I’m working on, or soon to be working on, open and on a specific screen.
On average, saves me about 20-25 minutes per day.
More than that…
I’m not losing any of the “flow” or momentum that most people do when they’re looking for stuff that they’ve previously had open.
Want to know what else??
My secretaries all have exactly the same set up.
One screen, either side of the iMac monitor.
They can use the EMR, our infusionsoft web forms and work from the telephone script – very easily.
Meaning they have less reason to moan at me – and more time to spend on *WOWING* my patients – and being even more amazing at what they do (…customer love!).
For more tips on productivity, you should check out a lady called “Lee Milteer”…
I paid to spend a few months working with her last year and picked up a lot that helps me get more stuff done – in much less time than it used too.
This was just one of them I thought I’d share with you.
Hope this helps.
Have an amazing day.
Paul Gough
P.S: Note to Physical Therapists…
– Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

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