Let me tell you a true story.
About how PROFITABLE your clinic will become if you connect highly specific solutions to emotionally charged clients and prospect.
An example:
Just yesterday my clinic received an “online” enquiry (i.e via a form on my website) from a “prospective” patient with back pain.
She was also making enquires at all the other clinics in town and basically, well, price shopping.
Here’s what she wrote back to us just 30 minutes after her initial on-line enquiry:
“Hi I would like to cancel my enquiry
as I have sorted something else.“
– Erin.
Our response?
“Ok. No problem?”…
What, are you kidding me?
Of course not!
See, because of the questions we asked on the online form, we already knew what she wanted to achieve from going to see a pt.
That was, basically, to get back to dancing asap.
(Not to end back pain).
So, word for word, here’s what we wrote back:
“Hi Erin,
Thank you so much for getting in touch to let us know.
I’m so glad that you have found someone who is able to help you.
I was just chatting with our back pain specialist, Sammy, who said she would of loved to of helped you.
She *sees lots of dancers* here in clinic – and would of loved to of seen what she could of done for you.
If you need us for anything Erin, even any advice, please just get in touch 🙂
Best Wishes,
Vicki Smith”.
What to know how we converted this patient – one who was thinking of going to one of my competitors because they are cheaper – into a high paying patient of ours…
These words:
“Sammy see’s lots of dancers
here in clinic”.
Made it *impossible* for Erin (the prospective patient) to even contemplate going anywhere else because she now knows that we solve HER problem regularly.
Take a look at the exact email reply sequence here and start at the bottom:
(Click the image ^ to make it bigger).
The result?
Conversion to a high paying patient.
Took us less than a minute to compose – and Erin just 45 minutes to surrender to my offer of highly specific solution.
I’m happy.
She was happy.
My bank account is happy.
So, yeah, more proof that “highly specific solutions” are the only way to go.
Use this type of *message to market* match in your marketing to attract new patients to your clinic – and you can, well, basically charge what you want and put an end to worrying over your biggest business challenge.
This works especially well since most pt clinic owners don’t have the balls to do this type of thing – for fear of not appealing to a mass market.
Which, by the way, is the quickest and easiest way to blow through a marketing budget and go broke.
More questions answered next time…
In the mean time, go here if you want to talk about boosting profits at your clinic too:
– Marketing Strategy Call Application Info >>>
Paul Gough.
Note to physical therapist looking for marketing ideas…
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