Author Archives: Paul Gough

About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.

Back To Basics: Why It’s Rude To Let Patients Leave Without Their Therapist “Waving Them Off…”

“Have a seat”…

OR, how about…

“Take a seat”…

It’s a “throw-a-way” phrase that is likely being said to almost every patient as they arrive in the waiting area of almost every PT clinic today.

*Except at mine*.

How do we greet our guests?

“Make yourself comfy!”

The difference?

Night and day.



What A Patient -Price Objection- Really Means (1)

One is a lazy habit and ticks the owners box that says “we acknowledged your presence”…

…the other suggest that we’ve invited you to our home and welcomed you to the family.

Can you see it now?

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Every phrase, every word, every sentence – every look, every picture on a wall, magazine on a desk, smile on a face or tone of a voice says something about you and your (business)…

The problem for so many PT’s is that because of having spent 5 years at PT School it’s hard to UNLEARN that it ISN’T all about the “skill” – and we can often forget that the most simplest of basic things can give us the edge.

Take this for example:

Most PT’s seem to think that it’s acceptable for their patients to make their own way out of the building at the end of their session when their treatment or gym time is up without so much as “have a great day”…

They justify this “rudeness” because that’s the way everyone else does.

That’s fine.

But allowing your patients to leave at the end of the treatment session without the (supposedly treating) Therapist to escort them to the door is a lot like inviting a close friend into your home…

…spending 60 minutes listening to their biggest problems and then expecting them to make their own way to their door – and let them selves out.

You just wouldn’t do it.

My best bet is that you’d go one step further – and not only would you see that person to the door of your home, you’d watch them get in their car – and then stand and wave them off until they’re aaaaaaaallllllll the way out of sight.


Why then, is it acceptable in business?

The reality is, that it’s NOT.

Patients tolerate these things because everyone does it…

It’s the status quo of a “busy” health care office that screams “we’ve had cut backs, we’re looking for ways to make back the time so we can make the same money”…

Here’s the thing:

They might not notice when you DON’T do it…

…but it’s the type of thing that they sure as hell DO REMEMBER – and never forget – if you DO choose to do it.

I’ve said it a BILLION times – and I’ll keep on saying it…

…stunning and lasting success in business – in any business – goes to the business owner that can recreate the basic human interactions that we’re all hard wired to appreciate…

…inside of their day to day business operations.

Does it get any simpler than a “wave at the door” and inviting someone to “make themselves comfy?”…

I think not.


More stunningly simple business advice being given out, here:

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While the rest of the PT marketing crowd are telling you that it’s all about “Scientific” Marketing” and “ROI” and all of that nonsense…

…what you’ll get from me is a lot of very simple – and easy to apply – “tid bits” of advice that if applied faithfully (and without excuse) will make a significant and lasting difference to your success.

P.S Last weeks “Paul Gough Physio Rooms” show has been a huge hit again…

…looks like the wider PT Community across the world are LOVING the authenticity of the training material that we’re putting out there from inside of my clinic for you to learn from…

Catch Up On Last Weeks Top Content Here :

This weeks show was all about STOPPING DROP-OFF’s with one simple question…

…find out what that is when you watch the Show:

– The “Paul Gough Physio Rooms” Show – Episode 017 ! >

And if you’ve been following the progress of the “PT Business Growth School” Program…

…the highlights of the final week – Module 6 – are here for you to look at:

The New Patient Journey Experience – Module 6 Highlights ! >

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[PT Business Growth School] – Say Goodbye To Patient Objections (Part 6)

BGS Banner - Module 6

Week 6 of PT Business Growth School is here and I can’t believe it’s our final class…

This week we have PT Industry Superstar ‘Jerry Durham’ back in the room for Part 2 of the Module titled “The New Patient Journey Experience”…

In Part 1 we mapped out the ENTIRE journey, step by step, that your patients experience with you to ensure we rise above the industry ‘norm’, and give them MORE than they were expecting – an experience they won’t forget.

This week we showed our students solutions to some common problems that most PT businesses face…

… things like “drop-offs”, “no-shows” and “resistance to care plans” (because of co-pay).

Our students now all agree that these things ARE NOT happening ONLY because they don’t want to pay (for PT)… No, it’s more often than not because they don’t see the TRUE VALUE in what we do.

Would you pay for something you don’t see the VALUE in or how it’ll help your life?…

(Neither will they!)

Part 2 of The New Patient Journey Experience solves AAAAAAALLLLL of these problems, and helps make the “co-pay”, or “OON” issues a thing of the past.

ENROLL HERE: NOTE, if you’r interested in starting this Class – we have opened up REGISTRATION for a limited period of time – click here to go to the ENROLMENT PAGE and join in the class.

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So with that said, lets get into the “10” greatest highlights from the final week of PT Business Growth School, Week 6…


#1 The First Consultation

Now that your potential new patient has made a decision that YOU are the PT clinic that’s able to solve their problems, and that you’re the place that finally ‘gets them”…

The NEXT thing you want to do is drive up that perception of VALUE of what you’re doing.

Why it’s so important to do that?

When you ask them the right questions (that you need them to hear their own answers to)… they will reveal their ‘wants’ and ‘hopes’ to you, AGAIN.

(We’ve already done this at the first phone call – but we need to do it again!)

This means they get reminded of what they are REALLY paying for – to get quality time back to play with their Grandkids, to hike that mountain they’ve always wanted to with their partner, to wake up without aches and pains in the morning so they can drive to work…

Present the VALUE, and you’ll confirm they made the best decision by choosing you over every other option they’ve got!

Next, let’s take a look at how to get it started…

#2 Start The Consultation, In The WAITING Room

This is huge – and sets the tone for the rest of the relationship the minute they step through the front door…

We want the very first consultation to begin in the “waiting room”.

Ideally there should be a conversation going on in the reception between the receptionist and patient (..and even the Therapist should be invited to join in!)

There’s nothing worse than having a patient walk into the waiting room to be presented with an out of date magazine and newspapers full of bad news…

ENGAGE with them from the moment they walk through your door, then continue THAT conversation in the TREATMENT ROOM and they’ll feel very comfortable right away (…again, confirming they’ve made the right decision coming to see you).

Remember: “People FIRST, Patient Second”

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#3 It’s All About The Questions You Ask

Now the patient is in the treatment room it’s important to ask the VAQ;s – the ‘Value Alignment Questions’.

What does that mean?

It means we’re going to make it certain to the patient that WE truly understand what they are REALLY going through and exactly what they want to achieve.

It’s not about what the INSURANCE costs – or your EMR – it’s about what the patient wants you to know the answers to – what’s important to them!

Continue to ask the same questions that reveal answers that they WANT YOU TO KNOW about, things like:

“What is it stopping you from doing that
you REALLY wish you could?”

And you’ll ensure they know that you’re 100% clear on what they want to achieve as a result of having PT.

#4 Stopping “Drop-Offs” At Your Practice…

There’s a few questions you need to ask – and this is one question:

“What’s your current understanding of what a PT can do to help you solve this?” (…Back pain getting in the way of a good nights sleep).

You may be 100% certain in what you’re about to do.

You may be 190% certain in the effectiveness you’re proposing.

BUT if this person has a completely different understanding or expectation of what it is you’re going to do for them in the treatment room – you are going to lose them.

Because if they’re expecting hands-on treatment, and you know they need exercises instead – you’re going to run into problems very, very quickly if you don’t have that conversation with them about WHY!

A failure to do this means they get confused – if they get confused, they drop off!

Which is why it all comes down to this:

“Success in business comes down to one thing – communication.”

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#5 How To Get Buy-In

Contrary to what most PT’s do – do not proceed with treatment before asking for “permission”.

After your OBJECTIVE ask them to take a seat – and have a conversation with them about IF THEY WANT YOU TO PROCEED.

Do NOT cash the cheque until they’ve signed it!

Because if you don’t (ask), you are not giving them a chance to commit and ASK QUESTIONS they need answers to before you begin.

We want them to ask ANY questions they have, to get any possible objections out of the way – so any objections don’t come up later that night, or a few days later.

Important: Do not take for granted that just because they are in the treatment room with you – that you have a patient.

#6 Escort The Patient To The Desk

This is crucial.

I’ve been in clinics where I’ve seen a patient come to the end of a treatment session, and then have to walk to the front desk – alone.


Big mistake.

If you allow your patients to walk out of the treatment room alone – that’s when they are able to think up an excuse to DROP OFF or back down from what they agreed with the therapist.

Allowing this to happen gives that person “25” seconds to work out an objection to the treatment plan you’ve just given them.

Think about it…

The receptionist will have no idea of what has just gone on inside the treatment room – and if you allow your patient to walk there alone to book their sessions in, there’s a chance that the agreed plan won’t go ahead.

Don’t leave how many sessions your patient is agreeing to with the therapist in the hands of your Receptionist.

Pharmacists don’t decide on the volume of the medicine… the REAL experts do (the doctors)

Have your Therapist go WITH THEM to the front desk and book it all out.

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#7 Don’t Let Patients Become “Lost Sheep”

In an ideal world we would love patients to schedule out ALL of their visits – and then attend.

But we all know – it doesn’t always work out that way and some will ‘drop-off’ (…and then these people become ‘lost sheep’).

Now, we can’t always STOP this from happening, but we can limit it.

How? We go down every avenue we can to STOP ‘drop-offs’ from happening.

If they call to cancel their appointment…

Get them to reconsider.

If they say ‘no’

See if you can MOVE it.

And if they still say no…

Get to the root-cause of WHY (they want to drop off).

If you just accept their cancellation and let them slip away, you’ll likely lose them forever and miss out on helping them make the best decision.

Next, what if they do drop off, or don’t show up at all?!…

#8 Follow-up With Drop-offs

This is the one thing that doesn’t cross the minds of most PT business owners…

They think once someone’s cancelled, or doesn’t show it’s game over.

Well it will be game-over if you don’t follow-up!

Follow-up with these people who don’t go ahead with agreed treatment plans and have real conversations about the problem.

OR it’ll keep on happening.

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#9 The Biggest Area Of Opportunity With Drop-offs

Is by keeping IN TOUCH.

(With an email follow-up system and the telephone).

I said it above – if we fail to keep in touch, we’ve lost them forever.

The FORTUNE is in the FOLLOW UP – is another one of my favourite sayings!

Most people will think they can get their problem solved elsewhere.

And some will!

…But many won’t!

And many will never think to get back in touch with you in fear of looking ‘silly’.

You likely know I’m BIG on having systems in place – and this one email follow-up system will address that you know why they might have gone elsewhere, but that you also know they won’t get what they NEED by going elsewhere!

This will get them back onto schedule, and quick!

That’s ‘drop-offs’ and ‘no-shows’ covered, but what happens when a patient comes to the end of their treatment plan?

#10 The Final Phase Of The Patient Journey

This is something that I like to call:

“The Graduation” process.

When the initial care plan is over, most clinics will let that person walk out hoping that they might just come back again if they get a bad back, or a sore ankle…

But what we want to really be doing is this – keep in touch!

At least via email.

This is where having systems in place is gold.

At the Paul Gough Physio Rooms we have an automated sequence of emails that gets sent to that patient that engages them with content from blogs, connects them on Social Media and talks to them about other products and services…

These emails also allow us to get feedback and 5 star testimonials and reviews (perfect for helping others make better decisions about coming to see you!)…

On average most people will come back for further treatment, and buy additional products and services!

It’s all about being in front of people, to ultimately help them make better decisions – and that should be you!

Okay! There’s your final digest of week 6 of PT Business Growth school…

By now I’m sure you realize these last 6 weeks have been all about creating REAL Systems.

PT Business Growth School is essentially me lifting the hood on three of the WORLD’S most successful Physical Therapy Businesses… and exactly how to automate and systemize EVERYTHING in your business, so that it grows without you!

The GOOD NEWS IS that for a short period of time you can ENROLL in the class starting TODAY.

Click here to go to the page and find more information about the 6 week class you can take right now!…

…Each week we’ll unlock a new module for you and you can join in the Group and ask your questions as they arise.

Go here for more information:

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OR, if you’d like to wait and take part with us in the LIVE action next time it comes around (we don’t know when), here’s what to do next…

Click here if you’d like to get notified of when this class next becomes available – and we’ll be sure to add you to the early priority list, next time >

OR, if you’re brand new to my PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

What A Patient “Price Objection” Really Means

In comes this message from one of my coaching group members last night:


“So I scheduled a new client a few weeks ago for today – who canceled and then used money as her excuse.

When she tried to cancel I reminded her about all of the things (her goals, visions, etc) that she shared with me over the phone and was able to convince her to keep her appointment.

Still – in my mind I was thinking – this is going to be a waste – I already knew from the phone call that she was going to need a lot of sessions with me to make any kind of improvement, and if she was already complaining of money this was going to be a waste of my time.

Nonetheless – I showed up today ready to give her 110% value even if she never came back. I delivered my prescription of care completely unattached to the outcome and she paid for the eval plus 10 sessions right on the spot! $1575!!”

– Carrie Jose Grove, Portsmouth, NH.


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This email sums up pretty much EVERYTHING that I’ve been preaching since the day I started…

…and is precisely how I’ve grown my own clinic so successfully.

It’s because there’s NO such thing as a price objection.

Only a lack of certainty in the outcome (in exchange for the time and money) being felt by MOST patients at the beginning of a new relationship – with anyone.

PT’s included, and ill health offers NO exceptions.

What A Patient -Price Objection- Really Means

The way to beat it? (…the uncertainty)

Easy… “stop selling PT”.

Nobody wants it.

(Or very few, anyways…)

What do they want?

Solutions to problems…

To achieve their “goals”…

To be able to close their eyes, look into the future and see an active, more mobile – independent way of living (free of pain!).

The trouble is…

…for many PT’s…

…they DON’T take the time to build the systems that allows you to easily acquire this sort of information BEFORE price is even discussed.

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It’s a case of:

“The phones ringing…
someone answer it…
take their insurance details
and get them an appointment!”.

That was fine – in the 1980’s.

But not now that we have a consumer who spends all day – and all night – connecting and engaging on things like Facebook and Instagram…

…or searching for information (looking for any other alternative to PT that they can find), on Google.

There’s a reason that Google is a multi-BILLION dollar company.

There’s a reason that Facebook is a multi-BILLION dollar company.

And that’s because they figured out how consumers want to ENGAGE and CONNECT…

…and how they want to search for solutions to their problems.

And they’ve made it easy for them to do both!

Any PT clinic – anywhere in the world – that doesn’t have a system in place that gives prospective consumers INFORMATION in-advance of the price conversation…

…OR, who doesn’t take the time (like 10-15 mins on the first phone call) to connect and engage (in the same way that Carrie did above…)

…is, without doubt, going to leave at the end of every day wondering why the phone is ringing LESS…

…why people are committing to LESS (sessions)…

…and why they are always wanting to pay LESS!

The end result?

At best – a “flat line” in clinic profits and years and years of struggling to survive.

The solution?

Drop the lame excuses like “we’re too busy”, “they don’t want to pay” and all the other disrespectful crap that is being piddled around about patients who are simply SCREAMING out for MORE, before they commit.

They are paying more – it’s time to step and give them more.


Paul Gough

P.S In case you missed it…

Last Weeks Top Content Is Here For You

Last weeks the “Paul Gough Physio” Show aired on Facebook with Episode 016 being one of our most popular so far…

Watch and learn as I work with my staff, live inside my own clinic, telling them STRAIGHT, things that they REALLY need to hear – even if they don’t like it.

Watch the 18 min show, here.

When you do, you’ll also learn how we deal with that one “irate” client who every clinic occasionally picks up …but we all wish we hadn’t!

And if you’ve been following the progress of the PT Business Growth School “highlights” – here’s the info from Week 5 where we talked for nearly 3 hours about Marketing Automation.

Watch the video… or read the blog… either way, the highlights are here for you.

Enjoy the fresh, new content….


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[PT Business Growth School] – Hello Marketing Automation (Part 5)

Week 5 of “PT Business Growth School” is here…

…and this week it’s all about ‘Marketing Automation’.

Every PT Business needs to focus on ‘Marketing’ to grow successfully, but this is MORE than *just* Marketing.

It’s the NEW way of growing a successful PT Practice.

A lot of business owners think that Marketing is as simple as putting their pretty logo out there, giving out their phone number in a newspaper ad, and sitting by the telephone waiting for it to ring.

It isn’t.

Marketing Automation means you spend less time chasing dead end relationships with doctors, and more time picking up new patients without you, or anyone else in your office having to be there to do it.

Sound like something you’d love to do?

I’m about to share with you the 10 biggest takeaways from week 5 of ‘PT Business Growth School’ that I shared with my students – which are quite simply some of the newest and most bad-ass ways to acquire new patients, on autopilot.

You’re going to want a pen and paper at the ready for this…

Key Takeaways

#1 Marketing Automation – What Is It All About?

…It’s all about collecting leads.

But not in the way that those out of date, 19th Century Educated “Marketing Guru’s” are teaching you.

You know how they teach it… just put out a “one time” ad with your number on it and a logo with a big announcement that you’re a great PT and telling people ‘I’m here, I’m good, give me a call’.

It just won’t happen.

People’s attention is now harder to catch.

It’s spread out everywhere – some people will be on Facebook, some on Instagram, some will pick up the weekly newspaper, some will be scrolling through Google all day…

But because we know they are there – we can find them and we need to take advantage of all these different sources, so we can streamline new inquires to our clinic.

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And I’m about to reveal one of the best places to capture attention right now…

#2 The No.1 Place To Find Your Prospects


Paid Facebook advertising is the “New Patient Gold Rush” – perfect for LEAD GENERATION.

But here’s the thing, a lot of people try to sell something from Facebook, like a free visit.


Success on Facebook is all about targeting your ‘perfect patient’ and giving them free information, in exchange for their contact details.

We’re in the industry of helping people to make better decisions, and this is one powerful way of doing it.

#3 Re-activate Past Patients And ASK For Referrals

This one is gold.

You’re much more likely to get inquires AND referrals from past patients if you give them the “tools” to make it easier.

How we do it at the “Paul Gough Physio Rooms”? With monthly give aways of our ‘free reports’.

We get our past patients to pass them on to any of their friends and family who may be suffering with something like ‘back pain’ right now to help make their life easier (because everyone knows someone whose got a bad back, an ache or pain!)…

This does two things:

1. Gets your raving fans to spread the word about you by giving away helpful information.

2. And captures new leads so automated systems (like email) can do the magic for you.

Dean FB EP 016

#4 How To Get 24/7 Inquires Using This One Thing…


Most PT websites limit their chances of success by as much as 66% by ONLY displaying their telephone number on their website.

Big mistake.

Just think about how many people NOW search for solutions to their problems using the internet…

And if they’re scrolling through their phone late at night and land on your website, the only thing they can do is call you back tomorrow – which they’re likely to forget to do.

Having a webform where they can input their information, at any time, from anywhere, lets them inquire even if you’re not there!

You can take a look at my own clinics webform by clicking here.

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This is easily the most important and most profitable part of my website. Some days we even get more inquires than phone calls…

#5 Live Chat

This is the number one automated engagement tool.

Whenever a new visitor comes to your site – ‘PING!’ up pops a live chat box which begins the process of asking engaging questions.

So, if someone’s apprehensive about calling your clinic, or even if they’re busy at work which means they can’t call right now – this snags their attention and encourages them to inquire.

On average we get about 5-6 brand new patients a week from this automated tool, just imagine how many visitors you could be loosing out on by not having this in place.

#6 How To Get A Rhythmical Flow Of Leads, 24-7

There’s likely to be a lot of people who stumble across your website, and yet less than 1% take action.

Scary huh?

But here’s how you can change that – by giving away free information reports on your website.

A lot of people are looking for information FIRST before they decide to book.

Give them the option to download a free information report from your website, and you’ll have a constant flow of new leads arriving into your business.

Here’s how they look:

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How you get them on your website? I’ll show you next…

#7 The FASTEST Way To Get More Traffic To Your Website

Done right, there’s no quicker, or effortless way of getting hot prospects to your website than Google Ad Words.

Not sure what Google ad words is?

Here’s an image of how my Google Ads look:

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With Google you’re paying for your website to be in front of the eyes of people actively searching for ‘physical therapy’ or ‘back pain’ advice.

And the reason why you need to do this, is because you can even capture those people who are living right by your clinic!


Now it’s clear to see why having a website designed for response is essential for your business.

Next, what about those people who DID visit your website, but never took action?…

#8 Introducing – Remarketing

In a nutshell, this is when people who visit your website are tracked and then followed around by an advert from your clinic.

This is what sets you apart from your competition and keeps you ahead, because Remarketing creates that ‘top of mind awareness’ that allows you to have a greater influence over people’s decisions, every time.

Not everyone is going to take action the first time they land on your website – remarketing stops you from loosing them forever, and keeps you in front of them everywhere they go on the internet, forever.

Which leads me on to this…

#9 The Importance Of Blogging

The one thing I look for when I check out any PT clinic’s website is this – their blog.

And 9 times out of 10, they don’t have one.

If you don’t have one either, here’s why it’s time to get one up and running – your blog should be the prize asset of your website.

Not only does it help your website be positioned higher up on Google than your competitors, it also allows you to be found and be placed in front of prospective patients 24/7.

Update your blog WEEKLY with educational content for people looking for help with ‘back pain’, ‘neck pain’, whatever it may be, and you’ll be the one known for providing value.

The best use of your blog is found in other forms of Marketing Automation, here’s one of them…

#10 Social Media

A lot of PT’s think Social Media is a waste of time – and I USED to agree – but it’s NOW one of the most profitable ways to automate your entire online marketing process.

Using tools like “Sprout Social” allows you to send your blogs out to people on social media for weeks, months and even years after you’ve written them.

Meaning when your articles get ‘shared’ and seen, people will click, land on your website, and THEN they’ll have the opportunity to download free information reports, or inquire via a webform you have set up!

And if they leave without taking action?

Your remarketing ads will be put into play – meaning you’ll be in front of them everywhere they go.

The whole Social Media game is all about how you can get more people to land on YOUR website, to start building an audience of people who are interested in what you do.

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That’s it for week 5 of growth school!

Now you’re armed with 10 of the most powerful ways to grow your clinic on autopilot.

To sum it up – this is my most favorite part of Business Growth School…

Marketing Automation is the new way of growing a successful PT Practice in the 21st century.

You can wave “Good-bye” prospecting to local doctors, and say “hello” requests for appointments waiting for you before you pull into the car park of your clinic.

Next week PT industry Super star “Jerry Durham” is back, where we’ll be expanding on how to ‘automate the new patient journey experience’.

For most PT businesses, the problems they have with things like “drop-offs”, “no-shows” and “resistance to care plans” is NOT happening because people don’t want to pay for PT…

No, it’s simply because they don’t see the true value in it!

On week 6 we’re going to solve all of those problems, and make things like “co-pay” or “OON” issues a thing of the past.

See you right here next week, for Module 6.


If you’d like to get notified of when this class next becomes available – please click here and we’ll be sure to add you to the early priority list, next time.

OR, if you’re brand new to my PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>


Why The Rules Of Successful PT Clinic Marketing Are Starting To Change

Just back from my family trip to “Dubai” and checking in on the PT Entrepreneur message board.

Word for word, here’s a great comment I found that I wanted to share with you:


“Let this encourage you for when it seems like things are not working like you had planned…just got this from my Harrisburg office receptionist:

New patient, was referred to us by Facebook. She saw your post about the workshop a couple of weeks ago and couldn’t make it.

So she decided to make an appointment with us instead.

She will also be coming to next workshop in a week and a half :)”

– Dean Volk, Volk PT. Harrisburg (NC)

===Why The Rules Of Successful PT Clinic Marketing Are Starting To Change (1)
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Let me break this down for you…

…because it’s so vitally important to understand that Marketing directly to a consumer is now about one single thing:

“Snagging their attention”.

It’s not always about the initial “ROI” that you get from running an ad in the newspaper, or on Facebook, or even from a postcard…

Because if you’re targeting the right group of people… with the right message… and talking to them in their words, talking about their problems and offering real, tangible solutions to those problems…

…then you WILL get their attention!

And eventually, their business!

What “Dean Volk” is pointing to in his comment above is the fact that he ran a “Facebook” ad offering a seat at a back pain workshop some weeks back…

This one lady SAW IT – didn’t book a seat at the workshop directly from the ad…

But because her attention was “snagged” by the promise of some REAL HELP from a company that seems to know how to help HER…

…she rang up a few weeks later and booked an appointment instead.

“Hey Presto!”

The magic of communicating about THEIR problems (…and not how great a PT service you might have!).

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The bad news is that it’s getting harder and harder to get any initial response from ANY ad you might run…

…which is why I NEVER encourage a one-time stand alone ad – it’s just too hard to make work and it can very easily discourage you from running any more (ads).

There always has to be a strategic plan involving multiple media – with multiple runs tested for different offers and headlines!

These days instead of worrying about “one ad”, I spend almost all of my time at my own clinic working out a plan that involves new ways to “BUY” the attention of prospective patients I want to work with…

Which over time, leads to HIGHER response.

I’ve picked my perfect patient…

…worked out what problems they are living with daily…

…and repeatedly communicate with them using different media to prove to them that we – at the “Paul Gough Physio Rooms” – are the perfect provider of choice for them.

Is this contray to what most marketing guru’s and text books are telling you that it’s all about the “ROI” of the one single ad???

“You bet it is”!

That’s because it’s a long ball strategy…

And not every PT wants to play long ball…

They want to run the ad today, hear the phone ring tomorrow, cash the cheque on Friday – and eat on Saturday.

That was fine back in the last decade when “attention” was easy to come by…

Now-a-days it takes a lot more than a random Newsletter or a “one-off” Workshop to build a successful PT clinic that lasts.


Want some help to get going with this type of marketing plan at your practice?

– Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>


Paul Gough

Why Incentivizing STAFF With More Money Is Bad For Business

Comes a question on the Facebook Community message board:


“Paul, is it a good idea to *bonus* front desk team members for converting prospects to say “YES” to a Discovery visit?

If so, how do you guys structure it?

– Arlan Alburo, Valparaiso, IN.


I get asked this a LOT and my answer is always the same…

And I explain it best like this:

“No I don’t – simply because that’s
their “f’ing” job – and why I pay them
in the first place!”

Why Incentivizing STAFF With More Money Is Bad For Business (1)

In fact, I’d go so far as to say that there really needs to be a “rain check” on all of this nonsense about always feeling like you have to pay your staff MORE (…and more) with incentives, just to get them to do stuff for you.

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At what point does all of this stop?

Will we get to a point where we have to incentivize them to say “please” and “thank you” to our patients?…

Here’s my honest thoughts on all this:

Whenever you see a business FEEL the NEED to to this, it’s usually because that business has a *PROBLEM*.

It either a “culture” problem.

A “time” problem (… not enough to sit down with staff and explain WHY this is now needed)…

A “lack of understanding of how people are motivated”, problem (…because the MONEY thing is second on the list for most staff)

And, most definitely a “leadership” problem…

Because every time you add an extra incentive to the pay cheque – you’ve made it almost impossible to ask them to do anything thing else in future without them FEELING like they should be compensated for it.

In the end, that’s going to lead to you hitting a BIG-old road block, at some point soon.

However, if that employee is told right at the very beginning of the relationship…

…with a firm tone and a sturdy look in the eye that their No.1 JOB is to support you and help you to achieve YOUR SAID GOALS…

…so that you can grow this business of yours in the fastest possible time frame…

…and that will require them to do various things that you don’t even know exist yet…

…then you never have to do this extra money and incentive stuff!

Because it’s now what they MUST do – just to keep their job!!

Remember, they are doing this on the time that you’re *already* compensating them for in the first place…

…so how and why is this ever needed?

It’ll always go back to this one thing:

“Have you got the right staff
on the bus with you?”…

The right staff APPRECIATE the fact that you are giving them new roles and tasks and that’s because it means they are working in a “healthy” environment – and for a business that is successfully growing.

The ones who DON’T appreciate these new tasks – they’ll push back because they FEEL as though you’re asking them to do something EXTRA that wasn’t in their “job description” at the beginning.

And if you accept it, it’s like letting the “inmates run the asylum”.

“What’s that you say?”

Tons of other PT’s are doing it?…

Well, that’s exactly why you shouldn’t.

Their business illiteracy is your “unfair” advantage in the market place you’re playing in…

Get clear on why you’re staff are employed in the first place…

…remind them of that REGULARLY…

..and sure, if they end up making a huge success of the new tasks you’re asking them to do for you…

…reward them with a nice big fat pay rise or some extra time off at the end of the year!

Call me old-fashioned – but I believe that’s the way it’s supposed to work in every business!

Aaaaaaallll right, that’s enough of that Business Education lesson…

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Paul Gough

P.S Do you need to see this?…

Top Content From Last Weeks “New Wave PT Show”

On this Episode – 014 – I take you inside of my clinic again and share with you another snippet of the WORKSHOP style staff training we do every week at my practice.

This week I’m working with two of my staff encouraging them on how to better engage with prospective new patients who walk into the clinic.

Click to watch – and feel free to share these training videos with your staff or anyone else who you think needs to watch this!…

Press Play – then subscribe!

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

[PT Business Growth School] – Create A Culture Of Excellence (Part 4)


Week 4 of “PT Business Growth School” is here in full swing!

And just as I imagined, we had another incredible learning experience.

This week is all about hiring a team of “A players” and automating a culture of clinical and service excellence…

Because if there’s one thing that is a PRE-REQUISITE of success in business – it would be the ability to hire GREAT talent and getting the right people on board that’ll help take your business to the next level.

But ‘how’ you go about the hiring process will determine the direction your business moves in, OR, stays STUCK in…

There’s sooooooo many great takeaways from this weeks class that it was difficult to choose just “10” to share with you this week…

But we’ve managed to narrow them down, so lets dive into the “10” top highlights from Week 4 of PT Business Growth School:

Key Takeaways

#1 “Hiring”, Why Is It Such A Hassle?

Have you ever woken up one day thinking – “I’ve got to hire somebody… TODAY!!”?

A lot of business owners have, and this thought only hits them when they realize that their business needs someone else on the bus to help them grow…

Which is why the real problem with hiring is this:

It’s *episodic* and something you only do every once in a while – when you HAVE to.

You don’t think about it until it’s right in front of your eyes and then all of a sudden it becomes the most important thing in the world!

And as a result, the “pain” of hiring begins before you even go into the process.

Which brings me onto the next point…

#2 Hiring Satisfies A Business Need

Let that digest.

It satisfies a business need.

You’ve got a business problem, and if you didn’t have that problem, you probably wouldn’t be thinking about hiring anyways.

So, shift your mind-set to thinking about the hiring process solving your problems – NOT being the ‘problem’.

Because once you’ve done it (and you’ve done it right) your real problem is going to go away and you can spend more time focusing on the areas of your PT business that you want to grow!

Now that, IS something to look forward to!

So, what to avoid to get this process right?…

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#3 The BIG Hiring Mistake

As medical professionals, we tend to be a little bit ‘smarter’.

We rely on ourselves, trust in ourselves, and because we tend to also be quicker – we make decisions incredibly fast!

In the medical world – that’s a good thing.

But when it comes to building a team – it’s a mistake.

Most people make their mind up in the first 5 minutes as to whether or not they’re going to hire somebody – but doing this will determine whether you hire a superstar who will give you back more time OR, someone who isn’t the right fit for what you want and need to achieve.

#4 You Need A Hiring Plan!

A plan that includes consideration of:

Time, Money and Compensation.

If you don’t consider these three things and get it RIGHT, so many other things don’t matter…

Why? Because if your new secretary is being paid $25k, but isn’t converting inquiries, then she could be costing you “$125k”…

If you screw up on the ‘people part’, it doesn’t matter what else you do right – it’s going to cost you a LOT of money

#5 No More “Job Descriptions”, Think “Success Descriptions”

Job Description days are over.

Whether you’re a small PT business just starting out, or you’re expanding your team even further – it’s important to find that person who strongly identifies with your clinic’s culture and values.

Use a “success description” to map out the results your new person needs to deliver to satisfy your business need…

Not a long list of what they will be responsible for, and you’ll find an A Player who is on board with your mission all the way.

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#6 Start Recruiting BEFORE You Need To Hire

You should always be recruiting – even if you’re not planning on hiring somebody right now.

This simple habit helps you avoid the dreadfully painful experience of hiring substandard talent because you ran out of time to properly recruit a Rockstar.

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#7 Abandon The “Cliche” Questions

“What should I ask at an interview?!” – It’s the No.1 question that everyone asks…

Candidates know the standard questions, and are likely to be prepared to give you their standard answers.

Don’t waste valuable time asking the same cliche questions asked during every other typical interview.

Put your focus on behavior-based questions that relate to what you actually want them to do…

“Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a co-pay issue…” – ask that type of question and you will gain amazing insight into the person you are thinking of hiring. and you will be more likely to choose the BEST people for your company.

#8 The BEST Way To Build A Successful Business…

…Is to hold regular, highly productive workshop style meetings dedicated to improving every aspect of your business.

Forget ‘meetings’, these are ‘workshops’ that allow your company to grow faster, smarter and BETTER then the rest!

At the Paul Gough Physio Rooms we dedicate 3 hours a week to this, and you can call me crazy but this is the one reason why my business is more profitable year on year, without fail.

Next, another reason why these weekly Workshops are so powerful…

#9 Workshops Solve Business Problems

Getting your entire team together and working collectively on solving a problem, sets your clinic up for even more success.

They bond your company together.

Improve consistency of communication.

And create synergy in your business… (Which all allow you to grow and scale a business without you having to be there every day!)

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#10 World Class PT Companies Are Dedicated To Learning

Think about it – the most successful sports teams in the world spend 30 hours a week training for a game that lasts JUST a couple of hours…

Their training time is 10 x more than the time they’ll actually have to EXECUTE those skills during game time.

So why do most business owners think it’s acceptable to spend 50 hours a week executing without allocating a single hour a week in training their team?

Dedicate time each week to learning – and you’ll not only grow your people, but your business will sky rocket too!

Alright! That’s it for “Module 4”…

My students are now on the look out to find those top producing people to join their team (…even if they’re NOT thinking of hiring right now!) so they’re set up for success, and experience less ‘stress’ when it’s time for the interview process to begin!

If there’s one thing I want you to take away from this week’s class, it’s this – dedicate the time to finding rockstar team members (and working with the team you currently have!) – and you’ll enjoy watching your business grow a lot more.

We’ll be back next week with highlights from “Module 5” – Marketing Automation – and the new way of growing a successful PT Practice without you having to chase referrals from doctors!

Until next week!…


If you’d like to get notified of when this class next becomes available – please click here and we’ll be sure to add you to the early priority list, next time.

OR, if you’re brand new to my PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>


Are Community Events Becoming A Waste Of Time?


“Anyone have experience working 5k’s or any other running/triathlon type event?

I feel like it’s a great service, but feel like it wouldn’t really have many people that end up converted to patients.

I’m thinking about starting it, just wondering if it’s worth the time and effort”.

– John Davidson Jr. Summerfield, NC.


Here’s what I would say…

As always, it’s always about the LONG GAME.

Not just in doing community events, but with almost every business strategy you’ll ever have to implement.

I hear a lot of PT’s say that “runners just aren’t in the zone to book PT appointments right after a 5k run”…

…and I agree.

But almost 99.9% of the entire world are NEVER in the zone to book a PT appointment no matter if they’ve done a 5k run or NOT.

Think about it…

If a runner has crossed the finish line, chances are that other than a few aches and pains the next day, in all probability he or she’s not going to need your services.

But, there remains a few areas of often overlooked opportunity:

community events blog


– 1. If he or she is a keen runner – it’s ONLY A MATTER of TIME before he or she does pick up an injury.

(How many runners do you know who haven’t EVER been injured???)

– 2. If they’ve done some sort of family, charity or fun run type of EVENT – then chances are:

– a). They’ll get the “fitness bug” for the next few months and inevitably end up with a lower back problem, calf strain or shin splints etc, or another type of injury that occurs when someone enthusiastically starts a fitness push their body isn’t ready for…

– b). They don’t get the fitness bug and they go back to their “sedentary” lifestyle and end up with, at some point in their life, something like chronic lower back or neck pain.


Either way, you want it to be YOU who they think of when it happens.

How do you do that?

Not by going and pestering everyone there to book an immediate appointment with you, that’s for sure…

It goes back to Nurture Systems…

Collecting emails and telephone numbers in exchange for valuable information.

Do you think almost all of the runners who cross the finish line of a 5k run, might be interested in something like a free tips report titled:

“The 7 top tips to stop the next day aches and pains that all 5k runners inevitably suffer from”

Of course they would.

(Much more than your business card!)

And you’re happy to give it to them in exchange for their contact details, so that you can keep in touch and follow up with your marketing automation.

That means while you’re growing your business using things like Facebook, Google Adwords, Remarketing, running newspaper ads and building a brand on Social Media…

…that’ll bring in new patients today…

…you can rightly EXPECT many of these 5k runners to become patients at some point tomorrow – further down the line!

This is how the most successful businesses on the planet think.

One eye on today…

…the other on tomorrow.

It’s the business owners who TRULY understand how how people make buying decisions that are WINNING right now…

The ones who want it to be how THEY want it to be, or how it USED to be, are losing.

It’s that simple.

Aaaallll right, another PT Business lesson over.


Paul Gough

P.S In case you missed it…

Here’s a round up of last weeks top content:

1. The “New Wave PT Show” – Staff training: Live from my own clinic and how to deal with difficult front desk situations. Click to watch it and then subscribe on Youtube.

And : –

2. The top “10” highlights from module 3 of “PT Business Growth School”. Click to read it on the blog.

[PT Business Growth School] – Know Your Numbers, Grow Your Business (Part 3)

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Week 3 of “PT Business Growth School” has arrived…

..and this week we were joined in class by expert “Andrew Vertson” of Intecore PT (Ca), talking us all through the essential financial principles of running a business.

True Story: My own clinics grew so fast that I *almost ran into issues with cash-flow* – which only happened because I wasn’t accurately able to keep track on what WAS working, and what WASN’T – which is no way to run any kind of business…

Then I met Andrew… who showed me a better way.

But he didn’t just talk “numbers”…

…We went way deeper than that, and spoke in depth about how to put an end to staff headaches by laying the numbers out in front of them, and how to make sure you have the right staff on the bus to keep moving forward – and take your clinic growth to the next level.

And all based upon the NUMBERS!…

With that said, let’s go behind the scenes of “Module 3” and the “10” most valuable highlights from “Week 3” of PT Business Growth School.

Key Takeaways

#1 Who Are YOU?

The way you answer this question is going to determine how successful your business is going to be:

Are you the Clinician? Or are you the Owner?

If you’re the Clinician working in your practice, the business RUNS you.

But if you’re the Owner working on your practice, you’ll be able to step aside and do more of what you really want to grow your clinic further, while the systems run it for you.

Who do you want to be?

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#2 The Numbers Don’t Lie

You can’t improve what you don’t measure.

“When something is measured, the measure improves.

When it is measured and reported back, it improves dramatically.”

Track the numbers that actually matter every week (and stop wasting time on the useless ones…) to keep them “healthy”, and your clinic moving in the right direction.

…Which is UP!

Next, what should you look at?…

#3 Track Employee Metrics

This holds employees accountable for their job AND the expectations of their job.

Tracking these numbers is vital, so as a business owner if the numbers aren’t being met, you can get to the root cause of why. And if they are, you can be certain that business is moving in the right direction.

#4 What Metrics Do You Track For Therapists?

Some of the key metrics you should track include:

– Visits seen
– Evaluations
– Discharges


– Drop-offs

These numbers are KEY to knowing how much growth (or lack of growth), there could be in the following week.

#5 What Metrics Do You Track For The Front Desk?

Here’s some of the key metrics you should track for your Front Desk:

– Visits
– Advanced Schedule
– No-shows


– Cancellations

Again, all of these are CRITICAL to knowing you have the right systems in place, that staff understand what it is you need them to do, and if the numbers aren’t right, you know exactly what to focus on.

#6 Commit To Weekly Staff Trainings

Probably one of the most powerful, if not THE most powerful components of clinic growth is weekly staff training sessions.

During each meeting, if you’re transparent with your metrics, it’s much easier to keep staff on board with your mission and even to help them grow as individuals, so you can keep making progress and enjoy the ride together.

#7 Dealing With Staff Resistance To Change

I’m not going to pretend that it’s not hard to get staff on board with change, I see a lot of business owners stuck in a dog fight with staff who resist change…

And it might even come at a price of losing that member of staff who doesn’t want to join in.

But when you get someone new walk through the door, and you sit them down to interview – lay it out in front of them, tell them how you do business, tell them your vision, and if they resist…

Then you know that they’re NOT the one you’re going to want to play on your team – as they’ll just hold you back.

And on the flip-side by doing this, you’ll also find that one needle in the haystack who loves it, and will be on board with you all the way.

#8 Getting Staff Off The Bus

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I tell my staff this often – “I’m either taking this business in a rocket ship to the moon and you’re coming with me… OR it’s blowing up.”

I get the impression that a lot of business owners believe they have to move mountains to get people to buy in to their vision.

Not true.

The only thing you have to do is give each staff member the opportunity to grow with you… And if they don’t?

Sit down and tell that employee that it’s in THEIR best interests that they get off the bus – and look for another job.

#9 Incentives Hurt Businesses

I avoid them at all costs – incentives turn companies into a sales environment, and can even change the entire ‘feel’ that you want your staff and patients to experience.

Take care of your employees, and they’ll give you what you need, and as a result will show less ‘push-back’ along the journey.

Bring money into it – it gets emotional, and you’ll likely lose them to someone else.

#10 Look At Your Business As A Business

The thing with most PT Business Owners is, they have an emotional attachment to their business.

Once you can break away from the emotion, making decisions becomes 100x easier, and you won’t have to put up with headaches any longer.

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Okay! There’s your digest of Module 3!

To sum it up:

Success in business is always about the long-term investment, which sometimes means we’ve got to put up with the short-term pain…

99.9% of PT clinic owners out there aren’t willing to do this…

But that’s what sets apart the successful business owners, from the ones who ‘just get by’.

Are you willing to do what it takes to fly your business to the moon too?

Next week we’ll be taking an even deeper look into, and will be expanding on – how to automate a culture of clinical, and service excellence.

How do you find, motivate and train people you want to bring into your team?

Whether you’re planning on growing your business from just you to 2, OR from 5 to 25, then your focus HAS to be on how you find and grow the people in your organization.

We’ll be back next week to fill you in.


If you’d like to get notified of when this class next becomes available –please click here and we’ll be sure to add you to the early priority list, next time.

OR, if you’re brand new to my PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>



Why I Regularly Ask My Staff To Quit

Comes a pressing question yesterday about “staff”:


“Paul, I love what you say about making sure you have the right staff “on the bus”…

…do you think that YOU have the right staff on the bus at your clinic right now?”

– Michelle, Bay Area, San Francisco.



Didn’t see that question coming…

And the answer is this:

“NO… I DON’T!”

I NEVER have *all* of the right staff on the bus.

Why I Regularly Ask My Staff To Quit


Because my bus is always moving faster than everyone on board would like it to be.

But that isn’t a staffing problem…

…or a culture problem.

It’s a “progress” problem.

(And a great one to have!).

See, it’s unrealistic to think that everyone in your office is going to keep up with the changes and improvements that an owner HAS to make these days, to prosper.

If there’s “10” staff in my office…

…I work on the theory there’s always at least “1” out of “10” who CAN’T keep up…

…and there’ll be another “1” who doesn’t WANT to keep up.

Is that such a big deal?

Course not.

And I can fight it out WITH THEM…

…Or, I can recognize it, accept it – and then tackle it before it affects company culture and growth.

I see a LOT of business owners stuck in a dog fight with staff who resist change…

…and I get the impression that a lot of them think it’s either a “personal” thing against them – that the employee doesn’t want to change out of spite…

…OR, that as a business owner WE have to move mountains to get these people to buy in to our vision.

Neither are true.

The ONLY thing that we do is give them every opportunity to grow with us…

…and THEN assess whether they will or they won’t (get on board).

And if they don’t?

I know from experience that siting down with that employee and explaining why I think it’s in *THEIR* best interests if they get off the bus (and look for another job,) is usually the best course of next action.

After that?

Get back to driving the bus…

Because there’s another employee more suited to the direction that your bus is headed in, waiting at the next stop.

Aaaaalllll right, another PT business lesson over.

If you want some help to move your bus in the right direction…

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>


Paul Gough

Why Patient Testimonials On Your Website Can Hurt Clinic Profits

Story time:

So a couple of days back I had a conversation with a PT from “New Orleans” (…on a “Strategy Call”)…

He is “Cash Based” – two years in, and is doing “ok”.

(But wants more!)

He told me that one of his biggest problems was that no matter what he said or did, he couldn’t get people to agree to more than “3” or “4” sessions with him.

(Even though they need MORE.)

Want to know what the problem was?:

Could it be his “evaluation techniques”?…

Or, maybe the “out of pocket cost”?…

Or, is the “insurance” issue still lurking in the back drop and even though they’re seeing him, they’ve got one eye on going to a big hospital system across the street…?

Well, actually, it was none of the above.

The issue was much simpler…

See, one look at his website told me everything I needed to know…

Almost every single “testimonial” on this PT’s website spoke about how “fast” he is able to treat his patients…

Why Patient Testimonials On Your Website Can Hurt Clinic Profits (1)

These testimonials on his site spoke all about how he got people better in “just 3” (or 4!) visits.

And, because patients search on our websites looking to find any last bit of information just to make sure they’ve made the right decision – is it any wonder that their EXPECTATIONS are that they too, will be healed, in “just 3 or 4 sessions” when they see these testimonials?

Of course not.

So the real problem?

It’s a “Marketing” problem.

And, a lack of a REAL value anchor that gives you a genuine competitive advantage, over your competition.

Instead of running on “speed”…

…what should be happening is that your perfect, most ideal patient is making a decision based upon the superior INFORMATION that you provide that lets them come to their own conclusion over why you are better.

This information equates to VALUE.

Now, giving people information to help them make better decisions means that the relationship gets off to a “slow start”…

…but it gathers pace at a rate of “knots” as your prospective patient REALIZES that you, obviously, are the best provider of choice for them, as they see it, for what they need!

If you’re trying to win the race by testimonials that say how quick you work…

…it’s just one step up from saying you’re the “cheapest”.

And the type of client you’ll attract, is the one that wants the job doing in the shortest, fastest possible time frame.

That’s fine…

But what if that guy or gal has had “Sciatica” for the last 6 months and he expects to be fixed inside “3” visits…

You’re going to run into “push back” when you explain that it’s likely to take 4-6 weeks, and maybe 9-12 sessions to get the long lasting relief he needs.

On the flip side…

If that person has entered your world through a “lead nurture system” that educates them all about low-back pain and sciatica – and how long it REALLY takes to heal them – you’re going to get more buy in.

What’s more…

You’re able to charge more…

Because that same educational based nurture system builds TRUST into the relationship…

…ads significant value…

…and ensures that people arrive at your clinic with the right perception of what you’re really going to do – and for that, they are happy to pay more for.

Aaaall right, lesson over for today.

If you want some help to improve your clinics chances of being more successful…

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

[PT Business Growth School] – The New Patient Journey Experience (Part 2)

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So Week 2 of “PT Business Growth School” – has kicked off, and the momentum and energy just keeps building…

This week my 72 students were joined in class by PT industry Superstar “Jerry Durham”…

(…who REALLY lifted the energy!)

What I love about Jerry is that he “gets it”…

He “gets” that as a health care provider we have to do more than just be “great clinicians”…

…We’ve got to be EVEN BETTER providers of EXPERIENCES for the people we serve at our clinics.

It’s why I brought Jerry in to co-teach the module titled “The New Patient Journey Experience” – where we map out the ENTIRE journey – step-by-step – that your patients go through with you, and ensure that they get more than they were expecting.

So with that said, here’s a digest of Module 2, and “10” of the most prevailing highlights from Week 2 of PT Business Growth School.

Key Takeaways


Last week (over in Week 1’s highlights), I explained that your clinics “USP” is possibly the No.1 most important thing you can get clear on to grow your business…

(Your ‘UNIQUE Serving Proposition’)

Once you know that, you can begin to communicate differently with your clients.

The next thing to do is CREATE AN EXPERIENCE that your patients are happy to pay for.

“Goods and services” are no longer enough to foster growth in ANY industry…

…And given that the PT Profession is saturated with undifferentiated providers of what appears to be the “same service”…

…The greatest opportunity to beat the ‘co-pay’ or “deductibles” issue is to deliver an exceptional start to end EXPERIENCE that they’re very happy to pay MORE for.

For context – at my clinic they pay $160 per visit.

$100 for PT…

…The other $60 is for the experience my team and I provide for them.

#2 Being Nice, Polite And Courteous – Isn’t Enough

When it comes to “customer service”, being “nice”, “polite” and “courteous”, just isn’t enough any more.

Those things should be happening anyway.

And I worry that some owners think that’s them providing an experience.

It really isn’t.

When someone pays for a service, they pay for a set of intangible activities to be carried out on their behalf – like a “Massage”.

But when someone buys an “experience”, they pay to spend time enjoying a series of MEMORABLE EVENTS that a company stages to engage them in a personal way…

#3 PT Clinics Are A Commodity

Quick task:

“Do a Google search for PT clinics in your area”.

How many come up?

A lot!

Screen Shot 2016-05-13 at 17.01.07

The problem is this: we live in a ‘Service Based Economy’ where consumers become more and more likely to purchase goods solely on price and availability…

If people in your town can’t “differentiate” between the other clinics in your town and you – then the only thing you compete on is your PT service – and it’s for that reason so many clinics are experiencing a price pressure right now with patients looking for the cheapest, and minimal viable option.

The answer is to provide an exceptional experience that makes you different.

#4 Creating An Experience Requires You To Do 4 Things

Each of these:

1. Educate (actively)

2. Entertain

3. Escapism

4. Aesthetics

And if any one is missing, then customers feel it and will tell you their dislike of their current experience with the words “I can’t afford to come more than once per week”.

Roughly translated as: “I don’t see the value in coming here more than once because I’m only getting a massage or some exercises.”

Give them a reason to come that is MORE THAN JUST PT – and they usually do.

#5 The Way Your Phone Gets Answered Is The Most Important Part Of The Relationship

When a brand new patient makes the decision to pick up the phone and call you, that first phone call is the most important interaction that will take place.


Why so important?

Your no show rates, cancel and arrival rates are 100% determined, before the patient EVEN arrives in your office.

Unfortunately, for most patients, they don’t get more than a “3” minute phone call that does nothing except confirm an appointment time and talk about insurance.

At best they’ll get some directions and told to go onto a website to fill out some forms before they arrive.

That was ok in the 20th Century when people didn’t have a choice, but it’s not acceptable anymore…

#6 A New Way To Answer The Phone

Ir’s important that you don’t get involved in a “transactional” phone call…

…and no matter how they start the call, it’s about you being able to smoothly transition to a question that is both engaging and emotional.

This allows you to add EQUITY and VALUE to the relationship BEFORE you even get them on schedule.

What’s more, doing this will help you better answer the first question that almost all patients ask:

“I need to book an appointment,
*do you take my insurance*?”

#7 Take Your Patients On A Journey

This is the critical difference between the good and the great clinics…

And it’s what successful companies like the ‘Ritz Carlton’ are doing to WOW their customers and stand out from the crowd.

Remember – people don’t want PT, they want the TRANSFORMATION that the skills we have can provide.

(Big difference…)

And one of the things we should do is “time travel” – and that means finding out where people want to get to as a result of coming to see you.

How do you do that?

Take the time to ask them *on the first phone call*!

#8 Chuck The Insurance Under The Bus!

One of the easiest ways to make a connection with a patient is to find something in common…

And if there’s one thing that patients and PT business owners have in common right now…

…it’s a dislike of insurance!

As my good friend Jerry Durham says:

“It doesn’t do any harm to “chuck the insurance companies under the bus” once in a while, if the sore subject of “co-pay” or “deductibles” is getting in the way of much needed care”.

#9 The Value Added Welcome Sequence

This is one of the most powerful systems that helps to grow a thriving PT clinic!

Having this ensures that your patients recognize the value of what you’re bringing to their life – and even provides you with a safety blanket.

That means that even if your secretary is having an ‘off day’ and the first phone call with a new patient doesn’t get answered as you would like…

…You can relax knowing that this email sequence will be in action helping patients to understand more about what makes your clinic so different – and what you will REALLY be doing to help them in exchange for their time and money.

#10 Give Them The “Warm And Fuzzy” Feeling

It’s important to CONNECT with patients before they arrive.

I call it giving them the “warm fuzzy” feeling so that they are excited about coming to see you.

It could be a video of something fun, something that shows-cases you, your staff or your clinic … and allows people to resonate, and feel CERTAIN that they made the best decision about coming to see you!

(People pay a LOT to feel certain these days!)

Ok, there’s your “digest” of Module 2…

To sum up:

It’s all about growing a business that puts PEOPLE first.

If you do that – you’ll make the profits you truly deserve and people will get the help they surely need.

Right now my students are on with their homework ahead of next week – where we’ll be joined by PT industry “numbers” Expert, Andrew Vertson!

PT Business Growth School is all about having a business that grows without you – and for that to happen, you’ve got to track your numbers.

The problem is, which ones??

We’ll be sure to share some of the highlights from Andrew with you, next week.


If you’d like to get notified of when this class next becomes availableplease click here and we’ll be sure to add you to the early priority list, next time.

OR, if you’re brand new to my PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

What If Your Best PT Took Off With Your Past Patient List?

In which the same question was asked recently:


“Paul, I’m growing my clinic to the point I feel I need to hire a second staff PT.

My worry is that if I bring one on board with me, he/she could very easily leave in a year or two’s time and take off with all of my patients that I’ve done all of this great marketing to get.

Any tips to stop that from happening to me?”

– Bernardo, Naples (Fl)


Common concern for a lot of PT’s growing businesses…

Although I’m not sure that I’ve ever had the mis-pleasure of worrying over it.

Shoulder Pain- What You Can Do To Ease It If You've Been Putting Up With It For Weeks...
Here’s why:

From the moment I started my private, cash pay practice, I was focused on something much bigger and higher than just building a clinic that would take people out of pain…

I had a hunch from day one that people wanted a lot MORE than a “massage”, some “McKenzie exercises”, “posture advice” or dry needling.

And it turns out I was right…

The foundation that my clinics success – and rapid growth – is built upon is the PERSONALITIES of the people I employ.

And it’s those personalities that combine to create an EXPERIENCE that is greater than the sum of any one of them.


If one of my “rock star” PT’s wants to take off with a bunch of email address or telephone numbers from my EMR…

…it won’t make a blind bit of difference (to me).

My patients don’t just come to the Paul Gough Physio Rooms for physio…

…they come to be recognized, to be valued as people, to have the phone answered in three rings, to have their coffee made how they like it (without having to remind or ask), to continue the conversations about their grandchildren that started last time… and so on and so on.

Basically, to leave with their physical and emotional concerns taken care of.

And above all else, they buy into the certainty that comes from me establishing a BRAND that is 100% focused on the one thing that UNITES every business owner, every where in the world – *people*.

Because it’s the people that you serve that you should always be focusing on…

…and the minute you or I worry about that “rock star” (a.k.a. pain in the “ass”) PT, then we’ve lost focus, and if we don’t bring it back fast, then THAT’ll be the reason that a businesses will fail – or never get going in the first place.

My tip:

If you’re ready for growth…

…find the best and most fun loving, out going, people orientated admin person who you can afford to pay – someone who can light up your reception area on a cold and wet Monday morning and who can bring a smile to the face of a prospective patient, who’s IN PAIN with sciatica, through a first time conversation over the phone.

Hire that person BEFORE you do anything else…

Because if you bring in the front desk person BEFORE you hire a staff PT, then you’re already on track to creating an EXPERIENCE that’ll be greater than the sum of its parts.

Most people get the PT first – and that’s because they’re so focused on the money that they can PROVE he or she makes that owner, at the end of each week.

That’s called focusing on the “short term” monetary gain…

And that’s fine…

We have to do some of that…

But, the big (and lasting) victories go to the guys or gals’ who are in this for the long haul and do the stuff that we know to be RIGHT, despite what the tight fisted accountants lady might say.

What camp are you sitting in?…


If you want some help to drive your business forward, join my email list and we’ll be sure to provide you with the business education that PT School forgot to deliver.

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[PT Business Growth School] – Discover Your Clinics USP (Part 1)

Week one of “PT Business Growth School” kicked off this week, and just as I imagined, we had GREAT time with a number of breakthroughs.

It was high energy…

It was intense…

And there were a lot of breakthroughs…

If you joined in with us, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

But as I know some of you weren’t able to join the program this time, I wanted to keep you informed of what we’re learning.

So here’s a look behind the scenes of what happened in Module 1 of the class, and we share with you “10” of the most powerful highlights from week one of PT Business Growth School:

Key Takeaways

#1 USP – What It Is… And WHY You Need One

Your USP is THE most important thing you can get clear on.

IT’s impossible to grow a business without knowing yours.

What is a USP?…

It’s the thing that elevates you above the noise – helps you stand out from the competition.

It’s usually known as a “Unique Selling Proposition”, but I prefer:

Unique Serving Proposition.

Having a clearly defined USP makes you DIFFERENT, helps people make better decisions about coming to see you, and if you intertwine it in your clinics communication, it’s also one of the ways you can overcome co-pay and out of network cost objections from patients who are still a little hesitant.

Many Business Owners make this mistake in their clinic branding and Marketing strategy – they assume their clinics Marketing message should be all about THEMSELVES, it shouldn’t.

All of your brand and Marketing should be about your PATIENTS, and what’s in it for them, so the consumer can make a decision on you and what you do – in a heartbeat.

#2 A USP Is NOT A Slogan

The truth is slogans like “providing quality, effective care” and, “the results you want, the care you deserve” – don’t mean a thing to your patients. Yes they want great “results” and “care”… But don’t you think that’s what they expect?

The big guys like Apple and Pepsi can get away with this – BECAUSE THEY SPEND MILLIONS OF DOLLARS PER YEAR to make sure we remember it.

But as small clinic owners with small budgets, forget it!

Create a clear, easy to understand USP that resonates with your patients completely, and they won’t have to think about WHY they’re paying you this deductible or co-pay you’re asking for.

#3 Understand How You Are Really Serving Your Patients

We don’t do “PT”.

What we do is much more important than that.

What we do?

We help people live a life without painkillers, avoid surgery, and help people walk further for longer…

People will pay $50 to relieve their back pain…

…But they will pay $1000’s to get back their confidence to play golf every weekend, or play with their grandkids in the swing park again.

The problem with being a “Service” is that people don’t value the skill associated with the service – only the end result.

#4 Your Patients Have Three Problems

External, internal and philosophical.

Most PT’s talk to people about their external problems when what they should be doing to stand out, is talk to them about INTERNAL problems.

#5 The Most Important Point To Remember When Trying To “Sell Your Services”

As a general rule, we move AWAY from pain and loss – not towards health and happiness – which is why slogans that promise “reach the peak of health”, don’t resonate with many people or compel them to make decisions.

People have a hard time imagining how good it feels to be happy and healthy right now when they’re suffering. Move them AWAY from pain, and co-pay won’t be an issue.

Instagram Quote - Dr referrals

#6 The Trump Effect

I’m not shocked by HOW Donald Trump has been successful in spite of everything that gets said about him.

What does he do so well?

He makes his message very simple and clear so that it’s blindingly obvious what he’s going to do for people.

If you say you’re a Physical Therapist, that’s not blindingly obvious.

Why? Because if you interviewed 1000 people and asked them, none of them would be able to give you a consistent, or accurate representation of what you could do – for them.

Ask a Trump supporter what he will do for them and the answer will be “He’ll build us a wall”.

What are your prospective patients saying about what you, and a PT does?

#7 Core Values – Why Do You Need Them?

Core values help you to create a company that runs and thrives without the owner.

They make hiring and firing easy, and patients LOVE coming to a place with a genuine focus on core values.

At the Paul Gough Physio Rooms, sticking to the core values we got clear on, coincided with explosive growth of the business that has never slowed since.

#8 Create An Experience Your Patients Won’t Forget

Having core values embedded in your business will help you create an experience you want your patients to feel consistently.

‘WOW’ them with world class customer service, and clinic growth will become a hundred times easier.

#9 Effortless Company Decisions

All of your company decisions can be made from your core values, and that lets you strip away any emotion surrounding difficult decisions that are associated with running a business.

They help you to focus clearly on creating a BETTER place for your patients, staff and YOU!

(And make the hiring and firing process, a breeze).

#10 Your Job Is To “Drive The Bus”

As a business owner, your job is to “drive the bus” and to do that successfully you need a clear destination, and clearly defined core values that govern the behaviour of the people on the bus.

(Your staff!)

This guarantees you a rockstar team – without the hassle and crap that comes with hiring that one “rock star” who you sometimes feel dependent upon and live in fear of losing.

It’s all about creating a culture with the right people that have your back when it comes to growing the business and serving your patients – and letting go of the ones who don’t, or won’t get on board with change.

Bus drivers NEVER try to stop people getting off – because there’s always someone else to pick up at the next stop!

Just keep driving!


That’s it for Module 1…

The students are all getting on with their homework right now ahead of next week’s class where we’ll be joined by PT Industry superstar Jerry Durham!…

We’ll be going into depth on something I call the “New Patient Journey Experience” – refining every touch point that your patients experience with you, and showing the students how to consistently provide amazing experiences all across your business.

We’ll send you a re-cap of Module 2.


If you’d like to get notified of when this class next becomes availableplease click here and we’ll be sure to add you to the early priority list, next time.

OR, if you’re brand new to my Business Education Material:

Click Here to Subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you More Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

Playing The Long Ball Game – Why It’s The Shortest Path To PT Business Success

As I write this I’ve JUST finished packing my bags for another trip.

In the last *3 months* I’ve flown around the world and back from Australia – taking in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney…

…I’ve travelled from San Diego (Ca) to Myrtle Beach (SC) – and back (the WIDTH of the US) – and I’m today preparing for another long flight to Orlando (Via London) before heading to Miami and Nashville and back home.

(Inside 7 days).

It’s gunna’ be a wild few days.

BUT, I’m EXCITED as hell for it! 😉

Tomorrow I’m flying “solo”…

(No family this time).

Playing The Long Ball Game - Why It’s The Shortest Path To PT Business Success

Too short of a trip that doesn’t give Harry (my two year old) a chance to get over the “jet lag” before we’d have to fly back.

Now, whenever I’m about to leave town (flying solo) the topic of conversation is always about “will I miss Harry?”.

My answer:

“More than I could ever tell you”.

When I drive away from the house in the morning, it will be PAINFUL!

Knowing that I’m not going to get to read him his bed time story – or hear him laugh out loud for a whole 7 days – is not nice.

But here’s the thing:

I always think LONG-TERM.

In business, and as a parent.

With “Harry”, I know the day will come very soon where he’ll ask me for some advice on what he should do with his life.

Instead of being a parent who tells him to “live his dreams”…

…I want to be a parent who “SHOWS” him how to do it.

(Big difference).

So as I leave him tomorrow morning I know that the short term pain I’m going to “feel” – as I close the door on his bedroom at 4.30am – will one day be worth it.

It may be a few years down the line…

…but that day is coming where he’ll need my help to make decisions that’ll help shape the rest of his life…

…much more than he needs me this week to “just be there”.

What’s this got to do with business?


Business is no different…

It’s always, always, always… about the LONG-BALL GAME.

Too many people out there in PT Land are focusing on how their business looks TODAY – and not how they want it to look in the long run.

Waiting for the phone to ring or hoping for a referral from a doctor to arrive “TODAY” – is living “day-to-day”.

Walking into your PT clinic and checking the stats on the number of new “leads” you picked up over the weekend via your “Marketing Automation” is focusing long term.

Understanding that a “truck-load” of people in your community need what you do – want what you do – but just don’t know enough to confidently say “YES” to paying for help is you “starting” to think about your business long term.

Setting up the appropriate “nurture systems” to help those people make the right decision, faster, is you PROVING that you’re in it for the long haul.

(What will you check today? ;-))

Last things last:

As I board my flight tomorrow – it’s made easier knowing that the SYSTEMS I set up in my business 3 years ago are powering my clinic today.

I can’t imagine ever returning to a world where I rely upon staff or “procedures that are kept only in my head”…

…meaning that as soon as my plane touches down I’d be having to take an international call from one of the girls in my office asking:

“Paul, how do we do…”.

Those days are long gone.

My business is built for scale…

Built to last…

And, most importantly of all…

Built to let me go and live my dreams…

…Meaning when *THAT* conversation arises (with “Harry”)…

…I’m able to look him square in the eyes and tell him precisely how I did what I’m telling him to go and do next.

(…Live HIS dreams!).

Happy Monday.

Paul Gough.

P.S Business Growth School is filling up fast…

“6” of the “10” priority notification spots have already gone.

Go here next if you want to get a chance to join my next 6 weeks program which, as it happens, is AAAAALLLL about how I created the systems in my business that let me spend this much time away from my business.

(I think it was “22” weeks last year…).

Go here next to get notified early:

PT Business Growth School – Early And Priority Notification To Save $250 Off The Regular Fee To Join ! >


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