Author Archives: Paul Gough

About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.

Do You Take My Insurance?

It’s a question that a lot of PT’s get asked.

And, it’s a question you should NEVER answer.

(Not at first, anyways).

That’s because the person asking it, doesn’t REALLY want to know the answer to it.

Do You Take My Insurance-

Let me explain:

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See, at first, it’s the *ONLY* thing patients know how to ask.

Just like a guy who walks up to a girl in a bar…

…he doesn’t really want to know “do you come here often?”…

He just doesn’t know what else to ask to get the relationship going.

What he really wants to know is:

“Are you single?”

“What are your hobbies and interests?”

“Do you like to go to the movies?”

“Do you think I might be your type?”

Etc, etc.

Now of course, we all know that what he wants to know – and what he actually asks – are two totally different things.

The “do you come here often” question is the one that feels easiest…

Even though it’s the one that gives the LEAST chance of getting what he wants.

“Her name and number – and eventually, a date!”

Why does he do it?


It’s because very few people have the confidence to “LEAD”…

“Those people include YOUR PROSPECTIVE PATIENTS”

To lead with questions that’ll actually give us the answers we really want and need, takes a lot of confidence.

Something that NOT many people in society have.

And it’s the same with your patients.

They ask the “do you take my insurance question” simply because it’s the easiest place to start.

But, what they really want to know is things like:

* “Do you understand my values?”.

* “Do you provide a service for someone like “me?”…


* “Do you provide the type of one-on-one care that someone like me needs and wants, but who is a little bit nervous and skeptical (about everything) …

…and YET REALLY wants to make some progress with my health – even though I’m not overly sure how to get this PT thing started?”

It’s that sort of thing going on here…

But they are NEVER going to come out and ask you that.

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It’s just not going to happen because they don’t know how to ask for that type of thing.

So when you answer the “do you take my insurance question” with a “yes” or “no”…

…you’ve not helped them to get what they REALLY wanted.

And if it’s a “NO” (you don’t take their insurance), then no matter how hard you try to convince them to pay out of pocket, from that moment on you’ve lost them because the consumer was waiting to hear a “yes”.

And they had already made up their mind about what would happen if they hear a “no”.

(They would call someone else who does because in the absence of any other value proposition,  they had no reason to keep listening to you).

So, what do they need to hear from you to give you a shot of acquiring their business even though you might not accept their insurance?

Something along the lines of:


“Well Mrs. Smith, regardless of whether or not we take your insurance, it’s very likely that we’ll be able to help you either way – and that’s because the outcomes we get for our patients are not dependent upon what insurance you’re with…

Do you want to start by telling me a little bit about what you need, and I’ll tell you how we can help…”


Now for some PT’s reading this, that type of telephone conversation will be hard to have…

…just won’t feel right.

However, for the “2” (or maybe “3”) who actually pick up that script and use it next time the phone rings at their clinic…

…I can’t wait to hear the success stories and how many extra books you book all happy to pay your out of pocket and despite you NOT taking their insurance 😉

Because without any doubt, that IS how you answer the phone in this new health care economy if you like seeing more new names on your schedule.


I’ve said it many, many… many times…

There’s never been a better time to run a PT Business – as long as you’re thinking differently and looking in the right direction.

That new direction starts here:

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Registration for my new class “Business Growth School” opened yesterday – and “3” seats have been taken already by Dr.Jarod Carter’s podcast fans.

There’s a whole module included on “Scripts”… meaning we look at new ways of answering the phone or booking patients that’ll limit the amount of money you could be losing from questions like:

“Do I have to pay that “co-pay” EVERY TIME”…


“Do you take my insurance”…

We’ll be making small changes to your business that’ll make a huge difference at the end of the month.

Go here next to find out more:

Paul Gough’s Business Growth School – Find Out More ! >

The Next Best And Greatest PT There’s Ever Been…

Story time:

So yesterday I did the traditional Sunday afternoon thing and took my family for a good-old fashioned, English “Sunday roast”.

After spending 8 weeks travelling across the US – eating out most evenings and dining at some very “authentic” fine cuisine places…

…it’s been nice to get back to “fish and chips” and a “Sunday Roast with beef and Yorkshire pudding”.

(Proper English delicacies that you’ll have to try when you come over here some time to visit 😉

So yesterday, we went to a restaurant that I’d been to before…

A place that provides EXCEPTIONAL FOOD…


And, DELIVERS on all of it’s promises.

But, also a place that inserts a “$8.50” plate charge for a “2” year old boy who, at most, had three small potatoes and a little bit of his Mammy’s pudding at the end.

We didn’t see that one coming!

The real impact of that “$8.50” charge?

I’d say “$1000’s” LOST in future revenue.

And here’s why:

look upinto the stars.
See, I was happy to pay the “$8.50”…

But my girlfriend wasn’t…

Neither was my Mother…

And, neither was my Grandmother.

They just couldn’t see it…

Now obviously, I’m in business, so I accept that a business has to make a living by selling things to consumers – no matter what age – and if people are bringing their kids in, however old, then they should pay!

Fairs fair.

I’m talking from a place of “logic” and “reason”…

But, the average “consumer” – who walks in there and feeds their kids one or two items off of their plate – isn’t.

They’re FAR from it.

It’s aaaaaaaaall emotional – which is not always good for business!

So here’s what happened next:

Natalie, my Mother, and my Grandmother each spent the whole day telling EVERYONE how “BAD” that restaurant was.

And I mean, EVERYONE.

This being despite the fact that the service was incredible and the food just as good.

The conversation was ALL about what they made us pay for Harry…

…not what they did for us or how nice it was!

The point I’m trying to make?

There are a lot of “stupid” business owners out there…

Even though I can’t help but think that he was RIGHT to charge us…

…in theory…

…most EMOTIONAL consumers would never agree!

He positioned it all wrong and probably is riding high on his EGO – dining out on it – thinking that he’s right.


But but he is paying no attention to the DAMAGE it’s so obviously going to do to his restaurant – in the long run.

If my table was talking about it…

…how many other tables has it happened to since that place has been open?

Consumers are VERY predictable and all our emotional hot buttons are in the same place, pushed by the same act of “stupidity”.

And it doesn’t get much more emotional than when “kids” are involved.

The next point??

There is nothing more suicidal in business that an owner caught up inside his own ego…

…relying so much on his product and service that he NEGLECTS to consider how his words and actions influence what people say, think and feel.

Most restaurant businesses are NOT struggling because of a bad economy…

…AND, most PT businesses are not struggling because of a lack of referrals from doctors…

…they struggle quite simply because the owner is far too focused on the PRODUCT.

On being the “next best” and greatest ever PT that there’s ever been.

Want to know the recipe for long-lasting success in ANY ECONOMY?

Become TRULY world class at being “consumer centric”.

The rewards will ALWAYS go to the business owner who is OBSESSED with figuring out how customers think and feel…

…and how to get them to think and feel more favourable about their product or service.

It’s not about your new exercises or your latest techniques…

They only get you so far.

And it explains why so many PT’s are working harder at their “PT skills” or putting out more “advice on Youtube”…

…yet falling further and further behind when it comes to keeping up with their income and lifestyle goals.

Thankfully, MOST PT’s don’t agree with me on stuff like this…

…which makes it easier for the rest of us to be successful! 😉


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“The Fortune Is In The Follow-Up”: How To Get Ice Cold Prospects To Buy From You For Life

On this Physical Therapy Profit Academy Master Class, we’re going to show you how to use the power of follow-up (a.k.a Nurture Systems) to turn ice cold prospects into life long paying patients, even if they say NO to your services at the beginning.

This is perhaps one of THE most important topics we’ve ever covered on these articles.

Why? Because most people when they are browsing on websites or even inside of stores, are NOT READY TO BUY NOW.

They’re simply STARTING to make decisions.

Even if they inquire about cost or insurance – and they don’t like the answer – it doesn’t mean that’s the end of the relationship it simply means they make a quick, snap shot decision that they didn’t like or maybe understand proposition.

As humans beings – when we hear something we don’t quite like the sound of – or are unsure of – or that is confusing – we say NO by instinct.

It doesn’t mean they DON’T value their health.

Big difference.

And all it means is that YOU haven’t done enough to see the REAL VALUE in your services yet.

On the blog so far we’ve covered things like:

How to fill up your in-house workshop events with a 9 step strategy

How to keep discharged patients coming back for life


How to get more new patients to land on your clinic’s website

ALL of which tie in with the topic of providing VALUE to potential new patients – THE most important thing to get across in your clinic’s Marketing and sales!

But in today’s article, we’re going to take an even deeper look into how you can provide value to prospects at every stage of their journey, until they say ‘YES’ to paying you for PT.

It all comes down to just this one thing. Following up.

Following up on an inquiry EVEN IF they said no.

It’s so important that one of my favourite sayings in business is this:

“The Fortune Is In The Follow-Up”

“The Fortune Is In The Follow-Up”- How To Get Ice Cold Prospects To Buy From You For Life

I’ll explain more about that in just a moment.

But first, as a business owner you’ve probably heard this (in one way or another) several times before:

– Sell value, not PT skills

– Emphasise value, not cost

– Build value to build relationships

– Provide value with everything you do

But what does it mean to “provide value?”

What exactly do prospects care about?

And how can you deliver it to them while growing your clinic at the same time?

The answer is simple:

“With a powerful follow-up system in place”.


Imagine all of the people who have made an inquiry at your practice by an email or a telephone call, and all of the people who have landed on your website but didn’t book…

How many people do you think that is?

On a Master Class with my group of PT Entrepreneurs the other week I asked this exact same question, their response?

“Oh jeez!!!”….

That’s always the response I hear whenever clinic owners imagine how many people they’ve let slip away because they don’t have solid follow-up systems in place.

Just imagine if you could take even just 30% of those people who have made inquiries and turn them into paying patients…

Where would you be in your life right now?

One of the answers from a PT in my Next Level group?

“Retired, in a second home in Charleston”.

That’s how much not losing his prospects mean to him.

So what exactly do I mean when I say “the fortune is in the follow-up”?


Right now, there’s more people checking out your practice on your website, making inquiries, thinking about coming in to see you… than actually DO (pull the trigger and come to see you).

So if you could take 30% of those people – who would normally just browse your site or see an ad and not take action – and turn them into patients…

…then think about the compound effect of them coming back and even referring friends, do you think it would add up a lot of dollars to your clinic?

And, would it be worth your time to set up a few simple “follow up” systems?

OF course it would.

Success in business comes down to just one thing.

Proving value.


And usually BEFORE you get paid.

But the thing is, a lot of business owners (not just PT owners!), live in a world where they think prospects that didn’t buy “just don’t see value”, or they’re “tight, cheap and don’t want to pay” – which couldn’t be further from the truth.

If you think that to be true – you’re almost labelling yourself as “tight and cheap” too.

Let me explain:

I know that every single one of us goes through the same “in-decision” making process each and every day…

We go to a website, or walk into a shop, and if the guy comes up to us and says “Do you need some help?”

Our first reaction is almost, always “NO”.

But here’s the thing, if I’m shopping for a new “suit” for example, I’m in there making a decision about what suit I want to get – and traditionally what will happen is I’ll walk out of a store telling myself “I’ll have a think on that”…

And I genuinely am “having a think”…

But then I just forget!

Life gets in the way.

Something else comes up, or I walk into another store, or the girlfriend has already spent the money, or whatever it will be…

But if that guy in the store had approached me and asked something different like – “Sir, I can see you’re thinking about buying this suit, are you going to a Wedding soon?

Or have you got an event or something special to go to?”

Instead saying “no” right away, my reaction would have been completely different – I’d start to engage with him and he’d have a much better shot of potentially getting my email or telephone details so that he can follow up with me – just incase I forget to return.

This behaviour is exactly the same for people who inquire at your clinic by email, telephone or by visiting your website.

Everyone goes through the buyers journey (a series of steps any person must make before they buy):

– Awareness

– Consideration

– Decision

In the awareness stage, people are inquiring at your clinic to seek a solution to a problem they’re having (a twinge in their back, pain in their ankle that’s stopping them from running, an un-diagnosed shoulder problem…)

In the consideration stage prospects have come to an understanding about what they need to do to find the solution to their problem, and they’re thinking about it as they want to be certain you’re the right clinic to pay for PT with before they buy.

And finally in the decision stage, prospects have chosen their solution (to pay for PT), and are evaluating what clinic to do business with.

So it’s your job to help guide them, give them information that helps them confidently say “yes” and to connect and help them make the best decision – so they choose you!

Which is exactly what I’ve trained my staff to do at The Paul Gough Physio Rooms…

As soon as someone inquires – if it’s via email we respond within 24 hours, and if it’s by a phone call or if someone walks in we never talk about Physical Therapy first – we make it all about THEM.

(Not what we do!)

We find out things like what’s been going on, what they’re suffering with, what their pain is stopping them from doing and what concerns them most so we can help guide them into making the best decision.

That way, after 3-4 days where life can get in the way and people forget about inquiring in the first place, when my team call they usually say they’re so happy we did because they completely forgot, but know they need to do something about whatever is going on before it gets worse.

If you follow-up regularly with leads and nurture them, you stand a much higher chance of converting that person into a paying customer than you would if you dived in with talking about PT right away, or doing nothing at all and having no contact details to keep in touch!

Because it’s true – people forget, we all do!

People aren’t “cheap”

They’re not “tight”

And they don’t “de-value their health”

They just don’t see the value in what you do until you SHOW them. And after you’ve got their business – no more nurture systems are needed because you’ll have their business for life!

So you have two choices…

You can either blame people for not booking an appointment, or you can blame yourself for not guiding them (which you can do something about).

You can train staff, put better systems into play, get better success stories, increase the experience people have the moment they touch base with your practice.

The person just needs to be given more information first before they make a decision.

What world do you want to live in?…

A world that you can’t control, or a world that you can?

It’s much more profitable to live in a world that you can – and there’s no competition when you do this because nobody else in your town wants to change the way they do things.

They’re all stuck in the past worrying hard enough HOPING and PRAYING that change and progress will pass them by.

Unfortunately NONE of us – the writer of this article included – is immune from the winds of change.

The PT Industry is most definitely NOT, either.

To sum up:

Keep showing up, and you’re going to get more business.

It’s that simple.


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Hypocritical PT Business Owners

Hear me out…

So I spent the weekend in North Scottsdale, Phoenix…

I’m here spending time in the clinics of some awesome PT’s that I’m helping to move forward with their business…

On Saturday, I took a “hike” to the top of “South Mountain” with some of my team who are here with me:


I always find that when I’m doing something “physical” like hiking up a mountain, the conversation gets REAL!

And this “hike” was no exception.

As we climbed, I spoke about the growing number of businesses being run by “hypocrites”.

Why “hypocrites”?…

Because the owners live their life one way, but run their business another!

Let me give you an example of what I mean:

I don’t know you from this far…

But I bet you RARELY, if ever, make impulsive decisions about buying something that costs more than $500 (…the average cost of PT these days factoring in co-pay and deductibles).

If you saw an advert today for a weekend vacation, a new TV, a new kitchen table, a watch, or anything else in that price bracket, EVEN IF you wanted it or needed it today, chances are you wouldn’t rush out and buy it on a whim.

I’d wager that what would likely happen is that you’d have your attention “snagged”…

Your interest “heightened”.

And, you’d maybe head on over to the website or down to the store to ask one or two questions that would likely advance the sale… 

If you went to the store, you’d probably want to spend at least 20-30 minutes with the sales representative to ask some questions about the new TV you were considering – just to make sure it is going to be right for you.

In essence, you’ve already decided to buy, but what you’re looking for is someone to help validate that decision so that you can be confident in handing over the $500 the store is asking in exchange for the TV.

You know what else might happen?…

You might ask for 24-48 hours to think on it.

To way up your options…

To talk it over with someone at home and consider the VALUE of the proposed TV while in the comfort of your own home – a safe place to make good decisions – before handing over the credit card.

In reality, this whole process could take 2-3 weeks.

(If not longer).

Maybe even 2-3 visits to the store to pick up the remote and play with the TV so you can get a feeling of what that new TV might look like in your front room…

…even begin to think about if this purchase might make “Monday Night Football” (or whatever you love to watch) an even better experience for you and the family.

And when you get to THAT point, guess what you do next?

That’s right, you BUY!

Now contrast that with what is happening at most PT clinics today…

Where’s the provision to help someone who thinks and acts just like you – make that same decision – over a period of weeks?

For most, it’s non-existent.

It’s all “book now” OR “download your forms here”…

If people make decisions like the process I’ve just described, what makes PT Owners think that running an “ad” that announces:

“I’m a physical therapist, 

call me today”

…is ever going to work?

It never will.

But it continues to happen for two reasons: 

The first is “arrogance”.

Many PT’s are literally drowning in their own self-importance and think they’re too busy to help their patients UNLESS they’re getting paid.

(Actions speak louder than words!)

The second is “naivety” – because despite years of medical school training, most PT’s have neglected to ever consider the most fundamental aspect of every successful business – PEOPLE.

And most people rarely make good decisions on impulse. 

In fact, by the time they hit “40”…

… most people have made so many bad ones, they’re *paralytic* with fear about making another one that they make no-decision at all – even if they’ve got chronic low-back pain.  

Want to know how to spot if you’re being a “hypocrite”?

It’s easy…

Look on your clinics website right now…

If it’s the “ME, ME, ME” show – a website focused on you and your great service and qualifications (and not helping the consumer make better decisions) – then you too, are likely to be guilty of living one way, but running your business the other.


Rant over.

If you’re ready to leave the “me, me, me” show behind…

…and head in a new direction that sees you begin to help people BEFORE you get paid for services…

I’ve been doing the “GIVE BEFORE I GET” thing for years now…

It seems that the more that I give, the more that I get.


A business owner who’s successful because he DOESN’T focus on the almighty dollar.

Go figure.

Paul Gough

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How To Fill Up Your In-House Workshop Events By Using This 9 Step Sequence

On this Physical Therapy Profit Academy Master Class, we’re going to show you how to advertise and fill up your educational in-house workshop events by using the 9 step sequence – proven to be able to make your workshops incredibly successful and go off with a bang!

But before I fill you in on the 9 steps, lets take a quick look at Workshop events, and how to really use them to grow and scale your business…

The one thing I want you to understand is that workshops are another form of ‘Education Based Marketing’ where you build trust with potential patients – with the end goal being to get as many people as possible to book a physical therapy session at the end.

But here’s the thing, what I believe to be a problem for many PT clinic owners is that they use workshops as their MAIN, (or ONLY), source of acquiring new patients.

Which will only end up hurting you in the end, because a workshop isn’t a ‘strategy’…

…it’s a ‘tactic’ WITHIN a strategy.

What That Means?

Workshops are a tactic within your lead generation strategy – they’re simply something within your business that helps you to attract more of the perfect patients you WANT to work with, and keep them for life – not just for 8 or 10 treatment sessions.

So when you take a look at the 9 step sequence I’m about to show you, I want you to keep in mind that Workshops shouldn’t BE your business, but to see them as a powerful part of your Marketing game-plan where as Physical Therapists we – ‘give before we get’.

They’re no different than running a newspaper advert giving away a Free Report on ‘back pain tips’, or a free ‘taster session’…

The goal of a workshop is NOT to over educate people, or to prove how clever you are.

The goal is to simply allow people to build trust and familiarity, to help them get to know YOU better, to see the VALUE you can provide them, to discover more about what’s really going on with their low-back, and to make them feel comfortable enough with YOU that they’ll want to come back and see YOU for PT!

Simply put – you’re on trial!

People know that you’re an option, but they just don’t know enough about you yet to invest their time and money into buying your services.

So if you’re looking to add live, in-house workshops to drive more patients to your clinic, how can you do it in a way that provides amazing experiences from the minute they hear about your event – so they turn into a patient for life?

The 9 Step Sequence

Step #1: Create Awareness Filling The Room

How do you make sure you fill up the room?

With advertising!

But not JUST with one form of advertising – but with at least 2 or 3 different media to promote your workshop!

This way you can be sure that you’re setting yourself up for success by creating omni-presence, and people are more likely going to hear all about your event if it’s in multiple places, rather than JUST reading about it in a leaflet.

Some examples?

A newspaper ad, emails to past patients and using social media.

workshop PR ad

Step #2: The First Phone Call – Frame Them For Physical Therapy

This step is vital and one of the most overlooked – it’s not just about getting someone booked into your workshop when they call you up, then putting the phone down.

If it’s done right, you can get people WANTING to book PT with you, before your workshop has even started!

It’s a chance for you to start building a relationship with them, and an opportunity to ask questions that shows them you CARE…

Making it more likely that they’ll say ‘yes’ to your services at the end.

Step #3: Build A Bridge

Make them feel special.

This is a strategy we use once someone has booked into a workshop – that confirms that we listen, understand and really care about what their concerns are.

If you do this, you’ll already be winning and I can guarantee no other clinic will be doing anything like this in your town.

How do yo do this?

You can simply send them a letter with a handwritten thank you note – they won’t expect you to send something like this, but they will LOVE it when you do.

Step #4: Create Anticipation For The Event In The Build Up

Here’s where you get attendees EXCITED for what’s to come.

Most clinics think that a call to secure their seat is good enough…

The reality is there’s still a lot to be done, and you’ve got to show up like no other clinic in your town does.

So if everyone else is sending out handouts with information about ‘back pain’ before the event, what could you do to stand out?

(Hint – you could send them a gift to their home…)

Step #5: Get Them To Show Up!

Here’s how you ensure you get a 100% show up rate, because there’s nothing worse than no one showing up after all of your efforts!

It’s not just about “Hey, we’ll see you in a week!”… it’s about sending reminders within that week to make sure they show up.

Send them things like postcards, emails and phone calls leading up to your workshop to get them ready for the event, and to get them into a frame of mind to take part in something more than just a workshop event.

Workshop - Back Pain Video Image

Step #6: Create “WOW” Factor Experiences

This is our number 1 company value at the Paul Gough Physio Rooms – don’t let attendees judge you ONLY on your presentation.

It’s now almost impossible to grow and scale your business without giving people who visit you an amazing experience.

Nobody really wants to be at a workshop, it’s still a grudge use of their time.

Think of ways you can really brighten their day – show them what you’re really like so you’re a company they want, and can’t wait to do business with!


Step #7: The Interactive Presentation

Here’s where you don’t just educate, but you make your presentation interactive, fun and all about them!

Example – get people to introduce themselves by telling everyone their name and their story.

That way within the first 10 minutes they know you really care about them, and they feel special!

Step #8: Follow Up

The fortune is in the follow up and is a big area of opportunity whether they say yes, OR no to physical therapy at the end.

Because even if they say no, wouldn’t it be great if you could nurture them until they’re ready to say yes?

At least 2 or 3 people will convert into paying patients if you keep in touch with them – why would you skip this step and risk them going elsewhere?

Step #9: Track And Dashboard Everything

How are you going to keep track of everyone who is attending?

How are you going to remember what concerns them most? What drink they want when they arrive? The outcome of the workshop – did they say yes? Or are they just not ready yet?

We have a system in place where we log everything on Infusionsoft so we can never lose touch with attendees and make it a WOW experience that they’re happy they gave up time to come to.

Workshop Dashboard

To round it up when it comes to Workshops, the PT clinic across the street might have a “better” presentation than you… but if you follow these 9 steps your win EVERY TIME because of the level of care and service you give BEFORE people give you their money!


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Where Your PT Business Will Be 12 Months From Now…

Story time:

So I started the year in “Australia”…

…and in the last “7” weeks since coming home, I’ve moved house… successfully launched Accelerator 3.0 (with 58 new students in total joining the 6 week program)…

…flew from London to San Diego to attend a 3 day marketing conference…

…drove from San Diego to Anaheim to attend the 3 day APTA CSM conference (and take in some Disney)…

…and, as I write this email to you now, I’m in Myrtle Beach (SC) – for a 3 day Mastermind Event.

It’s been an epic few weeks.

More to come, too.

Next week we fly to Phoenix before going back to San Diego and on to Austin, Texas.

We’re having the time of our lives…

My two year old son “Harry” travels with me and while his Daddy improves his business education, right now he’s at California Adventure land with his Mother, having a LOT of fun in the sun.

And while all this goes on…

Guess what is running nicely in the back ground, some 6,000 miles away…

That’s right…

“The Paul Gough Physio Rooms”.

The 14 staff I employ back there continue to run the systems I set in place about 2 years ago when I DECIDED I wanted to live this life IN-SPITE of the challenges our industry faces.

People tell me all the time that I have a great life.

They look surprised when I tell them:

“I know,
I designed it”.

See, most people won’t, or can’t accept that everything that happens to them today is because of the decisions they’ve made in the past.

“If you want to know what your decisions were in the past, look at your business today”.


“If you want to know what your business will be like in the future, look at your decisions today”.

It’s that simple.

What’s more….

Having spent 3 full days with 14,000 other PT’s last week, I’m even more certain of this:

There’s NEVER been a better time for you to be running a PT business.

The amount of negativity, resentment and skepticism about the future of the PT industry is making it easier for you and I to be successful…

While they all whine, bitch and moan about situations they can’t control…

…we can make decisions about things that we can!

Like, WHO we’ll even let into our clinics.

The “old-school” PT business owner thinks they have to accept any old patient who calls…

It’s as if… “we got a new one – lets cash the cheque, so we can eat”!

In my humble opinion, continuing to rely upon referrals from doctors is one of the big reasons the PT industry is in such a mess.

Think about what you REALLY get with referrals from doctors:

* Some “good” patients, some not so good.

* Some aged “21”, some aged “61”.

* Some with “wrist pain”, some with “ankle pain”, some with “back pain”

* Some with $50 co-pay, some with $5000 deductibles.

* Some knowing what a PT does…

…but nearly all having NO CLUE and are only there just because their doctor said so.

With no control over who is being referred…

…is it any wonder that most PT clinics are a mess with the un-predictability and frustration at dealing with patients who don’t appear to see the value of a 12 session plan – and don’t want to part with their co-pay?…

So the moral of todays story:

The ONLY way you can grow and scale a business – on your terms, to live the life YOU want – is when YOU decide WHO it is you want to work with.

Figure that out, and the rest becomes a lot easier.

My “58” new Accelerator 3.0 students have been doing it all week.

Want some help to get going?

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>


Paul Gough

How To Keep Discharged Patients Coming Back For Life – With The Help Of Some “Automation” Powered By Infusionsoft

On this Physical Therapy Profit Academy Infusionsoft Master Class, we’re going to show you how to use the power of infusionsoft to keep in touch with patients, even WHEN they’ve been discharged – so they’re a customer for life, and not just for 8 PT sessions.

Previously we’ve covered things like:

How to attract NEW patients to your clinic 
How to master your clinic’s website into a profit generator
How to tackle any patient objection that comes your way

Etc, etc…

Which are all huge for your success!

But in today’s article, we’re going to dig even deeper – specifically, how to make sure that once a patient has come to the end of their treatment sessions, we have a method to keep them coming back to us – for life.

It all begins with….

A Powerful 12 Month (Plus!) Discharge Sequence

…POWERED with the magic of Infusionsoft.

Let me ask you a question:

When someone pays for your services, what happens next?

Do you have something in place to keep in touch with them after?


Does that person walk out of your clinic’s doors never to return again?…

For most clinics, it’s the latter.

Having such an Automated Discharge System in place is what separates “ok joe” businesses that are surviving – from successful businesses that are THRIVING.

With powerful, automated discharge systems in place, it ensures that you don’t end up missing out on things like:

– Additional sales from patients buying more products (not just PT!)

– 5 star patient happiness – so they can never leave unhappy with what you provided, and talk ‘bad’ about you to their friends

– More interaction on Social Media…

– Patients getting re-activated at WILL – just by offering them an easy and no-excuse needed way to come back

– More word-of-mouth referrals – because no one else compares

The problem is, most small businesses have nothing like that in place (or even if they do, it’s definitely not as effective as it could be).

That means a HUGE portion of the upside in profits that new patients can bring, is being left on the table.

Here’s Where Infusionsoft Comes Into Play…

Unlike any other e-mail marketing system, Infusionsoft takes follow-up to the next level and makes your life as a business owner a hundred times easier.

It allows you to make a lot of money by keeping people coming back for more by logging something I call a patients “primary interest”.

Let me explain…

At my own clinic – the Paul Gough Physio Rooms – as soon as a patient has come to the end of their treatment plan and they’re ready to be discharged – we give them a call within 24 hours with a view of providing them with information on WHAT ELSE we can offer them, and to see when they might be ready to buy it from us.

Now, ‘primary interest’ = patients hobbies, goals, what other services they use outside of PT such as massages, acupuncture, etc.

It’s something that my therapists pick up on once they’ve established a relationship with that patient…

So, once a patient comes to the end of treatment, all my therapists need to do is simply fill out a form with all of the relevant information they’ve picked up along the way about that person, (during therapy)…

…which then gets sent to my font desk staff notifying them to make the follow-up call the next day!


Lets say your clinic offers massage services as well as PT…

During a conversation you or your therapist has with a patient, they bring up that they can’t wait to get their monthly massage at the end of the week over at MASSAGE ENVY (or where ever)…

So you ask – “Why don’t you come and have your massage with us?”

They’ll probably say something like…

”Oh I didn’t realize you did that here!”

And that’s where the gold lies within – because now you can offer it to them – elegantly and sophisticatedly as part of an “exit offer”, or a cash up sell, as it is more commonly known as.

80% of people won’t even realize what ELSE you have to offer, even if it’s displayed on a leaflet at the front desk or in the reception area…

…I promise YOU, unless they’re looking for it, they won’t know unless YOU tell them!

Just like it’s important to find out what concerns a patient most about their back pain when they come to see you, and what they’d like to get out of it – it’s equally as important to know what else interests them so you know how you can keep adding value to their life – for which they’ll happily pay you for!

Which is exactly what you’re doing – all the time, adding value!

If the only time you contact a patient is when you’re promoting something, or to ask for a referral…

…you’re not going to enhance the relationship.

What you want is to be seen as a “value provider”, someone who can offer other products and services that’ll add significant value to their health – over and above PT!

You want to become someone who ‘gets’ what their needs and wants are.

And if you become that person – you’ll need a suitcase to take the cash because so many people will be happy to pay you for being THAT person in their life!

Make sense so far??

Once you have clear answers to those questions – of what ELSE people want – you can then deliver answers to them until they’re ready to come back and buy it from you, (using infusionsoft it’s done automatically) – and that way, you’ll always be seen as more than just a PT clinic, but someone they trust and want to do more business with too.

Infusionsoft allows you to send the right message, to the right person, based upon what THEY tell you they want to receive – sending messages or promoting about – simply by inputting unique information about patients straight away.

After that, you let it go to work!

You’re setting, then forgetting!

This type of thing is something that I’m working on right now and helping my community of Next Level PT Entrepreneurs to build into their clinics.

It’s a game-changer, that’ll make you a lot of money AND likely to free you from always thinking that you HAVE to KEEP on looking for more new patients to survive.

With sophisticated follow up systems like this that go to work after discharge, you’ll have a pipeline – a steady stream of happy past patients desperate to come back and see you.

Want to know more about how we can implement these types of award winning Infusionsoft systems into your PT clinic?

Reach me here and I’ll arrange to give you a demo of Infusionsoft – the software that allows me to run my clinic on autopilot at any time, no matter where I am.


Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Paul Gough is an AWARD WINNING Infusiosoft User. A Small Business Icon – Best In Class Lead Nurture Systems 2016. Paul was selected from 100,000 world wide Infusionsoft users as having the BEST in class systems for lead nurture and conversion.

What that means is – if you’re thinking about using Infusionsoft, there’s no PT better in the WORLD to show you how to implement it’s powerful capabilities into your PT practice.

Reach out to Paul, here:

Why Physical Therapists Are In The Transformation Business And 3 Simple Ways To Make Asking For Payment For Your Services Easier

On this Physical Therapy Profit Academy Master Class, we’re going to show you why Physical Therapists are NOT in the game of just fixing people’s health or taking them out of pain…

…but why we’re actually in the “transformation industry” and should be charging a LOT MORE for our services than we are.

This article features a significant contribution from “Anil Gupta” of, who is one of the world’s most gifted life coaches and is friends with people such as Tony Robbins and Sir Richard Branson.

Why Physical Therapists Are In The Transformation Business

Lets Start With A True Story:

About 12 months ago I was in “California” and was catching up with a Physical Therapist from Long Beach, who told me that she really isn’t comfortable with “charging people for her services”.

She said she wasn’t making the profits she deserved, and that alone was making it difficult for her to sustain keeping her own clinic open.

At the time, she was even considering going back to working for a big hospital system three days per week – just to keep some regular money coming in.

The problem was, she preferred to charge LOWER fees than any other PT clinic in her town, simply because she felt ‘bad’ about it, and even ‘guilty’ about it!

That’s not a good place for any business owner to be.

But, this is a place where I suspect a lot of PT’s find themselves.

And, it comes down to 3 things:

1. Their own perception of the value and meaning of money

2. No confidence in the ability to handle a conversation about money/value

3. No way of explaining what a PT REALLY does to help people that goes way beyond just “ending pain”, or “providing PT”

And it’s the latter that we’re going to talk about in this article:

“The reality that many PT’s have NO IDEA of the REAL thing they do to help people – even the ones who have been at it for years”.

Not understanding the REAL and significant value that I add to the lives of my patients was something that I struggled with at the very beginning of opening the Paul Gough Physio Rooms.

But when I moved away from thinking that I was asking people for money in exchange for a massage, or some exercises, or a manipulation or a certain type of stretch etc… the TRANSACTIONAL STUFF you do in each visit…

…to the TRANSFORMATIONAL value that I add to peoples lives, then it all of a sudden became a lot easier to ask people for the price I wanted to charge.

See, we’re in the TRANSFORMATION industry.

(Not the PT industry).

We’re in the game of making people feel happy and healthy…

Taking them from a world of pain, fear, uncertainty and skepticism about what the future holds…

…to a place which is a lot more happy, healthy, positive and confident – which allows them to live the life they want – on their terms.

And it’s the LATTER, for which you are asking for payment for.

(Not your time, or the massage etc.)

The truth is, feeling guilty about charging for your services isn’t going to pay the bills, or give you the life you dream of…

…the one that you deserve after the years of study and hard work and dedication – not to mention the risks involved in starting your business in the first place.

If you’re trying to overcome any obstacle – such as a fear of the money conversation – it helps to know what is happening in the first place.

So Let Me Ask You This:

“Why do we even feel guilty charging for our time and our services in the first place?”

I can think of a few reasons:

1. Lack of Understanding of Self-worth

This one can be hard to admit to ourselves, but if you’re honest – do you feel “worthy” when you’re providing your services to your patients?

What I mean by that is – do you feel that what you provide is worth what you charge?

Many of us don’t believe we are worthy…

We underestimate how skilled we are, and forget what we went through to get to where we are now…

And most of us don’t even realize the value of our skills in relation to the people who come to see us.

If we did – asking for money at the end of treatment sessions wouldn’t even be an issue!

This is where you have to understand that you have an almost ‘miracle performing’ talent.

You most likely take for granted your PT skills…

…but others see what you do as very unique, special and something they’ll pay good money for – because what your skills are doing is helping people to get BACK to living the life they want – before their chronic back pain got in the way, and before it severely limits the value and quality they can get from life.


2. You Don’t Consider Your Self To Be An Expert! (Yet!)

Maybe you’re a PT fresh out of PT school, or maybe you’ve only just opened your practice and don’t feel qualified as an ‘expert’ since you haven’t got ‘as much experience as the PT owner down the road’ – so how CAN you justify charging more?

What you have to forget is that experience means nothing if you’re able to help them with what they’ve got.

Experience is often “over-rated”…

Experience is often just another word for bad or lazy habits.

And do patients really care if you’ve taken 20 years, OR, just one month to learn how to fix their stenosis or sciatica or, whatever the thing is that’s keeping them from walking as far as they want, or playing with their grandkids?

Of course they don’t.

The trick is to NOT be taking money from people who you KNOW you can’t help…

When I first started the Paul Gough Physio Rooms I had a very limited number of skills – but ones that I knew could REALLY help people with certain and specific problems.

If people came to me and I couldn’t help them, I told them so, and I didn’t charge them.

This allowed me to build my practice and my reputation with integrity and confidence, knowing that people KNEW FOR SURE that if I took them on as a patient, they WOULD BE paying higher fees, but they’d be certain to get the outcome they wanted.

10 years on, my business is built upon that same philosophy of if we take you on, “you’ll pay higher fees for seeing us”, but you’ll be happy that you did because we know how to get a limited number of things – VERY RIGHT, and we’ll custom tailor an amazing experience along the way.

3. Fear Of The Relationship Changing

Sometimes, it’s easy to be concerned that money – and when you ask for it – will change the relationship with your patients, and they’ll go elsewhere…

But the reality is, nothing could be further from the truth.

Most patients are DESPERATE for you to bring the money thing up.

They’d be the ones FEELING GUILTY if you didn’t.

People recognize great service… and are happy to pay for it.

If people aren’t wanting to pay co-pay or deductibles – it’s often a good indicator that they don’t see the value, or haven’t felt it, so if it keeps happening it might be time to look at some other things you’re doing – or not doing.

Make sense so far?

What people are PAYING FOR is to walk away from your treatment room feeling great, knowing that their body is on the road to recovery…

To leave feeling positive knowing that soon they’ll be able to play with their grandkids again, play golf with their friends again, sleep easy at night, etc…

To go home knowing they’re equipped with the right exercise and strategies to ease their pain when, and if it ever strikes again…

So Now I Want You To Ask Yourself This:

If you had to visit a doctor and had a choice of who you went to see and you could choose between one who charges $10 an hour…

…or one who charges $30 an hour but got life-changing results…

Who would you pick?

My bet is the cost wouldn’t even factor in and you’d pay whatever the price was, to get the result that you NEED.

So it’s exactly the same with YOU.

When you perform your PT services you’re doing so much MORE than just easing back pain or fixing a knee injury. – you’re giving people back their life.

Just think how incredible that is.

You’re giving them back their happiness, their freedom, joy, laughter, their quality time with loved ones.

Write This Down:

The work that you do as a Physical Therapist is not transactional…



So, What Can You Do To Get Over Feeling The Guilt That’s Holding You Back?

1. Understand the real difference you are making to your patient’s life.

For the services you’re providing, just look at what you’re helping that person to achieve.

Think about their goals and what they were being stopped from doing – before they came to see you.

The real point to re-iterate is recognizing that – the work you’re doing is NOT transactional it’s TRANSFORMATIONAL.

Therefore people WILL pay higher prices.

2. Recognize you can never get that time back

Guilt doesn’t pay the bills, and it certainly won’t grow your practice!

3. Realise that people VALUE what they pay for

You’re making a difference!

At the end of it all, giving away your help for little money, or for free – very rarely creates the outcome your patients are looking for.

From my experience, patients

a) Value your expertise


b) Will actually put what you’ve given them to good use, if they’ve had to make an investment.

If they haven’t, there’s no motivation to ‘make the changes they need to make right now.’

So yes, give away a part of your knowledge – that patients, (and potential patients), will get true and quick value from…

…but then show them the transformation they could get by investing in Physical Therapy with YOU.

Another thing…

You’ve also got to separate your business from your emotions – of course you want to help people.

If you didn’t have that drive, you wouldn’t have opened your own clinic!

But you can’t help people the way you want to – the way they need you to – if your business doesn’t survive.

Asking for money can be uncomfortable to start with, but that can be changed with a few tweaks to the way you think about money and the value of what you’re providing.

If people really want to achieve the lifestyle you can give them, in my experience, they will always find the funds they need.

For more Marketing ideas like this, go here next:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Overwhelm! How To Avoid It So That You Don’t Miss Out On The Business And Lifestyle Success You Truly Deserve

On this Physical Therapy Profit Academy Tutorial, we’re going to show you how to BEAT the number one thing that limits the success of many PT Owners, and how to use it to set you up to win.

“Overwhelm” is a “disease” that kills business success.

It drains enjoyment out of life too.

What we do – starting, growing and scaling our small businesses – certainly isn’t for the ones who want the easy ride.

Those are the therapists who remain in the big hospital systems!

When you are growing that business, there will always be times where you feel like it’s getting too much for you to handle.

But most of the time WE make that problem worse than it needs to be.


Because running your own clinic is always made more difficult by the amount of things that you *THINK* you need to accomplish, in the often short period of time that you  give yourself to do it.

Make sense?

Overwhelm! How To Avoid It So That You Don’t Miss Out On The Business And Lifestyle Success You Truly Deserve

But, there are things you can do to defeat “Overwhelm”…

Traditionally, it’s a not a word that I like to use.

It’s not even a word that I like looking at as I write this blog post.

But because I know it’s going to make a significant difference to your life when you know what it really means – and how to beat it – I’ll talk about it for the next 1000 words as though it’s a long lost school friend who I never really liked anyway, that just happens to stop me in the street to chat…

I’ll respect it and honour it’s existence, but I won’t give it too much thought after the blog is over!

So, Lets Talk About “Overwhelm”…

If you’re feeling “overwhelmed” right now it’s because you’ve got so much to do and you want to achieve it in a short period of time.


It’s a constant feeling of NOT being 100% of where start, or what to finish next.

But all that’ll start to change when you SHIFT your definition of what “overwhelm” actually is.

It just means that you’ve got “OPTIONS”!

And,  a lot of them!

Is that such a bad thing?

I’m not sure it is.

Because contrast that with many small business owners who are just completely “stuck”, unable to find ANY ideas to improve their business or quality of life…. then when you think of it like that, you’re already in a much better place.

Overwhelm is happening because you’re looking way too far into the future…

Trying to see the end of the thing you’re about to start – before you’ve even took the first steps to doing it.

It’s a surefire way for disaster!

And I get why you might feel like that too…

As small business owners navigating the new health care economy, it’s tempting to feel like you always have to do something “new” to try and keep up.

Well, you do!

(Have to do something!).

The question is, what?

And what will take you to where you want to get to – your end goal of owning a business the fastest!?

Here’s The Thing:

Some would say it’s a lot harder to build a PT business with the LACK of referrals coming in from doctors these days…

…I’d say it’s never been EASIER to grow a PT business because there are literally millions of pages packed full with information, marketing tips and strategies, and tons of people saying different things about what works and what doesn’t, right at your fingertips.

Granted, not all the information will be valuable to you.

In fact, most of it will be a waste of your time…

And of course, that’s the problem!

Committing your time and energy trying to figure out just what kind of work you need to be doing to successfully Market your clinic, is one of the BIGGEST questions to ask yourself, daily.

Would I have LOVED to have had a solid Marketing plan clearly laid out in front of me when I first opened up my clinic – The Paul Gough Physio Rooms?

(Especially when I competing against a completely FREE health care system…)

100% YES!!!!

But it didn’t happen.

No magical, overnight plan arrived on my desk while sipping on my coffee one morning.

So what did I do?

I made a decision.

And then I took some action on that decision.

I started with one Marketing course.

Implemented ONE thing of what I learned.

Not all of it, but just enough to give me some confidence and drive me forward towards making another good decision, about investing more of my time into creating a full scale Marketing plan.

Soon enough, I started to realize that I was in a much better position when I said “NO” to seeing some of the patients wanting to get in…

…because I was certain that my time was better spent creating more marketing systems at my practice that would work FOR me, (than repeatedly seeing patients that meant I had no way of growing past where I currently was).

Make sense?

And even after I invested a lot of my time and money into all of these Marketing materials, I’d be kidding myself if I said it didn’t leave me “overwhelmed” from time to time…

feeling a little stuck and even frustrated knowing that I knew all of this amazing stuff, but I just couldn’t find the time to get it all in place fast enough – while still running a business and finding time for my family.

True Story:

Now, that feeling of being “stuck” or “overwhelmed” is exactly how one of the PT’s in my “PT Entrepreneur Community” was feeling this week…

After weeks of learning game-changing Marketing strategies to help launch his clinic off the ground and away from relying upon doctors referrals, on my Accelerator 3.0 program, he found himself going over everything he was taught, feeling like he knew what he was doing at the start, but then all of a sudden it felt as if his brain had “forgotten” what to do, or even HOW to start!

He’d got a little lost!

Happens to all of us, right?

But the thing is, there’s always some ‘grey clouds’ at the beginning that you’ve got to breakthrough no matter what you’re trying to do.

And once you come out of the other side – through the haze and moist – that pivotal moment will hit you when you finally “get it” and it’s THEN that you’ll understand exactly what it is you’re doing, and WHY.

Is there any other way than persistence?

Maybe not.

But persistence is made easier when you know with absolute certainty that what you’re trying to achieve by doing what ever it is that you’re doing, is worth the energy you must expend.

Holding onto the dream at the end is important…

…but not nearly as important as LOVING the journey that you’re on.

And “learning” is one of the highest and best uses of our time that any of us can do. Even though it’s difficult.

The HAPPIEST (and wealthiest) people I know are non-stop learners.

But is learning always fun?

Not always.

Remember when you were a kid…

Was learning easy?

Of course not.

It’s why you went to your parents to ask for help when you got stuck on topic!

How you learn hasn’t changed….

What you feel when you’re learning a new thing hasn’t changed…

What’s likely changed is the “support” team around you.

Back then, you had your parents, now it’s just YOU.

A solo-business owner trying to do EVERYTHING on his or her own.

But here’s the thing:

Whenever you get “overwhelmed” or you feel your brain hurting and you THINK it’s telling you to STOP…

…all it’s doing is trying to figure out an ANSWER!

Which more often that not, it provides not long after.

And when it does, it all becomes a lot easier…


Because something called ‘Accelerated Learning’, kicks in!

Once you do learn something new it’ll go to the back of your brain to be stored there for when you next want to know how to use it – and it’ll come to the front as and when you need it.

The “thing”, it’ll become second nature.

Like driving a car.

Difficult at first.

Now you don’t even think about it.

Marketing becomes a lot like that too.

The more you do, the faster you master it and the more success you have with it, and the MORE of it you want to learn and do.

A self perpetuating cycle begins – a positive one!

You’ll no longer think about all of the little things like “what button goes where” or “what a landing page is” or “how to set it up…”

…instead you’ll be thinking about your clients, their pain points, what words to use to motivate them, what the REAL reason is you’re running your ads and how your patient is feeling and how they’ll value your solution as a result of seeing your marketing, if you use a different word here not there…

…as well as the IMPACT it has ON your business, and your LIFESTYLE.

Focusing on those type of things provides a lot more motivation to see it through, don’t you think?

So, if you’re ever feeling “overwhelmed”, it’s likely because you’re still stuck trying to figure out the “trivial many”…

…when what you need is to be focusing on the vital few, (which is usually the overall business STRATEGY)!…

But here’s another thing:

It doesn’t matter what level you’re at in your business, it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been a PT for, or how great of a Marketeer you become, this feeling never goes away…

It’s something you have to learn to “accept” – especially if you want to KEEP getting to that next level with your business and lifestyle success.

It’s a natural progression…

And the business owner who WINS, is the business owner who learns to live with that feeling of always being “overwhelmed”, because he or she is likely to be the one who is AWLAYS learning something NEW!

And then IMPLEMENTING that something new.

So todays message is this:

If you’re planning on being successful – get used to LIVING with that “feeling of overwhelm”…

Just change what it means to you…

…and how you see it!

And the key to dealing with “having too much to do”, or, “too many options” is to bring your focus back to NOW…

Into the PRESENT moment.

Focus on what you can DO NOW…


…then take action on FINISHING IT!

I call it “falling in love with the process” – and NOT falling in love with the results.

If you’re obsessed with the process, you’ll enjoy it and finish it and often the results will come with it, naturally.

If you’re obsessed with guaranteeing results, or you won’t do it unless it’s 100% going to work – you’ll set your self up for a lot of frustration AND failure as well as starting a lot of tasks but never finishing any.

Sound familiar??

Last thing:

Having too many things to do in your business is WAY better than having nothing to do at all and being the not-so proud owner of a business that’s just “standing still”.

I LIVE by the belief that I’m either moving UP …

…or I’ll move out!

I don’t care which one it is, but I refuse to be sitting still!

For more Marketing tips like this, go here next:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

How To Use Your Awesome Personality To Get Ahead Of Your Competitors in The New Health Care Economy!

On this Physical Therapy Profit Academy Tutorial (with Kevin Donlin of – one of the world’s leading expert copywriters and season pro of multi-million dollar direct mail pieces), we’re going to show you how to avoid the most common mistake that most PT Entrepreneurs make when creating “copy” for their promotional material.

Before we begin – in case you’re not familiar with the term “copy” it is the marketing speak for the words that you use on your ads, postcards or webpages, that describe who you are, what you’re offering and what you want the prospective patient to do next.

Lets start with a question:

“When you think about being a successful PT Clinic Owner, what comes to mind?”…

It’s likely that you picture a clinic packed full with inquires, patients arriving for treatment on time, happy to pay co-pay and never dropping off schedule…

…and you making a nice tidy profit at the end of the month.

The next question is, how do you get to a clinic like that?

It’s nearly always to do with how you position yourself in the market place.

The choice that you make when you decide to promote yourself AND your clinic.

Are you going to be just another run-of-the-mill style PT clinic with “I’m here too…” type of advertising?…

…or are you prepared to do something a little different?

Because one of the biggest mistakes that small town and “solo” clinic owners make is this:

They copy the wrong model.

Why Doctors Secretly Dislike PT Owners-2

They look at the bigger, faceless health care systems or corporate PT clinics and try to copy what they do with their ads.

And most of the time, their ads are really BORING!

Plain old ads that scream out “we’re a PT clinic, we think we’re good, and we think you should call us because we’re close by your house”.




But what if you could transform yourself – and your entire PT business – into not just being a Physical Therapist with amazing PT skills, but a Physical Therapist that acts a little differently…

…who writes ads a little differently…

…who puts personality and fun into their clinics marketing?

Think it would make a difference if people were coming to see you because of WHO YOU ARE and what YOU’RE about… not just how great of a PT you are?

I wager it DOES!

In my clinic I have a famous saying:

“If all they ever judge us on is our PT skills… we’re SCREWED!”

Because ANYONE can learn my skills.

But what they can’t ever get, is my personality.

My drive.

My desire to help.

My commitment to giving people a piece of my life – good and bad!

Makes me completely un-touchable because I’m simply tapping into the greatest saying of all in business…

“People buy from People”.

They don’t buy from PT’s.

They buy from YOU.

So much so that back in my office (“The Paul Gough Physio Rooms”) , one for the core values I’ve instilled in my staff is that we must respect that anyone who enters our world is “PERSON first, PATIENT second!

Big difference.

While everyone else wants to talk about their back pain…

…we want to know about their grandkids FIRST!

Would that make you more likely to be a PT that people would want to RUSH back and see.

You BET it would!

So lets move into this topic some more:

Because here is where most PT owners make a BIG mistake…

They think they’re doing the right thing by trying to play the same Marketing game, and play by the same rules as their bigger competitors – think Hospital Systems and National PT Clinc chains…

At first it might seem like a great idea to copy-cat the big guys – but as a small town clinic, you don’t want to play by the same rules as them and try to compete with their large Marketing budgets.

They CAN invest in flashy brand ads because they get to run those ads week after week so that the consumer begins to trust who they are.

They get comfortable and familiar with seeing the same ads of happy, smiley faces and the same corporate logo.

Great if you have a $5 million ad budget.

I bet if you reading this article, you don’t.

But the good news is, as a small business with a limited number of staff, you have a massive advantage and it all comes down to one thing…


That’s the one thing the big guys can’t compete with.

Building your business around your personality is one of THE most valuable assets to your business.

Not something they ever teach in PT school – and not something that many PT’s like to ever think they should rely on because that’s not great for the “professional ego”.

(What would the competition say if you said or did something FUNNY! Gasp!)

The problem is this:

We’re taught to believe that success as a PT owner is down to our skills.

Reality is, nothing could be further from the truth.

I went to PT school with many therapists who are very skilled and talented – many of who are broke or always begging doctors for more referrals to pay the bills!

Not good!

Because we’re professionals, because we’ve been through school, because we’re medically educated, because we must have a ‘certain persona’, a certain way of communicating, a certain standard to keep etc, etc…

…it’s sometimes hard for healthcare professionals like us to understand that we have to become a ‘person’ and not just a ‘PT’ who can fix someone’s back, to get more people people say YES to our services.

And that’s why I built my clinic’s – Paul Gough Physio Rooms on personality.

It’s exterior is on great “trust” based marketing…

…but at it’s core, the foundations are built upon the PERSONALITIES of me and the people I employ.


Because people will buy from you regardless of whether you’re a PT, a Marketing expert, whatever you may be – if they see something in YOU that resonates with THEM.

If all you’re ever doing is competing with other the clinics in town on “how good your PT skills are” compared to theirs – people can go and pay for that at ANY clinic.

Any clinic in Detroit, any clinic in San Diego, New York, anywhere…

But what they can’t get at just ANY clinic is personality, and the fun and the traits and everything else that makes a business so attractive and likeable.

It’s a direction that health care is now moving into….

At long LAST!

People now expect MORE than just great medical advice and your qualifications. PT services have got to be delivered by somebody who is personable, who is nice, who can inspire, who can connect, and most importantly of all… someone who people can resonate with.

If all you’ve got to base your services on is great PT skills…

…it’s going to be a hard slog in the new health care economy.

And I for one would LOVE you as a competitor setting up across the street against me.

You need to use your most VALUABLE asset – your personality – and that of your staff – to inspire people to take action on coming into your clinic.

Even if you know MORE than anyone else on a particular topic – like sciatica for example – you will always struggle to get “Joe, aged 53 suffering from back pain that stops him playing golf at the weekends”, to resonate and connect with you…

…if you don’t have some fun about his golf swing!

Or, tell him about yours and how bad it is!

If you do that, he knows you “get” him, he listens more closely to you and he’s more likely to take action on your advice!

If you can lead with personality AND back that up with pretty good PT skills – then you have a far better chance at being successful than the guy down the street with amazing PT skills, but who is a “dead beat” with zero personality.

For more Marketing tips like this, go here next:

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When It Comes To Attracting Perfect Patients, Focusing On Less, Gets You More…

On this Physical Therapy Profit Academy Tutorial we’re going to show you the quick and easy way to create powerful marketing pieces, to help you attract more of your perfect patients… and less of your hassle ones.

Sound good?

If so, read on because it’s really easy to do and you can start doing it today.

Success In Marketing Is About Three Things

1. The Message

2. The Who (your perfect patient)

3. The Media you pick to advertise in (Facebook, newspapers etc)…

We’re going to look at the “message” and the “who” you’re creating that message for.

So first, let’s take a quick look at the “who”… if you know WHO your perfect patient is, it becomes really easy to achieve marketing success because you’re reaching out to the exact people you want to attract to your clinic.

Knowing your ideal patient allows you to grow and scale you clinic – predictably, and reliably. Something that very few Owners ever get to feel as though they’ve achieved.

Failing to identify a ‘perfect patient’ is a mistake that most PT business owners make. It took me years to figure out I ever needed to do this – never mind get clear on it.

But because I didn’t, it meant that for years I was playing the equivalent of a game of “blind archery” with my Marketing and looking back it’s no wonder that so many of my Marketing pieces wouldn’t fire.

When It Comes To Attracting Perfect Patients, Focusing On Less, Gets You More…

Let’s look at it this way…

You’re passionate about your services, you know you can help people, and you want to tell everyone about what your clinic does.

And if you do that, you have a better chance of making more profit and growing and scaling your practice.

But the problem is, not many people are all that interested in “physical therapy”.

Just the way it is.

Less than 3% of the population even know what we do or how we help – so we need to be a little cleverer than just running ads that announce “We’re a friendly PT clinic, call me today if you’ve got pain…”

(That’s called “Brand Awareness” – rarely ever works for small business owners like you and I.)

Our chances of success in Marketing are much higher if we ADVERTISE something that makes it easier for them to make decisions about their health.

Information about your services is a good place to start.

It’s a low-level commitment to you and your services that makes more people more likely to respond.

But the thing is…

We don’t just want anyone responding.


And without knowing (before you run your ads) “WHO” you’re talking to in those ads, it’s difficult to write powerful ads and you’ll get very little response… waste a lot of money… and worse – turn a lot of people off, too.


Because without a perfect patient in mind, the messages you use in your Marketing are simply not compelling enough – they won’t resonate enough to encourage people to take action.

And if they don’t take action, they don’t become patients.

And that’s all success in Marketing comes down to – am I able to motivate these people to WANT to take action after reading my message?

Like I always say, rarely does “I’m a physical therapist… call me today” ever motivate anyone to respond.

But here’s the thing, the good news is when you have a clear image of who it is that you want to work with, marketing becomes a whole lot easier…

Let me show you how…

This week in one of our live group coaching calls with my “PT Entrepreneur Community”…I spoke about this exact topic.

One of the PT’s in the community, whose ideal patient is a ‘Cross-fit’ athlete, was struggling when it came to crafting the perfect message to reach out to these types of people.

He was using messages that HE thought would resonate…

…images that HE thought would hit home…

…but didn’t.

You see, he hadn’t become clear enough on WHO these people really are – how they see themselves, and what they want from going to “cross-fit”.

Make no mistake… whether your ideal patient is a woman aged 50+ who suffers from low-back pain, a college dancer, or a cross-fit athlete – the first thing you have to do is start talking to them, in THEIR own language.

Use and write the words as they would talk to themselves, in their own head.

Something like:… (and we’ll take Cross-Fit Athletes as an example)…

“Attention Cross Fit Athletes… if you can’t figure out why you are not achieving your times or reps or you WOD…”

Etc, etc, etc.

Using words like I showed you, is way more likely to attract the attention of a cross-fit athlete type patient.

First of all I referred to them as ATHLETES!

Which is how they see themselves!

As Physical Therapists, we need to be able to resonate with people enough… so that when they’re unable to do of all the things they want to do…

Like lift heavier weights, play with their grandkids, go skiing with their friends… whatever it may be – they need us in their life to get them there – and they KNOW that we seem to get them better than anyone else!

So, if you want to take your new patient acquisition to the Next Level, there’s a lot more to your clinic’s Marketing than just writing some words on an advert and posting it out.

There’s a science and skill behind writing laser-focused messages putting you in a position where you stand a much greater chance of getting people to pay for your services, HAPPY to pay for you services… and beating all the other PT clinics in town with your amazing marketing skills.

For more Marketing tips like this, go here next:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Business Lessons From Donald Trump

Lets talk about Donald Trump…

…and HOW he’s even got in this position in the first place.

What position you might ask??

A position of “Influence”.

Because, by simple definition, “Marketing” is the ability to influence and motivate enough people to take action and or feel a certain way.

(And, it’s pretty clear that Trump has MASTERED the ability to do just that).

So, as “Marketers” of our business’s, why don’t we see what lessons we can learn from the billionaire? Business lessons from Donald Trump
Right now, everyone is talking about Trump in “real time”…

Focusing on where he goes, what he says and what he does TODAY.

That’s the “effect”.

I’m more interested in the “cause”…

…as in, HOW and WHAT did he do in his life to even be in that position of “influence”, in the first place.

Having read books and old interviews, it’s obvious that his business success comes down to relentlessly asking him self these two questions:


1.) What decision can I make today that everyone else is *afraid* to do?


2.) What’s the worst that can happen if I do make this decision today – and can I handle it?


These are two questions that Trump asks that clearly led him to the “economic super success” he has today…

That economic success secured BACK THEN, is, perhaps, why he is the front runner for his party TODAY.

The relevance for PT’s?

Trump may or may not be your ticket…

You might not like what he says or does…

…but one of the things that I would urge you to do is copy HOW he’s got where he is.

Change has arrived in the PT industry and most people don’t like change…

Most people are “afraid” of it.

And, right now, many PT’s are “afraid” to make decisions.

Decisions about moving away from the old, dead or dying in the water methods for getting referrals to a PT practice from doctors


TOWARDS the NEW way to grow a PT clinic – marketing directly to the consumer.

Success in the New Health Care Economy, comes down to this:

“If you’re brave enough,
you’ll win”.

It’s that simple.

Sure, you’ll hit one or two road blocks along the way as you venture into the brave new world of running a PT Business – the modern way – the 2016 way – but you’ll be more successful in the end…

I’ve studied Marketing relentlessly…

It’s become an obsession.

(A passion).

But here’s the thing:

Learning about Marketing is a LOT EASIER than going to PT School…

If you’re able to master the science and mechanics of the most complicated thing ever invented – the human body – I know for sure you can learn simple strategies to WIN at bringing new patients to your clinic.

So, lets say you make a commitment to attracting new patients to your clinic starting today…

What’s the worst that can happen and can you handle it?…

Well, I’m not sure there is a down side to learning how to Market your PT clinic.

It’s the most important skill you’ll ever learn in life.

It’s a skill that puts you in control of your own destiny…

…and if you can handle the fact that your “peers” – the ones still stuck in their ways and banging on doctors doors, lunch in hand – might begin to DISLIKE you because you’re becoming more successful than them…

…then you’ll be just fine.


Lesson over for today.


Paul Gough

P.S. Note for Physical Therapists looking for Marketing Ideas…

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Why Doctors Secretly Dislike PT Owners

True Story – take notes:

A few years back now I reached a level in my “income” that ECLIPSED almost all of the doctors that I USED to rely upon for referrals.

I was just “26” at the time.

Aged 26 and earning yearly, twice as much as most of the doctors (who were sending me referrals) ever could in their entire career.

Think about that for a moment…

Is it any wonder that I was “suddenly” met with resentment to my asking for referrals??

Of course not.

But here’s the thing:

Why Doctors Secretly Dislike PT Owners
It was an amazing day in my life when I realized that the same guy who THINKS he’s cleverer…

…who THINKS he’s more valuable in society…

…and who THINKS that I need him to survive…

…earns less money than I do!

But it was also the day I realized WHY many doctors resent PT’s like you and I.

It’s because as small business owners, we’re the MASTER of our own destiny.

No corporate ladder to climb.

No “5 years” of service to get the next pay rise.

No “partners” to ask when we want to reward ourselves with a nice little bonus or extended period of time on vacation.

Most doctors have a ceiling on their salary and a limit to their vacation time.

(And that REALLY irritates them because after all of the study, they’re still STUCK!).

So then…

Can you imagine how these same doctors felt about a “26” year old physical therapist pulling into their car park of their office one day in his black “Porsche 911”, Carrera S4, with the sun roof down, dark sun glasses on and my favourite Cd playing my favourite songs, LOUD??

A “threat” perhaps??

A threat to their “ego”…

…a threat to their “pride” and their “self worth”?

All of the above.

See, doctors, they’re smart people.

And are FULLY aware that if you really wanted to, you REALLY could make a lot more money than them.

And they don’t want that to happen.

So what they’ll do is every now and again play a few games with you – just to ensure they stay in control.

When they think you’re getting a bit “too big for your boots” – that you’ve had a few too many referrals recently, they’ll find ANY excuse to limit the referrals to your clinic – even if just for a short period of time.

They want you to do “ok” – but not “too well” as the money is supposed to flow UP (to them) and not DOWN (to you).

They’ll invite you to buy them lunch…

…further “exercising” their power and control over you and you life…

…they’ll build your hopes with promises of referrals – but then fail to deliver them (JUST so that you call back and ask “is everything ok…” OR, “did I do something wrong”)…

FURTHER enhancing their grip on you and your life.

And of course, they’ll be nice to your face.

They’ll tell their secretary to call you back and tell you “not to worry” because there “just hasn’t been any referrals to send you recently”…

BUT REALLY, what they’re doing is reminding you that YOU need them…

And that makes them feel instantly POWERFUL and far more IMPORTANT than you.

Because after all, medical school (and society) told them that’s the way it was supposed to be.

The way to end the turmoil (of relying upon doctors) you’re likely living with?

Two ways:

1. Like me, make the “mistake” of pulling into the doctors office with the top down (and system up) in your back Porsche 911 Carrera.


2. Learn to “Market” directly to the consumer and create an INFINITELY HIGHER ceiling on your earning potential (than them) – that’ll mean you never have to call their offices again.

I did both.

The choice is yours.

Pick number “2” and you’ll quickly get to number “1” as well.

Go here next:

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Paul Gough.

No WIFI – Couldn’t Get This To You Before Now

WIFI connection has been “scarce” these last few weeks… a result, I’ve not had chance to get my usual regular, sometimes daily emails to you (or my patients).

I apologise for that.

(Happy new year by the way ;-)).

True Story:

I’ve spent the last two weeks travelling through many of Australia’s most beautiful, very “quaint”, very spectacular towns admiring everything from “kangaroos”, to gorgeous “sunsets” and turquoise waters so clear that you can’t help but want to get in and splash around like a young child.

I’ve been travelling with “7” of my closest family and friends.

And, as well as learning a ton things about this amazing Country and it’s history, I’ve leaned a thing or two about PEOPLE – and how they cling on to certain beliefs about what they THINK they need to be able to survive.

Here’s the FULL story:

“WIFI” in Australia is hard to come by.

No Wifi...
And even if you do (find it), it’s as *slow* as it was in the western world back in 1996 when the internet was gathering momentum.

(Doesn’t make accessing “Infusionsoft” and sending out my email easy).

But of course, most of the people I was travelling with didn’t need to have access to the internet to be able to send out emails to 43,151 PT owners in the US…

No, all “7” of the people I was travelling with craved “WIFI” in order to be able to access “Facebook” and “Twitter”.

Picture the scene:

We’d enter places of great beauty…

Places like “Lorne”, “Beachport” and “Apollo Bay”, and the first thing that all of them would do was to inquire about if and when they would be able to “get on WIFI”…

…And it was always very amusing to me!

See, I have very limited participation on those things because too busy am I creating my own life – I have almost ZERO interest in what other people are up to (and/or lying about what’s happening) in theirs.

But I do get it…

…Being “connected” to others via things like Facebook is now something that most people (secretly) would admit that they simply can’t live without.

But here’s the thing…

Because it was *forced* upon them, each one of my friends and family found OTHER things to do with the time gap was created without being on the “net”…

For example, my “Mam” spent more time walking, hired a bicycle most days and did more swimming than she’d ever done in her life.

And, admits that she felt a lot “healthier” as a result of spending less time obsessing over the ting that she THINKS she needs to survive (Facebook)…

…and more time focusing on the thing that she ACTUALLY needs to survive (like exercise).

The relevance for PT’s as we open up in 2016?


Like the people I was travelling with who THINK that they need to have access to “Facebook” to “survive” (gasp!)!….

…Many PT’s STILL, for some reason, think that they need “referrals from doctors” to survive.

The reality is, they don’t.

And only when it’s forced upon them because more hospital systems move into town (and buy out small doctor offices) will those PT’s HAVE to consider marketing directly to consumers.

The question is…

Why wait??

We all know it’s coming to a small town near you sooner or later…

…and when that day comes, will you be ready??

If you wait, it’ll be too late…

It’s just NOT possible for you to commit your FOCUS to marketing to consumers and then expect to see results that’ll keep you alive happen, by the next day.

So, why don’t we make a start on it, now??

Most all of the PT’s I spoke to THIS TIME LAST YEAR told me they were concerned that they would see a “dip” in referrals in 2015…

…each one of them was proved RIGHT.

And yet, each one of them was able to replace those referrals from doctors with referrals from things like “newspapers”, “Facebook”, “emails”, “Google” and many other sources.

If you’re a “cash”, “hybrid” or “In-network” clinic and want to break free from the worry about where doctors will send referrals in 2016, then…

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Paul Gough

How To Autopilot Staff Training At Your Practice Using Infusionsoft

On this Physical Therapy Profit Academy Tutorial we’re going to show you the exact strategy that you can use to onboard new members of staff easily, without even having to be at your clinic.

It’s tough thing for a PT business owner…

When you decide to hire a new member of staff, and have to somehow figure out how to balance training a new employee, whilst running your PT clinic at the same time.

It’s so tough in fact that sometimes, just the thought of even having to go through the whole process means you don’t hire any new staff at all, (even though you know you need to, to grow your practice and increase profits).

I know this because I’ve been there.

And before I set off on my journey to the states to spend time with my coaching members this year – I spent 3-4 months avoiding this whole process!

But what if I told you there was a way to cut down on the stress and hassle that taking out certain staff members, and hiring new ones brings?…

Well there is – and it’s all done with a system I love and have built my business around:


Let me tell you why as a clinic owner this system will change your life….

How To Autopilot Staff Training At Your Practice Using Infusionsoft

How To Make Onboarding Easy And Hassle Free

The number one thing that I believe to be holding most PT clinics back is the way in which new staff members are trained and brought into the business.

Let me tell you a quick story:

Just before I left to travel America, we asked three members of staff to leave. Now it wasn’t because they weren’t ‘good’ at their job… I just didn’t believe that at that moment in time, they could take my PT clinic to the next level.

Before I told them to leave, what held me back was the fear that we wouldn’t be able to train new members of staff whilst at the same time, keep up the level of service we’re proud to provide our patients.

Big frustration.

MASSIVE frustration.

I felt stuck!

But here’s the thing, when I returned from my travels, everything was running fine at my clinics, but I could sense one thing – tension.

There was a big tension in the business all because other members of staff were having to constantly train AND keep going over things with new team members, which was getting in the way of their daily tasks – and you can’t have that happen.

So I decided to do something about it and bring an end to this frustration completely…

With the power of Infusionsoft I’ve created an entire system where every single process at my practice is pre-recorded and scripted, so that when a new member of staff arrives at my clinic on a Monday morning, we’re able to show them the exact training videos and processes we currently use to get them up to scratch within the quickest time possible.

…10 days!

And the best part? With the sophistication of Infusionsoft, you don’t even have to be there to train them!

Every single thing that happens in your clinic, from the moment a new patient rings the phone, walks through door, sits in the reception area and leaves to go home after their treatment session… there’s a process for that which Infusionsoft can deliver training on to that new member of staff (meaning they can follow step-by-step exactly how things should be done without anyone having to show them how!).

It’s something that I’m working on with my Next Level Coaching Group members – it’s a game changer, saving you hours of time to put towards growing your business each week, AND freeing you from the frustration of thinking ‘how do I replace a staff member I want to remove?”… for good.

With this system I’ve created you’ll be able to autopilot the entire on-boarding process whilst growing and scaling your clinic at the same time.

Because let’s face it, as small PT clinic owners, we don’t have time for people to be dragging their heels before they’re up to scratch.

Want to know more?

Reach me here and I’ll give you a demo of Infusionsoft, the software that allows me to “autopilot” the growth of my clinic at any time, no matter where I am.


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