Author Archives: Paul Gough

About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.

My Secret “Scripting” Confession…

Comes a question on twitter last night:


“Paul… any actionable advice on “scripting” my own pt interactions within a practice?

Where to start or key points?

– @MattPaluchniak DPT


My answer??…


It’s the only sure fire way to ensure that EVERY ONE of your patients are being “loved” in the way that you want.

See, one of the problems with growing a PT clinic is that you’re at the mercy of your staff – and their ability to “perform” on your behalf.

And, as we all know, the problem with (some) staff is that they can be unpredictably reliable, at times.

And I don’t like the thought of my patients NOT experiencing the amazing service that I have created for them…

…so, to ensure I create RAVING fans, I script everything!

The first phone call, the welcome into the clinic greeting (…we even ROLE PLAY this), to the “three-way” interaction between *therapist – patient – receptionist* that puts the new patient at ease right before their first evaluation meaning they’re actually listening to what we say during it, because they feel comfortable in our space and therefore more OPEN to agreeing to our care plans.

I leave nothing to chance.

I know what my patients want from the “Paul Gough Physio Rooms” experience better than any of my staff, so why would I not go to such lengths to ensure that my patients feel precisely how I want them to??

Why do I really do it?

Because of this:

“They never remember what you did for them (PT), but they always remember how you made them feel (customer service)”.


What’s this got to do with Marketing and profits??


Most PT owners struggle with getting the majority of their patients to show up for all the sessions they prescribe…

…and one of the reasons that happens is because patients don’t feel 100% SURE about the service they’re getting.

The PT or admin staff will usually hide behind the “copay” issue and say that the patient doesn’t have the money to pay…

…but in reality, they do have that “copay”, they just don’t want to give it up to a company that provides inconsistent service – if any at all.

The moral of todays story?

Your clinics Marketing should be a series of VERY well “scripted” messages that attracts people to your practice…

When they arrive, that “scripting” of service should continue – made much easier when you know WHO your marketing is trying to attract.

Difficult to grow a reliable business if you’re attracting many different types of “ideal” clients to your practice.

Better to be “everything” for that one consumer – than a little of something, for many.

It’s marketing 101 that PT school maybe didn’t include in the curriculum.


Paul Gough

P.S I’m in Orlando this week and incredibly excited to be here…

…taking “Harry” (my two year old) to Disney later today.

Note to physical therapist looking for Marketing Ideas.

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Fishing In A Huge Pond (…On My Own)

Spent the last three days at Marketing Seminar in Denver.

Learned a lot.  

The highlight so far??

The focus on creating a “Marketing Strategy of Trust” to attract an ever increasingly skeptical, nervous, frightened of making a decision (in case it’s a mistake), consumer to a business, to do business. 

Now, building a trust based marketing system is NOT new to me…

…I’ve been implementing it in my own practice, and teaching it to others for years now. 

And so far, so very good. 


See, while most of the PT industry is waking up each day thinking that consumers “should” come and see them because they got qualified, I’m waking up asking myself a completely different question.

“What do I need to do, say or prove so that people will WANT to come and see me – and pay me handsomely for it!”…

It’s a radical shift in the way you see what you do that basically goes like this:


“I UNDERSTAND that you have no clue about what someone like me does… I also know that you’re likely to be confused with all of the options that you have…

…and I AM willing to give you maybe 15-20 minutes of my time to provide you with answers to concerning questions to help you make the right decision before you give me your credit card details”. 


This one…

I’m willing to give, before I get. 

To prove VALUE upfront. 

To do the things that other business owners really don’t want to do. 

I check my ego at the door every day and side step the traditional model of running a PT clinic that is often, well, too busy being “busy”, for any more success. 

And for which, I am rewarded handsomely with more compliant patients, all happy to my fees!

If you’ve hit a flatline in your practice, it’s likely because you’ve exhausted all of the people in town who know enough about PT to confidently say “yes”. 

Problem is, there’s just 3% of them. 

(And every one of your rivals is competing for their business, too). 

So here’s my question to you:

“Why don’t you try fishing 

in a different pond?” 

A bigger one. 

On your own. 

Where there’s a boat load of people with a problem or two (like back or knee pain) that you can fix…

…and would come to see you, if only you Marketed to them in a different way that shows you’re willing to help them at the “psychological” level first, (before you even get to the physical), and most importantly of all, BEFORE you get paid. 

It’s called “Lead Generation” Marketing. 

Providing people with information to help them make the right decision, sooner. 

Unless your best friend runs a doctors surgery that hasn’t been bought out by a big hospital system, Marketing like this is now the only way to grow your PT practice. 

You can resist…

Or, you can get going in the next few days. 

If you want some help to get started, go here to sign up to my email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your PT clinic sent directly to you:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>


Paul Gough 


Insurance Companies – The “Real Boogeyman”??…

So I spent Halloween night in “Las Vegas”…

…and it’s safe to say that there were some frightening “sights” on the strip last night.


It seems apparent to me that the real “boogeyman” in the US right now is the health care insurance companies who are:


1. Delaying paying your fees for up to 120 days


2. Lowering the fees they actually pay you!


…Making it hard to make the profit you deserve.

Insurance Companies - The “Real Boogeyman”??…

And hence forth the reason why so many PT owners are now becoming “PT Entrepreneurs”- creating a “hybrid” type clinic with some insurance patients, and some cash.

Maybe that model is the future of the PT industry?

Maybe it’s ALL cash??

Either way…

One thing is for certain, better “Marketing” skills are going to be needed in 2016 – if you want more success.

And before you sign up to take one of the last remaining seats on this Marketing Master Class Program

…I want you to hear from two owners who have already taken this program with me.

And, find out for yourself, how the strategies that are already helping them, could help you:

Take it away Scott…

“…Within just a few months of joining Paul’s program we’re already getting to the point we don’t have to do ANY physician marketing – thankfully, I am over that!

Knowing what I know now, I would rather spend the time marketing directly to, and on the phone with potential patients, and NOT rude MA’s, office coordinators, and cocky physicians”.

– Scott Gilbert, Canyon PT. Phoenix (AZ) –In Network Provider. 

And here’s what Kevin had to say about this program…

“…Before I started Paul’s program I was charging much less than I should have been for my services… Paul showed me how to raise my prices by implementing a real price strategy at my practice.

I went from charging $95 to $160 almost over night – with zero resistance – just by implementing what he told me to do. I’m excited to be working with him and my practice has grown significantly as a result in a short period of time”.

– Kevin Gennrich. Overhaul PT. Edina (MN) – Cash Based Provider, 

Enough said…

Go here next if you want to get real results like this in 2016:

– Ultimate Physical Therapy Marketing Program ! > 

Registration closes at 12pm tonight (Monday 2nd November) or when all seats are filled – which ever comes sooner.

All seminars are recorded so if you miss one of them – or you can’t start with us on Tuesday – it doesn’t matter, you’re easily able to catch up!

Now IS the time to do this.

Please don’t do what most of the other PT’s will do and tell yourself that “now’s not the right time”… there’s NEVER a right or perfect time to do anything! 

Take action today by joining this program and give your self the best shot of more success in 2016 than you’ve had in 2015. 


Paul Gough

P.S Dr.Jarod Carter – from the “Cash PT” Podcast has signed up for the program…

…and so thrilled is he with the material we’ll be covering that he felt he had to tell everyone who listens to his show about it.

That went out yesterday – Sunday (1st November) – and is likely to add significant interest to this program which is almost full.

This could be the last email you receive from me giving you the opportunity to join us.

Go here next to register:

Ultimate Physical Therapy Clinic Marketing Program! > 

P.P.S Its now Nov 1… blink and it will be 2016.. hence why NOW is a good time to do this and actually be ready for success in 2016.

My FEAR for most PT owners is this….“they’re too busy to be successful”... are you??

Old School Marketing Techniques (…And Workshops)

As well as revamping your website …

…and increasing your profits using the new online techniques …

on this program, we’re also going to be focusing on “old school” Marketing techniques.

Things like “postcards”, taking advantage of the amazing “Every Door Direct Mail” delivery service, and newspaper and magazine adverts to reach potential new patients for your clinic.

Thing is…  there’s been some big changes lately in the way that these “traditional” media work for PT’s.

And, how to get people to respond to these types of adverts isn’t working like it used to! 

Old School Marketing Techniques (...and Workshops)


Basically, the game has completely changed if you’re sending postcards to people in your community, or running ads in local newspapers.

Much of what I’ll be sharing with you on the course, didn’t even exist this time last year…

You need to be a LOT more creative with your “offer” (…of why people should respond to your ads).

And as part of this Marketing Masterclass Program, I’ll be showing you the NEW way to acquire new patients from doing postcards, mailers and running newspaper adverts. 

I’ve spent the last 12 months working with my private clients – PT owners from all across the US – creating and personally writing offline adverts, and we’ve narrowed it down to just two types of OFFERS, that really work.

And, one of them, is to run a promotion advertising a “Workshop!”. 

See, “Back Pain and Sciatica” type workshops are something that you must consider Marketing for in 2016, if you want more success…

And on this program, I’ll show you how to successfully market a “workshop” that will attract 20+ hot prospects to your practice, every time you run an advert in the community newspaper, or send out a postcard.


I’ll show you how to create the advert… and how to get your postcards delivered for less than 30 cents a piece, direct to affluent consumers, earning $100,000 or MORE!

Sound good?

Sound like something that might make your clinic’s phone ring??

Something that would give you a chance of higher profits in 2016 and beyond???

If so, join us:

– The Ultimate Physical Therapy Marketing Course ! > 

We’re waiting for you to join us so that we can work with you, support you and hold you accountable across the course of the next 6 weeks to ensure that your Marketing Game Plan is ready inside 6 weeks.

Come join the PT clinic “direct to consumer Marketing revolution”:

The Ultimate Physical Therapy Clinic Marketing Program ! >


Paul Gough

P.S I mentioned the Guarantee right??

This program is of no-risk to you.


Nothing to lose.

No bad decision can be made.

No regrets or money wasted.

Here’s why:

If you join the program today, if by the end of week 3 you don’t think you made the right decision to join us, I will offer you a full refund on your investment.

You can keep all of the bonus’s… all of the recordings… and as well as giving you your investment back, I’ll personally write an advert, or create a marketing piece for you that will make up for any time you feel you might have wasted.

P.P.S Clear your schedule and make just “90” minutes free  each Tuesday to join us all and Master one of the most important business skills you will ever own.

Go here next to register for the program:

The 6 Week New Patient Accelerator Program ! > 

Website Mastery: How To Turn Your Website Into A 24/7 Profit Generator

On this Physical Therapy Academy Tutorial we show you how to make your website the most profitable PT website on the entire internet, and why it’s key to magnifying your income.

In this modern age, it’s a common problem amongst all business owners (no matter what industry they’re in)…

When I speak to most PTs, a lot of them tell me that they have problems with patient compliance, no show rates and patients dropping out after having 6 sessions when they were really booked in for 8…

And when they show me their website, it becomes clear why this happens…

What most people don’t get, is that their clinic’s website plays a KEY role to business success, and can be the one thing that’s stopping you from making BIG money if it’s not set up properly.

In fact your website could even be cutting your enquiries up to 50%!

Let me tell you why…

The majority of clinic owners believe that the purpose of their website is to sell something – that people will find you online, and simply book appointments right away.

And some people do…

But the reality is, not many will.

Take this for example…

Did you know that less than 6% of all commerce is actually done online?

And that a huge 85% of people who visit your website will leave and NEVER take any action?…

Think about that for a moment, just how much money could your clinic’s website be losing you?… Thousands, upon thousands of dollars??

And with doctor referrals decreasing, and re-imbursement fees being slashed, you definitely can’t afford to let this happen.

The truth is, the purpose of your website has evolved.

Your PT website is there for people to make ENQUIRIES, not just to make a sale and book an appointment.


Your  website is the fundamental pivotal point in your business, and if it’s not designed and set-up in a way to give you expert status for being the go-to Physical Therapist in your small town, you’re  likely to be losing out on large sums of money.

But the thing is, just by making a few small changes to your website, you can solve this problem, and turn it into a 24/7 profit generator.

And it’s easy.

When I figured out how to turn my clinic’s website for Paul Gough Physio Rooms into a lead generation and relationship building machine, I became FLOODED with leads, new patients and more money in the bank.

Your website is critical to maximizng turnover, and surviving in 2016.

Get this right in time for when your doors open in January, and you’ll be ecstatic with the results.

You can discover how to do that here:

– 7 non-tech ways to get more cash clients >

I’ll show you specifically what you can do to master your website and online presence to achieve immediate results and create the success that you deserve.

You didn’t go to PT school to have an ‘okay’ business – so why settle for a website that could be halving your enquiries??

Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 11.59.43

Click the link to compel more patients to enquire about you online and to walk through your clinic doors:

– 7 non-tech ways to get more cash clients >


If you think you’ve got the TIME to be successful and want to start bringing in MORE results for you clinic…

Just click here to get regular tips sent directly to your inbox to turn your  PT clinic a sales and marketing machine:

– Click Here To Get Regular Tips To Grow Your PT Clinic Sent Directly To Your Inbox >>>

Dr Jarod Carter – Joins the 6 Week Program

So I woke up this morning to more registrations for the 6 Week New Patient Accelerator Program…

 …and one of them, was from Dr.Jarod Carter – founder of the “Cash PT” Podcast and Author of the recent book showing cash based owners the legalities of dealing with Medicare. 

He’s one of the most well known, well respected and perhaps the most “famous” PT in the whole of the US. 

He has a huge following on the “Cash PT” podcast and a thriving cash practice in Austin, TX.

Jarod’s reason for joining the 6 week Marketing Mastery program?


He wants to grow his own practice from one (him), to two (…and beyond). 

Dr Jarod Carter - Joins the 6 Week Program

If you’re on Jarod’s email list – you may have seen his email this week advertising the fact he’s looking for a full time therapist to go and work with him??…

…And he realizes that to successfully grow his amazing practice, beyond the volume of patients he currently has, he’s going to have to step up his Marketing Game Plan in 2016. 

Enter “The 6 Week New Patient Accelerator Program”. 

It’s a program I designed to give you a 50% – 250% increase in your clinic profits in 2016 and beyond. 

And a good time to start planning for 2016, is the last quarter of 2015. 

That’s now. 

If you’re dissatisfied with your clinics results this year – or you just hoped for better, then now is the time to make sure that doesn’t happen again in 2016. 

We start on Tuesday November 3rd – and we’re filling up fast. 

If you’re a cashed practice and you’re looking to grow from 15 appointments per week, to 50 – then this course will show you how. 

If you’re a cash based practice and you’d like to know how to charge significantly higher prices than you are now – this course will show you how. 

If you’re an in-network provider and you’d like to attract more ideal patients to your practice (independent of doctors) – using Postcards or Newspaper adverts to promote “Workshops” – then this course will show you how. 

If you’re an in-network provider and you don’t make as much from the insurance companies as your skills deserve, then you would benefit from knowing how to sell a “cash pay” or up sell service and this course will show you how to do that.  

Please act decisively. 

Dr.Jarod Carter joining the program is likely to add significant interest to an already popular course and when we hit “10” registrations, the investment will double back to $5000.

You can join us for just 3 payments of $895 and it’s fully guaranteed. 

If by the end of Module 3 you don’t think this course will add significant value to your practice in 2016 and beyond – ask me for your investment back and I’ll give it you in full. 

With this guarantee…there’s no risk for you to join us and you’ll have three weeks to sample it and you can keep all the material I’ll give you during that time.  

Go here to register:  

– The 6 Week New Patient Accelerator For PT’s ! > 


Paul Gough 

3 Reasons Why (…and Dr.Jarod Carter)

It’s been a great weekend…

Apart from spending the last 4 days at the Tony Robbins event in LA, and spending time with my girlfriend and son Harry at “The Grove” shopping centre last night…

…we also had “3” people, (including Dr.Jarod Carter – founder of the Cash PT Podcast) sign up for the New Patient Accelerator Program.

Here’s their reasons why:


1. Dr Jarod Carter, Austin, TX – Currently advertising for a second full time therapist and recognises that to keep this new employee busy – and him – he needs a completely new marketing strategy. Currently seeing 40+ patients per week – wants to double that by the end of 2016.

2. Caren, Downtown LA, Ca – Completely new start up who doesn’t even have a website yet and wants to “learn from me before making a ton of mistakes and wasting a ton of money trying to do this all on her own”. Currently has zero patients, wants to get to “40” per week by the end of 2016.

3. Jeff, Houston, TX – Currently has a full time job working for “the man” and yet has started a cash based practice on the side. Currently seeing “10” people per week, wants to get to “25” so that he can quit his other job, then onto “50” so that he can employ someone else to work for him. Niiiice…. 😉


So my question today, is this:

“What’s YOUR reason why??”

Suppose you signed up for the course:

The Ultimate Physical Therapy Marketing Program ! > 

What would be the reason you did so??…

To be able to double your NP intake? 

To be able to employ a receptionist to do all your paper work or answer the phone?

To have more money to enjoy spending on your family??

Or, is it to add a second therapist to your company so that you can do less, make just as much, and spend more TIME with your family? 

What ever YOUR reason is, that’s the single best reason to invest in your self, by taking this course.

How To Give Your Physical Therapy Clinic The Best Shot Of Success In 2016.

This is NOT, “will this work for me”?…

…the ONLY question you should be asking yourself is “Will I DO it”.

As in…

…if you actually implement what I tell you to do – step-by-step – then the material you will learn on this program will help you to achieve your goals in 2016. 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…

There’s never been a better time to run a PT business.

The number of new, up and coming PT clinic owners who have already registered for this program is proof of the optimism that these new owners bring to the industry.

For the Owners still hanging on tight and relying upon referrals from doctors – I don’t know how they can sleep at night without having a back up plan!

How will that owner survive if all referrals from doctors suddenly stopped? 

It’s a question I know a LOT of in-network owners are asking them selves these days.

If there was ever a time to add a second referral stream to an in-network PT business… now is absolutely the time.

Go here next to register:

– The Ultimate Physical Therapy Clinic Marketing Program ! > 

We start next Tuesday, 3rd of November with a Module that I wouldn’t want you to miss out on.


Paul Gough

P.S “Risk Reversal” is something that I adopt at my own PT clinic…

What that means is that I fully guarantee all of my patients an amazing experience – I promise to make them happy with everything that we do for them and if they don’t think they made the right decision by choosing my practice, then I give them their money back, in full.

I’d do the same thing for you, too.

If you join this program and “by the end of week 3” you don’t think it will add 50% – 250% to your profits in 2016, just send me an email and I’ll return your investment in full, promptly.

That means this course is ZERO risk to you. 

P.P.S You can join us and take advantage of the monthly payment plan of just 3 x $895… that means if you register today, week 3 will have been completed by the time the second payment is even made.

You have absolutely nothing to lose by joining this Marketing Mastery program and you’d be giving yourself the best possible shot of success in 2016.

You opened your PT business with the hope of being successful, more wealthy and having more free time, right?…

Go here next to get that:

The Ultimate Physical Therapy Marketing Program! > 

Hello Web Wealth 5.0

Google Pay Per Click has produced more millionaires in the last ten years than any other Marketing Media… 

..It has, quite simply, revolutionised the way that small businesses can get in front of new customers. 

Your Physical Therapy Clinic is included in that. 

Google PPC lets you get right in front of consumers searching in your town for “physical therapy”. 

I started using it in 2012… and have personally spent over $117,000 with Google already – and I’m planning on giving them a lot more of my money in 2016 simply because they keep on sending me so many new patients.

–  The Ultimate Physical Therapy Marketing Program ! >  

Hello Web Wealth 5.0

Google Pay Per Click is just one of 5 New internet “money machines” I’ll be teaching you on this course… and by the end of the 6 weeks you’ll know precisely how to create your own “web wealth”using anyone of these strategies. 

Just because most PT’s don’t know how to acquire new customers using the internet…

doesn’t mean that you have to miss out!

There’s 1000’s of potential new patients using Google right this minute, searching for a Physical Therapist in your town. 

Wouldn’t it be nice if your website appeared at the top and above your competitors??…

If you’re a cash-based practice, I don’t think there’s a better way to get in front of hot prospects than using Google PPC…

…and, if you’re a In-Network provider trying to move away from relying upon referrals from doctors (or facing competition from the big hospital systems), this might be the single best way to grow in 2016 and beyond. 

Would you agree that it’s worth at least knowing how to do it so that you could if you wanted to??

If so, register in time, before the price doubles to $5000, here:

–  The Ultimate Physical Therapy Marketing Program ! >  


Paul Gough

P.S When the number of registrants hits “10”… the price will shoot back up to it’s original fee of $5000.

And when we hit “12”, we’re full! 

Please act decisively if you’re planning on making bigger profits in 2016 and beyond:

The Ultimate Physical Therapy Marketing Program ! >  


Click here if you’re ready to take the leap and sign up to my email list and get marketing ideas and strategies sent straight to you:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Good-bye Website

Hopefully you’re planning on joining me for the “6 Week New Patient Accelerator Program“…

…which may end up with you saying ‘goodbye’ to your current website and ‘hello’ to a new look site that significantly increases your new patient intake – and profits.

– 6 Week New Patient Overload – The Ultimate Physical Marketing Program ! > 

Good-bye Website

I can guarantee you won’t want to keep your website as it is when you discover why the top of your homepage is probably halving your enquiries, why your site could well be making one critical mistake which can be solved with one quick decision – and the three key elements stopping visitors to your site becoming paying patients.

And that’s in the first 15 minutes, of just one of the 6 weekly modules!

If you haven’t reserved you place yet for the marketing masterclass program, you can do so here:

– 6 Week New Patient Overload – The Ultimate Physical Marketing Program ! > 

Limited seats remain – and if the webpage doesn’t appear it means we’re sold out (…like we did last time we did this course!)

You didn’t go to PT school to have a mediocre business – so why settle for a mediocre website??

Come and find out more. It’s all here:

– 6 Week New Patient Overload – The Ultimate Physical Marketing Program ! > 


Paul Gough

P.S With the amount of people who are online these days…

…If at least half of your New Patients aren’t coming to you because of what they saw on your website – then something is seriously wrong, it is costing you a small fortune … and means it’s almost impossible to grow your practice if you don’t sort this out and take advantage of the opportunities waiting for you online.

You’ll discover how to do that, here:

– 6 Week New Patient Overload – The Ultimate Physical Marketing Program ! > 

Note to Physical Therapists:

Click here to get regular tips sent directly to your inbox to turn your  PT clinic a sales and marketing machine:

– Click Here To Get Regular Tips To Grow Your PT Clinic Sent Directly To Your Inbox >>>

Good-bye SEO

Something called “search to task completion”…

…is the NEW way that Google will be ranking your website in 2016

SEO as you know it – and as you’ve maybe even paid for – is officially DEAD!

Gone are the days of “manipulating” search engines with back links…

…here to STAY, are the new rules that Google has recently introduced which puts the user EXPERIENCE front and centre of its decision of how high your site ranks.

Good-bye SEO-4

The good news is…

…there’s 5 things that any business owner can do to PROFIT from these new changes…

and I show you them all – step-by-step – on this course.

Seats are going fast…

If you want to give your self the best shot at ranking above your competitors in 2016, please make the decision to join me on the 6 Week New Patient Accelerator Program. 

It’s the ULTIMATE Physical Therapy Marketing Program.

Seriously, NOT knowing about these changes will significantly restrict your chances of success in 2016.

Register here.


Paul Gough.

P.S What I love about the guys at Google is this:

“They take a DARWINIAN approach to supporting small businesses”.

That means they want to make it easy for the BEST/smartest businesses to survive – and make a TON of MONEY. 

And all you have to do is play by their rules and give their customers (…the people searching) a great online experience.

If you do that, they reward you handsomely by giving you a higher ranking than that of your lazy competitors who won’t take the time to master these new changes.

P.P.S There’s a guy called “Ranjit Panda” at Google you can thank for the opportunity to rank No.1…

…He’s the guy who figured out the new rules of Googles search algorithm making it harder for my own competitors – I’ve already personally have sent him a “thank you” card for all of the money his changes have made me recently.

I share all the new rules of Web design and getting more visitors to your Website,on this program.


Note to Physical Therapists: To receive exclusive marketing tips directly to your inbox:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>> 

The PT Entrepreneur’s Journey

Take a look at this…

It’s a picture I took on Sunday night that reminded me of the amazing “journey” that I’m on:

It’s my boys (Harry) first ever soccer game.

And, it just happened to be in “Los Angeles” (…watching the LA Galaxy).

Roughly 6000 miles away from where we call home.

See, thanks to everything that I learned about how to market my Physical Therapy practice – better than anyone else in the world could do – I get to travel this big old’ world with my family, and EXPERIENCE lots of magical moments like the one in that picture.

And when I look back at pictures like that – it makes all of the “frustration”, the “fear”, the “doubt” and the “worry” that I often live with – about whether or not I’m making the right decisions, or even going in the right direction with my career,  100% worthwhile!

(Are you living with something similar??…)

As I write to you today, I’m in Starbucks in La Jolla (Torrey Pines Road)… and I’m about to drive up to LA again to learn from “Tony Robbins”.

He’s at the LA convention centre starting Thursday.

After that, I drive to Phoenix to catch up with some good friends, work with a PT client in “Scottsdale”, and meet with the top guys at Infusionsoft and talk about how we can work together to ensure that PT’s benefit more from using their amazing software.

From there, we drive to “Las Vegas”… for a looooooong weekend of relaxation and fun.

From Vegas, we fly to “Denver” – for another conference I’ve paid $2000 to be attending.

And it’s from “Denver” that I’ll be teaching Module 1 of this course I created for you:

– The Ultimate Physical Therapy Marketing Program ! > 

…I’ll be teaching Module 2 from Orlando.

and Module 3 from Conway, (NC)…

Ain’t decided where I’ll be for Module 4.

Perhaps London.

Where ever it is, it’ll be MY decision.

It’s a nice position to be in…

At the age of “34”… with a $1m+ PT practice that runs on Autopilot in a country with a completely free (socialist) health care system as my competitor, and able to travel the world with my family, meeting new people and enjoying different experiences.

Want to know how I do it??

The answer:

Quite simply, I “pay” for it.

In “time” with studying books and taking courses (often while I do travel) – or spending sometimes in excess of $5000 per month to talk to business coaches to tell me how.

Why would I not?…

I give them $2500… I get 10 x back a couple of weeks later as a result of implementing their advice.

Seems very logical to me.

So I guess the only thing that REALLY stands in the way of most PT’s living the life they REALLY want, is the decisions that make about investing in themselves!

That’s it.

See, while most PT’s are looking for anything and everything that’s FREE (…to find customers)…

…or STILL thinking that referrals from doctors are the way to go…

…the really smart ones – the ones innovating and growing and paying no attention to the catastrophic changes soon to hit the industry thanks to AOP’s – are investing their time and energy into doing something completely different… 

They’re figuring out NOW, how to offer “cash up sells”, how to charge higher prices for those up sells and how to acquire NP’s from the internet using Google, Facebook and Re-marketing…

They’re sending engaging emails regularly, using social media strategically and combining all of that with newspaper advertising as well as using EDDM to find ideal clients to send postcards too…

What’s more…

They’re getting creative with their front end “offers”… and most importantly of all…

…they’re 100% clear on WHO their ideal client is! 

Because without knowing that – it simply isn’t possible to grow and scale ANY business in a way that YOU can control and profit from.

I’d go so far as to say that my own “entrepreneurial journey” started with the realization that I didn’t even know WHO my PT business was created for.

And as long as I continued to NOT know who my ideal patient was – I was never able to custom tailor a perfect PT service or experience or have any chance of marketing success.

Of course all that’s changed now.

I have a LASER sharp definition of who “Mary” is (…I even know her name) – and what Mary values in her life.

And funnily enough – that’s the Module I’ll be teaching live from a very beautiful “Denver”, on November 3rd, on this course.

That and “how to create an offer they can’t refuse”.

If YOU want to start your PT Entrepreneurial Journey – come join us all on this amazing 6 week program where I’ll teach you everything you will need to do so… and show you how protect your profits in 2016 and beyond.

Click here to register. 

Now I accept that NOT everyone wants this kind of “freedom”…

…And I know that most PT’s will let their “professional ego” get in the way of learning one of the most valuable skills you could ever own (…Marketing)…

…and I even know that some PT’s LOVE to wollow in the self pitty that comes with being able to blame everyone else around them for their lack of success…

But I’m hoping that you’re in the remaining 1%…

…and if you are, I invite you to join me to give your self the best possible shot you’ve got of a 50% to 250% increase in profits in 2016, and beyond.

Start Here:

– Register For The Ultimate Physical Therapy Marketing Program ! > 

If you do, I’ll see you Live from Denver 😉


Paul Gough

Note: If you’re a Physical Therapist looking to learn Marketing ideas like this…

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Your PT Website – Two Quick Tips For Getting More New Patients

What if I told you…

…the biggest reason most PT’s don’t get great results from their clinics…

…has nothing to do with their actual skills?

Would that surprise you?

See, most PT clinics profits “flatline”

because of what happens before the patients even arrive. 

Untitled design-15

So, my tips for you are these:

1.) Have a Website that people can actually find

2.) Have a Website that compels people to WANT to take action and get in touch to book your services.

And as it happens, I’m covering these exact topics in more detail on here:

– The Ultimate Physical Therapy Marketing Course ! > 

Register here for this 6 week, marketing mastery program that will change the way you Market your services in 2016 and beyond.

It’ll take me just 6 weeks to show you everything that has taken me years to learn.

It’s a very “personal” program too…

…that’s why it’s limited to just 6 owners!

And because we “sold out” the last time we did this course, two spaces for this one went before we even opened up registration!

I’ve left something for you to watch on this page that I think you’ll benefit from knowing.

Paul Gough

P.S Getting your website sorted can DOUBLE, or even TRIPLE, your PT clinic profits.

It’s why I created an in depth module called the “Website Solution”… and on it I show you step-by-step how to create the most profitable PT website on the entire internet. 

Get your seat in time here!

Note: If you’re a Physical Therapist looking to learn Marketing ideas like this…

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Cash Up Sell: How To Turn Ice Cold New Patients Into Red Hot Life Long Buyers

On this Physical Therapy Profit Academy Tutorial we show you how to maximise your patient cash value effortlessly, by selling any cash service you want, to any patient you treat.


“How do you make MORE money at your practice?…”

Many PT owners focus on bringing in more and more new patients.

Which, of course, is part of the equation…

But the fact is, with the majority of PTs relying on inbound referrals from Doctors, and with insurance reimbursement fees being “slashed” – keeping the doors open is only going to become harder, meaning you’ll work MORE, but go home with LE$$!

And although a ton of new patients WILL bring you more money when they pay for their first block of sessions…

What you REALLY need to know how to do, is CONTINUE that sale with that same customer for life – as this IS where the bigger profits are made.

So, instead of only thinking – ‘how can I get more new patients?’…

Turn it around and start thinking like the wealthy PT owners who are asking – ‘how can I get that one new customer to buy from me for life?’

Because if you can get one new customer, chances are you can get ten.

And so it’s just as important that you figure out a way to get that one customer to buy from you again and again – ideally, forever!

And when you crack that code, the wealth is infinite.

Let me show you how to do it:

Introducing, “The Cash Up Sell”

The “Cash up sell” is one of the best ways to maximise profits from the patients already coming to your clinic, and new ones.

How To Turn Ice Cold New Patients Into Red Hot Life Long Buyers-2

Did you know that up to 60% of customers who’ve committed to a sale will make a last minute purchase when offered?…

Most PT owners don’t even realise this is possible, and there’s several reasons why…

One of the main reasons is simply because they rely mainly on patients being TOLD to visit them (via Dr referrals)

Hugely significant.

Put it this way, Chiropractors have incredible up-sells in their business – because the people paying to see them are actively doing so.

Contrast that with the PT clinics who are relying on inbound referrals, being told that because they have back pain, they should see a PT… the patents those owners attract have a completely different mindset.

Before I realised this, I had faced a challenge to figure out a way to get ice cold new patients, into red hot life long leads…

But now I have in place a step-by-step process to sell ANY service I want, at ANY price I want, to any patient – it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done for my business…

The best part?

You can use the exact same strategy too.

To discover precisely how to boost your income by doing this, go here next:

The 6 Week New Patient Accelerator Program >

It’s the Ultimate Physical Therapy Marketing Course designed for clinic owners serious about achieving a 50% – 250% increase in profits for their business.

Take a look to see what’s in store for you here:

The 6 Week New Patient Accelerator Program >

I’ve done the work for you – I’ll help you create you own Marketing GAME PLAN for 2016 and beyond…

You can bet that you will be MILES ahead any other PT clinic in your town when the doors re-open in January.

Don’t leave it too late to make 2016 your best year yet – like so many PT businesses do – or, risk relying upon referrals from doctors for a moment longer, because that ship is sailing…

Click here to achieve immediate results and create the success that you deserve.

Strategies To “Pack Out” Your PT Schedule For 2016

When you open the doors at your PT practice…

…you want to have it FULL of your ideal patients…

…and the more, the merrier!

Am I right?…

I’ve been getting a TON of PT’s asking me questions lately about how they can get more IDEAL patients into their clinics…


That’s why I created this…

Get access to my BEST STRATEGIES here!


Paul Gough

P.S If you’ve been struggling to fill up your schedule or even just get started since you finished PT school… this will help you!


Click here if you’re ready to take the leap and sign up to my email list and get marketing ideas and strategies sent straight to you:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Breaking News – Game Plan For 2016 Announced

I started planning for success in 2016…

…when I was at a Mastermind event in Asheville, LAST MONTH!

See, I try desperately hard NOT to do what most PT businesses do and wait until 2016 actually arrives – to plan for it.

I prefer to have my game plan in place and profiting while the others are *busy* thinking about theirs.

With that in mind, I wanted to help create your own Marketing GAME PLAN for 2016, and beyond.

Vantage Points

Take a look at this…

It’s a way of ensuring that you start 2016 with a TON of momentum and instead of planning – you’re actually doing!

Big difference.

Massive difference.

Click here to see what I’ve got for you. 

Paul “planning for 2016 already” Gough.

P.S – to receive Physical Therapy Marketing Tips delivered personally to your inbox click here:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>