Comes a question on twitter last night:
“Paul… any actionable advice on “scripting” my own pt interactions within a practice?
Where to start or key points?
– @MattPaluchniak DPT
My answer??…
It’s the only sure fire way to ensure that EVERY ONE of your patients are being “loved” in the way that you want.
See, one of the problems with growing a PT clinic is that you’re at the mercy of your staff – and their ability to “perform” on your behalf.
And, as we all know, the problem with (some) staff is that they can be unpredictably reliable, at times.
And I don’t like the thought of my patients NOT experiencing the amazing service that I have created for them…
…so, to ensure I create RAVING fans, I script everything!
The first phone call, the welcome into the clinic greeting (…we even ROLE PLAY this), to the “three-way” interaction between *therapist – patient – receptionist* that puts the new patient at ease right before their first evaluation meaning they’re actually listening to what we say during it, because they feel comfortable in our space and therefore more OPEN to agreeing to our care plans.
I leave nothing to chance.
I know what my patients want from the “Paul Gough Physio Rooms” experience better than any of my staff, so why would I not go to such lengths to ensure that my patients feel precisely how I want them to??
Why do I really do it?
Because of this:
“They never remember what you did for them (PT), but they always remember how you made them feel (customer service)”.
What’s this got to do with Marketing and profits??
Most PT owners struggle with getting the majority of their patients to show up for all the sessions they prescribe…
…and one of the reasons that happens is because patients don’t feel 100% SURE about the service they’re getting.
The PT or admin staff will usually hide behind the “copay” issue and say that the patient doesn’t have the money to pay…
…but in reality, they do have that “copay”, they just don’t want to give it up to a company that provides inconsistent service – if any at all.
The moral of todays story?
Your clinics Marketing should be a series of VERY well “scripted” messages that attracts people to your practice…
When they arrive, that “scripting” of service should continue – made much easier when you know WHO your marketing is trying to attract.
Difficult to grow a reliable business if you’re attracting many different types of “ideal” clients to your practice.
Better to be “everything” for that one consumer – than a little of something, for many.
It’s marketing 101 that PT school maybe didn’t include in the curriculum.
Paul Gough
P.S I’m in Orlando this week and incredibly excited to be here…
…taking “Harry” (my two year old) to Disney later today.
Note to physical therapist looking for Marketing Ideas.
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