Author Archives: Paul Gough

About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.

How Much Money Is Not Knowing How To Handle This Objection Costing You?…A Fortune?

On this Physical Therapy Academy Tutorial we show you exactly why it’s critical to tackle the most common patient objection of paying the ‘$40 COPAY’, to stop it from losing YOU thousands of dollars.

You’ve probably heard this objection countless times before…

When you tell new potential patients how much copay Physical Therapy is going to cost them, they’ll come out with objections like this…

“It just costs too much money.”

OR the exact words I heard a lady say the other week when I visited one of my clients, Dean from Volk PT…

“I don’t think I’m going to be able to afford that every time I come in to see you.”

And even though your prospects say these things, the truth is that the cost of copay ISN’T the actual issue…

And because most PT’s think it is – they’re losing out on making big money without even realising it!

Seriously, failing to handle a ‘price objection’ is costing you thousands of dollars.

More often than not price ISN’T a legitimate concern – the customer may simply be price resisting, and NOT price objecting.

People ARE actually happy to spend their money when they see there’s more VALUE in using your Physical Therapy services.

And as soon as you understand this and challenge it, you won’t lose a patient to a price objection ever again.

Here’s an example of exactly what happened when I visited my coaching client Dean’s clinic last week…

(What I showed Dean made him $500 richer in an instant)

Overcoming The “It Costs Too Much” Objection

A lady walked in enquiring about PT…

She was told that she had to pay a $40 copay each time she visited.

Straight away I could see this lady wasn’t happy, and if the price objection wasn’t tackled right then and there, she would have walked out of the clinic for good – meaning hundreds of dollars lost, just like that.

So I pulled Dean’s Therapist Mary aside, and gave her the exact words to say…

The lady that had just walked in thought that she was being hard done by having to pay $40 on each visit…

So how did we change this lady’s mind so that she would convert into a new patient right away?

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We re-framed everything.

Mary acknowledged that the $40 copay was an issue for this client – building empathy and creating a relationship.

BUT even BETTER, Mary told this lady that other people who come to the clinc pay a $70 copay each time!

So immediately the initial assumption that she was getting a ‘bad deal’, turned around into thinking ‘wow, maybe $40 isn’t so bad after all!’

After Mary used the exact words I gave her, the prospect was sold on Volk PT, then and there she accepted to give Volk PT $500 in exachange for less back pain.

It’s a “true-sales” technique that will overcome these types of obstacles everytime – increasing your PT clinc profits through the roof.

When you understand that the PRICE is no longer an issue – the struggle of converting new leads into patients will be a thing of the past.

If you want to be shown how to overcome these kinds of objections too, I show you here:

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It’s a Marketing and Sales Mastery Program that shows you how to aquire more NP’s by overcoming the 16 most common objections that stop people from coming to see a Physical Therapist.

Take a look when you click this link:

NP OVERLOAD – The Short Cut To Attracting More Enquiries And More Patients For Your PT Practice! >

I’ll walk you through the exact words to say that will convert your leads into paying clients, and make them say ‘yes!’

Take a look:

NP OVERLOAD – The Short Cut To Attracting More Enquiries And More Patients For Your PT Practice! >

For more marketing (and sales) ideas like this join Paul’s email list now and we’ll send them directly to your inbox.

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

It’s Official – “Physician Lunch Days Are Over”

After yesterdays email I got a HUGE response…

Here’s just one of them…


“Paul… We have gone from 80/20 physician / Direct access in JANUARY to 50/50 or even 40/60 physician/direct access in 9 short months. 

In September alone we generated over 100 leads; 50% will coming in in Oct; 25% more by the end of the year.

If we have a stable MD referral base; I can more than match that with direct access patient. 

In fact; my prediction will be by mid to late 2016 we won’t need a single MD referral to pay our bills. The MD’s will be providing 100% profit as the direct access will pay all the bills.

Slightly different (but very freeing) thought process. 

It is a sustainable model not influenced at all by fickle or grumpy MD’s who’s PA’s and MA’s change (as do their referral patterns) like the shifting sand. 

Don’t get me wrong, I still want the post surgical patients but our “physician lunch” days were over 9 months ago!!”


… Best part about that reply??

This person who wrote it to me is one of MY coaching clients!

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So I’m very proud to say that I’ve been able to help him on this road to “freedom” (…from relying upon doctors).

But I’ve got to be honest and say that although I’ve helped him with his marketing – and sales – what I haven’t had to do is change his mindset… and that’s where most of his success is now coming from.

I can give the strategy advice and marketing ideas – even the sales scripts – but if he doesn’t take it and run with it, and implement those into his clinics “D.N.A”, then it’s a waste of my time, and his!

Now this particular owner – from Phoenix – came to the table when we first met knowing for sure that if he wanted to make it out of the doctor luncheons trap, he’d need to change the entire culture of his clinic.

And by culture, I mean switching from being a clinic used to receiving “inbound” referrals – where the patient APPEARS to need “no selling” on PT because the doctor has already done to so…

…to a clinic that communicates with it’s patients at a higher, more persuasive level of influence.

The result??

No more doctors luncheons.

And, higher profits.

Even better…

He’s got patients who WANT to do business with him.

And what’s more:

Because of the way his staff speak, and the marketing message we created, he’s got patients who repeatedly WANT to buy from him. 


Even if the insurance companies slash fees in Phoenix sometime soon, he’ll be ok, because his staff know how to sell “Cash pay” services.

The real secret to his success?

Taking the LEAP.

This owner made the decision to invest in his own ball game – one with its own rules, and one that makes him richer (…and not the insurance companies or local doctors!).


Lesson over for the day…

I got to go pack my bags for another long trip to San Diego…

Got some more clients clinics to visit…

And, 5 more “marketing and sales seminars” to attend to ensure that I too can continue to avoid the days of ever having to have lunch with people I really don’t like.

Best bit?..

My two year old son Harry will be travelling with me as we visit six different U.S cities in 6 weeks – and all the while my own physical therapy clinics will continue to run profitably without me.

It’s amazing what happens when you take that “leap” and invest in yourself, don’t you think??…

Click here if you’re ready to take the leap and sign up to my email list and get marketing ideas and strategies sent straight to you:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>


Paul Gough

The Emerging PT Clinic “Dog Fight”…

There’s two schools of thought right now:


1.) That it’s better to be an established PT business because you already have existing relationships with doctors or third party referrers supplying your clinic with NP’s

2.) That it’s better to be a new age, modern thinking, up and coming PT business owner with zero doctor friends – who ISN’T indoctrinated in the OLD ways of relying upon inbound referrals to make a living – who realises that to profit he or she has to learn to SELL (…what he or she does!)


So lets look more closely at them both…

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Because I think there’s a pretty dangerous cross roads ahead for the Owners who REFUSE to accept that they need to have a “true-sales” culture at the core of the business.

See, the problem with being an existing business is that it’s very easy to “fall asleep on the soft pillow of success”.

That’s the business owner currently convincing himself that everything will be “ok” – that they’ll “weather the storm” – if they just focus in on “patient care” and “growing relationships with doctors”.

But what if there was an emerging group of owners doing things a little differently?…

See, just about every major profit boost I’ve ever had in my own business comes from the time and energy invested in learning how to truly “sell” what I do – and what I can do FOR people.

Some examples of when “selling” your services is needed?


1.) When you get patients sent to you by a doctor who are resistant to even arriving for that first Evaluation!

2.) When you get referrals from doctors who you can’t even reach because they don’t, or won’t pick up the phone

3.) When you get patients who come for PT, but drop off before their recommended number of visits is up!

Now to MOST PT’s, all of these three scenarios are an every day event.

However, I often wonder how many realize that they can actually do something to limit the profit *loss* from all three issues?…

And I also wonder how being “more focused on patient care”, OR, hiring a marketing person to talk to more local doctors, is actually going to solve any or all of these problems?…

The reality – and hard truth – is that neither ever will.

The only thing that will?

Adopting a “true-sales” mentality into your PT practice and skillfully learn how to recognize, handle, and then overcome these types of obstacles to more pt clinic profits.

Thankfully, some of the well-established clinics that I’m working with agree with me on this…

For the rest??

Frustration awaits.

Running faster, working harder, all the while going in the wrong direction trying to win the wrong race.

For the up and coming, new kid on the block, PT owner?

It might APPEAR to be hard to breakthrough…

But my best bet is that for the ones who think differently, talk differently and focus on giving true VALUE to their clients, UNAFRAID to hear the odd objection to their services…

…true GLORY and real success is waiting without a single referral from a doctor even needed.

Lesson over for today.


Paul Gough

P.S I’ve just finished an amazing 6 weeks working with 6 owners on the “Ultimate Physical Therapy Marketing” Video seminar program…

So successful it was… that I’m getting ready to launch the next program and start the registration process again soon…

Note: If you’re a Physical Therapist looking to learn Marketing ideas like this…

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

The Secret Way To Use Facebook To Get Referrals From Past Patients

On this Physical Therapy Profit Academy Tutorial we show you a new way to get more new patients coming to your Physical Therapy clinic – leveraging the great relationship you have with your past patients.

You know your Physical Therapy services are valuable, you’ve spent a lot of time and money building your practice and growing your skills… but it’s a struggle to get new patients walking through the door without relying upon doctors for referrals.

But what if I told you that your EXISTING patients can actually do the work for you?…

What if there was a way to get your past and or existing patients to spread the word about your PT clinic, without having to do anything yourself – and most definitely without having to BEG patients to tell people about you.

Let me tell you how we’re doing it at the Paul Gough Physio Rooms:

Introducing “Facebook Re-Marketing”

Alongside Email Marketing and Google, “Remarketing” on Google and Facebook is the most impactful thing that I’ve ever done for my own clinic the Paul Gough Physio Rooms.

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How Re-Marketing On Facebook Works?

Well, just like how you can use your website to get new patients to see your clinic adverts everywhere they go on the internet… you can use Facebook to your advantage to follow these people too.

And as well as following NEW prospects who have recently been on your site, you can re-target adverts to past AND existing patients to help build your clinic awareness – taking advantage of ‘social proof’.

 How Do You Build ‘Social Proof’?

It’s easier than you might think… and it’s all thanks to one of Facebook’s little-known features that all business owners should now be making use of.

It’s a “custom audience” feature that lets you create an audience of people who you ALREADY know – that you then show your adverts too.

So lets say for example you have 100 email addresses of past patients, you can upload them into Facebook, and then as soon as that patient logs in, your clinic’s advert will appear right in front of them on their screen.

So now you’ve got your past patients seeing your Facebook advert all day and night.

And here’s the best part…

Happy past patients see your advert – so they start to comment on it.

Your past patients start to build your ‘social proof’ because they’re seeing your advert and commenting on it saying how good you are.

And lets face it – what others say about you, is 1,000 times more believable than what YOU say about you.

So in the eyes of new patients (who have just been on your website), you look and feel like an amazing company that they WANT to do business with.

They are seeing these comments from people who have already used YOU, who are talking about YOU and sharing YOUR advert – making them a hundred times more likely to book.

It’s a strategy that can’t fail, and the most logical step to take when using Facebook Advertising – you’ll get patients coming to you because of the social proof being witnessed, and you’ll get past patients re-activating too because you’re always in front of them.

It’s being ‘top of mind’ and having that ‘social proof’, that will have the most significant impact on your business when it comes to Marketing.

If you’d like to know how to boost your clinic’s profits using simple internet and online strategies, you may wish to look here next:

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It’s a program designed to show you simple ways that you can summon a FLOOD of patients to your clinic by using the internet.

Discover more when you click this link:

– 7 non-tech ways to get more cash clients >

You’ll also have personal access to the most impactful tactics that I’ve used to increase my profits every single day.

Click the link to find out more:

– 7 non-tech ways to get more cash clients >


For more marketing (and sales) ideas like this join Paul’s email list now and we’ll send them directly to your inbox  – Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>



Posted on in Facebook

The “$40 Copay” Issue (…And Dealing With It)

So I’m almost through with my trip to North Carolina…

(..and YES, it is as wet as they’re saying on the news!) I spent the first few days working along side Dean Volk (of Volk PT) and his brilliant staff.

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Dean asked me to go to his clinic in Charlotte to give him a fresh perspective on the way he is currently doing things… and ideas to make them better.

And in a conversation we had over dinner one night I revealed to him the “3” things that I believe will make the difference to whether or not PT clinics survive in this new economy.

(Not the fiscal economy since the recession or Obama care – I’m talking about the “connection” economy that we’re in).

And here they are:


1.) Having a clear & consistent, ideal client focused on, solution to problem Marketing Message (…that doesn’t stop after one advert that didn’t work)

2.) The ability to create an EXPERIENCE for your patients that they can’t get anywhere else (…this has nothing to do with PT skills)

And, drum roll…

3.) The ability to overcome “objections”


And it’s the latter that is the where the big profit boosts come form.

For every patient who tells you “I’m not paying $40 copay”…

…There are about 8 out of 10 of those people who WOULD, if you just take the time to ask them WHY?

Ever done that?… 

Actually confronted the issue to find out why they won’t?

Or, do you just do as most PT’s do and TELL them that they should come because it’s their health and the doctor said so?

Now, the REAL answer is RARELY that “they’ve got no money”. 

And nor do they want to hear “but your doctor said”…

Understanding this is a game changer for your practice.

Want some proof?


So in three hours of being in Deans clinic in Concord on Monday I heard that same “copay” objection from two different patients who were waiting not so happily in reception after being told how much they’d have to pay EVERY TIME! … 

I walked over to the therapist about to begin the evaluation – and talked with her for less than two minutes about the exact way the conversation with the patient should go, to ensure that she would WANT to come back for more than one session.

The result?

Both clients agreed to schedule 4 further visits after the eval.

Now this sent shock waves around Volk PT as every member of staff PT in there assumed that there was NO WAY these patients would re-book.

But they did.

And with it, almost $1000 made in just three hours, simply by figuring out how to handle an objection.

I’ve been out of Deans clinic for two days now… and I reckon it’s likely to have happened at least a couple of times sinc.

Do that Math…

In just three days, he’s now about $3-4000 wealthier just as a result of his staff knowing how to handle objections.

And that’ll happen most every week from now as long as his staff continue to deal with objections in the step-by-step, question by question way that I showed them.

The problem most PT’s have?

1.) They don’t know how to handle objections (…or actually believe they can!)


2.) They won’t pay someone to find out how they should handle those objections currently costing them money (…like Dean did).


Lesson over.

I’m off for another days learning about Marketing and Sales at my Mastermind Event in a very pretty, but very wet, Asheville.

(Paid a LOT of money to be here).


If you want some help to boost profits at your practice, maybe we should talk.


Paul Gough

Note to physical therapist looking for Marketing Ideas.

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>



The Low-Cost Way To Get More New Patients From Your PT Website

On this PT Profit Academy Tutorial we show you how to CONVERT more new patients currently looking on your clinics website, and at the same time, keep “top of mind” with your past patients meaning more referrals coming in – all thanks to this new, low cost way of using the internet.

It’s a common problem amongst all business owners…

No matter how much money they spend on their websites… things just don’t seem to work out the way they should. Your not getting any extra conversions from your website despite that new button, that new picture or the change you made to the headline or video.

Here’s the stats:

85% of people who visit any website leave and NEVER take any action.

We’d all like to think that every single person that comes into contact with our PT business online, will follow a very straight and orderly path to booking an appointment, and paying for our services having read about them on there.

But in reality, the patient’s journey to your treatment room, isn’t as straight forward as that.

The reality is, 99% of people will visit your website… and then leave, failing to take the next step – getting in touch with you and booking an appointment, and you’ve lost them forever.

But what if I told you there was a way to solve this problem?

To stay in touch with the people who visit your website who don’t get in touch?

It might be that they got distracted, they thought they’d think it over a little longer or even go to check out the competition.

All very common problems that add up to one thing – no money being exchanged for your great PT services.

Introducing “Re-Marketing”

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Along side, Google PPC, Email Marketing and Inbound Marketing… one of the biggest game-changers for my own physical therapy clinic profits, is Re-Marketing.

(Here’s my clinics website:

How it works?

Well, you may be familiar with feeling like a company is following you around everywhere you go on the internet, since you were on their site a day or so ago.

You skip from Facebook, to CNN, the NY Times, to your favourite online shopping website, and everywhere you look, you see a banner advert for that same company.

Seems pretty impressive right?

And you might have wondered how they do this…

That’s “Remarketing” and it’s also very simple to use for small businesses – it makes us look huge when patients see us on websites like the Huffington post or CNN – which is just one of the reasons it gives you so much chance of success with acquiring leads and converting them into new patients.

Here’s an example of one of my own clinics Remarketing ads appearing on CNN’s website:

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Essentially, with Remarketing you put a “pixel” on your website, so when someone visits your website, they are captured, and added to the audience that will see YOUR clinic’s ad.

From now on, they’ll see you everywhere they go.

This internet marketing tactic is extremely powerful, and will give people the impression that you are everywhere, regardless of the size of your PT business they’ll think you’re the biggest PT clinic in the whole of the USA.

And even if they don’t call you the first time after seeing your advert – eventually they do, as they will keep on seeing YOUR advert, and you’ll be at the “top of their mind”.

And it’s that being “top of mind”, that is critical to the success of any Marketing. If you’re at all interested in taking the leap into the very profitable world of Internet Marketing and boosting conversions from your website, you may wish to look at this:

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It’s a program with 7 ways to boost NP’s at you clinic – and five of them are game changes for how you use the internet and make sales from your website.

Take a look when you click this link:

7 Low Tech Ways To Get More New Patients

You’ll also have instant access to some of the very biggest changes that I’ve made to my own website to make it more profitable.

Just click the link so discover more:

7 Low Tech Ways To Get more New Patients


For more marketing (and sales) ideas like this join Paul’s email list now and we’ll send them directly to your inbox. – Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Why It’s NOT All About Just Making Them Well…

So I’m heading home to tonight to “pack my bags”…

I’m about to set off on a pretty hectic trip that is taking me to Asheville, North Carolina for a Mastermind Event with my own business mentor.

(We ALL need one!)


While there…

I’m stopping by to see “Aaron LeBauer” – we’re doing a “co-mentoring” session together at his clinic in Greenborough on Tuesday night…

And, what I’m VERY excited about is spending two days working side-by-side with one of my clients “Dean Volk”, of Volk PT. 

He’s asked me to go into this clinic and look at it from a completely different perspective…

To look at everything that his clinic is currently doing well – and make it even better.

See, it’s not just marketing that improves clinics profitability.

There’s hidden treasure in your practice that will reveal itself to you when you look more closely at the INTERNAL systems and procedures that power your business.

Most business owners have a “blind spot”…

(Me included – hence the looooong old trip to Ashville).

What they think they WANT (i.e marketing) to solve their problem … is not always actually what they NEED!

But because they’re so entrenched in their practice, they can’t always see the price they’re paying for a PT assistant who isn’t communicating with patients in the same, expert and engaging way, that the PT did at the initial eval…

(…and so drops off schedule!)


The LACK OF connection made by a their receptionist who comes to work chewing gum each day and who thinks her role is to answer the phone and book appointments… and if she does that, she’s done her job!

See, patients expect (…demand!) a lot more bang.for.their.buck these days – and it’s often as simple as changing the questions you ask on the phone, that’ll change the entire future of a relationship with a patient – that could so very easily, last a life time.

Makes sense that if THEY’RE having to pay more (…copay!), you gotta’ give ‘em more to get it…

The thing is…

MOST owners are too busy listening to their “professional ego” that keeps telling them, it’s all about “making them well”.

Well, it kinda’ is…

But that’s NOT how you get in the big league income streams…

I couldn’t sleep at night if I thought that the future of my practice depended solely upon being a “great PT”…


Well, there’s about 41, 753 other PT’s reading this email right now… who are no doubt all great clinicians.

Most, probably FAR superior to me when it comes to fixing “sciatica”.

Trouble is…

They’re not all running incredibly profitable businesses, OR, even at all able to afford themselves the TIME to take nice trips to nice places like Asheville, to learn even more about how to run that same profitable business, even better.

Go figure.


If you’re in or around Asheville, Charlotte or North Carolina next week… lets meet up! 

I’ll see you in Starbucks for a “grande, extra hot, no foam skinny, caramel latte”.


Paul Gough

If you’d like to discover how to take your PT clinic to the NEXT level and explode your profits…Just click here to get regular tips sent directly to your inbox:

– Click Here To Get Regular Tips To Grow Your PT Clinic Sent Directly To Your Inbox >>>


Why You Aint’ Got No TIME (…For That!)

This question came in from an Owner I spoke to on a Strategy Call recently:


“How do you handle the challenges of trying to be a father and a business owner?

Finding it a struggle to manage and take care of my kid, run a full time business, work a part time job and be a husband.

Any advice?” …


I could give you two answers.

One would be the “theoretical” answer – the “BS” type answer that you likely want to hear…

“Get better at time management, organize more, delegate, sleep less, switch your phone off, stop going on F’book or using social media for anything other than to advance business or connect with clients, stop watching TV and rarely read any newspapers…

All of which I do.

But that’s not the REAL way you find time in your life to run a small business.


In my honest, very humble opinion, it comes down to this:

1.) Discipline


2.) Self-belief.

The “discipline” to use the time wealth that you create from side stepping things like watching the TV or playing on Facebook.

And the “belief” is that if you use that new found time more wisely, it absolutely will impact your life in a positive way.

And if you pushed me on it…

It’s the “belief” that is the key to success.

See, I think what holds so many people back from getting things like marketing systems in place, writing blog posts, sending emails, writing books, or giving up any time to work on their business is this…

…that UNLIKE when a patient schedules an appointment, they’re not 100% CERTAIN in the outcomeof getting paid.

It’s as if they’re too emotionally attached to the outcome thinking – “is this the best use of my time?”

So, the way to get round all of that “doubt”… is to ask your self this question:

“What if what I’m about to do couldn’t fail but would bring in the desired out come…”

I.e attract more patients to my practice, grow my revenue etc.

…would I find the time to do it?

The answer is mostly YES you would (…find the time) because you’d be 100% sure of the “trade off” you were about to make.

So, I put it to you that most of the time it’s not a question of a “lack of time” to get things done…

It’s the fear of what you do choose to do, failing… that actually stops you from doing it!

There’s a big difference.

Massive difference.

One more thing:

Most UNSUCCESSFUL people have to see results BEFORE they make decisions.

Yet, go and study the REALLY successful ones…

Those are the guys who trust their better judgement… and themselves… and do it regardless, all the time knowing something good is more than likely to come their way.

And you know what else?…

Before the results of what they just did even come in, they’re off and on to creating something else.

And so the cycle of success continues.

Google “minutiae”… and you might get a very short and precise definition of why most PT owners never get to where they should be, with their business.


If you think you’ve got the TIME to be successful and want to start bringing in MORE results for you clinic…

Just click here to get regular tips sent directly to your inbox to turn your  PT clinic a sales and marketing machine:

– Click Here To Get Regular Tips To Grow Your PT Clinic Sent Directly To Your Inbox >>>


Paul Gough

The New PT Clinic Owner Setting Up In His Garage Right By Your Clinic

As most PT’s worry about doctors getting harder to reach, what’s even more worrisome is the changing behaviour of the average consumer.

Think about it…

The average consumer (your patient) these days is more educated and has more choices and access to information than ever.

The New PT Clinic Owner Setting Up In His Garage Right By Your Clinic

And is therefore MORE resistant to being told what to do.

Even by doctors.

And as much as we LOVE to assume that a referral from a doctor = a “happy to arrive and pay” new patient at our clinics, the reality is those days are gone, too.

The consumer is used to having choices.

They WANT choices.

And every time YOU push them over to “Yelp” to ask them for a review of your clinic, you remind them that THEY are now the ones who hold the power.

And, that they have choices.

Of which one of them is to say “no” to the doctor’s recommendation of going to your PT clinic.

Now some owners will stubbornly refuse to accept this.

And will continue to run faster or try harder at begging more doctors for more referrals.

But here’s the thing…

I put it to you that the REAL danger you face is not from the doctors playing hide ’n seek from you or your fancy newsletters.

It’s the smaller, new kid on the block PT owner who ISN’T indoctrinated in the old school ways of running a PT business.

The equivalent of “2 kids in a garage” in the 70’s trying to re-invent the entire computer industry – and succeeding (…Jobs and Wozniack).

This new breed of PT owner who knows he has to be FOR someone.

He has to look at how he answers the phone to patients…

To actually take the time to CONNECT with and ENGAGE with…

Spending AT LEAST twenty minutes on the phone at the first point of contact just to ensure a connection is made and that compliance is more likely…

His adverts?

They have to resonate with a pretty irate and frightened, not to mention “skeptical” consumer – and motivate enough of them to pick up the phone BEFORE they visit their doctor.

His evaluation techniques?

It’s now a well rehearsed, fully scripted routine that puts value alignment at the front and centre of the entire session…

His ability to “up-sell” once the initial care plan is over??

He’s using automated systems and procedures to effortlessly connect with his patients DURING treatment, so that the transition to “monthly massage” programs is, of course, the logical next thing to do.

He’s keeping in touch with that new patient for life, making use of email marketing and Social Media…

And why wouldn’t he? It’s now easier than ever.

To sum up todays lesson:

I put it to you that the answers to the future success of your PT clinic are NOT likely to be found in “how can I get more referrals from doctors?”

But in:

“How can I get ahead of … get entirely separated from… sign on and profit from… the new and very creative ways to acquire customers for life?”

Have a think…

And if you want some help to get there faster, look here next:

I’ll guide you through the simple patient attraction strategies that I, and several other PT Clinic owners are using, to acquire new patients directly to their clinic…

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– NP OVERLOAD – The Short Cut To Attracting More Enquiries And More Patients For Your PT Practice! >

Just click the link if you’re ready to boost your income.

For more marketing ideas like this join Paul’s email list now and we’ll send them directly to your inbox….

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Why Asking For Referrals Can Be BAD For A PT Business

Asking patients to TELL their friends to come and see me is NOT something that I’ve ever enjoyed doing…

I’m not sure that it ever makes that much difference as there are so many obstacles to over come, so many hurdles to jump over and so many things that still need to be said before they say yes.

Why Asking For Referrals Can Be BAD For A PT Business

What’s more, things such as fear and skepticism have a nasty habit of getting in the way of a well meaning attempt of a patient to refer a friend or family member to a PT clinic.

So much so that I find it’s RARELY a worthwhile exercise.

Sure, I’ll make people aware of how they CAN do it if they want, but I’m not a big fan of turning my patients into sales people for me.

Not good for the long term relationship… and not good for my energy levels wasting time on asking a patients to do things with such a low chance of success.

(I’d rather pay a local newspaper to send me some patients – down right, that’s guaranteed to work!)

Besides, if I am wanting a patient to send me a friend or family member, there’s a much better way to do it to guarantee success and without looking desperate or needy for the referral…

Take This Scenario For Example:

You’re in clinic with the WIFE who you have helped significantly…

She tells you of her husbands terrible neck pain…

And she even tells you of how she KEEPS on trying to persuade him to come and see you, but he won’t!

At that moment you have a choice:

1.) Beg and plead and hope that she tries harder so that he comes to see you…


2.) Do something completely different which switches the balance of WHY he should come to see you, to be more beneficial to HER, than it is for you.


You should be.

And it’s all revealed on this week’s blog post which is a Master Class in “sales” and conversion strategies.

Better “sales” strategies is something that EVERY PT clinic with aspirations to be more successful needs to master, now that “dead cert” referrals from doctors aren’t as easy to come by.

Conversion Strategies: Secrets To Getting More Of Your Patients Friends And Family To Book Appointments >

Click the link and start reading more about how, if you’re not aware of what you’re saying, you could end up sounding needy and desperate for business – not a great position to be in when things like “Authority” and “Credibility” are vital in your ability to grow a hugely successful PT practice.

It carries on from a conversation I had in my Next Level Group Coaching Program last week and this is one of the highlights I wanted to share with you.

Click the link to discover more:

– Conversion Strategies: Secrets To Getting More Of Your Patients Friends And Family To Book Appointments >


Paul Gough.

P.S If you want to be shown exactly HOW to generate referrals from existing patients effortlessly, without even having to ask them…

Check out this  Marketing Mastery program, where I walk you through how to achieve just that (and MORE), click here to find out more:

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NP OVERLOAD – The Short Cut To Attracting More Enquiries And More Patients For Your PT Practice! >

For more marketing (and sales) ideas like this join Paul’s email list now and we’ll send them directly to your inbox.

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Conversion Strategies: Secrets To Getting More Of Your Patients Friends And Family To Book Appointments

On this PT Profit Academy Tutorial we show you how to get more of your patient’s FRIENDS and FAMILY to show up at your clinic.

We’ve all been there…

In clinic with a patient who KEEPS on telling you that their friend or family member SHOULD be coming to see you.

That this person has neck or back pain (…or any kind of pain that you can solve) and yet they refuse to come in and see you, no matter how many times they tell them how good you are and what you’ve done for them!

It’s a common problem. And one that is costing you a small fortune when you work out how many times it happens – but one that can effortlessly be overcome, when you learn how to overcome those objections skillfully.

Now most PT’s will continue to nod in agreement with their patient about why they should keep on “telling” that person to come and see them.

But that’s not the right way to do it….

There has to be a different conversation that takes place OTHER than one which is in the best interests of YOU (as the PT who stands to make money) and even that of the potential patient who stands to live with less pain.

When possible, that different conversation needs to be aligned with how it’s in the best interests of YOUR PATIENT (…the one you’re currently in clinic with and helping).

And it’s a scenario I had this week with a PT Owner who is a long-standing member of my coaching program.

As part of one of the Live Group Calls we all have together we talk through different case studies and scenarios happening in our clinics that if we just changed the way we communicate with those patients, could very well result in a different out come.

Ultimately, an outcome that has more patients coming to see us!

And in this particular call, we talked through a case study of a WIFE who IS a patient, who keeps telling this PT about her husband, who ISN’T a patient, who is in lots of neck pain and really should be getting PT.

And yet no matter what she says, he just won’t come down.

Now, you might think that the way to get the husband to come down is to just keep asking the wife to keep talking to him about YOU!

But “oh no”…

That’s NOT going to work.

What we have to do in this scenario is something completely different and I’m about to show you how.


First, here’s precisely what the owner told me on the Live Group call:


“Paul, this guy in question, he has severe neck pain, and he is the husband of a patient who I’ve been seeing consistently for something else, but what I did to the wife was – she’s kinda like the driver, so I told her to give me 5 minutes of his time on a phone call to try to understand what the problem is and why he has such an objection of seeing any medical specialist, for his neck pain… but I can’t get him on the phone, he won’t call me, he won’t come in, even with the wife driving…”


Now, the only chance you’ve got of success in this scenario is if the wife is made to understand what impact it will have upon HER life, if this neck situation keeps on going…

If that was me faced with that patient, and in this scenario, I would just be having a conversation about how his hindered lifestyle impacts HER… and I would want to get her “irritated” so much by her husbands situation that she physically drags him down to my clinic. That’s all you can do.

I would have a chat and say…

“So Mary, what’s it like having a husband in the house who can’t get out of bed without moaning and groaning? Who can’t do this, who can’t do the other, is leaving you to do all of the house work?…’Is this the guy that you married?’ Kind of conversation…”

I’d be saying to the wife:

“So this has been going on for a long time now has it?”

“Isn’t it a shame that he doesn’t want to come down?”

I’d bring it up right at the end of the treatment with her and it would be the last thing that I would say to her after every session.

I would want her getting in that car “full of hell”, driving back, literally wanting to drag him in that car to my clinic because she’s now realized that it’s her life that’s being affected, just as much as his!

That’s the only way you’re going to get that to turn around in your favour. In a nutshell that’s what I would do to get this patient to my clinic. She’s the driver, she’s the one who will make that decision for him when she realises it’s now about her and not just him.

The angry wife at home with him each day is the best follow up system you can get…

Instead of having an email chipping away at him everyday, this time you’ve got that wife chipping away at him every single minute of his life because now it’s her life that is affected, and she has realized the significance of having a husband at home who isn’t cleaning up, who isn’t cutting the grass, who isn’t his joyous self who wants to go to the cinema, or go on date night, or whatever they do… so now it’s in her best interest to get him to see you, because it affects her.

That’s how you deal with that.

Here’s a question you could ask:

“How do you feel about the prospect of living with a guy for another 25 years who can’t get out of bed??”

That’s the question — everything else is just the same but lame. Any other attempt is just like how most people do their Marketing, trying to be “bigger, better or faster”, marginally better than others but still running in the wrong direction with all their competitors because their STRATEGY is completely wrong.

My advice would be to just get off that “oh just tell him to come in” train, and get on another one… and start talking to that wife about how his neck pain affects HER.

Emotionally fire her up so that she drags him with her to her next session.

Just say, “Mary, we can put 5 minutes aside next time, it’s always there for him.. for your sake, I hope to see you and him next week! I’ll leave it up to you!”

Do that and you’ll win more times than you won’t when it comes to getting people to your clinic like this.

When he gets there, he’ll realise that you’re very skilled at what you do, and a couple of treatments in, the progress will be evident and you’ve got yourself a very happy wife, and a husband who is happy and healthier, too.

Who knows… you may have saved their marriage as well as solved his neck pain! Just a thought.

For more ways to overcome the 16 most common objections that stop people from coming to see a Physical Therapist, you may wish to take a look at this:

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It’s a Marketing and Sales Mastery Program that shows you how to acquire more Np’s AND for a limited time we’re giving away a special bonus report entitled: “Make them Say Yes!” – and it covers the 16 most frequent objections to patients booking appointments – AND what to say to overcome each one.

Take a look when you click this link:

NP OVERLOAD – The Short Cut To Attracting More Enquiries And More Patients For Your PT Practice! >

You’ll also be walked through precisely how to market for your ideal patients coming to you directly using things like postcards, newspaper adverts, newsletters and referral flyers.

Take a look:

NP OVERLOAD – The Short Cut To Attracting More Enquiries And More Patients For Your PT Practice! >


For more marketing (and sales) ideas like this join Paul’s email list now and we’ll send them directly to your inbox.

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

The Biggest SIN In The PT Business

So last weekend I was at Mastermind Event with “Jay Abraham”.

The biggest SIN in the PT business.-2

If you don’t know who he is, I’d STRONGLY recommend that you look him up and study some of his work.

I’d say he’s the single biggest (…and fastest) influence on my business life and maybe the reason why I’m writing this email to you today.

He teaches something called the “strategy of pre-eminence” and how it works is, well, you’ve got to “give before you get”, build “relationships with clients”, help them to make better decisions and ultimately, deliver a truly REMARKABLE product and service.

Simple, right?

Of course.

And what “Jay” spoke to me about that I wanted to share with you today is this formula for REAL business success:

*Marketing + Innovation = Revenue Makers*

Marketing being the ability to find and acquire PROSPECTIVE patients interested enough to find out more about what you can do to help them.

And Innovation, that being the ability to make a significant change in the lives of those same prospects.

My guess is that you’re already pretty good at making a change to the lives of your patients.

Most PT’s are.

But the problem is, of course, most PT’s aren’t making the REVENUE that their skills deserve.

So what’s going wrong?

It it because of the changes to the system, and the OLD ways of acquiring new patients (through doctor referrals) beginning to ‘dry up’, a lot of PT’s aren’t being given that chance to “innovate”?…

Or is it because they refuse to accept it AND the idea that they know how to learn how to Market themselves?

(Big difference in how you SEE the same problem!)

So my question to you, is this:

Given that we all want to be Revenue Generators…

What have you done this week to attract new prospects to your clinic??

Have you looked at your newsletters to see what changes you can make there?

How about your “offer” in that newsletter?

Is it that same-old, same-old “free screen” (yawn!) offer that might be brining in one or two patients but is leaving TEN others wishing you’d offer them something else?

How about changing the headlines on your website to make them more compelling?… Changed them lately now that you know EVEN more about what your patients REALLY want from you?

What about your blog?… Wrote a new post to engage prospects on your website that can be made viral on Social Media?

What about your Facebook ads?

Are you more concerned about the “likes” and shares or are you doing what REAL marketers do, and seeing how many new leads you got from the PAID FOR ADVERTISING campaign you’re running on there??

If the answer is “none of the above”, then you’re NOT Marketing.

You’re waiting for referrals from doctors OR worse, expecting your patients to become sales people for you hoping for one or two of them to beg one or two of their friends to come and see you.

Either way, it’s not ideal.

I Wouldn’t like to think my little boy “Harry’s” future depended upon my ability to suck up to a few medical doctors.

There’s a much better, more reliable and consistent, less-worry-sum way of becoming a REVENUE GENERATOR.

Is it easy?


Will you have to learn the rules of the Direct Response Marketing game?


Will you need some help to get started?


Where can you get that help from?

Here:  NP OVERLOAD – The Short Cut To Attracting More Enquiries And More Patients For Your PT Practice! >

If you’re ready to take control and serious about attracting more patients than ever to your practice without relying on doctor referrals, click here:

NPO - horizontal

Talk soon,

Paul Gough.

P.S: Note to Physical Therapist looking  for marketing ideas… request “strategy call” if you’re serious about getting some fresh new ideas for Marketing your PT practice.

 Show Me How To Become a Revenue Generator ! >



How To Make A “Cash Up-Sell” More Likely To Happen

“How do you make patients want to buy from you
again once their PT is complete?”

How to make a “cash up-sell” more likely


Think “Disney”.

How many people go to Disney World and actually plan on spending the often obscene amount that they do??

Ask yourself why is it that Mickey Mouse and Goofy have zero problems extracting $1000 or more dollars from an average family purse for toys, candy, memorabilia and even pictures (they can take on their smart phones) that they don’t really need…

…yet the average PT has a problem getting some of his patients to the 12 visits they need to ease low-back pain, let alone sell them on a cash pay up sell??

The answer, my Dear Watson, is this:

The decision to buy from you a second time, is actually made at the same time as they’re buying from you the first time!

If what they see on your website, your marketing material, hear when your receptionist picks up the phone or responds to an enquiry is answering their concerns in a manner that no one else ever has, then moving them into a cash pay service on the back end of PT is something that they will WANT to know more about.

The problem that most PT’s have is that in their desperate need to “sell” something to ensure a profit…

…they’re so obsessed with the “thing”, the price of the thing and offering the thing, they’ve neglected to think about how the consumer sees they place they’re buying it from.

If the patient didn’t feel from Day 1 that this place is “the only place in town that’s perfect for them”, then it’s almost IMPOSSIBLE to make happen.

No matter how good the system is, OR, even how needed the actual cash pay service is.

It’s a bitter pill for a lot of owners to swallow.

And leaves them with just two excuses:

1.) We tried, but no body buys stuff like that around here

2.) They’ve got no money (…That’s coz they’re spending it with someone else who REALLY gets them!).

Either way, you ain’t gettin’ any of their hard earned cash.

So the answer to the problem?

Drum roll….


Specifically, influencing what your potential customers say and think about you and your service BEFORE they’ve even bought from you the first time.

If it’s a transactional business you want… that might do “ok”… keep on advertising your self as a “physical therapist with 10 years experience” and labelling yourself as being proud to offer “great customer service”…


If you want to give yourself the chance of a few “Disney” style up sells and having consumers happy to buy things like massage services and pilates classes (…at premium prices, in cash!), may I suggest you start buying up some space in the local newspapers and begin to advertise solutions to REAL problems.

Explaining that you know how to help people live a life with less dependency upon pills, is to the 60 year old with back pain what a new “Harry Potter” ride is to a Dad and his 8 year old son.

They’re going to be happy and WANT to spend money to experience it the moment they see it advertised on the TV.

Want some help to get going with creating your first ads?

If so, go here next:

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It’s a “fast pass” style marketing program designed to ensure marketing success and bring you and endless supply of patients, who are ready to say yes.

So if you’re ready to take your PT clinic to the next level and have more patients than you dreamed possible, go here:

– Show Me How To Get Patients Wanting To Buy From My Clinic ! >


Paul Gough.

Reach doctors without ever Marketing to them…

– Blog: Two Little-Known Ways To Get Closer To (…And Get More Referrals From) Family Doctors You Currently Can’t Reach! >

Reach doctors without ever Marketing to

I didn’t know it back then…

…but I do now.

Lasting success in business comes down to just one thing:


And, growing them. 

Over time.

Some times over weeks.

Often times over months.

(Perhaps, even years!)

But, the longer you foster the relationship, the more it’s valued and worth.

Sure, when I kicked off my practice I knew I had to be “nice” to my clients.

That I had to be polite and say the right things…

And of course, do the right things with my skills to ensure that enough people would value what I do…

…and, would tell people about me as well as buy from me repeatedly.

Most PT’s do that too.

But, not many are as successful as they would hope!

So what’s going wrong?

Well, getting REAL success in business (the kind where you’re not living day-to-day hoping for the phone to ring or a referral to arrive) is way more detailed than that.

It’s about taking the time to study your patients at a level that no one else will…

To ask them questions that no one else does (from the very first time they call)…

To make them feel like no-one else on earth gets them like you do…

And, to create a service so perfectly matched to their individual needs (not just physical) that they couldn’t bare the thought of ever having to look else where to find another PT clinic…

It’s a process called “relational equity”…

How does it work?

Well, you build “equity” – just like you do in your home each month when you pay back the loan – only this time it’s patients who become your prized assets, as you pay into the relationship account you have with them.

And this “equity” begins to build from the very first time a potential client sees your advert, (or lands on your website), and they think the words you choose to write could have been written “just for them”.

And it’s no different with doctors.

They need a little “tender loving care”, too.

And the easiest way for to do that is to reverse engineer the referral process.

Send them something they really want.


(To fund his second home in Florida or his wife’s expensive taste in jewellery).

Either way, any medical doc will thank YOU for ensuring an extra referral to his practice, much more than he will than another PT newsletter landing on his door.

Now I’m no expert on “networking” with the medical docs…

I choose to build a practice WITHOUT their help…

(Could be a little wealthier if I did, but it just ain’t me…)

BUT, I realize that some PT’s aren’t ready to make that leap JUST yet…

And so if you’re looking for a way to get closer to local doctors in your town, and you’d like to start building relationships with more of them, this weeks blog post is perfect for you.

It’s titled:

– Blog: Two Little-Known Ways To Get Closer To (…And Get More Referrals From) Family Doctors You Currently Can’t Reach! >

Specifically, I talk you through the added bonus of using the “Lead Generation”strategy of Marketing at your practice and how if you do, it can take you closer to doctors you just can’t reach right now.

Interested to know more?

Click here to read the latest post.

– Blog: Two Little-Known Ways To Get Closer To (…And Get More Referrals From) Family Doctors You Currently Can’t Reach! >


Paul Gough

Two Little-Known Ways To Get Closer To (…And Get More Referrals From) Family Doctors You Currently Can’t Reach

On this PT Profit Academy Tutorial, I talk to you about how “Lead Generation” Marketing can help you to increase your client base AND grow your relationship with local doctors, simultaneously.

How Lead Generation Marketing Works

Lead Generation Marketing works on the basis that you first ATTRACT prospects to your PT practice by offering something of value.

A free “tips” report works best. Something easy to consume with some ideas and advice on ways to ease their pain – it could be something about easing back pain, for example.

When the person looking in the newspaper, on Facebook, in the yellow pages or receiving your postcard (the Media) sees the “offer” (of the free report), they step up and take action because they feel assured it is going to help them to live with less back pain.


We call this getting the prospect to “raise their hand” and in the beginning, we’re NOT asking people to call to book an appointment.

No… only to show us that they have a problem – one that we can solve – and one that they are somewhat interested in getting a resolve for, sometime soon.

It allows you to grow a relationship with that person – nurturing that person closer to your treatment room and to becoming a paying patient.

And what it also allows you to do, is because you’re beginning a relationship with that person, you can leverage that relationship to begin another relationship — with their DOCTOR.

One, that if you haven’t been able to get to talk to or get referrals from in the past, might just give you the “in” you’re looking for.

It’s a process I discussed at length with a group of my coaching clients – each of who have PT practices from all across the U.S.

Here’s the question:


“Paul… say you get a lead from the newspaper, and they require a referral from a doctor, what do you do then?…


Simple. And unless your STATE is different from the rest of the U.S, you can do the first evaluation free – without a referral from a Dr.

Then it would be really easy from then on…

Obviously you’ll know who their insurance is – and the system that you have to follow through with that insurance company to comply – but even if they do need a referral from a medical doctor, that person will go to their doctor to get that referral – and ask to be seen by you.

You’d be making the job of the MD so much easier too. After all, we all know that they’re NOT overly qualified to be assessing things like low-back pain (…and most of them feel uncomfortable doing it).

And to ensure that happens, what you can do is give them a “referral form” to take to the doctor to ensure it comes back to you.

In essence, you are “reverse engineering” the process.

You’ll build the trust with the client.

Then you’ll have it rubber stamped by a doctor who confirms that they need some help in the form of PT.

I have client in Phoenix, if you go on his website – **** – he has on there the referral forms that patients can print off and take to their doctor.

And what you should also do is this:

When the prospect calls and requests your free report, you post the free report out – and you include the referral forms as part of the “welcome” pack

You might say:

“In anticipation of you coming to see me at my PT practice, here’s the referral slip that you need to take to your doctor after the first free session we have together.”

And that’s all that you need to do.

And what’s more…

What my clients have really benefitted from most is this:

When they get the “leads” responding to their ads, after they nurtured a “trust” based relationship with that person, they are asking clients if he can go along with them to see the doctor.

So he’s using this “Lead Generation” strategy to build relationships with doctors as well.

And, if the prospect turns around and says to you:

“Hey my family Dr is Smith” (who you don’t know) – you might say (and this is the way you phrase it):

“Would you like me to come with you to speak to that Dr to ensure I know exactly what he wants me to do for you?”…

So if you’re looking for an ‘in’ with more local doctors, this system and type of advertising gets you “in” the door.

But remember the “Lead Generation” process is all about ‘trust’…

The reason that prospects didn’t pick up the phone or go to see a PT BEFORE they saw your advert is simply because of a lack of trust – and a lack of familiarity.

With Lead Generation you are building this trust, you’re earning it, you’re nurturing it, you’re getting friendly relationships with them and you’re helping them make better decisions about their health – the doctors will recognize that too – and it won’t take long for them to realise that you are completely different to all the other “send me a referral too” PT’s in your town, all competing for the same business!

Another way to ensure that you keep all these leads to your self, you could actually even send them a letter saying:


Dear Doctor,

‘Mrs Smith is already under my care, I’ve got a relationship with her, I know her concerns and I’ve told her that the best thing to do next is to come and see you.

When you’ve looked her over, please refer her back to me so I begin her physical therapy.”


And that’s it.

You’re helping the doctor to get referrals, you’re getting referrals and the patient gets the care they need.

Implementing the Lead Generation system at your PT practice can help you to create your own independent supply of NP’s… and move you closer to doctors.

If you want some help to create that system for yourself, then the next thing to do, is to go here:

Here’s the step by step video program on how to do it:

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It’s a program that I made to help small PT clinic owners to be able to easily implement their own “lead generating” system into their practices.

Go directly to take a look at this course, here:

Note: if you’re new to the PT Profit Academy and you want more articles and marketing tips like this sent directly to you, please subscribe to Paul’s emails. Do that be clicking here:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>