Author Archives: Paul Gough

About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.

How to become the “Brad Pitt” of the PT Industry

Comes a question from an email subscriber:

The Hard Truth About Attracting High Value Patients To Your PT Practice! >

Broadcast Email Brad Pitt


“How do you differentiate yourself when you’re a PT in a small town that has lots of businesses that provide what the consumer believes to be “similar” services…

In my case, there’s like 7 PT’s in my area … not to mention chiropractors, Massage Envy, Acupuncturists.

So how do I go about saying ‘yeah, but I’m different and better than all of those of 12 other options you’ve got in this 3 mile radius’?”

– Dom. Austin, Texas.


I have an answer to the question being asked, and I have a recommendation that is different than the question that Dom asked…

First of all, differentiation by definition requires you NOT to be what all the others are. So the first problem this PT owner has, is in identifying your self as a “physical therapist” – as are all of your other competitors.

It’s the wrong way to present yourself for two reasons:

1.) Nobody really wants PT – and of the ones who do, there’s not enough of them to scale and grow a business.

2.) People want outcomes, benefits, information and the ability to do things and go places with much less restriction than is being forced upon them by the pain or stiffness they’re currently in.

It just so happens that it’s a “physical therapist” that can help them to achieve that, and what is called a “transformation”.

And while every other Physical Therapist in town is advertising themselves and their “25 years in business”, what you’ve got to do is make a list of what they’re all saying… then say something ELSE!

You have to position yourself as something other than a being a “licensed physical therapist”… that’s what you do rather than what you can do for people.

Big difference.

Massive difference.

We (at the “Paul Gough Physio Rooms”) help people aged 50+ to keep active and mobile, free from painkillers and out of the doctors office.

If I position my self as a “physical therapist”, I’m a commodity in a country where the main competitor is FREE.

100% FREE.

No copay or deductible – FREE!

Had I continued to “Market” myself as a physical therapist – then I’d be presenting myself to the people in town as being the same as everyone else.

Which would mean “zero” business.

(And me ‘working for’ that free hospital system!)

Labelling yourself as a “PT” with your marketing is a lot like showing up for the singles dance with 50 guys and only 8 girls… unless you look anything like Brad Pitt or David Beckham… that’s not a good scenario to be in.

Therefore it doesn’t matter if there’s “12” (or “112”) PT’s in your small town… what matters most is that your the ONLY ONE saying what you can do for me, at that moment in time.

How do you do that?…

It starts with *picking your ideal target market* – the ideal patient you want to work with.

Initially (via Lead Generation), getting people with pain or discomfort to raise their hands and step forward – typically by requesting information from you, that has to do with solving their problems. i.e back pain.

Then, you place them into your “follow up funnel” and communicate with them over and over and over again – over a period of time.

Replaying your “message”, repeatedly.

When – and only then – with that type of follow up system in place, does the impact of 12 other “competitors” diminish.

(Big, super sized, huge ad budget corporate hospital systems, included).

I could dive deep into creating such a system…

But, if you don’t know WHO your ideal prospect is, it wouldn’t make an ounce of difference to your ability to market directly to consumers.

The thing is, most PT’s don’t.

And, this is why I wrote my latest blog post (with a Video) for you to read:

The Hard Truth About Attracting High Value Patients To Your PT Practice! >

There’s some info on here that you MUST know about if you plan on breaking free from relying upon doctors for your profits – or you want to win against the big hospital systems.


Paul Gough

The Hard Truth About Attracting High Value Patients To Your PT Practice

In this PT Profit Academy Tutorial we’re going to show you how to avoid the common mistake that sees many PT’s playing the equivalent of a game of “blind archery”, with their Marketing efforts.

And to do that, we’ll start with this question:

“I like to work with Weekend Warriors,
how do I 
target more of them?”

That was a question I was asked by a PT Owner (from MI) this week, during a Live training event.

We were mid-way through a Learning Module about “Identifying and targeting your ideal patient” with your Marketing.

The ability to identify your ideal patient is fundamental to ALL marketing activities and a pre-requisite for business growth and sustained success.

If you don’t know who he or she is, you’re not going to be able to find them. And if you’re running an advert without having a clear picture of that person in your head… it’s a lot like playing a game of blind archery – there’s very little chance of winning.

Now I know that in PT Land we know what a “weekend warrior” is… but here’s my question to you:

“Do THEY think of themselves as a Weekend Warrior?”

Do they realise that you’re talking directly to them if you mention “Weekend Warrior” in your marketing?

I suspect NOT.

And even if they do, the next question is this:

“Are enough of them motivated to, and happy enough to pay you their COPAY, that you’re able to make the handsome profit that  you want at the end of each month?

…Not to mention scale and grow your practice – and be able to do business on your terms… confidently and authoritatively being able to prescribe treatment plans, and even charging higher prices??”

All of the latter being a LOT easier, when you know you have a constant supply of your ideal patients ASKING to do business with you.

My FEAR for PT’s who say they like to work with “Weekend Warriors” is that I don’t know if enough “Weekend Warriors” actually know who they are.

Weekend Warrior!

And therefore, are likely to completely ignore the message in your ad – even if it’s good!

To be more successful with your ads… think about what words you have to say that will resonate with THEM, as they see THEMSELVES.

See, it is THEIR perception, NOT ours, that counts.

Our perception of them is a “Weekend Warrior”.

I know a few equivalents of a “Weekend Warrior”, but if I said it to them, they would not have a clue of what a “Weekend Warrior” actually is – and what I was going on about…

So, you need to be more specific.

Something like this:

“Are you a regular at triathlon events?”

“Are you currently frustrated by your lack of ability to get past the 12 mile stage in your run, because your lower-back gets tight or stiff?”

“Are you a golfer who can’t make it past the 13th hole without needing to hop in a buggy, because of dull knee pain, or a constant knee ache?”

You’re still talking to this GROUP… but probably with something more personal to them… that they can associate with, and understand that it’s them you are talking to.

And that brings us to another point of this PT Profit Academy Tutorial…

Here’s another question I received during the same Live training event:


“Paul… Is your ideal patient real? Or are they fictitious? Are they crafted around your favourite activities and what you like to treat?

Or, are they centred around real people’s interests?”


My ideal patient is real.

In fact I have a video of her, I’ve written a blog post on her as well so I could share it with my staff, and what I did was I compared and contrasted her against the polar opposite – somebody I don’t want to work with – you can get an idea for yourself by checking out that blog post here.


But if you’re choosing your ideal patient purely based on your interests and your skills, you might be limiting yourself.

A real life example:

I worked in professional soccer for 5 years … I was the head PT at two major soccer clubs in the UK. I love soccer. Played it all my life and watched my local team since I was a young boy every Saturday.

When I left professional soccer to start my own PT practice… everyone assumed I would set up a practice to help people with sports injuries, as that was my thing…

And I would have done “ok”…

But not as well as I am today running 4 practices and helping more than 2000 patients per month across my company “The Paul Gough Physio Rooms”.

See, local Sunday morning soccer players (“weekend warriors”), are NOT likely to be motivated enough to pay me the equivalent of $1000 to get back to playing their sport.

It was an obvious decision to make that if I wanted a better PT practice, I wouldn’t get it with an ideal patient who wanted to get fit to play soccer next weekend.


Yes. They have a proven buyer behaviour of investing a LOT of money into course fees ($2000+) and golf clubs…


Yes… they have likely bought a bike worth $10,000 +… and so if they have a bad back and can’t ride that bike, it irritates them that they can’t get on that expensive bike, therefore they have a higher motivation to come and see me, than just ending back pain.

A previous PROVEN history of spending money on themselves is something I look for as I choose my target patient. I do not want to be the one that has to kick-start that buyer behaviour.

So my answer to the question…

Yes, you can possibly get better outcomes for those patients if it’s your interests your working with… and I like that… but where I don’t think it works, is if it’s all about you and your interests – there might not be enough people out there who have problems associated with your interests and specific skills.

My advice if you want to make more money and grow your practice more quickly?…

Switch your target audience to people aged 50+, people who VALUE their health too much to risk losing it… THEN fit your skills and choose your Con Ed. courses to be able to better serve that person.

That’s stark contrast to a lot of PT’s who will say “I’ve got all of these great skills, I’ve been on all of these great courses that interest THEM, then they try to find somebody to match those too – which is actually the wrong way to build a business.

I’m not saying it’s right or wrong in wether it satisfies or gives you what you want out of your life… but ultimately, if you’re asking me a flat out business growth question, any successful business starts with the “WHO” – and everything else comes after that.

You start with the WHO you want to sell to, and then you find the product.

The business that can’t get off the ground has a great product, it’s unique, brand new, completely different and the owner of the product can’t wait to Market product… but the problem is he doesn’t know who is going to buy it… he didn’t identify his “who”… therefore his marketing fails – and he thinks no-body wants his great new product.

That’s a familiar story in PT Land…

I was once at a Mastermind Event with “Damon John” (from Shark Tank) – and his whole concept is that as long as he has an audience – a “WHO” – he can sell anything to them.

When his clothing company that he built up in the 90’s went out of fashion, it didn’t affect him. People stopped buying HIS brand, but his profits never dropped because he had a huge list of people with the same interests and buying habits.

All he did was he went out and found a new clothing range to sell to that exact same buyer. He separated the emotional aspect of no one wanting HIS designs, and was more profitable because of it.

And that’s one of the mistakes that I think most PT’s make – we get so attached to the one thing that we love, but it’s not necessarily what the patient and the audience who have the revenue to keep us in business, and to grow businesses successfully, actually want to pay for.

It’s up to you wether you want to pursue your interests, or wether you want to try and find an audience that you can help – that have a track record of spending money on their health… and in exchange for your great health care service, they’ll part with their COPAY, or an excess of cash…

…And then you go and study and go on courses specifically to serve that group of people.

I’ll finish todays tutorial by saying that at the Paul Gough Physio Rooms, any course that my PT’s want me to pay for, I will only pay for that course if it’s in line with being able to treat our ideal patient (Mary!).

If the course isn’t geared up to being in line with helping the typical problems that Mary presents at my practice, I’m not going to invest in the course because it isn’t taking my practice in the direction that I want it to go in – that being better able to help people in their 50’s + who want to keep active and mobile, and live free from pills or bothering the doctor!

For more PT Marketing ideas like this, sign up to Paul’s email list and we’ll send them to you with our compliments via email, regularly.

Do that by signing up, here:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

One SNEAKY trick to boost response from the same old advert – PT Marketing

Comes a question from a Coaching Client of mine from Raleigh, North Carolina.


“Paul… We sent out those emails you wrote for us about a workshop for back pain… and had 5 register and 3 show.

But all 3 became NP – $3600 + from a couple of emails… Nice job!

We thought we would try to advertise for the workshop in the local newspaper at least once, to see what happens.

Can you help us write a newspaper advert to promote this??”


I’ll tell you what I told him…

There’s a BIG difference between asking past patients (who already know like and trust you!) to a attend a “workshop” on back pain…

…than there is asking someone who DOESN’T know, like and trust you, to commit their time and energy to it.

It COULD work…

And it is certainly worth testing.

But here’s the secret to doing this:

There’s actually no need to write ANOTHER advert to promote this “workshop”.


Because we’ve already been running one very successfully over their in Raleigh to ask completely new prospects to respond for a freebie “tips” report…

Pulls in a double figure response every time we run it as part of our on going marketing strategy of glory (the likes of which make it impossible for the big hospitals to beat my small town clinic owner)!…

So why would we re-write it?

It’s working just great.

We’ve obviously got the audience right – the “WHO” we want to respond.

We’ve obviously got the words right – the “MESSAGE” that we’re putting out there that compels at least 10 people every time to respond…

So all that we have to do in this instance is change the “OFFER”.

I.e, switch it from a freebie report to advertising for a workshop instead.

Now, obviously you’ve got to know how to get that advert up there in the first place.

How to create the headline…

Select the right audience…

And even how to create the report…

And as it happens, I teach you precisely how to do it on here:

New Patient Overload: Attract More New Patients Than You Need Using Simple Old School Marketing Strategies.

It’s a 9 video training program that shows you precisely how to create newspapers ads, postcards, referral flyers and newsletters that move more people closer to your practice.

It’s “old school” marketing at it’s very best.

I even give you all my best sales scripts… and there’s some bonus’s thrown in too which show you how to WRITE these ads so that they work and how to over come all of the 16 objections that most people have about saying no to PT.

Order it when ever you think you could do with a few more new patients arriving at your practice or you’re fed up of waiting for a doctor to refer some to you.

Click here to look at this new program:

New Patient Overload: Attract More New Patients Than You Need Using Simple Old School Marketing Strategies.


Paul Gough.

NPO - horizontal

Why Physical Therapy Is A ‘Grudge Purchase’ – And How To Persuade More People To Want To Say YES At Your PT Clinic

In this PT Profit Academy Tutorial, we show you how to make your PT clinic adverts more successful.

We begin by explaining why the Marketing and promotional material adverts you’ve run in the past, maybe haven’t worked as well as you would have liked.

The Words You Use 

Marketing success… it’s all to do with the “words” you use, and the order in which you choose to write them, and where you place them so that your ideal patient can see them. That’s it!  Nothing much more too it.

To make PT adverts more successful… there’s a certain language that you’ve got to use… a way of communicating with potential and exiting patients that is able to persuade them they you, obviously, are the right choice for them. As they see and understand it.

And “persuading” your potential prospective patient to give you their time, their deductible and their copay is a skill set that anyone can learn …and is one of the reasons why so many of the ad campaigns that our sister company …the “Paul Gough Physio Rooms” run, are so successful at helping us to acquire the right number of ideal patients.

We figured out that the words that we use in our ads had to resonate with the “WHO” we wanted to attract to our clinic — usually people aged 50+ wanting to avoid painkillers and stay active and mobile.

So it made sense to study this topic of “persuasion”, in more depth.

Now I know it’s easy to think that “you’re busy running your clinic”, and you “just don’t have the time”…

… but the truth is, if you want to get more NP’s to your clinic, get a better R.O.I on your marketing – then mastering the art of ‘persuasion’ is the one single best things that you can do to help you get there faster.

So lets look at what REALLY Motivates and Persuades Your Patients to say YES from seeing your Adverts and I’ll start by asking you this question:

“Why is Having Better ‘Persuasion Skills’ So Important In The Advertising and Sales Process?”

Simply put, Physical Therapy is something I call a “Grudge Purchase”. And what I mean by that, is this:

No body really wants to go and see one… and they definitely don’t want to pay for one! Anything to do with something that a person takes for granted – walking, bending over, reaching in the cupboard, or even anything that has fixed itself in the past (like back ache!), OR even never had to pay for themselves in their life (especially since copay and reimbursements are now higher) – is classed as a Grudge Purchase.

Get me out of here!!

If your prospective patient thinks that they can get away without having to pay for health care services, (which is why so many people wait for a long time, hoping that they’ll wake up the next day with no back pain), then the simple answer is, that they won’t even consider it!

Lets be honest… Physical Therapy isn’t exactly something that people look forward to going to… and it isn’t really seen as a ‘desired’ experience to get excited about.

Don’t forget:

- They've got to trust you enough to put

And the fact they have to pay for ALL of those things, makes your PT services a ‘Grudge Purchase’.

When I realized this, I made communication, customer service and the EXPERIENCE my patients would receive, the forefront and centre of my own PT business (the Paul Gough Physio Rooms).

If I’m honest, all of that is actually MORE important than what actually goes on in the treatment room! Hard for PT’s to accept, but it’s the truth.

So now you know that people see your PT service as a “grudge” purchase… it’s easier to overcome the obstacle it presents to your PT clinic profits. And it is possible to change the way people think about your PT service and get more people to be more excited about coming to your clinic and happy to pay their contribution to PT.

Most People Just Aren’t Motivated To Do Anything

Here’s the thing… as a rule, most people aren’t motivated to do anything – and they won’t be even thinking about coming to you until they know you CAN help THEM – as THEY UNDERSTAND IT!…

You’ve got to show people why YOUR Physical Therapy clinic and your service and your solution to their back pain… is the one that they should get off their couch for, jump into their car for, and the one that they should reach into their wallet and pay you for!

Another key thing to keep in mind is that human beings are hard wired to say ‘no’ to pretty much everything.

People will come up with any and every reason as to why they can’t pay for your PT services… yet they’ll likely order a TV from Amazon later that same week for way more than the $500 Copay that is required to come and see you!!

Hence why sales and marketing training actually exists, and why it’s so important to start implementing both of those skills at your clinic, starting today!

Want some help to get started?

Ok… to get you started with some better sales and marketing skills (persuasion!), here’s how to tap into the minds of your prospective patients, to get you more of them, faster…

What Are The Fundamentals Of Persuasion?

1.) The ambition to escape the unwanted, is THE biggest and fastest motivator.

One of the things you’ll see in advertising land is that the big corporate hospitals will advertise positives. They’ll broadcast an image of a person aged 50+,  riding a bike and looking healthy, and use a slogan something along the lines of “a healthier you”.The problem with that is, that turns people away. People don’t have an ambition to be healthy – they have a bigger ambition not to be unhealthy – those are two totally different things…

Unfortunately through medical school as a PT, you were conditioned to think that what you do =  what people want (to be healthy and active). But that’s not what motivates people… What does motivate people, is if you can move them away from their pain – if you can promise them that your services will ease their back pain, allowing them to spend quality time with their Grandkids that they’re currently missing out on!

Hint: Your marketing messages should always take people away from their pain, don’t focus on the typical healthy, happy, smiley face type images that won’t attract you new patients.

I’ll give you an example:

If you’re having a conversation with a lady called Kathy aged 65, who has suffered with back pain for the past two years, you’re going to find it very difficult to convince her that life is going to be perfect, and pain-free in a couple of weeks time…

But… if you have a conversation with “Kathy” about moving her away from the back pain she’s in right now, and how Kathy will be able to enjoy gardening again quickly, it’s easier to motivate her to come to see you for physical therapy.

Also, here’s the key thing to remember…

2.) Always drag people out of the dark – NEVER into the light

Resist the temptation to think that promising to make a patient healthy is what they want.Hint:  It is! BUT it’s not the one thing that’s going to make them pick up the phone, or book in 10 sessions with you.You have to keep reminding people in your adverts, in your calls, in your prescriptions of care, and in every.single.treatment session – that one session with you, may be able to help them walk for 15 minutes that day instead of the current 5 minutes they’re struggling with.

3.) Take people away from negative emotions – triumph!

Remember, before people decide to come to you, they are nervous, fearful and skeptical.

There’s not enough trust engraved in their mins that your PT services are going to take away their back pain for good. Keep showing them WHY your services are the one for them.

Now you’re aware of how to position your PT clinic’s marketing to be able to acquire more new patients  – now let me explain to you more about this important subject that I touched on earlier in this blog post:

 Persuasion – And The 5 Levels Of It That Exist

Here they are:

Level 1 – I exist, therefore you should buy me!

Level 2 – I’m bigger, better AND faster than others, so buy me! (MOST PT’s ARE COMMUNICATING AT THIS LEVEL HERE!)

Level 3 – I have a unique, new and relevant mechanism that will deliver a benefit, so you SHOULD buy me!

Level 4 – I have a unique, new and relevant mechanism that will deliver bigger, better and faster benefits, so buy me!

Level 5 – I understand you at a deeper level including your goals, emotions and identity..and when you understand that I have crafter something just for you, you will WANT to buy from me.

One thing  you should know, and explains why most PT marketing FAILS, is this…  most PT’s are stuck at levels 1 and 2...the message that they use simply doesn’t connect or resonate with enough people to motivate them enough to say YES to responding to their advert.

It’s akin to saying “I’m a PT, I’ve been qualified for 10 years, here’s my address and here’s my number, call me if you’re in pain”… it really isn’t going to PERSUADE all that many people to want to do business with you or part with their Copay.

So, if you really want to take your business to the Next Level, and consistently and reliably be a able to get more new patients at your PT practice (without needing referrals from doctors), then you need to position your marketing message at LEVEL 5.

Explain through your advertising message why you’re able to help them – that you “understand they don’t want to rely upon pills for the rest of their life” and that you have the perfect solution to help them to defeat that concern.

A marketing message focused on that such as that which I’ve just described – the core desires of your ideal patients –  will resonate and compel people to call your office.

Remember, successful marketing is not so much about you… it is more about proving that you understand the problems that your potential clients are experiencing… and then take the time to show how you can solve them.

If you want some help to grow your PT Clinic without needing referrals from doctors (using Level 5 Marketing and Persuasion skills)… then the next best thing to do is to join my email list:

Subscribe here and I’ll be sure to send you regular tips on this important topic of Marketing:

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

If “Walmart” Did PT Clinics – Would You Know How To Survive ?

Most businesses are controlled by external circumstances…

It’s why so many of the smaller operations fail, or just decide to pack up and leave when someone bigger like “Walmart” comes to town.


Happens in PT land, too.

A big hospital system arrives in town or expands by buying up family doctor offices — and the small PT owners are left to watch as a ONCE reliable referral source, dries up.

And not long after, business is at that an all time low where it’s actually more profitable to work for someone else.

Not good.

The real reason for this type of (now common) situation??

Easy… no investment in marketing skills or training on the subject of sales.

It’s preceded by something called “failure orientation”.

A belief that failure is the only option in the face of such bigger competition.

And yet amazingly, what usually happens when the “Walmart” equivalent of a PT clinic announces their arrival – the small town, independent PT owner FINALLY resorts to accepting they “need to do some marketing”.

And that Marketing, it usually goes something like this:

“I’m a PT, I’ve been qualified for 10 years,
I have a premises, here’s my number,
here’s where to find me, you should come and
see me if you’re in pain”…

And guess what?

Their ads are mostly ignored.

Can you guess what happens next?

They blame the “Media” that they placed the advert in for it not working.

“Oh I tried newspapers but it didn’t work for me –
no body reads the newspapers anymore”.

Total nonsense.

How about the advert that was placed had no target audience clearly identified, OR, a compelling “message” that resonates and connects with that “WHO”, making them more likely to want to respond to the offer.

But the fundamental, real, often never pointed out fact that most advertising in the PT industry fails is for one of these two reasons:

1.) The REASON the advert is placed is simply because someone showed up – i.e the Yellow pages man arrives and sells it on you.


2.) There’s a shortage of patients that month and so the owner resorts to “desperation” marketing hoping that a “one-hit wonder” advert will solve their problem.

And that’s a problem not just because it’s a waste of ad dollars… but because the business owner then resides him or herself to thinking that they’ve tried marketing – and it doesn’t work (for them).

Thus, ruling themselves out of any future Marketing (and training) which, if done right, could very well solve their problems.

Now to do that, you need a marketing plan.

A System for acquiring NP’s for as cheap is is possible.

A “Lead Generation” System, to be precise.

It’s marketing that is measurable.

And is part of a sustained and on-going process of acquiring interested prospects – and then nurturing each one to the point of being ready to say to PT.

It’s a powerful way of advertising.

And its power isn’t diminished by the presence of some clinic with a bigger advertising budget, either.

What’s more…

It’s the same Marketing Strategy for PT clinic success that I’ve used to dominate in my own small town selling against a “free health care system”…

And it’s the same marketing success system that I’m teaching to other PT Owners all across the US.

Want to know more about it?

If so, start here:


Paul Gough.

Note to physical therapist looking for Marketing Ideas.

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

5 Ways To Get More NP’s At Your PT Clinic Using Social Media… Even If No One Currently Likes Or Follows You – The Complete Beginners Guide

As a “busy” Physical Therapy clinic owner… it’s tempting to think that social media is just one of those things that would be a waste of your valuable time and that you can keep on overlooking…

5 ways to get more NP's

But the reality is, Social Media now represents one of your best chances of acquiring new patients and moving your practice away from relying upon referrals from doctors – if you know how to do it!

What’s more, you don’t even need to be that skilled at marketing to make it work for you and it’s not going to cost you that much time either – which means you can keep up with the running of your practice and still grow a following of people in your town who will instantly think of you, when they or their friends or family need to see a PT.

We’ve bunched together the 5 essentials to get you off on a quick start.

When you’re brand new to the world of social media it can feel overwhelming. .

Everyone makes it sound so easy… tweet this, tweet that, post a few times on Facebook and LinkedIn and you’re sorted.

Not so fast…

In reality, it’s not as easy as simply posting a few things here and there, even though I’m sure you really wish it was! As with anything, there’s always a quicker and more effective way to do it, you just need to be shown how.

And to get you quickly up to speed… here on in, let me show you a solid strategy to copy and paste from:

In this article you’ll discover:

  • Why, if you’re a small town clinic owner, you REALLY don’t need to worry about being on every single social media network – I’ll tell you the best ones!
  • How to pick the people most likely to hand over their COPAY with less resistance… why waste your time on the people who don’t value what you do!
  • How to automate the whole of your social media – meaning more time for spending at home with the family while your audience (and interest in YOU) continues to build!

Let’s dive in!

Step #1: Start NOW!

OK…you’re likely already confused about where to get started, so what’s the no.1 best thing to do?

Make a Start NOW!…

Don’t worry about doing too much too soon – all that will lead to is overwhelm and loss of your valuable time!

Yes there’s a looong list of social media networks out there, but there’s definitely no need to set up a profile on ALL of them, in fact there’s no need to set yourself up on the top 4 even.

All you need to do is pick 1 or 2 (maximum of 3), to invest your time in. Each network does have a learning curve, but none will be so complex that you’d need to be a social media Einstein to grasp the basics.

The key question is – Which social media networks make the most sense for you?

To help you decide I’ll tell you where we look for new patients on social media at my own clinic   — Paul Gough Physio RoomsFacebook and Twitter are our main social networks.

To help you find your ideal clients, I’d recommend you look here ^

More on why you should set yourself up on those in step #2

Tip: Choose just 1-2 social media networks to get started on – don’t spread yourself thin.

Step #2: Define Your Audience


Now you’ve decided what networks you’re going to stick with (Twitter and Facebook ;-)), you need to define your audience.

Ask yourself this – Who is YOUR perfect client?

All great marketing efforts begin with establishing the audience you want to target. When it comes to prospects for your PT business, it’s crucial to look at these 3 things:

1: Demographics (the who)
Grab a pen and paper and profile your best current patients (or the clients you want to have). – – – Are the majority male, female, or an even number of both?
– What’s their age range? 40-60 years?

2: Geographics (the where)
On that same piece of paper write down
– Where do they live?
– What part of town?
– What’s their zip or postal code?

3: Psychographics (the why)
Why are they coming to you? (Hint: you know there’s way more to it than just back pain).
Understand the emotional driver of your prospect at the time they are coming to you, and you’ve defined your point of connection and engagement.

Back to step #1 and why Facebook and Twitter are your go-to places, do you think the average 60 year old is on Instagram? Of course not.

The foundation of getting started is to understand who your audience is, and if the average PT client is in their 50’s, Facebook and Twitter are good places to be.

Tip: Profile your ideal patient — the who, where and why before using social media

Step #3: Build A Content Bank

Write, write, write!

Here’s where most businesses fail. They don’t invest time in building a content bank full of value.

You’ve got a blog on your website right? (Well if not I suggest you do!)

Now that you understand your ideal client, and have picked your networks, you can now start delivering value… “how-to” articles on things like back pain, knee pain, etc are a good place to start.

The more value you can provide – the faster you will grow your presence.

In order to make this easy, build up content that your audience will love.

Content can be anything!! –

Here’s a link to how I do it in my PT clinic for ideas.

But how do you get it seen? Read on for step #4 where all will be revealed.

Tip: Build up a content bank of value on your blog – the more helpful you are, the more people will come to you

Step #4: Get Followers By Asking Your Friends And Family To Share Content For You…

So, you’ve got all this content, but no one to share it with on Facebook and Twitter, pretty useless.

Without people seeing, or reading your work, you’ll be wasting your efforts.

Don’t worry – you can get over this obstacle. Starting from scratch is tough, but possible.

Don’t make the common mistake and buy your followers, simply follow your target audience and most of them will follow back (you can search by keywords on Twitter which makes it easy).

You should also reach out to friends and family, tell your current clients that you’re on Facebook and Twitter, have your social networks linked on your website, engage and interact with others – you’ll gain followers in no time.

Once you’ve made a start on growing your following, and you want to get your content out there step #5 will fill you in on an easy way to automate in your sleep!

Tip: To grow your following tell family, friends and clients – get them to follow you and spread the word.

Step #5: Automate, Automate, Automate…. Share Content While You Treat!

The great news is, all this can be automated!… At Paul Gough Physio Rooms we LOVE to automate as much of the marketing as we can … and our Social Media is no different.

Yep no excuses now, you really can spread your content whilst you go about your day.

Lets face it, if you planned on sending your blog posts out at 7am each day of the week, are you going to set an alarm EVERY.SINGLE.DAY to do this? No way. So what do you do?

Luckily for you there’s a bunch of free tools out there that do the magic work.

Buffer is a brilliant scheduling tool and it’s completely free (and incredibly simple to set up, bonus!).

  • You sign up
  • Link up your Facebook and Twitter accounts
  • Create a sharing schedule (e.g. every day at 7am)
  • Add your content to a queue with appropriate headline
  • Voila! You can go about your day without breaking a sweat

Tip: To save you heaps of time – sign up to a free scheduling tool like buffer to do the work for you.

And when you make the most of Social Media – here’s an example of what can happen!… Happy patients spreading the word of your services:

SM examples

Note to physical therapist looking for Marketing Ideas.

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

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Who’s Your Enemy??… Why Most Physical Therapy Clinics Are Hurting Their Own Profits By NOT Doing This One Marketing Thing Right

Before I forget…

So the other day I was yapping with a financial advisor who’s a valued patient of my clinic…

He was telling me about his lack of clients situation.

And so I asked him this question:

“What’s your biggest obstacle to
acquiring new clients?”

His answer??

A combination of “competition from other advisors”, “friends and family interference” and, “financial misinformation online” — all conspiring to deprive him of the income and better lifestyle he could so easily be living.

Or so he says.

And, a few years ago, I might have agreed with him.

Maybe even joined in this tale of woe and told him of my own reasons (excuses) as to why I’m not seeing as many patients as I would like.

But NOT any more.

See, it’s much more comforting and pleasing to blame the opening of some new, bigger, financially stronger national chain of PT clinics opening up right by you…

…or, even that other PT clinics are doing a good job of scaring people away…

…than it is to accept the real reason that MOST people don’t come to see a PT.

Which is??

Drum roll ……

The patients own fears, past disappointments (buying any service not just medical) and distrust in the likelihood that THEY can be helped.

I’d wager that 90% of the people reading this email today UNDER-ESTIMATE that fact.

Oblivious to it.

And instead of creating a marketing system that works at building a relationship and earning trust — prefer to pander to the likes of “yelp”… hoping and praying that their clinic will be one selected (from all the others) by the odd one or two patients who make their decisions solely on reviews (that we all know we’ve asked someone to write for us any way).

Am I saying “yelp” isn’t worthwhile?

Of course not.

I’m just reminding you that the people on there looking for a PT, well, they have already decided that they want PT.

Meaning, non of the above issues!

See, the REAL gold in running a PT clinic – one that is able to stop worrying about begging doctors for referrals – is found in the ability to acquire patients who at first don’t even know what a PT is or does.

Maybe, even currently distrusts them.

But with the help of some information – provided by email, direct mail and phone calls – amazing things happen.

Like people discover for themselves that “PT” is actually, very valuable.


Lets sum up todays lesson…

Your most formidable competition is likely to be yourself – non more so than if you refuse to accept the negative emotional state that your prospective patients have towards you and what you do.

It’s nothing personal, of course.

It’s just the way people are.

And you can continue to fight agaisnt it…

Or, you can talk to me and I’ll show you how to profit from it by creating a multi-media marketing system that is designed to ensure that next time that irritating salesperson from “yelp” calls by to sell you an additional service you don’t even need – you can tell him your not interested because you don’t need it.

Just a thought.

Go here next to learn how to do that, inside 6o minutes:

Show Me How To Market My PT Practice >
It’s perfect if you want more NP’s and less chasing of doctors for referrals.


Paul Gough.

P.S Note to physical therapist looking for Marketing Ideas.

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

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Why Three Plow Horses Are Better Than One – Complete, Integrated PT Marketing Campaigns

One of the best ways I’ve been able to grow my own practice is through the use of “multi-media” integration.

Using complete, integrated, marketing campaigns to first attract my ideal patients – then convert as many as possible, as fast as possible, to paying patients.

I simply pick a target audience, pick an injury / concern (i.e back pain!), make them an offer of a free tips report that’ll help ease that concern, then layer and sequence email, direct mail and telemarketing, too – helping them come to their own conclusion that Physical Therapy is the best option for them.

And one of the reasons why this approach works so well is that different people are conditioned to respond in different ways!…

To put it another way, if all you ever do is make prospects the same offer, through the same media channel, then you’re going to miss out – and waste a lot of ad dollars in doing so.

An example:

Just yesterday I held a Live, Global, Group Coaching Call – and one of the “a-ha” moments that came out of it was the story of a lady in her 70’s, who, after requesting a free report having seen a cleverly worded advert (written by me!) in a newspaper by a PT clinic in Raleigh (NC), was ADAMANT that she didn’t want PT.

The thing is, this lady was happy for the PT clinic to keep in touch and check on her progress.

So they did.

For about three months… bi-weekly using the “phone” (telemarketing!) to ask her if she was ready to try PT.

Now each time that the secretary called – she also made her another offer – this time of a completely free session of PT to have her back looked at properly.

And each time, the pleasant lady said “no”!

In this instance there was no email campaign occurring behind the phone calls because they lady didn’t have one…

Enter direct mail.

Specifically, a “mock” newsletter written (by your me) with the entire focus on the mistakes that people make when trying to ease back pain.

AND, included the same offer of that free session – just in the written format.

And guess what?

After sending out just one newsletter – the lady called back and asked to claim that free first session.

Not long after, she scheduled a full program of care.

The reason she did so?…

She told the clinic that she enjoyed having the TIME to read the newsletter – likely over a cup of coffee, comfortable in her own home, being allowed to make up her own mind in her own time and clearly understanding what the offer a “free session” meant to her.

The lesson to be learned?..

In many ways, this type of “multi-media” approach is akin to 3 “plow horses” being hooked together to one plough – you’re going to do the whole field a lot faster, better and without too much effort on your part for doing so, if you adopt it at your practice too.

Another lesson you COULD learn…

This kind of complete, integrated, marketing campaign is what I talk about during my strategy calls with owners like you.

If you’d like one, best hop over to this link to claim one. Just one per week is all I have time for:

Yes! Tell Me How To Market My Practice Properly! >

Best wishes,

Paul Gough.

Note to physical therapist looking for Marketing Ideas.

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

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How To Help More Patients Make Better Decisions About Your Physical Therapy Clinic – Marketing

Following is an example of how your patients make decisions:

So last month another PT owner (from Long Beach) joined my “Next Level Marketing Coaching Program”.

He’s a very smart guy.

Already successful, just wants a lot more of it.

(The ideal client for me).

But here’s the thing:

When I first spoke with him, he was “tentative”.

And, very cautious.

Had been let down in the past by a couple or so marketing consultants who had given him duff advice in exchange for his dollars – and didn’t really want to have to go through that expense again.

So what followed, over the course of about 3 weeks, was a series of back and forth emails, him asking questions, me answering them… me waiting patiently for the next objection to my marketing skills / services to rear it’s head.

See, at first, we’re all on trial.

And I had to earn his “trust”.

(And rightly so!)

In total, it took maybe 7-8 emails.

Three phone calls.

And a few helpful reports / training videos that I had sitting idle on my laptop to help him come to his own conclusion that “yes”, I am different to everyone else he’s tried.

And what has since made us both laugh, is how excited he now is at beginning to work with me.

His secretary told me just yesterday, “he just can’t wait to get started with you now”.

And, “he just wants all this new stuff to be ready tomorrow so that the phone starts ringing – we’re ready for it”!

Contrast that with a couple of weeks ago – he was slow to reply to my emails and arranging a call took weeks.

But the thing is… I haven’t changed.

Nor has my marketing strategies.

Only thing that has, is his perception of how I can help him.

The point?

How this owner made a decision about choosing to work with me, is how his patients will make their decisions when choosing to work with him!

We all chose to buy any service, the exact same way.

(An “irony” I couldn’t resit pointing out to him!).

And yet because I took some time out of my day to answer his questions – and listen to his concerns – he was able to build some trust in me, AND, better understand the lead generation marketing system that I teach.

And as soon as he realized that yes, it IS the right decision?

He couldn’t wait to get going with it.

The next point?

That patients in the beginning appear to be resistant, is true.

It’s happening to anyone, anywhere in the world trying to sell their services.

But if you create a marketing system that puts trust an value at the centre of who you are and what your service is about, then you too, will experience this “phenomenon”, for yourself.

Want some help with creating a system like that?

If so, go here next:

– Arrange A Marketing Strategy Call With Paul Gough ! >

Talk soon,

Paul Gough.

Note to physical therapist looking for Marketing Ideas.

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

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Wall Street Journal Reveals Why “Free” (Screen) Doesn’t Always Work.

Following is a true story:

Back in July I visited “San Francisco”.

Flew up from San Diego.

And in the departure lounge waiting for the short flight, it was obvious that the flight was “full”.

What followed was the airlines usual (lame!) attempt to bump a few people off to the next flight with an ethical bribe of a “free flight” (anywhere in the U.S), if you go later.

Yet no one was interested.

Even though it was “Free”.

And hence forth the reason that what starts out as a “free flight anywhere in the U.S”, soon becomes “TWO free flights anywhere in the U.S”, upgraded with drinks and a nice meal in the airport, thrown in while you wait.

Do they rush to the airline desk to claim it?


Even with the “free + benefits” offer they struggle to convince people to wait just a couple of hours to go on the next flight.

But the funny thing about that, is this:

In the cold light of day, if you asked 300 people if they’d wait just two hours to get somewhere and in exchange they’d be given $1000’s of dollars worth of free flights and more – they’d all say “yes”, they would take it.

But they don’t.

See, the airline industry official stats say that less than 1% of people actually even walk to the counter to enquire about the possibility of taking their FREE-bie offer, never mind actually consider it.



Most people value their time and convenience more than they do money.

That, and a huge lack of “trust”.

A lack of trust that the airline won’t make them fly on certain times of the day that they can’t (or don’t want to fly), when trying to redeem the freebie tickets.

Plus, a lack of trust that the airline won’t add some type of tax or fare too it, at a later date.

Do these people rationally walk to the counter and ask for answers to these questions to get clarification so they can make an informed decision??

Again, na-da.

The relevance for PT’s?


Advertising / offering “free screens” talks to the exact same decision making part of the brain as the airlines are when trying to give away free travel tickets, in exchange for just two of hours of time.

People see your advertisement for a free screen from “cold”, and they either don’t see the value in it, or, they assume their’s a catch.

Either way, it’s your loss.

And might begin to explain away why some of your patients say “I haven’t got the time for PT right now”.

(What they’re really saying is “I don’t trust that what you’ll do for me, is actually worth giving up my time for”).

No body is that busy.

But we’re are all that “Predictably Irrational”.

And as it happens, it’s the subject of one the most influential business / marketing books I’ve ever read.

It’s written by the author “Dan Airely”.

He was featured in the Wall Street Journal just last week talking about this type of behaviour in response to “free”.

You should check the book out.

Understanding basic human behaviour is a pre-requisite to getting good at Marketing.


If you want to short the “getting good at marketing” process, go here next:

Request A PT Clinic Marketing Strategy Call With Paul Gough ! > 

Spaces are limited.

Have a great weekend.

Paul Gough.


How To Buck The Trend Of A Slow Summer At Your PT Clinic – Marketing.


Behind the scenes of the “Paul Gough Physio Rooms”, things continue to prosper.

It’s the middle of summer.

The sun is shining.

People are on vacation.

And most people have less need / interest in things like chronic low back pain:

“I’ll call you when I get
back from vacation”.

Heard that line recently?

It’s the reason why most PT clinics around the globe are experiencing a 20-25% fall right now.

But here’s a picture from my own clinic dashboard.

Take a look:


(Turn on images to see your picture ^).

Just yesterday we on-boarded 14 new first visits/treatment programs.

That’s “14” people in one day who made contact with my clinic and ordered one of the many products / services that I offer.

And what helps me sleep better at night is when I look at the range of different referral sources:

* Facebook

* Newspapers

* Google

* Email


* Follow Up (Lead conversion by design).

* Treatment voucher ordered by husband.

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There’s “3” new patients in there yesterday who walked directly into my “lead generation trap” – who booked appointments with us only because we offered them a freebie report, then followed up, on the phone, until they said yes.

Usually within 21 days.

(That’s about an extra $3600 revenue into my pot in one day!) What’s more, there’s even a nice little “up sell” in there, too.

That being, “Massage”.

Better than best?

There’s not a single referral from a doctor in sight.

Truth be told, I think I COULD have a slightly more profitable practice if I went around town begging doctors for referrals.

But, it just aint me. Talking to rude and arrogant doctors (and their secretaries) and waiting in line with all the other clinic owners is thankfully long gone for me.

Especially since my little boy “Harry” came along.

If I’m going out for dinner or lunch with anyone, it’s him and his mum. And because of the way I automate the Marketing of my clinic…

There’s a very good chance that while I’m out for dinner with him and her, new patients will be scheduling appointments at my clinic, anyway.

The moral of todays lesson?

Their’s safety in numbers. The WORSE / MOST dangerous number in any business is “one”. One staff member.

And, one referral source (doctors).

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Because if there’s one sweeping change in the industry – like the trend of local doctors selling out to big hospital systems – then you’re in trouble.

The good news?

Thanks to the internet, cheap prices in local newspapers and nice little companies like EDDM, it’s now easier than ever to find those patients before they visit their doctor.

And the fastest way to do it?

Find someone whose already doing it, and, well, just ask them to show how to do it.

I’m waiting for you hear, whenever you’re ready:

Show Me How To Stop Relying On Local Doctors ! >


Paul Gough.

Note to physical therapist looking for Marketing Ideas.

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

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Who Wins In This Word Fight… And Why The Words You Use Are So Critical To Your PT Clinic Marketing Success

Who wins in a fight:

“Patience”, or, “perseverance”?

And, more to the point – which is most important and more likely to help you build the successful PT clinic you’ve always dreamed of?…

Why I bring it up?

Well, over the weekend I noticed a comment on Facebook from a very well known (and successful) business owner who reckons that “patience” is one of the most important requirements of running a business.

I beg to differ.

See, the problem with “patience”, when trying to run a business, is that it ends up becoming an “excuse”.

An excuse for idleness.

An explanation for “non-achievement”.

An excuse to keep on waiting for water from a well that’s drying up fast (doctors) – to suddenly appear.

Anybody can have patience.

And, anybody can hide behind it.

It’s the same lame excuse that is costing governments billions of dollars every year in benefits / welfare… as people who ain’t got jobs won’t take one because they’re waiting patiently for the “right opportunity to come along”.

(Happens in Britain, too).

Instead of “patience”, give me “perseverance” any day of the week.

Perseverance is what gets you through and on to the next level, faster.

It’s the thing that gets business owners like you and I through bad days.

Through the doubt.

Past the fear.

And even beyond the sleepless nights wondering whether you’ll make more dollars than your staff at the end of the month.

The point for PT’s?

A subtle difference in the words that you use changes everything.

The words that motivate one group of people, can turn off the other.

In this case, the “online marketer” spouting about “patience” on Facebook over the week was appealing to a bunch of people with a completely different view of the world than I do.

His product being sold to “newbies” looking to start a business on line and being sold a multimillion dollar dream — if they just wait for it (and buy his product!).

He’s getting his audience to believe that if they have patience, they can be successful.

And because most people can tell them selves that they’ve got some of that, they’ve instantly qualified to buy his product.

Smart marketing.

But for guys like me, “patience” is an instant turn off.

Simply because I don’t have the time to wait for it (more success) to come.

The real point of todays lesson?

The *words* you use in your marketing are critical.

They have to resonate with your ideal patient to make them think “this guy gets me”.

And if you can do that, you’re in the game.

Use the right words in any MEDIA, and you’ll get an opportunity to foster a relationship with more people – moving them closer towards your treatment room, quicker.

You may have to persevere, of course.

It’s what “Lead Generation” marketing is all about.

…Starting relationships, building trust and getting compliance – often from people who had no idea what a PT even does (when they first saw your ad).

It’s why it’s so successful for the smaller businesses.

Truth be told… it’s probably the ONLY way to be super-successful if you’re running a small PT clinic and want to stop relying doctors for your feed.

And guess what??

It’s much easier to be successful at it if you have an automated system built for you that lets you get on with the actual treatment of all the new patients you’ll get.

Want some help to build that system?

If so,

– Investigate Your Opportunity For Marketing Success ! >


Paul Gough.

The Power Of Newspaper Advertising – And How To Use It To Get Instant Expert (…And Celebrity) Status.

“I even got asked to sign
one of the free reports”.

That’s what one ecstatic PT Owner (from Lehigh Valley, PA) told me yesterday during a coaching call we had together.

See, just the day before, we’d ran his first lead generation style promotion, in a local newspaper.

Now I know what you’re thinking:

“Do people still actually
read the newspapers”?


“That’s a dying industry – I
wouldn’t advertise in their if
I were you”

(…as one *online* only marketer told a client of mine recently!).

My reply to both??

“What, are you kidding me?…

So lets talk about it…

And analyze what’s REALLY going on here.

First up, when someone says “no one reads the newspapers any more”, what they’re really saying is “I don’t”.

And that’s a HUGE mistake a lot of business owners make.

That they assume they how they think and act, is the same as their ideal patients.


People aged 55+ still read newspapers.

It’s a life long habit.

Always will be, no matter how many “fancy-schmancey” new tablets come along and despite the fact that “twitter” reveals the news before it’s even happened – people still TRUST the words they read in a newspaper.

And another thing with newspapers.

People who read them, often read every page.

Analyzing, every word.

Which means you’ve got their attention.

And if you’ve got their attention, you’ve got a chance of your message being read.

Contrast that with what’s happening online these days where an advert in a Facebook news feed is skimmed over in half a second, then it’s easy to begin to understand why newspapers WORK for advertising a solution to back pain.

Another-another thing:

There’s a huge level of TRUST when you’re in the newspapers.

Immediate EXPERT (almost celebrity!) status is granted.

And can even have the people who read it thinking that YOU, yes YOU, are the nations leading back pain expert – if you want them too.

(Hence how my client is now singing free reports before his secretary sends them all out!).

And as more people convince each other that the newspaper is a “dying industry”, the ads are getting cheaper and cheaper to run.

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Lets re-cap all that:

We’ve got an ideal target market (55+)



Authority, credibility and perceived expert status.

And, a low cost way of advertising.

The upshot of all this combined?

An increased likelihood of enquiries at your clinic.

And that’s precisely what just happened in Lehigh Valley yesterday.

14 calls and counting from people with back pain, from a newspaper that no one reads (apparently).

Go figure.


The moral of todays lesson?

1.) Resist the temptation to think that your patients think like you do.

2.) Stop listening to people who talk crap about Media that they have no idea about – or worse, have a vested interest in selling you on something that they stand to profit from you knowing more about.

3.) And finally, if you want to become the “go-to” specialist in your small town, all that stands in your way is the decision to write some words on paper – which you then ask the newspaper to print on your behalf.

Want some help to get them in the right order?

If so, go here next:

– Investigate Your Best Chance Of Marketing Success! >

Fill out the form, and I’ll talk to you on the phone, one day this week.

Have a great weekend.


Paul Gough.

P.S Note to physical therapist looking for Marketing Ideas.

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your PT clinic sent to you by email:

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What “Spiderman” Has To Do With Marketing Your Physical Therapy Clinic

True story:

So every Wednesday morning my clinic shuts down for a couple hours to ensure our “con-ed” gets done, uninterrupted.

My front desk staff have their own version of it too.

And yesterday, an issue got brought to my attention about a patient who after his first evaluation with us, proceeded to book a further 9 visits – then “no showed” for his second one.

He was in his early 20’s.

An age group I identified a while back that I DON’T really want to attract to my clinic (unless there parents are paying!).


Not enough sustained motivation to want to hand over $1000 to restore their health.

Sure, at the time, they tell you they do.

Even think that they do.

Hence why they leave the first session and book aaaaaallll the future visits they’ve been told they need.

Makes them FEEL good about themselves (a drug called “serotonin”).

But more often than not, I find this age group to be the “hassle” ones.

Who repeatedly “no-show”, or who we have to “drag” to their session with tons of reminders and persistence.

(Not my idea of running a business).

But here’s the thing:

My secretary said she was “surprised” about “this one”.

Because the guy in question was a “personal trainer”.

And when she reminded him of the “no-show” fee (and our strict clinic rules), he said “he’d NEVER do such a thing because he has his own clients”… and “he knows how painful it is if one of his clients doesn’t show up for one of his sessions”, too!…

Apparently, his “story” about why he would DEFINITELY show up, was long!..

And so “Steph” (my secretary) was sure, that THIS guy, would be ok.

That he’d be different and show up for all the visits he booked out.

My reply to hearing this “cock and bull” story?

“The bigger the story,
the bigger the dragon!”

I’ll explain what that means, like this:

Ever watched “spider man”, and noticed how no matter who his arch enemy is, it’s always 10 x bigger than he is?


Because his story is HUGE.

His story is “saving the world”.

So the “dragon” he has to destroy, just HAS to be bigger than him!

It’s the way it goes in all stories where the prize is BIG.

And in this case, our “no-shower” already had a big, well worded and crafted story about why he would DEFINITELY show up.

Which means there is likely to be a big old “dragon” in the back ground.

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The relevance for PT’s?


Nearly all of your potential prospects have their own STORY…and therefore a HUGE dragon lurking in the back ground.

Their story includes having been “let down” by chiropractors, told by doctors that “nothing can be done”, to just take “pills”, “accept it”, friends or family who instantly dismiss what a PT can do, just because they had a bad experience at some crappy corporate hospital somewhere, lacking in any love and devoid of any real attention.

The “dragon” in their story?

Quite a few.

Called “fear”, “skepticism”, “nervousness”, self-doubt”, “uncertainty” and “angst”.

Something else…

It’s those dragons which are currently getting in the way of higher profits at your PT clinic.

Something else-else…

And unless you work out a plan to defeat them, you’re at the mercy of referrals from doctors to keep your clinic alive.

Not ideal.

Not as big hospital systems move into small towns, everywhere.

The answer?

Easy, peesy…

Deploy “Lead Generation” style marketing in everything that you do, hence forth.

It’s the small clinic owners version of having “Spiderman” show up to save New York City.

No matter how big the dragon, relationship building by lead generation marketing, will defeat it.

The only question is, “spidy”:

Are you ready to throw a “web” around 100’s of NP’s every week with a new style of marketing?

If so,

– Show Me How To Create A Marketing Strategy That Works ! >


Paul Gough.

P.S Note to physical therapist looking for Marketing Ideas:

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

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What Would “Steve Jobs” Have Done … If He Were A PT Clinic Owner And In Charge Of Marketing and Sales?

Last week I was talking with one of my clients (from Philly) about something I believe to be a critical factor in PT clinic success…

That being, the concept of “owning the experience” that patients encounter when ever they do business with us.

Let me explain:

A few years back I read the amazing biography of “Steve Jobs” written by Walter Isaacson.

And one of the things that I took away from reading the book was “Jobs” obsession with “owning the experience” of his customers.

So adamant that he knew what was right for his customers, he refused to let anyone have the ability to mix what he termed “crappy software”, with that of his amazing hardware.

And so he LOCKED DOWN every single Apple device ever produced.

It’s the reason you can’t, without bruce force, get into the back of an iPhone or Imac and why the Apple software and interface is so different from that of “Windows”.

(Tis also the reason why iMacs get zero bugs or virus’s – and Windows, well, do!).

Now when “Jobs” first did this, consumers hit the ROOF!

Labeled him arrogant.

And he risked a HUGE backlash from people who wanted to use his hardware and computers, but not his software.

But he stuck to his beliefs.

(Insisted to the shareholders that he knew his customers better than anyone).

Who were his customers?

Back then, just “3%” of the entire population likely to buying a computer.

The result of “owning his experience” and understanding his customers better than anyone else?

The most profitable company on the planet.

Even though 97% of the population disagreed with what he did, he still made it work.

So here’s my question:

How can you “own your experience”?

Think, “what if Steve Jobs was a PT Owner”.

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What would he do to change the industry??

Things like…

How can you make your phone calls “different” to be more empathetical and warm – maybe lasting longer but making deeper connections with patients from the “get-go”, rather than transactional and ending as soon as possible telling your self it’s ok because everyone is “so busy” these days.

(No they’re not. They just think you are).

The waiting room — does it look like everyone else’s with a few outdated magazines?

And is your secretary too busy answering the phone or filling paper to even strike up a conversation with someone right there in front of her (likely to be nervous as hell about what’s going to happen next)?.

What about the “clothes” that your staff wear? Same, “clinical” uniform or office attire that all receptionist wear…

…Or, something instantly recognisable and more memorable such as a “yoga” outfit?

What about the “music” you’re playing in the clinic?…

Well thought out to make your IDEAL patients feel more at home, or just playing the TV or radio, pumping more bad news and celebrity trash into their lives for the 60 minutes they’re with you?…

The “scent” of the room?…

The coffee you serve…

The “couches” they sit?

The bright lighting and the mood of the colors on the walls…

All of these things are your chance to “own the experience”.

Your chance to actually stand out from the competitors but more importantly than that, create an experience for your patients unrivalled by any other PT in town that has patients “sad” to be leaving your care and EAGER to come back.

Not needed, you say?…

It’s about your “pt skills”, I hear you cry!

I beg to differ.

These FRONT END experiences are what your patients remember… and more importantly, how they make their buying decisions.

See, people make emotional decisions – not logical ones.

And a failure to understand this most basic of human behaviour is why so much PT clinic marketing fails.

And, reason why all of your clinic marketing has to be written in such a way that triggers an “emotional response”.

If it were as simple as placing a small advert in the yellow pages for a PT clinic that knows how to ease back pain, chances are you wouldn’t be feeling the need to even read these emails.


That’s it for today’s lesson.

Hit me back a reply and let me know what you think.

Or, book a Strategy Call with me to improve your clinics marketing game plan, here:

– Show Me How To Create A Marketing Plan That Works ! >


Paul Gough.

P.S Note to physical therapist looking for Marketing Ideas..

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your PT clinic sent to you by email:

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