Author Archives: Paul Gough

About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.

Why Most PT Clinic Websites Fail – And How To Make Sure Your Doesn’t

Was at a mastermind yesterday.

In London.

8 smart businesses owners gathered together to talk about our biggest problems and challenges – leaving at the end of the day with the solution to each!..

And one of the hot topics we discussed was “web sites”… and their design.

Or, to be more specific, “WHY” people actually go on to a website in the first place.

And one of the conversations got a little heated as I aired my views about how an “accountant” in the room, should re-work the MESSAGE on his website.

(Note how I didn’t say “re-design” – not always needed!)

See, everyone else in the room was encouraging this Accountant to keep his message “broad” … in attempt to please as many people as possible who visit his site.

In other words, create a “me-too”… website (…basically, one which looks the same as everyone else’s).

But my suggestion, was this:

“Make your website specifically
for people FRUSTRATED
with their CURRENT

And yet, my suggestion was (initially) met with resistance.

With everyone else in the room worrying that it would turn people off who might be thinking about choosing this accountant (…but who isn’t currently frustrated by their accountant).

My reply:

“Tell me why they would they be on his website in the first place?”…

The answer is, they wouldn’t!

No body would.

The only reason 99/100 people would look for a new accountant is if the performance of their current accounts person has frustrated them enough, that it forces them to do so.

“But what if I had been recommended to him by a friend… and I went on his website to check him out – the website wouldn’t cater for me?”…

Was another objection.

My reply:

“Your decision to buy is already made up because of the recommendation of a friend – you’re only going on the website to *validate* the decision for yourself – and to get a contact number to call – therefore the message on the website is irrelevant as you wouldn’t even notice it”…

The relevance for Physical Therapists?…

Is this:

When designing your website, (or any sales and marketing piece designed to move people closer to your services…)

It helps to have an understanding of HOW and WHY people actually buy services in the first place.

People use “Google” primarily to solve problems – they search for information in the hope of finding out MORE about what ever problem they’re having at that moment.

If they havn’t got a problem, they’re not searching.

(They’re on Facebook!)

Just like in this story of the accountant – there’s no way another businesses owner would ever get to his site via Google… UNLESS he was frustrated by his accountants lack of help or poor advice and starts the search!

So the moral of the story is that your PT website should be designed to targeted one group of people…

…some body frustrated by pain and stiffness perhaps…

…and give them a compelling reason to respond to you for information or advice first… moving the relationship one step closer to the treatment room at a time.


I have a surprise for you…

If you want to know “5” of my best tips for creating a website that is the most profitable on the entire internet (like my own!), and definitely in PT land, then check this out:

– Get 5 Ways To Boost Referrals From Your Website ! >

Right now you can save a $150 dollars on this 7 module course if you take action and order it today.


Paul Gough.

P.S The course also shows you how to attract more people to your clinic by changing the way you offer a “free evaluation”.

Get it today, for not very much cost.

Get 5 Ways To Boost Referrals From Your Website ! >

Secrets To Boosting Patient Compliance: The True Story Of An 84 Yr Old Knee Pain Victim Who Thinks She Doesn’t Need Therapy.

In which the question is asked:


“Paul… I’m having trouble finding a reason WHY one of my patients needs to continue to attend therapy.

She really needs treatment on her knee following surgery – and yet is currently resisting our suggested treatment sessions and is only attending simply because her doctor told her so.

She doesn’t know why she has to attend… and no matter how many questions we ask, she says “n/a” to everything that we might suggest as an outcome goal we could help her achieve.

She’s 84, has lived on her own for 40 years and isn’t all that socially active – so we’re having a hard time connecting what we do to her lifestyle goals.

How would you suggest we talk to this lady?”.

– Coaching Group Member asked to remain anonymous.



Let me start by saying that I hear this type of question a LOT.

Both in my own clinic, coaching my own therapists, and in my work with owners.

See, problems with compliance arise more common than most PT’s would dare to admit and often times it’s because they get lost in their own “verbiage” – or, worse yet, they’re still using language and asking questions they were taught in college.

So lets “psycho-analyse” this patient with the goal of REALLY connecting her to therapy (and getting the 8 more sessions she really needs).

And here’s exactly how I do it:

First of all I shut my eyes.

And I ask the PT to describe this patient to me in detail.

I’m listening….

And I get told she’s 84, that she’s lived on her own for 40 years since her husband died and isn’t socially active… and therefore isn’t particularly motivated to go out of the house three times per week for PT.

On the surface of it, I could see why this patient might give compliance problems.

But in reality, all of these reason are THE reasons WHY she needs to come for PT.

See, this lady is in a FEARFUL place (…home is where she’s comfortable).

Possibly resents being told what to do (…since her husband died, she’s made ALL her own decisions).

Is intent on just “surviving” (…instead of being active day to day!)

And doesn’t want leave the house if she doesn’t have too.

So now lets talk this through:

This lady has lived on her own for 40 years.

So what is she clinging DESPERATELY too?


And more than that, she wants to preserve her “self-worth”.

And the fact that she doesn’t want to leave the house – that’s in your favour too…

…because if she wants to avoid being forced to live in an assisted living place, or care home, then she needs to attend you therapy sessions which will help her to continue to live in the family home for as long as is possible.

There’s not a more compelling reason for an 84 year old widower to arrive for therapy on her knee, than to preserve all of these things.

The problem is, no matter how many times you ask her “what do you want from PT?”… she will never tell you this simply because she’s never heard of a place where you can walk in and order “independence and self worth” from the menu.

So how does it come up?


YOU bring it up.

And you tell her that you see so many other ladies in there 80’s who come to see you (social proof and hope!) and what THEY all wanted to achieve was to ensure independence and mobility is intact, so that they can preserve self worth.

That’s it.

And it works because you’re connecting your treatment plan to the CORE desires of the patient who realise you GET them better than anyone else.

Do that, and you’ll get more compliance AND more profit at your clinic because you’ll confidently and ETHICALLY be able to prescribe as many sessions as is needed, to achieve THAT goal.

All right…

Lesson over for today.

Maybe more teaching like this next time.

In the mean time… if you want some help to be better able to get more compliance (and quickly boost profit), I’m the guy to coach you.

Talk to me about it here:

Investigate Your Opportunity To Quickly Get More Compliance From Patients! >


Paul Gough.

Why Marketing To The 3% Rarely Works – And How To Market Your Physical Therapy Clinic More Successfully.

Let’s play a (ball) game:

“Picture yourself in the middle of a Baseball Stadium with 100’000 people sitting in the stands – that you’re allowed to “pitch” your PT services too”.

Would you fancy your chances of getting a significant amount of new referrals?…

Why wouldn’t you?

With 100’000 people from in and around your town, don’t you think you’d have a great shot at adding to your patient numbers – once you got to explain to them all about what you do as a PT, and how easy it is to refer to you through Direct Access?…

Surely there’ll be 1000’s in that stadium you can help?…


But now imagine 97,000 of those people just got up and walked out as soon as you started (because they don’t think they need to hear about PT)… and you were left with just 3% of the audience to “pitch” your services too. (The ones who think they might need PT).

Would you still fancy your chances of getting some referrals?


But into the middle of that ball park your standing in… let’s introduce: all of your rival competitors, every local chiropractor, family doctor, osteopath, acupuncturist, massage therapist, some guys from Google and Youtube… and a few drug company reps, too.

Still think you get referrals from those 3%?…

Think about this for a moment.

What started out as 100,000 people in a Baseball Stadium, having the chance to pitch your services too, is the way that most business owners think about marketing how marketing works.

Wrongly assuming that “everybody is a potential client”… and all I have to do is show up with an ad, let them see my logo, give them my number, and they’ll buy!

(If only!!)

The reality is that just 3% of any population of people are “ready to buy”, any solution or service, TODAY!.

And what’s worse, is that all of the other potential alternatives (chiro’s, drug companies, your rivals etc) are all swinging for the same 3% with their “ready to buy today?” advertising bat, too!…

So your numbers are significantly low.

So too, your chances of success.

So what about the other 97% who walked out?…

Well, lets go back to the ball park:

And bring back 67,000 people… and ask them to sit in the stadium and listen to the end of your pitch.

And now let’s take away all of the competition.

And leave you standing their, on your own, to begin a relationship with these now 70,000 people… and let you hand out more information about YOUR PT service…

How would you NOW fancy your chances of getting some new patients for your business pitching, on your own, to 70,000 people who are interested?…


Of course!

See, standing alone in the middle of that ball bark, pitching your PT service to 70,000 people is akin to shifting your clinics marketing to a strategy known as “Lead Generation”.

(While everyone else is using the “sales” model… and asking for a referral right away!).

Lead Generation — it’s a model of advertising which talks to 70,000 potential patients interested in what you do, (but not quite ready to buy today!)… and NOT just the 3% who are (but is pitched to by everyone else in town, too).

It’s a little known fact that in every town, in every industry, anywhere in the world, people fall into one of these three categories:

a.) The 3% who are buying today.

b.) The 67% who are interested, have a problem they need solving and are beginning the buying process by looking for information to help them make a better decision.

c.) The 30% who flat out, don’t need what you do.

Now have a think about this:

I bet that for every 10 people who drive by your PT clinic today, at leat 6 will have some problem or discomfit that you could possibly help them to live with out.

And yet they continue to drive by your clinic?…

(Day after day, no doubt!)

Why would they do that?

Simply because they don’t know enough about what you do to confidently say “yes” to the cost of coming to see you.

Not that they won’t, or haven’t got the cash, it’s just that they have no idea how you can help.

(So they’re not going to give you their hard money until they do!).

However… maybe if your PT clinic marketing plan switched to providing these people with INFORMATION about what you do and WHO you help, a lot more of these 67% would stop by (AKA: “Lead Generation”).


* You now know the group of people in your small town where the money is (the 67%).

* You now know the strategy you need to deploy (“Lead Generation”).

* And you know that your competitors aren’t even in the same ball park anymore.

All that’s left to say, is, this:

Do you want some help to line up all four bases (with new patients) and knock the ball out of the park for a home run… day after day, after day?…

If so, you can get in the game with me and a bunch of other big hitting PT clinic owners, by clicking here:

Yes! I Want To Knock The Ball Out Of The Park With My Clinic Marketing! >
It’s a link to a “Strategy Call” request page that connects you to my advice and lets me and you talk about how you play ball with the 67% of people in your town who WOULD very likely buy from you, if only you’d switch your clinic marketing to providing information, rather than asking for appointments.

Yes! I Want To Knock The Ball Out Of The Park With My Clinic Marketing! >
I’ll talk to you soon.


Paul Gough

P.S Knowing this is the GAME CHANGER for the way you market and sell your PT services.

Switch your model of advertising from competing with your rivals for the 3% of people… to being out on your own and picking off the best of all the 67% by using the Lead Generation model IS the way to PT clinic riches.

There’s gold there waiting for you… IF you do.

P.P.S Note to physical therapist looking for Marketing Ideas.

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your PT clinic sent to you regularly, by email:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Why You’re Not In The Physical Therapy Business

Recently, I received this question from an owner during a Strategy call:


“Paul, I’m noticing a decline in doctor referrals – I think it’s state wide as more hospital systems buy out practices – but it’s not just that, I’m having a problem getting what referrals I am left with, to actually show up… how can I get more people to show up for all of the visits I prescribe?!”

– Danny T. PT Owner, Oregon.


Common problem.

And there’s a lesson here for you too:

“Don’t become over reliant upon doctor referrals”.

They’re drying up faster than the “Sahara Desert” as more and more sell out to the big hospitals…

But, what is more worrying is the increasing lack of proof of VALUE that PT’s actually provide to their patients.

And without evidence of value in what you do, how can you expect people to commit their time and money to coming to see you?

Of course, they wont.

Or, if they do, it’s done so reluctantly – but they stop coming maybe 6 or 7 sessions in.

Sound familiar?

The solution?…

Easy peesy.

Build your own “trust” and “value” system.

That’s right…

Put a system in place at your clinic that allows you to *begin a relationship* with potential patients BEFORE they even get to the point of going to see their doctor.

It’s much better to pick up a potential new patient in the early stages of thinking about getting a solution to his or her back pain so that you can influence that decision making process for your SELF.

You’ll do that using a marketing process called “Lead Generation” which generates goodwill, trust and authority BEFORE any prescription of care is offered up OR you ask for money!

What happens next?

All of a sudden, issues such as “Copay” and “deductibles” disappear because your patients are buying into something that they fully understand the value of… and even better, have made their own decision to commit to.

In the absence of “value” being explained, patients are left to decide for themselves whether or not your 12 visit care plan will be worth the amount they have to contribute (in time and money).

And that absence, by the way, is the single biggest reason your patients will tell you they can’t afford to pay it (copay).

It’s the only excuse they know.

But there’s a Big difference.

Massive difference.


I’ll bet that if you’re constantly battling with reluctant patients or “copay” issues at your clinic it’s because you’re not clearly linking your specialist solutions to the transformations that people want from coming to see you.

What I mean by “transformations”?

I’ve explained it many times to my own therapy staff like this:

“We’re in the transformation business – perhaps even the salvation business – and people will pay almost anything to have their situation turned round by you and most will show up for as many visits as you recommend, as long as they trust you and they leave EVERY single session knowing that YOU know what THEY really want to achieve from coming to see you”.

Ae you doing that?

Or, just prescribing “3 sessions per week for 4 weeks” and hoping they agree?…

If so, try prescribing people some HOPE instead.

Offer a prescription of care that in the end means they can do simple but vital things like play with grandchildren in the swing park, stand in line at the grocery store or continue to be able to care for their elderly wife or husband, through their own back pain situation.

When you prescribe a treatment plan with goals like that in mind, they’ll be happy to show up and eager for more.

Anyway… that’s it for todays lesson.

Hope this helps.

Use this form here to get to get your own transformation:

Investigate Your Opportunity To Have Your PT Clinic Revenue Transformed!

Paul Gough

P.S Note to physical therapist looking for Marketing Ideas.

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Shark Tank (Part 2) : Why The Need For A Physical Therapy Marketing Plan?

There I was watching watching “Shark Tank” last night…

It’s a show I love to watch (and learn from).

But I’m NOT interested in the “entertainment” value of the show like most…

No, I’m watching it with the sole purpose of listening to the types of questions the “Sharks” ask BEFORE they ever consider investing in an idea or business.

I consider those questions to be like “clues”.

Indicators of what multi-million dollar, hugely wealthy business owners consider vital to a successful business.

And of all of the guys on the show, “Kevin O’Leary” is the one I’m listening out for the most.

I like his style.

No-nonsense, tells it like it is…

And never holds back from asking the questions that need to be asked to ensure that he’s about to make the right decision – whether that be making an “offer”, or yelling “I’m out!”.

And one of the questions “Kevin” asks almost every time, is this:

“What’s your marketing plan?”

It’s as if he needs to know that before he’ll go any further.

Meaning, I don’t care how good of an idea you have… or think you have… if you don’t have a plan to take this to market – “I want out!”…

It’s because he knows that there’s a lot more to a product or service than just thinking you’re good and that people should buy from you.

(Doesn’t work that way in any industry).

The significance for PT’s?…

I see many clinic owners placing the future of their business in jeopardy by thinking that their service is the “best” PT in town …and that will be enough.

(If only).

Bad news is, it doesn’t work that way.

No way.

In fact, I find thinking this way is almost always an attempt to hide from the harsh reality that they need a real marketing plan, to go any further.


The owners who are great at service delivery, they usually do “ok”.

They get by…

Make a nice profit for the first few years or so but then what happens is profits begin to “flatline”.

And that’s the biggest indicator that there’s “no marketing plan” in place at a PT clinic.

And when that happens – it’s a sign the owner has exhausted all of the “ready to buy now” patients and is essentially living day by day, ’hand to mouth’ – hoping and praying that enough people will go an see their doctors to get a referral TODAY!

But the ones who get to the Next Level – and stay there – are the ones that recognise what’s going on…

A ceiling has been hit.

That’s it!

And what ever worked in the past to get to that ceiling… isn’t going to get them to the next one.

Enter “Lead Generation”….

It’s a *marketing plan* that creates a pipeline of potential patients who are “interested” and looking for a “solution”, but NOT ready to “buy right now”.

But, if your “marketing plan” consists of finding and then providing that person with more information to help them make a better decision about PT – then your potential patient will come to their own logical conclusion that you are the right place to go.

Sure… it may take a few weeks.

A couple of phone calls to ask “are you still suffering?”…

Maybe even one or two pieces of direct mail showing some success stories of how you’ve been able to help other people, just like them…

But if you do all of that…

You’ve got yourself an unbeatable system for generating your own patients and you will be rewarded handsomely, in the long run.

It’s a fun way to run a clinic too…

Much less stressful and brings in more compliant patients… and is so much better than being at the mercy of a couple of doctors likely to sell out (to the big hospitals) as soon as the price is right.


If you want some help to get to that point, give me a sign that you’re ready, by filling out this form:

Show Me How To Get My Clinic To The Next Level!


Paul Gough

Shark Tank Advice For PT Clinic Owners


So I was talking to a PT owner from Philadelphia this weekend just gone…

…We met in a Starbucks in Times Square, (NYC) and one of the things we spoke about was the value in his past patient list.

To be more precise, the “size” of it!…


Now he calls it his past patient list… I call it an “asset”!

And that got me thinking about a conference I was at recently (in San Diego) where “Damon John” (From Shark Tank) spoke about the importance of having a list of people you can keep selling too.

As if the LIST, is more important than WHAT ever it is you’re selling.

See, without that list of re-peat buyers, essentially a business is worth very little – and always vulnerable when a change in economic conditions or circumstances happens – i.e, you’re most reliable doctor having his office bought out by a big hospital system and that steady stream of referrals now going else where!


The single most likely reason those hospital systems are buying out doctor clinics is likely to be for the names and addresses of the people who go there…

So that they can offer them other health care services AND keep the PT referrals “in-house”.

And so if you ever want to consider your PT clinic and asset worth “selling”…


You just fancy the idea of month on month increases in profit until you do…

…then one of the things you need is a responsive past patient list.

An “active list” of people happy to buy OTHER products and service from you…

(And not just PT — that’s way too hard to keep “selling”… boring, almost… and in the end, people get tired of seeing the same offer and if all you’re ever offering is another “Free Eval” or “Free Screen”… that’s when people begin to stop reading your postcards or opening your emails and responding to offers).

Here’s the thing:

As any new referral arrives…

…one of the first things I think about is how and what can I re-sell to this patient – for the REMAINDER of his or her life.

See, the very fact that someone has scheduled an appointment at my clinic and is prepared to pay my fees or meet deductibles – proving to me that they value their health more than the money required to maintain it – tells me that this person is serious about protecting their health…

And if I present that same person with one or two other ways to protect their health… (Massage, Pilates, Custom Foot Orthotics, Orthopaedic pillows etc etc etc)… then there’s a very good chance that they’ll buy.

The point?…

I see many PT’s obsessing over getting more referrals – which is good – but don’t neglect the “gold mine” you’re already sitting on.

Spend some time figuring out WHAT to sell to your past patients that is likely to add value to their health — that they’re already buying from someone else – then figure out HOW to do it (using email, postcards, newsletters and social media) so that it boosts your own profits.


If you want some help creating a strategy to do this, click here:

Investigate Your Opportunity To Increase Your Clinic Net Worth!

Talk soon,

Paul Gough.

Why Being Liked Doesn’t Pay The Rent!

So these last couple of weeks I’ve been helping 3 Owners to get more new patients to arrive via Direct Access… with a little help from “Facebook”.

Now when it comes to being “on” Facebook, I’m not a big fan personally…

But when it comes to making money “on” Facebook… I LOVE it!…

See, I might not like it…

…but the people with bad backs, painful knees, and stiff necks… do!

i.e your patients!

So it’s impossible to ignore this “Media” as a place to hunt for prospective new patients.

The problem is, everyone is telling you get more likes, just put out a few status updates and or pay to “boost” your posts.

All a complete waste of time – and as I always say, “likes” don’t pay the rent”!

An example:

One of the guys I’m working with right now (not the one who dozed off in the jacuzzi last week, but another, who I’ll keep nameless, but you will know him) was (before we met) running a promotion aimed at getting a few “likes” on his fan page.

He spent about $350 doing it…

And got tons of likes,

But no patients.

And yet, in just this last week (since we changed the “strategy”)… he’s already got his first patients booked in having found them on Facebook, set to proceed with $1200 worth of treatment taking advantage of Direct Access and cutting out the MD.

“Easy peesy”… when you know how.

Anyway, Facebook is such a hot topic of conversation with the owners I’m helping right now, here’s an article I wrote just this morning (in Starbucks), for you to look at:

The Facebook Revolution – How PT’s Can Cash In >>>

Explains more about how to find patients on Facebook… and how to get them to give you some money in exchange for your services AND like you, at the same time.

And if you read all the way to the bottom, there’s a chance for you to get some help to implement this type of marketing into your clinic.

Do scroll down.

Get in on the Facebook Revolution, by clicking here:

The Facebook Revolution – How PT’s Can Cash In >>>

Paul Gough.

P.S If you have questions about todays article, just reply to this email now…

P.P.S If you like the article, why don’t you “like” me… by clicking here!…

Just kidding 😉

The Facebook Revolution of 2015 – Can Physical Therapy Clinics Cash In Via Direct Access?

So I talk to a lot of PT clinic owners about “Facebook”…

And it’s usually to put them off from obsessing over “likes” and “status updates”.

(Likes are nice, but they don’t pay the bills or the rent)!

Love it or hate it, Facebook is has emerged as a real, credible source of NP’s for PT clinics and is a referral source that should NOT be over looked — especially now that Direct Access is here to take advantage of.

And it’s a great time to take advantage of Facebook…


Because it’s “cheap, cheap, cheap” to get enquires and pick up leads and turn them into new patients of your clinic bringing with them $1200 each time they get hurt!

And it will continue to be that way or about the next 18 months or so as Facebook has a massive inventory and very few business owners who are aware of how to maximise the opportunity that Facebook presents.

One thing to be aware of with Facebook — the rules and system of marketing on this platform change every week, so it’s vital you know what you’re doing.

As the changes come in, I’ll keep you posted.

For now, here are the big trends you should pay attention to if you’re considering advertising your PT clinic on Facebook:

1.) News Feed Sponsored Pages
– The ability to put adverts and messages directly into people’s news feeds.

Here’s an exact advert that I ran on Facebook to target people with neck and shoulder pain who want some help!

FB Ads - Neck Pain (PG)

2.) Targeting – You only pay to reach people in your target market, whether that be defined by geography – say, 12 miles from your clinic, age and or interests. There is no other form of marketing that allows you to reach people with Facebook’s precision in such a cost effective way.

3.) You could serve ads directly to your past patients – Facebook allows you to upload your email list (of past patients), matches it with those who have Facebook accounts, and then allows you to send messages directly just to these people.

Your patients will think you are EVERYWHERE, but actually you are spending very reasonable amounts to reach people who already know, like and trust you.

4.) Video ads – Until the last few months, I agreed with the perceived wisdom of the internet marketing world that direct response mobile advertising does not work so well on Facebook.

The mobile experience in the past has made it tricky to convert Facebook users to paying patients.

That is changing, and one of the big trends of the year will be how to monetise the massive and VERY CHEAP mobile audience.

I also want you to know that your rival competitors are unlikely to be aware of these opportunities.

They are probably not reading this blog post and probably haven’t tried Facebook advertising.

If they have, the complexity of the system probably put them off.

Or they’re just get the “strategy” completely wrong like most people do with EVERY form of marketing they put out.

See, more than anything, it’s the “strategy” and content advice that most people fail on when it comes to Marketing… Facebook included.

An example:

Take this client of mine (who I shall keep nameless, but I bet you know him and his PT clinics)…

Before he joined my coaching group, he was running a promotion on Facebook to get people to click and like his page…

And it worked well…

He got 347 people to like his page in one month.

So far so good.

Except non of them booked an appointment at his clinic.

Enter some advice from us here at the “PT Profit Academy”…

We re-worked his whole strategy from paying for “likes”, to paying for “downloads”…

Downloads of a free report that promises to help people ease back pain.

OF course, we hand picked the audience… 12 miles from his clinic and aged 45-60… and all with clearly defined interests (even income) to suggest that they would fit the profile of his IDEAL patient – one who cares more about his or her health than the money it costs to maintain it…

And so we set about serving messages into their newsfeed with an advert not too dissimilar to that of the one pictured above.

(It helps all my clients MASSIVELY that I actually do everything that I teach… meaning I’m the one who pays for and makes the mistakes first — and only pass on what I know to work to my clients 😉

The result…

After just one week (last week!) we got 7 people to “opt in” and request his Free back pain report.

And by “opt-in”…

…I mean we exchanged his great advice (inside the tips report) for their contact details …name, email, address, as they enter his new follow up system.

And guess what… We already got one person out of these 7 (leads) to immediately converted to a free Evaluation (bringing a value of $1200 to his clinic).

Think of this free evaluation offer as an “up-sell”.

Now what’s great about this is that this PT owner is only spending $10 per day as his budget…and we only started it one week ago!…

So that’s just $70, to get 7 enquiries… and already one has booked in!…

It’s very likely that at least two more of those 7 will schedule consultations at his clinic – thus the cost of acquiring a NP would drop to as little as $25.

That’s why we say Facebook is “CHEAP!”…

And now think about that happening EVERY WEEK at this guy’s clinic.

3 NP’s each week coming in from Facebook… and that’s just from back pain.

Now imagine serving ads to people with NECK PAIN… and KNEE PAIN… or POSTNATAL BACK PAIN … etc etc…

If you picked up 2-3 NP’s from each of these “pockets or people”… you could very easily acquire 10 patients per week from Facebook.

What would that do for you bottom line?


It’s all automated.

We built him a system that is set to “follow up” on these enquiries for MONTHS after they opt in to request the free report…

What does the “follow up system” consist of?

Automated emails, postcards and phone calls that educate the person who requested the free report on why arriving for specialist PT is better than a “generalist free report” or waiting for time, trying pills or risking surgery etc etc.

What’s great about this article is that it will separate owners…

Divide them if you like…

See, some will be sat reading this article and looking for all of the reasons why this will “fail” or why it “won’t work” for them and come out with the usual “B.S”, “blah, blah, blah” nonsense that is typical of most business owners and yet still “whine” about why doctor referrals are drying up or patients not showing up for all their sessions etc etc…

And then there’s the smart ones…

The ones who will look at this and think “what if…”

“What if this strategy could work for ME!”…and want to know more about this type of system and strategy and what it could do in their business.

From this far, I don’t know which you are.

If you’re the latter….

…and you want some help to get more leads, more patients and more sales through Direct Access at your clinic, we’d be happy to talk to you to see if you’re right for us to work together.

Just fill out this application form now for a Strategy Call: >>>

And we’ll talk all about the current “marketing strategy” of your PT clinic and show you how to cash in on Direct Access like so many other PT’s are now doing.

Here’s the link to arrange a call with me personally: >>>

Hope this helps.

Paul Gough

Jacuzzi Soaked PT Owner Forgets Vital Consultation … Find Out How!

True Story:

So there I was at 3.30pm yesterday waiting on a “GoTo Meeting” Line for a coaching call I had scheduled with a PT owner (shall remain nameless – but I bet you know him) who I’m helping to build systems in his clinic so that as much of it as possible is “automated”.

Thing is, he didn’t show up for our scheduled call.

Not like him…

He’s usually VERY efficient and eager to learn from me so I was a little worried about him…

So I sent him an email asking:

“You there ___ ?”

And I got this reply back, immediately:


“S**t Paul. Totally forgot.

I have no excuse bc I am here at the gym and in the Jacuzzi. I will be home by 4 if u still have time”.



I did have time.

(I’m hanging out in San Diego taking a long break from my clinic…)

And as I reflected on this last night, I happen to think this type of thing is “GREAT”…

I have no problem with it.

You could say it’s a *happy by product* of what I teach.

See, when I talk about creating “Systems” in your business… there’s always a goal of doing that…

Sure, it’s to make a lot more money…

But it’s more than that…

It’s so that the systems work hard for you and you, well, don’t have too!…

Meaning more time for relaxing in a jacuzzi soaked bath during the day and forgetting all about everything that’s going on in your business…

…able to do so knowing that the “system” is the working hard bringing in more new enquiries for you…

…converting each one to a paying patient…

…AND, maximizing the cash value.

Simple really.

And it’s no co-incidence that I’m able to spend 6 weeks with my family travelling around California taking an extended break from the running of my own clinic…

See, I have the exact same systems working for me back in the UK.

Might be something in it, don’t you think?…

And the good news is this:

There’s no magic to any of this.

Nothing complicated.

Nothing that TON’s of other business owners around the world in many different industries aren’t currently using to enjoy the same type of “jacuzzi soaked” lifestyle and time wealth benefits.

All you need is a “belief” that it’s actually possible.

And a little bit of “insider” know-how, too.

The “belief” is up to you…

I can help you with the “know-how”.

Get it here (in under 59 minutes): >>>

It’s a replay of a Webinar I did recently which 457 Owners from around the U.S attended to learn more about:

“How To Automate Unlimited Referrals From Direct Access” >>>

On the webinar I show you step-by-step how to create the only 3 systems in your business that you’ll ever need to get your practice to the next level.

Why don’t you hit play…

Watch it to the end…

Take some notes…

And then follow the instructions on the video at the point it tells you “what to do next”?…

You got nothing to lose by at least considering it.

Maybe I’ll see you in the Jacuzzi 😉

Best wishes,

Paul Gough

How To Get More Patients To Show Up For A Free First Visit At Your PT Clinic

So I spent Memorial weekend in the wonderful city of “San Francisco”…

I was there to meet up with a PT Owner to talk about turbo charging his ability to acquire new patients (marketing)


Ensure that each one of those new patients is more compliant and follows through on his entire prescription of care (sales).

But I also used the trip as a mini-vacation and took my family to see the sights:

Places like “alcatraz”, “Saucalito”, Pier 39, Washington Square and a whole host of other places that I’d only ever previously seen in the movies.

The shops were great too…

My girlfriend Natalie had a blast and my son Harry loved the Disney Store located downtown.

And while there, we got presented with a number of “offers” from many different retailers… mainly, “opportunities” to “try” or “sample” things for “free”.

(Before we bought).

And it struck me just how in-effective a “Free trial” can be.

An example:

There was this one store who had a pleasant young girl out side of their doors offering a free trial of some new skin care cream.

At least that’s what we assumed it was because all she said to us was “do you want a free trial”?

(”of what”, we both thought).

Now had this girl said something like:

“Madam, would you like a free sample of the most amazing new skin care product that could revitalise your appearance in less than 5 minutes…?”

…then “Natalie” (my girlfriend) might have paid some attention.

Asked another question…

Maybe even walked inside the store for the free trial.

(Then “bought” something!)


Because she’d have been in no doubt whatsoever of the benefit to taking the free trial of the skin care cream in exchange for giving up 10 minutes of her time.

And it’s a lot like that when advertising a “free consultation” at your PT clinic.

Often, the person who you’re trying to attract to your clinic needs to know WHY he or she should take it.

It might be free…

But there’s still a TIME cost involved.

Free is often very over used – to the point it has become completely devalued and hard to give away.

Meaning that if someone lands on your website today and sees a sign for a “free consultation”… there’s a very good chance they’ll completely ignore it, question it’s value or assume that there’s a catch!

Better to load your “free consultation” with a benefit and a compelling reason why (they should try it).

Give it a new name…

A, “Find Out What’s Wrong Free First session”, perhaps?

See, promising something like a REAL diagnosis in exchange for just thirty minutes of their time is often a good place to start.

The trick is though, to make sure they have a crystal clear understanding of what’s in it for THEM and why they should attend i.e the benefit at the end (marketing).

Do that and you’ll book more.

Continue to ride along the back of “free”… and you’ll forever wonder why your google analytics say that 1000 people have visited your website this month but not one person booked from seeing your free offer.

Hope this helps.

Paul Gough.

P.S HIT REPLY to let me know what you think of today’s email or if you want to know more about the topic…

What Physical Therapy Clinic Owners Can Learn From Chiropractors When It Comes To Direct Marketing To Find New Patients

Story time:

So there I was at the weekend (minding my own) in the corner of Starbucks on Gerard Ave (La Jolla) – grande, extra hot, no-foam latte in one hand – a copy of Sundays, “LA TIMES”, in the other.

Now, reading the newspapers is something that I love to do.

But truth be told, I have NO interest what so ever in the stories that are being printed by the journalists.

No, I’m hunting for the Adverts!

Looking for ideas that I might be able to extract to give me (and my clients) the edge over our rival competitors.

And I’m looking across EVERY industry.

Not just the medical field.

(And certainly not just the Physical Therapy ads).

But the thing is, there’s RARELY any PT clinic ads in ANY newspaper I look in.

(Except for if you happen upon reading the papers while visiting the towns of some of my coaching clients of place like Rochester Hills (MI), Raleigh (NC), Foothill Ranch (Ca), Scottsdale (AZ), Narberth (PA)!)…

So, how come not many PT’s are doing it”?…

Is it because it’s easy to think “newspapers… no one reads them any more, so what’s the point in advertising in them”?

Or, is it because some owners have “tried newspaper ads, but they didn’t work for me”!

Either way, I flat out disagree.


See, newspapers are STILL, perhaps now more than ever, one of the most profitable and reliable sources of NP’s for small and medium sized practice owners.

Do you think that “chiropractors”, “doctors”, “dentists” and “orthotists” would CONTINUALLY (I’m talking week after week), be advertising in the LA TIMES (not cheap!) if they weren’t making a profit from doing so?


Any how, let’s take a look at a couple of the ads I spotted in Sundays paper and see what you can learn from each one:

Marketing ideas for physical therapists

This one was placed by a medical centre and is asking people with “neuropathy” to attend a free dinner.

It’s a HUGE ad.

Half the page (pricey!) and although it’s a form of lead Generation because they’re not asking for the immediate sale and instead are looking for prospects – it’s still a little “risky” and I wouldn’t advise a small business to do it because it takes a LOT of effort on the part of the reader (to show up and attend) which limits response.

Besides, I think people are these days aware that when they do arrive at this free “dinner”, they’re going to be sold too and pressured into buying some product when in the room.

Again, this limits the likely response.

I’m sure this ad works for these people – I just wouldn’t run something like this being a small to medium sized clinic unless I had a very HIGH END (high value) product to recoup my costs (a lot more than the $1200 typical patient value for a PT owner).


This one is advertising “insoles”… fairly pricey ones too:

marketing ideas for physical therapists

This is a classic “sales” model style ad and appeals to a very limited number of people… those who are ready to buy now!

The ad claims that the “insoles” are “only” $200 … now that’s hardly an impulse buy and so this advert will be losing a lot of people who MIGHT be interested in that offer, but want some more proof that they work – or information on how they work and why etc, before they get the credit card out.

Again, I’m sure this will work for the people placing it… I just think it could be more profitable if they did something like this next advert placed by a chiropractor using the “lead generation” model of advertising:

marketing ideas for physical therapists

In my humble opinion, it’s the smartest one, and the one you should “copy”.

(The strategy, that is!)

It’s also the smallest Ad…

And the chiropractor is no doubt riding along the back of having seen the first advert (the invitation to the neuropathy dinner) week after week.

And when you take a closer look at the advert…

…you’ll see he’s NOT even asking for the readers to call and make an appointment at his clinic.


He’s using something called the “Lead Generation” model of advertising which works stunningly well for small businesses like you and I.

See, for every 10 people who see that Advert – it’s likely that only 1 is “ready to buy now”.

So if all this chiropractor did was make a pitch to “book an appointment” at his clinic… he’d be missing out on a lot more than he would be making.

This chiropractor very cleverly asks for people to get in touch by requesting a free DVD, likely to be loaded with simple tips and hints on ways to ease “neuropathy” or information to better help people understand the condition.

(You could do the same for “chronic low back pain” or whatever you treat!)

But, what’s he’s really doing is “relationship building”.

(and catching all the people who want the information promised by the hospitals free dinner event, but who just don’t want to get off their “butts” to then be sold too…)

He’s also positioning him self as the “trusted source” of advice.

Not being pushy.

Not asking for “the sale” right up top…

And certainly NOT before he begins to earn the trust of these “leads” (readers interested enough to respond).

He’s playing a long game and giving people a low barrier to entry to get to know him and what he does to help people with “neuropathy”

This strategy is a hugely profitable one and something that I would encourage you to do the same.

Click Here To Get Regular Tips To Boost Self-Referrals Sent To You >>>

Ideally… find a newspaper that the big hospital systems are chiropractors are already advertising in and do what this smart chiropractor is doing… picking off all the great many more people who are not ready to buy just yet — but who soon will be once some trust is established.

Advertising in the newspapers is something that is often over looked by PT owners because they think that “no-one reads the newspapers” and find them selves saying things “that wont work for me” or “everyone is on Facebook” these days.

And yes…

Some are.

But many people over the age of “50” ARE reading newspapers every day.

Have done for 30 years and will do for another 30 years no matter how big Facebook or Google gets.

It’s a life long, daily habit.

And when you show up in those newspapers offering to HELP before you ask for any money – like this clever chiropractor does week after week – you’ll gain the trust of those readers who will eventually come to their own conclusion that your OFFER (the free DVD or tips report), is worth making a call for.

What do you do after that?


Build some more trust by offering to help in some other ways.

More information perhaps?

A “free evaluation”…

Anything that builds confidence (and trust) in you and what you do so that the person who responds to your advert feels compelled to want to do business with you, at some point soon.

You know as well as I do that their “chronic low back pain” isn’t going anywhere.

So it’s just a case of showing up until THEY decide to try you out.

And in that respect, these types of patients are a LOT better (and much more profitable!) than getting a referral from a doctor…

How so, you ask?

How many times have you been referred a patient who is only coming to you “because the doctor” told them too?…

(A few times this week already, I bet!)

If they have no idea why they are coming for PT … or more to the point, what you’re going to do for them that they should part with their time and money – then is it any wonder that these doctor referrals are only showing up for “4” or “5” visits?…

(A common problem I’m hearing about!)

It’s because there’s NO trust there…

No understanding of what we do (imagine the doctor trying to explain what a PT does!)… and besides, if the doctor FORCES the patient to come to you, you’re already fighting a losing battle when it comes to compliance and hitting your average patient visit numbers (12) is hard!…

Wouldn’t you agree it’s much better to find a way of creating your patients – nurturing them all the way to the first appointment?…

All you have to do is “hang in” for how ever long it takes and provide some more information to help these people – often nervous, skeptical and unsure – to make a BETTER decision.

Do that, and you’ll never have to chase doctors for referrals OR worry about what the big hospital systems are doing around you or which clinics they’re buying up!

(Another problem I’m hearing all about!)

Make no mistake — there’s “Gold” waiting at the end for the PT owners who adopt this approach across ALL of their marketing.

That’s called having a marketing “strategy” and is something that no clinic owner can be without.

Hope this helps.

Paul Gough.

Click Here To Get Regular Tips To Boost Self-Referrals Sent To You >>>

How Obama, Facebook, And Direct Response Marketing Helped Win The Election In Britain — And How It’s Relevant To Your Physical Therapy Clinic

So just before I arrived here in “La Jolla”, an election took place back in the UK to decide the next Government.

And what was REALLY interesting about the result was NOT that the “Scottish” are going all out in their attempts to break up the United Kingdom as you know it, no, it’s the fact that “FACEBOOK” – with the help of some Direct Response Marketing principles – looks to have decided the outcome.

Before I tell you the full story, let me just make something clear…

I’m NOT particularly political in way shape or form.

I choose to “vote for my self” everyday by getting better and better at marketing (and sales) to the benefit of all of my businesses meaning I never have to worry about what any Government decides to do (or tax me on) — but as a fellow clinic owner, and regardless of your political views, this should grab your attention AND give you some hope.

Here’s what happened:

So *Labour* (the equivalent of the Democrats and the guys who lost) hired “David Axelrod” (Barack Obama’s adviser) to develop their MESSAGE, and the *Conservatives* (the equivalent of the Republicans) and the party that WON the election, hired another OBAMA man, Jim Messina.

And he (Jim) turned out to be orders of magnitude more useful as he set about displaying social media messages incredibly precisely, at just the right people (i.e the “Swing voters”).

To put it another way, it was always understood by Jim that the election was going to be decided by about 100,000 people in the key marginal constituencies.

And while MOST people were watching the campaign on TV or reading about it in the press – 100,000 people were being targeted by the Conservatives with laser like precision on Facebook, and other social media.

Here’s the relevance for you and your business:

Out there in your town are a certain number of people suffering with things like knee pain, neck pain or back pain, who, if we could convert them to becoming your patients, would change your business destiny and create your financial freedom.

It’s as simple as maybe finding just “10” people per month to come to your clinic.

Maybe it’s 50, or 100.

(How big to do you want to get?…)

The point is, it’s not a huge number.

Jim Messina essentially deployed DIRECT RESPONSE marketing tactics to win an election using social media because that was the “MEDIA” he knew he could get his message to the “WHO” he wanted to target.

If it can change the future of an entire election and a countries political destiny…

I wonder what Direct Response Marketing like this could do for your clinic.

Rule number 1 of DRM is to know the “WHO” you are targeting.

Rule number 2 is to know WHERE to find them.

And, Rule number 3 is just to say something – anything – that compels that person to respond to your offer of help (MESSAGE).

Not much more to it than that my fellow clinic owner.


Want some help to change the future of your clinic using DRM?…

If so, start here by filling out this short form: >>>

… and then we’ll talk all about the ENDLESS number of options that are open to you to, quite literally, flood your clinic with referrals from direct access.


Paul Gough.

P.S If you’re in or around the San Diego area… why don’t we meet up in person?…

HIT REPLY to let me know you want to talk to me about your clinics future prosperity.

What Do You Want To Have Happen? (At Your PT Clinic)

Story time:

So as I write this note to you although I’m sat on the balcony of my apartment in sunny “La Jolla”, I’m somewhat tired and very “jet lagged” after a long flight to get here yesterday.

12 hours on a plane, but always well worth it to be in what always feels like “home” 😉

And as me and my young family travelled over… with some of the time we had on our hands we spoke about “what we wanted to have happen as a result of being here.”

Now when I first asked this question to my girl friend “Natalie”, she looked at me as if to say “what do you mean”… and proceeded to comment that we were, of course, here for the next 6 weeks to have some “fun”.

“Good answer”, I said.

But lets be a little more specific.

Because unless we have a VERY clear idea about what we want to have happen EVERYDAY when we’re here on this “work-acation”… chances are high that we could leave some fun on the table!..

So we decided to write a list.

And I came up with things like:

* Enjoy a morning walk along the beach at 6.30 am with a fresh coffee in hand.

* Spend at least 60 minutes of every day with my son Harry in the near by swing park

* Get at least 30 minutes of exercise (swim, bike or jog), every single day without fail.

* Watch the sun go down every night at 7.30 pm before heading out for dinner…

And so the list went on…

…just as detailed, just as clear about what I wanted to have happen every single day that I’m in “La Jolla” to ensure that I get the best return on my investment – both my time, and my money.

Other wise, what’s the point?…

And it’s much the same when it comes to my clinics “marketing”…

See, if you don’t have a crystal clear understanding of why you’re sending out that postcard, that newsletter, placing that Ad or pushing “send” on an email to your past patients, there really is no point in doing it and it’ll cost you lots more than it’ll make you.

And of all the mistakes I’ve seen owners in the US make when it comes to “marketing their services”, the biggest, without doubt, is that they just don’t know what they want to have happen as a result of their efforts.

There’s no end goal.

No clear strategy.

Most owners aren’t sure whether they’re asking for appointments (“sales model”), attempting to cast a bigger net by beginning a relationship with prospects by using the powerful “lead generation” strategy… or just taking part in the cash DRAIN that is “brand awareness” and running some ads because it appears that’s what the big hospital systems do.

And so here’s my question to you:

Do you know “what do you want to have happen” at your PT clinic?…

Have you got a crystal clear plan that you’re executing on everyday taking you closer to your goal?

Each time you invest in sending our mailers, EDDM, make a change to your website or run an ad, are you achieving the results you REALLY wanted?…

And since you came to my website a few weeks back asking to join my email list looking to boost your number of referrals from direct access have you gotten any where near to achieving your goal?

If NOT, then the chances are it’s because you’re not clear on what marketing strategy you’re using at your clinic (if any!)…

And as everyday that goes by and you don’t get clear on that strategy, you’re losing a ton of money.

Imagine with me what it would be like if you could just figure out a better strategy for running an advert in a local community, mid week paper, one that costs just $300 to run and delivered $4800 worth of new patients…

Or, imagine sending a single email to your past patients and re-activating “5” of them, each for a new course of treatment…

See, both of those things have happened to two clinic owners I’m working with, in just the last week.

One in Michigan, one here in California…

One is a single clinic owner working “solo”, the other, a multi-clinic owner with a dozen staff.

They’re both using the exact same “strategy” that I made work at my own clinics…

…and they’re now just two of a number of owners beginning to see incredible results happening thanks to the completely new strategy I’ve implemented at their clinic.

Last question:

“When are you going to let me implement that strategy into your PT clinic?”…

If you’re ready to try something different and you think you want move your clinic on to the next level, then let’s talk…

Just hop on over to here and fill out this form:

Click Here And Fill Out This Form To Arrange A Strategy Call >>>

…to let me know you’re ready.

Be quick though…

The sun is shining here in “La Jolla” and I got some time in the swing park to put in with my little boy before I head off to watch the sun set on them “seals” 😉

Cheerio for now.

Paul Gough

P.S That same strategy I COULD let you in on…

It’s the one that is keeping my own clinic successfully running back over in the UK as I spend the next 6 weeks here in the sun with my family.

Let’s talk about you getting in on some of that type of lifestyle, too:
Click Here And Fill Out This Form To Arrange A Strategy Call >>>

What Would Other PT Owners Say About You?

Let me tell you a short story:

So through the week I caught up (on Skype) with an owner from Philadelphia – Chad Madden of “Madden PT” (and founder of Breakthrough PT Marketing).

(Hi… 😉

And as we yapped about things like “lead generation”, “past patient re-activation” even, “every door direct mail” ideas… we got round to discussing what it was that would REALLY define the contribution to the PT industry, that both of us could make.

And he told me a story about a baseball player from the 50’s named “Ted Williams”.

I was fascinated by it.

How, back in the day when “Ted” was at his peak, even his closest rival — “Joe Dimaggio” — had good things to say about him, giving him the title of “the greatest hitter who ever lived on”.

And it got me thinking about what my own competitors might say about me, back in the UK.

In a round about way…

I’d guess they’d all say something like:

“Paul Gough, oh yeah, he’s great at marketing his business – always has been.”

And I suspect many of them may say that to make themselves feel a little bit better…

To justify my success as an owner as, “inevitable”, because I am “good at marketing”.

And they’ll do that to avoid the obvious “dissonance” (headaches!) that would surely come if any of them considered the fact that the success I’ve had has arrived simply besause of time spent learning two specific skill sets.

1.) Marketing.

2.) Sales.

As well as studying EXTENSIVELY how the human brain works, why and how people are motivated — and a relentless study of how to write persuasive “copy”… aka the words I need to write, and in what order, to get people to take the action I’m hoping for to put more people on treatment beds at my clinic… and how all that fits in to the overall strategy my business uses to dominate in my towns (“Lead Generation”!).

But they don’t see that.

I guess they’ll think that this “marketing thing” somehow comes naturally to me — and that I have some kind of unfair advantage over them.

(If only they could see how much I’ve spent on courses, attending seminars all across the US, coaching bills, mastermind groups and how many hours I’ve lost in my life to jet lag, plus time I’ve missed out on with my boy “Harry”, etc etc etc…)

See, the thing with getting good at finding more patients (from direct access)… there’s no way to just “dip your toe in the water” and do a “bit here”, and a “bit there” — still trying to be a great practitioner.


You’ve got go “all in”… and make a decision to be better at it — better than you are at diagnosing injuries or crafting “12 visit, $1200 value care plans”…

And to speed it up, you’ve got to get someone to show you how to do it.

And yes, that absolutely DOES mean investing time and money into it.

Ain’t no other way.

And it’ll be a life long, continual process, too.

You do CPD to fine tune your PT skills, right?…

Well, I do the same for my marketing skills…

See, I continue to sharpen my pencil to the tune of spending at least 1/3 of my day… everyday… learning more about “sales” and “marketing”.

What I do with the other two thirds of my day?


IMPLEMENT what I learn.

Helping to boost yet MORE sales at my own clinic — and at the clinics if the owners all across the USA who hire me to do it for them, too.

So here’s my BIG question to you:

“What would other owners say about you”?…

Would it be that you’re a great practitioner… “if only you could get a few more patients through the door”?


Would it be that your business is relying far too heavily on referrals from doctors — referrals that are soon to “dry up” as more and more large hospital systems look to dominate in small towns like yours?


Would it be that they say you’re just an old round nice person, and GLAD to have you as a competitor!?…

(Think about the implications of what they last one really means…)

Anyhow, last thing:

If any of those three statements are true about you and your business, and you want some help to move away from that less-wealthy place…

Then why don’t we talk?

I can help you automate your sales and marketing using good old fashioned, direct response marketing that I’ve made work in my own clinic…

And –

At the clinics of owners in places like Orange County (Ca), Wake County (NC), Rochester Hills (MI), Centre City (Pa), Scotsdale (AZ)… and many more places in between.

Assuming that you’re not in direct competition with any of my clients…

I can talk to you about THE best ways to get more patients to refer to you through direct access and specifically, how to automate the whole thing so that you CAN, if you wish, spend more time in the treatment room helping more people with your PT skills and doing more of what you’re already, very good at.

Give me the nod that you’re ready to take your business to the next level, by filling out this short form: >>>

Cheerio for now.

Paul Gough

Want Me To do Your Clinic Marketing For You?

Quick question:

Would your clinic be easier to run if someone took care of all of your marketing for you?..

If “yes”…

…Would you like me to personally help you create and implement my most effective marketing campaigns?

The same marketing strategy and content that are working to help other owners right now – as you read this?

Each month I work with two owners personally… to custom build out an ENTIRE “off-line” (with a touch of on-line) marketing campaign …and I wanted to see if you’d like me to do it for YOU.

Me and my tech team do ALL the work for you – often within 14 days.

I’m talking:

* “Newspaper ad campaigns” bringing in enquiries from NEW direct access patients

* Referral “leaflets” created for you to get referrals from your current patients (without having to ask for it!)

* Even “postcards” done for you


* Custom “Newsletters” so you so that you can blanket your town with every door direct mail looking for new (and even bring back some past!) patients.


I do all of the email follow up campaigns too.

(You do have a “follow up” system in place, right?…)

We provide you with the lead conversion scripts… and training videos for your front desk staff… and I even let you have access to ALL my website templates…

Even more:

I’ll set up your first landing pages so that you can get both “online” and “offline” enquiries – or do both at the same time!

I will personally spend DAYS working on your clinics marketing material – work with your staff to improve their sales techniques…

…and will create custom copy, make changes to your current marketing material, and fine tune each campaign specifically to YOUR clinic and the patients you want to attract.

We could start with getting some more “back pain” patients?

I know there’s TONS of “could be patients” with back pain in your area…

Or, maybe we could target some people with “neck” pain?

Or, “Knee pain” patients.

Even, “postnatal” or “sports injures” if that’s your speciality.

Either way, you’ll have nothing to do but wait for the phone to ring (With hours of running your first ads!).

I know this is not for everyone…

…and it isn’t cheap…

…but if it’s what you want and are looking for – then within 14 days from saying “yes” you’ll have a fully functioning new-patient getting marketing machine – specifically created for YOUR clinic.

Just fill out this form now and arrange a marketing strategy call call with me and tell me exactly what you need:

Yes! I Want Someone To Do My Marketing For Me >>>

Talk soon,

Paul Gough

P.S. This is limited to 2 owners per month and 1 of those spots is already taken, so if you want to get going on this soon – just fill out this form if you’re interested: >>>

P.P.S Here’s what some other owners say about what I did for them:

“After a short meeting with Paul, he opened my eyes to the possibilities of what automation and direct response marketing can do to my business – and I am excited to now be taking my pt clinic to stratospheric levels under his tutelage.”

– Andrew Vertson, Intecore PT, Multi-clinic owner, Orange County.

“In just a few short weeks Paul put a marketing system in place at my clinic that is now helping me move away from relying on doctor referrals and seeing 30 patients per week, to my goal of 100 – talk to him, he will give you good idea, after idea, after idea!”

– Oliver Patalinghug, Restore PT, Rochesterhills (MI)