Author Archives: Paul Gough

About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.

[Free Training] Confessions Of Two PT Clinic Marketing Experts

Direct Response Marketing Secrets
For PT’s – Click here to watch the video.

Pull up a chair…

And let me tell you a quick story:

…So not long ago I was speaking at a big Marketing Seminar in “St.Louis”.

It’a beautiful city with an impressive Arch and I stayed in the fabulous “Union Station Hotel” which has an awesome light show going on inside the main Lobby each night starting at 7pm.

But that’s not what I wanted to tell you about…

[Press play on the video ^ to watch the webinar]

No, I want to let you know all about another PT I met there whose name is “Chad”.

A PT who REALLY impressed me with his marketing ideas.


At the bar one night, we got to talking about “all of the different ways that PT’s could (and should!) be using to bring more patients into their clinics”…

Mainly, direct response type stuff to attract direct access patients!

It turns out that “Chad”, (of “Madden PT” over in Harrisburg, PA) is the founder of a company called “Breakthrough PT Marketing” – meaning, like me, he also helps other PT’s in the USA to grow more successful practices.

He is an AWESOME guy (and very clever, too) and recently, he invited me to talk to HIS list of clinic owners about how I grew my own practice using direct response marketing,

– AND –

Share some secrets of what I’m doing to help other owners overcome their biggest business challenges.

Owners from all across the USA paid to attend – and the “webinar replay” is here for you to watch:

Just press play here now >>>

Here’s just a taste of what you’ll discover on the webinar:

* The secret website strategy that generates new patients 24/7, on autopilot.

* Why attacking CHIROPRACTORS in your marketing is healthy for profits.

* The SUPER secret to boosting your average patient visit – you need to get good at just this one thing that anyone can learn!

* How to use patient testimonials to get get more referrals.

* My big tip if you’re sending out “every door direct mailers”.

* The single best way to test past patient reactivation offers, for FREE!..

* How to create your first “lead generation” advert and what to offer.

* How I built a $1m dollar clinic, selling against a completely free health care system!

* The one thing I read that changed the way I think (and my practices profits!), literally over night

* And so much more revealed in under 60 minutes!…

If you want to know all of that, and more, best hop over to this video replay now:

Just press play here now >>>

Cheerio for now 😉

Paul Gough

P.S I’m the one with the “tropical” British accent.

P.P.S Watch the webinar… and within 3 minutes you’ll also learn the single fastest way to boost referrals from your website, (often in under 20 seconds flat!)

Here is the link to the replay to watch it:

Just press play here now >>>

Customizing Your Pt Website For More Direct Access Referrals and Automating Profits

So how have you spent your bank holiday weekend so far?…

Personally, I’ve spent the whole weekend teaching my 18 month old boy (Harry!) what the real meaning of “sharing” is… and how to do it!


….as he has a bedroom full of cadburys chocolate eggs this morning and is miraculously very happy to share them all with his favourite Daddy while we watch “Toy Story” together 😉

Easter harry

(My son, Harry!)


Last week I had an awesome time in “Phoenix”.

As well as watching the Diamond Backs play baseball against the “Cubs”, and taking a hike up south mountain, I was at the convention centre most of the week attending a conference…

And although I learned TONS of new ways to get more new patients for my own clinic (…and for clinic the owners in my Next Level coaching program!)… the highlight of my trip to Phoenix was meeting up personally with a couple of “owners”.

Andrew, an owner from Orange county flew in to attend the conference with me and now sees the bigger picture of having a lead generation strategy in place at his clinic.


I took a cab out to Mesa to talk marketing strategies with two awesome pt’s — Jim and William of “Succeed PT”…

…those guys are 3 months into their new clinic and they’re going to CRUSH it in that area of Phoenix with the marketing strategy and ideas they’re working on…

…and that’s despite the stiff competition they tell me they’re facing from the big hospitals who are buying up all of the pt clinics in that area making referrals from doctors harder than ever to come by!


I was also privileged to meet up with an owner who lives in Phoenix and runs a super successful clinic over in Oregan.

Now all of these pt’s had completely different stories.

One just starting out.

The others firmly established and doing well.

But they all had one thing in common.

And that was they know they want to take their business to the NEXT LEVEL… and they agree (with me!) the fastest way to do it is by automating as much of their marketing (new patient acquisition) as possible.

And of course, following the rules of direct response marketing.

Smart owners!…

And best… determined enough to actually be doing something about it like take time out to meet with people like me, or attend conferences to learn, too!…

Anyway, one of the conversations I had with two of the owners was about their “websites”.

And specifically, what I believe to be the single fastest way to boost referrals from online and have it happening 24-7 i.e automated!

Now, if more referrals from your website sounds like something that would help you get to the NEXT LEVEL, then you MUST read this article:

— The Single Fastest Way To Boost Referrals Via Direct Access From Your Clinic Website >>>

Just click the link to start reading the article:

— The Single Fastest Way To Boost Referrals Via Direct Access From Your Clinic Website >>>

I talk to you all about how to easily let new visitors feel as though enquiring about an appointment at your clinic is as easy as ordering a grande, extra hot, de-caf, extra shot latte in Starbucks.


Talk soon.

Paul Gough.

P.S When you’re ready to talk about YOUR clinics NEW automated marketing strategy, just hit reply and let me know.

I’m very surely gathering up a group of pt owners across the USA who are crushing it in their small towns (…against big competition!) with my ideas and strategies.

If you want something *different* happening at your pt clinic, and you want it DONE FOR YOU, I’m your guy!

Email me: and lets arrange to talk about getting you to the next level, fast.

Or, join us all here:
Click Here To Get Regular Tips To Boost Self-Referrals Sent To You >>>

The Single Fastest Way To Boost Referrals (Via Direct Access) From Your PT Clinic Website

If you’re looking to take your pt clinic to the NEXT level… and stand out above all of the competition so that more new patients chose your clinic before others, then one of the things you need to know more about is how to “customize” experiences that prospects have on your pt website.

Specifically, how the visitors to your website i.e your prospective new patients ready to give you $1200, can feel as though they are customizing their future experience/care with you – to guarantee they get what they think they want and need!

It’s NOT enough to ask people to just provide a phone number and say “call us”, these days.

And even having a web form up there on your site which allows people to “book a free session” isn’t good enough.

Now before I show you how to do online forms on your website properly, let me talk to you about how NOT to do it.

Amongst others, one of the problems with web form on most pt websites is that they don’t allow the user to feel as though they are REALLY going to be able to get what they want.

Let me explain:

We live in a world where there is an abundance of choice.

Heck, you can walk into a coffee shop these days and choose from at least 20 different ways of how you might want your coffee served too you.

And so if you can “customize” your coffee everyday, what makes you think that visitors to your website don’t want to do the same for their pt treatment?

I’d say the only reason that most pt business owners don’t do it, is simply because no one else is …and the people they’re copying from, taking advice from, or modeling from, don’t understand marketing, persuasion or influence in any way that is going to make you the profit you can have.

Worse… some owners just don’t think it’s relevant, or that their patients want to be able to come to your website and chose a service that is “just for them”!

Big mistake.

MASSIVE mistake.

One more thing on these web forms…

Most pt websites ask people to fill out a form to “Claim a free first session”…

If that’s the case, and the session really is FREE, why on earth are they asking for “insurance details”?

Again, I suspect that they’re doing it just because they see other business owners are doing it (…even though this doesn’t mean it’s actually working!).

Think about it…

If you’re advertising a free session on your website BUT the prospective patient is being asked for their insurance details, and given that they don’t know, like or trust you yet, don’t you think a LOT of people will be wondering why they must give you their details for insurance (which suggests they’re going to be BILLED $$$!) for something that is supposedly100% free?

It’s confusing… and I GUARANTEE it is scaring a lot of people away.

If it really is FREE, they don’t need to give their insurance until AFTER the freebie session.

Now, if you’re reading this and it’s something that you are doing… and you’re screaming at me “but that’s how everyone has always done it in the pt industry…”, that might be the first indicator that it’s time for a change and IS why most pt’s never actually get to the NEXT level they hope for.

Anyhow, this type of online form is better than nothing, but there’s a much better (and more profitable to do it) and this is the type of thing which also makes the difference between a patient who doesn’t want to book for more than 3-4 sessions, and one will happily attend all 12 of the visits you expertly recommend.

Discover the REAL problem people want help with while they’re on your website…

And it has everything to with their perceived view of how specialist you are and how much you get and understand their REAL problem.

And this understanding of a patients “REAL” problem IS what separates the physical therapist from those with an average of 4, from those with an average of 12 visits.

See, what most pt’s don’t stop to learn about is that “back pain” or “knee pain” or whatever it is they are telling you is “wrong”, isn’t what is REALLY wrong.

No… what is REALLY wrong is that the back or knee pain is stopping something… getting in the way of their enjoyment of something… or limiting how good they can be at it.

Things like “not being able to surf” (because of back pain!), not being able to care for elderly or sick parents (because of back pain!) or play soccer in the park with kids (because of knee pain!) IS why they are really coming to see you (or considering it).

If your profits rely upon people coming and see you just because they’ve got back pain (or which ever type!), then you mind find your self “stuck”, worse yet a “commodity” always open to be labeled as the same as the pt down the street, and frustrated knowing that you can help all these people out there, but wondering why they don’t seem to show up.

And through this article today I’m going to teach more about the winning principle of offering highly specific solutions to emotionally connected patients, HOW to do it from your website, and show you a real live example of how successful (and profitable!) it can really be for your pt clinic.

 So let me tell you a true story…

Just yesterday my own pt clinic received an “online” enquiry (i.e via a form on my website) from a “prospective” patient suffering with back pain.


She was also making enquires at all the other clinics in town and basically, well, price shopping.

Here’s what she wrote back to us just 30 minutes after her initial on-line enquiry:

 “Hi I would like to cancel my enquiry as I have sorted something else.“

– Erin.

Our response?

“Ok. No problem?”…

What, are you kidding me?…Of course not!

See, because of the questions we asked on the online form, we already knew what she wanted to achieve from going to see a pt.

Here’s how my on-line webform looks:


This is just one of the screens the user sees as there’s actually three in total — the others appear each time the user answers the questions in front of them and then hits NEXT…

 Note some of the questions we ask on there:

1.) What does it STOP you from doing?

2.) What is CONCERNING you most?

3.) How LONG have you suffered or worried?

4.) Your MAIN GOAL?

…And a few others too – see this exact web form live by clicking here >>>

Now, because the girl in question (Erin!) had come through this online form, and had previously answered these questions, we were able to discover (without speaking to her) that what she REALLY wanted was this: to get back to dancing ASAP.

Although she told us “where it hurt” was at her lower back, she also told us that she’d suffered with back pain for 6 months.

So ending back pain really WASN’T her motive for contacting us as if it was, she would have done it 6 months ago when here back pain first start to surface.

Wouldn’t you agree?

It was only when that back pain has likely gotten so bad that it disrupts her DANCING (her “emotional connection”) did she decide to start the search for a solution.

So, after she sent us the email informing us that she had found another therapist in the area, (maybe even a chiropractor who works for cheaper then we do), word for word, here’s what we wrote back:


“Hi Erin,

Thank you so much for getting in touch to let us know.

I’m so glad that you have found someone who is able to help you.

I was just chatting with our back pain specialist, Sammy, who said she would of loved to of helped you.

She *sees lots of dancers* here in clinic – and would of loved to of seen what she could of done for you.

If you need us for anything Erin, even any advice, please just get in touch

Best Wishes,

Vicki Smith”

Practice Manager at Paul Gough Physio Rooms.


And with just a few minutes of our return email going back to Erin (who had just cancelled an enquiry with us)…

We were able to bring her back to us more EAGER to be a patient of ours than she originally was.

What to know how we converted this patient – one who was thinking of going to one of my competitors because they are cheaper – into a high paying patient of ours?

These words:

 “Sammy (the pt) see’s lots of dancers here in clinic”.

Made it *impossible* for Erin (the prospective patient) to even contemplate going anywhere else because she now knows that we solve HER problem regularly.

Take a look at the exact email reply sequence here and start at the bottom:

Marketing ideas for physical therapists

(Click the image ^ to make it bigger).

The result?

Conversion to a high paying patient.

Took us less than a minute to compose – and Erin just 45 minutes to surrender to my offer of highly specific solution.

I’m happy.

She was happy.

My bank account is happy.

So, yeah, more proof that “highly specific solutions” are the only way to go ESPECIALLY if you face completion from chiropractors, pts are opening new clinics all around you or the big hospitals dominate with their big ad budgets.

Use this type of *message to market* match in your marketing to attract new patients to your clinic – and you can, well, basically put an end to worrying over your biggest business challenges or chasing doctors for more referrals.

This works especially well since most pt clinic owners don’t have the balls or nerve to do this type of thing – for fear of not appealing to a mass market.

Which, by the way, is the quickest and easiest way to blow through a marketing budget and go broke.

 Paul Gough

Author, Clinic owner, Founder at the PT Profit Academy

Helping small and independent pt clinics get more referrals from direct access.

Want more tips like this?

Click Here To Get Regular Tips To Boost Self-Referrals Sent To You >>>

[Direct Access Marketing] How To Promote “Free First Visits” – Without Appearing Needy Or Looking Desperate For Business!

Next, let’s talk about the “temptation” to give way FREE first SESSIONS.

If you’re new to marketing or just not sure how to do it but are keen to get more direct access patients through the doors, it’s very tempting to promote FREE!…

Now, I’m a big fan of free information.

Giving away free information to help people learn more about what you do and how you can help i.e a free report with tips to ease back pain (…lead generation style) IS the rock that I built my own $1m dollar pt clinic on.

And even though we’re doing well month-on-month, I’m regarded as THE go-to guy in my area, a published author in the health field on Amazon, a weekly newspaper columnist for two different papers with “mini-celebrity” status in the towns that I serve, I STILL like to promote FREE first sessions to grow my clinic.


Because if it’s done right, it can bring people into your clinic who otherwise would never have considered it.

Doesn’t matter how good you are, how good they think you are, or what people say about you – there’s A LOT of people out there who doubt that what you do is right for THEM!

(Big difference, massive difference!)

And offering a “low barrier to entry” – something that lets these people come to see you with little or no risk so they can decide for themselves how good they are – is a profitable strategy.

Thing is, if you do it wrong – it can leave you appearing needy or looking desperate for patients.

(And no one wants to put their health in the hands of a “desperate” for business clinic!)

See, people don’t know the laws of direct access (they also don’t care!) – and they don’t realise that what you’re doing is simply trying to help them out by offering a free session.

Most people either ignore free completely because they think it has little or no value, or they mostly assume you’re not very good at what you do and have to resort to “giving it away” free – because no one else will buy it.

Which IS going to hurt your referrals in the long run.

So you’ve got to advertise free in the right away.

There’s rules you can follow whether you’re running small ads in the newspapers, or trying to catch people directly from your website with your offer of a free consultation.

It starts by changing the name of your “free exam!” to _______ and making people QUALIFY by doing ______.

Then, you’ve got to do what I’m currently teaching the other owners on the caching program right now, which is say “________”.


I’ve said too much for this email.

If you want some help to implement a better SYSTEM for attracting Direct Access patients at your clinic, let me know by filling out this form: >>> 

I can answer your questions well enough so that you can do it on your own, or, if you like the sound of what I say but not got the time to do it, ask me do it for you.

Either way, I can help.

Start here: >>> 

Paul Gough

P.S Non of what I teach is “theory”

Everything I teach in my coaching groups or to my private clients is what I am CURRENTLY using in my own practice to WIN in the back drop of a completely free health care system back in the UK.

Think about it…

Everyone who ever choses to come and see me and is happy to pay for my services – also the option of a completely FREE physical therapy option funded by the government.

Even the “tourists” can walk into a pt clinic in Britain and get free pt treatment.

Yet… last month alone we did 152 absolute BRAND new (self-referred) patients using these strategies.

They are working in many towns and states in the USA and they WILL work for you too.

Lets talk: >>> 

[Direct Access Marketing] How To Actually Make Money From All The People Requesting Your Free e-Books or Signing Up For Your Newsletters!

So let’s look at some more ways you could easily attract floods of Direct Access patients.

Specifically, “how to actually make money from
all the people requesting your free eBooks (or eNewsletter)”

These things…

physical therapy marketing ideas

Or, signing up to one of these:

Ebook Image 3

True story time:

So I was working with an owner recently who was lying awake at night worried about his referrals from doctors drying up…

…and, yet ANOTHER chiropractor having set up in his town likely to make things even more difficult for him to get Direct Access patients – especially ones with back and neck pain.

So after I looked at what he was currently doing to attract new patients, I got to work on making some suggestions.

And one of them was this:

Create An Automated “Follow up System” Using e-mail, Direct Mail and Telephone Calls.

I suggested it after looking at his clinics website noticing that he offers visitors a collection of FREE E-BOOKS, in exchange for their email address.

So far so good.

(This is classic “lead generation marketing” – perfect for small clinic owners!)

It gets better…

In little over 12 months… more than 400 people had come to his website, expressed an interest in his services – and were happy to exchange their contact details for his three E-books.

Here’s where the problems start:

Not one single person had converted to a paying patient.


Because there was ZERO follow up.

Now, I know a lot of owners leave their “e-newsletters” in the hands of a third party company who manages their website.

Which is fine!

But I suspect that what was happening to my client, might also be happening to you too:

Problem 1: 

The E-books are NOT actually even being sent.

They’re just being displayed on a webpage to be downloaded – yet, what is supposed to happen is an email is sent containing the requested ebook to that you  CONDITION the user into receiving emails from you in future (…loaded with more information in those emails about YOUR PT service and how easy it is to self refer!)

Now, just about every owner I speak to tells me…

…”if i could just get more people around here to realise that they can self refer for pt, then most of my problems would be solved!”…

If that’s happening to you… why not do it inside your emails? EVERYDAY, until the people who requested your free e-Books completely understand the “easy” referral process.

Now here’s problem 2:

The types of e-newsletters that are being sent to people who “opt in” or “sign up” are doing ZERO to enhance the likelihood of the these enquires actually becoming paying patients.

Which is SURELY the goal right?

See, the ONLY reason you’re giving away FREE stuff (E-books etc) is so that you can capture people’s details and THEN follow up with even more INFORMATION.

Preferably something specific (to their problem!), relevant to their concerns, helpful (in the decision making process!) and interesting (enough to get read!)… and ultimately helps them make a better decision about Physical Therapy at your clinic.

See, when you FOLLOW UP like this, you have multiple shots at explaining to a patient what you do, who you help, how easy it is to refer (via Direct Access) and even that the first session is free (if that’s your offer!), and you have a much better chance of that person who requested your fee e-Book, actually giving you some money.

Here’s How Much This Could Be Worth To You

400 people gave this “owner” their email address.

Imaging even just a 1% conversion ration (to paying patient).

That would be “4” patients.

If the average patient is worth $1000 – that’s $4000 LOST!

Now imagine a conversion ration of 10% (something VERY realistic even with the most basic of follow up sequences!) – that would be 40 new patients.

That amount my client LOST is now approaching $40,000.

It Gets Worse

Given that many people tell friends and refer family members, the true value that figure is it is even higher.

If just 20% of those 40 people referred their family and friends, there’s another 8 people.

Another 8 patients worth $8000.

So because of a lack of a “follow up system” to convert enquiries made on his website, my client WAS losing about $48,000 in revenue.

So, How Do You Fix It?

First, you need to take control of your email marketing.

There’s just too much money to be made from sending broadcast emails to past patients offering them other products and services – to let someone else do it!

Send two or three emails per week (…never mind once per month!) and as well as aiming to increase revenue by making special offers, you can also enhance your long term relationship by sharing stories about you and your staff, even other patients.

Sharing your blog posts to your email subscribers is a great way to keep your past patient list “warm”… and if you’re using a very clever or sophisticated email delivery system like “infusionsoft”…

Then It’s Even Possible To See Whose Clicking The Links Inside Your Emails On topics About Things Like Back Pain…

Why is that important?

Because if people are clicking links inside your emails to read articles titled: “7 things you could do this summer without back pain…” there’s a good chance that most of them have some kind of back pain discomfort that they want solving.

Get the list of the “clickers” – and give them a call or send them an offer in the post.

To take back control of your emails… just ask your webmaster plug in a new email delivery system on your website.

It’s really easy to do…

Once you choose which email marketing software you want to use, i.e. Infusionsoft or Aweber or Constant Contact, just set it up and send the “code” to your webmaster – and he or she does the rest.

All they have to do is put the code over the top of the current “opt-in box”…

Ebook Image1

(…This thing ^…)

And next time someone fills out your form to request an e-Book, they go into YOUR email database for you to send out messages too.

But there’s more…

Email Is Just the Beginning Of The Relationship With – An Easy Way To Start It.

What you should also be asking for is the persons phone number – and if possible, their home address. 

You’re going to do that so you can have your emails going out automatically and instantly, and if you collect the phone number, you or your receptionist can call the person who requested your e-Book THE NEXT day, and ask more about their problem and what help they might need. 

If you can get their address (in exchange for even more information like another report or pdf!) then you can also send them things through the mail.

Maybe a follow up postcard, like this one:

marketing ideas for physical therapy clinics

…which explains even MORE about why PT is a good choice to ease that persons back pain.

A Good Time To Ask For Their Home Address Is On The “Thanks Page”

The “thanks page” is the page that the visitor sees right after they opt in to get your free ebook!

And here’s something on that topic to be aware of:

I recently critiqued the website of a owner client of mine over in California and his “thanks page” wasn’t even linked to his website…

So what was happening was a visitor was requesting an e-Book, then being taken AWAY FROM HIS WEBSITE, over to the website of the people who were hosting it…

So my question is, what chance did he have of them ever becoming a patient if they are now on someone else’s website? And how confused must they be!

The “thanks page” is the most important page on your website – a HOT prospect sees it when they take action and it’s your chance to ask them to take another action.

Offer something Else As Soon As They Opt In – Like A Free Telephone Consultation To Help Them Some More… 

People start by requesting a free e-book, then you build another bridge by offering them a free telephone consultation which they can request directly from the THANKS PAGE…

Then you ask for their postal address (on the telephone call!) and if they don’t book an appointment with you there and then, use it to begin sending out information through the mail (as well as email!)…

What do you send?

More information to build another BRIDGE to your pt service by talking more about the benefits of them receiving a FREE consultation.

 Here’s a REAL LIVE Working Example Of How To Do This Right… 

Just click the image below to see how I give away my own Free E-Books (I’m a clinic owner as well remember and you’ll see that everything I successfully do!!) AND then go ahead and enter your email address into the system … then watch and learn how I KEEP FOLLOWING up with emails that provide you with more information to help you make a better decision abut ways to end your back pain!…


Your “Building A Bridge” That Leads To Your Clinic Doors

So now, from simply collecting some ones email address in exchange for an e-book from your website, you’ve actually created a sturdy bridge for people to walk along – one that leads right to your treatment room door.

Remember… the no.1 reason people don’t come to see a pt (or buy anything from anyone!) is that they don’t trust THEIR OWN decision making enough to want to go ahead with it.

So, if you use a multi-step follow system like the one I’ve just described, and send people information to help them make a better, more educated and more informed decision about PT, you will see a lot more people walking along that bridge of yours than to the door of any of your competitors.

Finally, Here’s My Question To You…

If you like the sound of actually making money from your free e-Books with a follow system like this, why don’t we talk about how I can help you achieve it?

Lets start with a free IMPLEMENTATION call:

On the free call I can tell you how to do it so that you can go off an do it all by your self,

Or, if you want me to do it for you, just ask!

Choice is yours.

Just click this link, fill out this form, and we’ll talk on the phone or on Sykpe about I can personally help you find more Direct Access patients:

Talk soon,

Paul Gough

P.S To get regular direct access marketing tips like this from me, sign up here:

Click Here To Get Regular Tips To Boost Self-Referrals Sent To You >>>

How To Run “Direct Access Friendly” Newspaper Ads – Small Ones, That Don’t Cost Much Money, Yet Still Attract Dozens of New Patients

So lets talk about “old fashioned” marketing.

And specifically, about running “Direct Response Style adverts” in the local newspapers (or magazines!).

First, you should know that they still work!

Not only that, there’s never been a better opportunity to make small newspaper adverts work simply because the big advertisers are spending their $$$ else where – mainly online with Google, Facebook, and Yelp! etc.

And that means the newspapers have space to fill – meaning you can get the positions in the paper you want (to boost response) but also, for much less cost than it used to be!

So you’re cost per acquisition of new patient, is going to be LESS!

The first thing you have to decide on, is this:

Are you going for the “Sales Model” or the “Lead Generation” model?

I’d suggest if you’re new to marketing, new to town or just starting to “get your message out there” and thinking of running your first ads .. then go of the “lead generation” model where you give away something that is of interest to a prospective client – like a free tips report or eBook – and is likely to make the person reading your advert actually want to call your clinic to get it.

With this model of advertising, you’re NOT trying to get people to call and book appointments (“sales” model!).


Because it’s just to difficult to make work – and often costly.

All to do with “trust” (or a lack of – at this stage of the advertising relationship!)… something that the big corporate hospitals get naturally, chiropractors have BOUGHT because of years of advertising and being clever with it – and the other, often much larger companies who you might be tempted to copy cat from, they’ve probably got much bigger budgets than you and can comfortably afford to do it (and loose it!).

You and I however, we need to follow the GOLDEN RULE of small business marketing success:

Put $1 in, and very quickly get $2 out (if not more)

And that’s easily achieved if you follow these the rules of running “lead generation”, direct response style ads.

First, it goes without saying that your ads must NOT mention you, your clinic, or physical therapy, any more than is necessary – only to introduce you as the “reporter” of the article, or to tell the reader of your “editorial style ad”, why you’re able to write such “tips” reports or eBooks credibly.

See, it’s an “editorial style ad” that is going to get read – and more likely responded too.

Something that might look like this:

marketing ideas for physical therapists

Doesn’t immediately scream out “advert” does it?

It’s LOADED with words – i.e information!

And by the way… no matter what any one tells you, there’s NO such thing as “too much information” – and especially NOT when you’re in pain looking for the right solution!

This is information that COULD be useful to the person WHO you’re writing it for – and who the headline should scream out too.

Click Here To Get Regular Tips To Boost Self-Referrals Sent To You >>> In that last sentence, I’ve just told you about two components of successful small  ads. The “who” (the person the ad is for)  and the “headline” . But, those  on their own are not enough to make small ads work.

See, there’s actually 6 key commponents of

successful small ads.

And here they are as follows:

1.)  Your Ad must talk to only ONE pocket of people  – i.e people age 50+ with back pain!

2.) It must have a “compelling headline” – the job of the headline is NOT to sell anything, only to  force the reader to want to read some more so that they make it to the next part of your ad…

3.)  An irresistible offer – this could be a “free tips report” or a DVD

4.) Strong, emotive copy – use words in your ad that speak directly to the hopes, fears and dreams of your potential new patient i.e. “Imagine how you will be in five years from now if you don’t get this back pain of yours sorted!”… (Who could ignore those types of words?)

5.)  Time Sensitive/Scarcity – no body wants to miss out on free help – if you’re giving away a free tips report, make it limited in number! i.e only 7 free copies available!

6.) Strong Call to action – if you don’t tell people what to do to get your offer, then they won’t do it! So you must tell them to “call this number now” (or miss out!)

So there you go…

The 6 key components of running small cost newspaper ads that get new patients to call your clinic, “out of the blue”!

Follow the rules of “direct response marketing” – like the most successful chiropractors have done for many years – and you’ll be inundated with telephone calls from people suffering with injuries and problems that you can help.

Provide them with enough information about Physical Therapy – and it won’t take long for them to decide that YOU are the right person to solve their problem. After all… they DON’T really want the free tips report – they just don’t know you well enough (or trust you enough!) to ask for anything else.

Not yet, anyways.

Get more marketing tips from me like this, here:

Click Here To Get Regular Tips To Boost Self-Referrals Sent To You >>>

Paul Gough

P.S As you read this article…

A personal coaching client of mine – a pt in the Rochester Hills area of (MI), just this weekend secured his first referrals from Direct Access using this precise tactic.

We created him three small cost Ads (1/4 column) following the rules you’ve just read, offered a free “tips” report to help people with back pain… made the reader call (actually pick up the phone!) to get it, and when they did, we had a magically worded script in place ready to convert “enquires”, into paying patients.

Want to know more?…

Come join us all, here:

Click Here To Get Regular Tips To Boost Self-Referrals Sent To You >>>

What I Learned From Anthony Robbins About Getting Referrals From Direct Access

So yesterday I spent the day with Tony Robbins son, “Jaerik”!…

Jaerik Robbins
(Jaerik Robbins on the left, Paul Gough, right ^).

And during a conversation I had with Jaerik – he let slip one of THE main reasons (in his Dad’s opinion!) why people are held back from living the life they truly want.

And it’s this type of thinking:


“I’m too YOUNG to do that!”…

Very quickly becoming:

“I’m too OLD to do that!”.


And what happens is the person saying it NEVER actually notices the day they made the switch (from “young” to “old” being the excuse!).

And you know what…

The more I listened to him, the more it made sense of a lot of what I hear from people who are put off from investing in their health with something like “physical therapy”.

See, one of THE biggest reasons people chose NOT to do something about their achey back or knee, is that they think they’re “too old” – and that it just wont be worth investing in it!

It’s as if they think:

“I’m 65, it’s too late for me, what’s the point of getting it sorted now, there’s no way I can justify spending money children’s inheritance money on pt – I’ll just live with it!”

And you know that problem with this is?

These people are YOUR patients.

These are the people with back and knee pain who should be self-referring to you via direct access.

But they’re not.

They are held back by self-limiting beliefs that are KILLING the number of referrals you should be getting.

And you know what?…

I suspect a lot of PT clinic owner’s are back by the same self limiting beliefs, too.

Not “age” ones…

But, a lack of belief in their “marketing abilities”, or to be more precise, their lack of understanding of HOW marketing actually works (and not wanting to get the decision wrong).

So what do they do?


Except get more and more frustrated by their lack of progress – and just HOPE that those doctor referrals don’t continue to dry up, a POPTS doesn’t set up across the street, or the chiropractors ease down their adverts.

Which is WHY one of the best places for you to start to find those referrals from direct access you want, is with talking to someone who will “walk you through” how marketing ACTUALLY works

– AND –

How something like direct response marketing (“old school” marketing) might work in YOUR pt clinic BEFORE you have to commit to running ads, spending money on a website, buying up space in magazines, or sending out postcards!

That way you’ll be in a better position to make a more informed decision, a better one, and a more confident one!

Do you think some advice like that wold help you?

If so, get your free strategy call with me here: >>>

On the call you can ask as many questions as you want about “marketing” …and discover what COULD possibly be done to help you get more new patients.

After that, take all the time you need to digest what I say and decide for your self if you like the sound of what I suggest you do next.

Here’s the form again: >>>

Just click the link ^ and fill out the simple form to give me a sign you want some help to get more referrals from direct access: >>>

Talk soon.

Paul Gough


[True Story] Another PT Clinic Owner Who Is Relying ONLY On Doctor Referrals

So yesterday I did three “Strategy Calls” and one was with a pt clinic owner from Cambridge, Boston. 
A guy currently surviving ONLY on referrals from doctors who refer post op knee replacement patients to his clinic. 
We’ve chatted on Skype now a couple of times about what is the best way for him and his business to move forward so that he can begin to generate his own referrals
– AND – 
take advantage of direct access and stop wasting time on chasing doctors proving “harder than ever to reach than ever”.
(His exact words!) 
But here’s the thing: 
My “system” – and what I said I could do to help, he didn’t feel was right for him – at this moment. 
See, he KNOWS it’s what he needs…
And he knows it’s going to be what he HAS to do (eventually)…
But, it just doesn’t feel right at this moment for him to invest in my system for finding new patients.
…Even though it’s working in different counties and states in the USA at this VERY moment and even though my “ads” are generating phone calls from new patients who had they not seen the ads I write, would NEVER have even considered visiting a pt.   
BUT anyway…
He now has a very clear understanding of what MUST be done to get more patients in his business that means he isn’t going to be relying upon just 3-4 doctors. 
I left him with some tips for his website – something which I sensed is frustrating him more and more as NO referrals come from that either…
Even warned him of the pitfalls of advertising “in-clinic seminars” without having an “offer” to move the people who attend from “pupil”, to paying patient. 
So what I’m trying to say to you is this:
If you’re at all interested in learning about the options you’ve got for getting more new patients into your clinic (via direct access), then why don’t we have a conversation about it? 
It might be that what I can do IS right for you and your clinic. 
But if it’s NOT, I’ll do my best to help you decide what is – and tell you where to look to get it.
Would that be worth the 30 seconds of your time it will take to fill this form out: >>
Claim a strategy call with me by filling out this form here: >>

Paul Gough 
P.S Was talking with a client of mine from CA yesterday…
…and as we’re preparing a new marketing piece set to run in the newspapers soon, we spoke all about the different types of problems that his patients with back pain face…
And they’re NOT things like: sciatica, SI Joint stiffness or muscle tension or anything medical like that. 
It’s much more important than that…
Things like: being unable to play golf, surf, sit in their beach chair, run, go to the Pilates studio, or play at the swing park with their children, is WHAT the REAL problems are.  
Only when back pain stops any of these things do people think they even have a problem – despite the pain they’re suffering having been there for weeks or months! 
Do you know what your prospective new patients REAL problems are? 
If you don’t, it’s very difficult to attract them to your clinic.
We’ll talk about this some more on a strategy call. 
Apply here: >>

[Marketing Plan] Get Little-Known Marketing Ideas To Boost Direct Access Referrals At Your PT Clinic….

If you came looking for Marketing Ideas to boost self-referral at your small town or independent Physical Therapy Clinic, then you’ll find this article helpful.

It’s Physical Therapy Marketing Ideas for beginners who just don’t know where to start, or are somewhat overwhelmed by the constant message they keep hearing that they must better learn to “market your services”.
So I’ll start by introducing you to something I call the “Marketing Triangle”.

Marketing ideas for physical therapists
It’s something which forms the foundation of all good marketing activity in EVERY industry – and that most definitely includes the physical therapy sector.

It’s made up of THREE components and they’re all as important as each other:

  1. Market
  2. Message
  3. Media 

And the first I’ll teach you about is the Market.

Marketing Triangle Part 1 – How To Identify Your Ideal Patient

This is your “WHO” you want to attract to your pt clinic.

(Because you don’t just want to try and attract everyone and anyone, right?)


I often refer to the WHO as an “AVATAR” – and it’s essentially WHO your IDEAL client or patient is.

Someone you love to work with.

Get great results for.

Someone whose hopes, dreams and goals are perfectly aligned with your pt skills and clinics specialist solutions.

Thing is, NOT many pt’s really know WHO their ideal patient is (so it’s almost impossible for them to have ANY success at marketing their services to them).


PT’s will always be able to tell me that they see more people with back or neck pain etc…

…but rarely are they are able to describe to me their IDEAL patient in any more detail than that.

What I mean?

Well, let me tell you about my own “avatar” to help you understand:

“It’s” a lady – and she’s in her mid 50’s (or 60’s).

For a whole bunch of reasons, but in a nut shell…

…simply because my clinics service is focused on helping people maintain independence, mobility and living free from drugs and without the risk of surgery – all of the things that many women value most (MUCH more so than men).

And another reason…

Women are “pre-conditioned” to invest in their body and health.

They’ve been going to hairdressers, beauty salons, spend a heap of money on face creams and care greatly about how their nails look – enough to spend money on it – so I want to tap into that pre-conditioned behaviour pattern rather than try to create one with guys who don’t regularly spend time or money on their health until it’s an urgent or pressing need.

Now back to my “avatar” (Ideal client)…

She is married with children (and now likely to have grandchildren who she adores), is politically “conservative”, pays using Credit card rather than cash and is MORE interested in things like maintaing “self worth”, social independence, mobility and playing with those grandchildren in the park – than she is merely ending “back pain”.

(An end to back or knee pain (or whatever) is hardly EVER the reason a patient will come visit your clinic!)

I even got it down to which newspaper and magazines she likes to read, what TV shows and which radio station she is more likely to be listening too.

What’s more…

I spend so much time thinking about her and talking about her with my star, I felt I had to give her a name – so I did, and it’s “Mary”!

And whenever I’m preparing a marketing piece to attract more “Mary’s” to my clinic, I go so far as to look at a picture of a “best” patient of mine (also called Mary) – one who accurately represents the type of person I love to work with and want to see more of in my clinic.


When I sit down to write these marketing pieces, say for a newspaper advert or write words to attract a patient from etc, I have a clear understanding of what to write that will motivate many more people like “Mary”, to respond to my message.

And that “Message” (another part of the “Marketing Triangle”) has nothing to do with “me”, my services, how reputable I think I am, or how many years I’ve been in business.

I make NO attempt to be “all-inclusive” or to cast the net wide to catch as many “fish” as possible – like most of the marketing guru’s will tell you to do.

Nor do I even give a minutes thought to who I might repel, even offend (usually chiropractors or drug companies!) when I do so, either.

In fact, the more I mention those two in my ads in a negative way, the more calls to my clinic I seem to get from “Mary’s”!

I know my prime target (the “WHO”) – and I design my “Messages” and choose my “Media” accordingly.

And if you want to attract more self-referrals to your clinic, you’ll need to give some tough to YOUR Who, too.

Start “brainstorming” your favourite clients, think through what they have in common, what words they use to describe their pain, what their hopes and goals are. You’ll soon see a lot of commonalities in there and when you know them you’ll have a clear picture of who you want to MARKET your services to.

So now let’s talk about the MESSAGE.

Marketing Triangle Part 2 – The Message

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If you’re looking to grow the number of referrals from Direct Access, but it’s not quite happening for you yet, then one of the things that is getting in your way is the number of people telling you to:

“Market your service”…

I first heard it from a practice management “guru” I watched at a seminar in New Jersey and I’ve continued to hear it ever more from companies “advising” PT’s on how to Market their clinics.

Sounds easy, doesn’t it. Just, “market what you do”. As in, run an advert in the paper, or send out a postcard to people in your town, buy some likes on Facebook (and now pay more to “boost your post”), set up a page on Yelp and just make people more aware or YOU and what YOU do.

And if you do, they will call… And yes, I get the idea behind it and even the theory. I just don’t don’t agree with it. Because it doesn’t work well enough! …

Even less so if you’re an independent or a small town clinic battling against the big hospitals or the POTS. Why? Simple. People don’t care about you. Heck, most don’t even know that what you do is what they need – so they won’t even call your clinic when the offer is an offer of a completely free session.

So if you’re running adverts like this, it’s the MESSAGE that is going wrong and limiting how many people self-refer.

What to do about it?

Well, instead of the “Message” in your Ad being about “you” (and your clinic), why not switch is to saying something about the problems you know how to solve?

Say, or better yet, “offer”, (like bait), something that can help someone solve a problem or pain in their life and at least let them know there is a solution out there and tell them exactly how and where to get it – i.e. by calling your clinic.

Think of it this way:

To the person who is sat at home on his or her couch and starting to get frustrated with gradual and ever increasing intensity of their back pain (or knee pain etc)…

…who really doesn’t want to have to go through the hassle of contacting their network and doesn’t even want to contemplate having to sift between all of the PT’s on or popping up on Google, and choose between the self labelled “best in town”…

…is he or she more likely to be motivated to call YOUR clinic, if they see an advert with a Message which offers something like a “free tips report” on the best ways to end back pain? Or one who offers a free telephone consultation with a PT BEFORE going any further and signing the forms – just to help them make sure they’ve made the right decision? Probably.

So your “MESSAGE” – it’s not about you or even PT, it has to be something that is compelling enough to spark a response. Preferably, one which is going to solve their particular problem, in the easiest and fastest possible way – that THEY See it. (Which, at this stage, is NOT attending for 10 session of pt treatment).

Here’s where it gets profitable:

When they do call your clinic (to request the free “DIY tips report”), THEN you or your reception staff can begin a conversation which talks about their real pain points i,e, the thing that concerns them most about their back pain – such as loosing their ability to work, walk, or play time with grandchildren.

And when you know that… THEN you can begin to educate the person about how what you do, as in your PT skills, really is the best option to solve that specific problem. And you do that while on the phone and you’ve got all the time you need – not in Ad which which costs $100’s dollars per inch to place!

Most clinic owners get poor results from their advertising and marketing because they give no compelling reason to respond. (Free sessions and “call now” aren’t enough…) …they offer no “bait” like a free report to self help, or they put out the wrong bait for the right people they want to attract.

If you’re not giving people compelling reasons to respond in your advertising messages, then you’re doing something called brand advertising – which is what the corporate hospitals love to waste money on – and I urge you NOT to copy cat.

Your marketing Message should be “direct response” style. It should have a deadline, a reason to respond TODAY, and even include some “scarcity” too. (No body wants to miss out).

Marketing Triangle Part Three – Where To Place Your Advertising (Media)

So now you know about the “message”, and your “market”. Next, let’s chat about “Media”…

Because you need to know precisely which MEDIA you’re going to use to locate your WHO. Or, in reverse, you’ve got to know which media your “WHO” is tapped into – so that you can serve them highly specific messages to trigger response to your clinic. Remember…

…the goal of why we’re using *direct response marketing* is to get your prospective patients – with, say, back pain – to take action BEFORE they ordinarily would have (had they not seen your Ad) and most definitely before they call their insurance or a chiropractor.

Sounds a little “cerebral”, right? Well, it kinda’ is! But it’s fun. And hugely profitable. And means for less worrying about getting referrals from doctors and more time thinking about achieving the main goals of your having your clinic in the first place.

So, “Media” is  where you choose to run your ads and the list is long – often so long that it can feel overwhelming and stop you in your tracks before you’ve even got going. The Media includes but is not limited too:

* Facebook

* Google

* Newspapers

* Magazines

* Yelp

* Coupons

* TV

* Radio

* Etc, Etc…

The question is, which is best?

And the answer. “There isn’t one”.

It varies a lot by “WHO” YOU want to reach. An example: If you’re trying to reach a 65 year old gentlemen who loves to play golf and take cruises with his wife (because that’s “WHO” you have decided you want to work with), then is he likely to be looking on Google? Perhaps.

But maybe you’d have more chance of finding more gentlemen aged 65 with back pain, by running an ad in a golf magazine, appearing on a website for a cruise company or sending out a postcard to a list of highly targeted individuals who fit this description – and offering them a free “tips” report titled:

“Golfers – How To Swing Without Back Pain Even In Your 60’s”

And of course…

One of the “tips” that is going to be included in that report is YOUR PT service. And the first goal of running the advert is to get the Gentlemen’s contact details when he calls to get his free report – so that you can have a nice chat with him to find out precisely what his problems are, what he wants and needs and politely make him aware that physical therapy is something that will help him, get there faster.

Remember, the process that I’ve just described there, that’s called “direct response” advertising. And my advice is that whatever Media you’re going to choose – it must allow for you to deliver a “direct response” message – or skip it. With that said, your goal as captain of your ship should be to use as many different MEDIA as possible to seek out your preferred “WHO”. Most clinic owners become very lazy at this…

…choosing to be dependent on only physician referrals which could be stopped at any time…

Or on only one, two or three means of getting new patients, leaving them very vulnerable to sudden disruptions in business and never really feeling as though they can move from, say, seeing 30 patients per week, to seeing something like 100 (and employing others to do the work for them) – not to mention the threat from competition opening up in the market place.

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Hope this helps.

Paul Gough

Author, Clinic Owner, Founder at

P.S If you want more marketing tips like this to boost self-referrals from direct access at your pt clinic, please click the link below:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

3 Ways To Make Your PT Website A Lean, Mean “Self-Referral” Machine (…And Why It Should Follow The Rules Of A “First Date”!)

If you’re frustrated by the number (or lack of) self referrals happening from your website, then this article is perfect for you:

So, just about every independent “pt” clinic owner I speak to, tells me something like this:

“I know I need to do something about my website – I just don’t know where to begin”

If that’s you too, then let me help you out with 3 tips to improve your website and explain why designing a website to boost self-referrals – should follow the rules of “going out on a first date!” 


Tip 1.) Make Regular changes To Your Site And NOT Just One Big, Complete Overhaul

It’s tempting to think that the best thing to do is just start the whole thing again, but most times it’s better to test what’s working and what isn’t on your current site before you build a new one from scratch.

Now, if you’re getting NOTHING in the way of anyone mentioning having found you on Google searches – or commenting on how helpful your website was in the decision making and self-referral process (the ONLY reason for having a website) – then I agree, it maybe time for a big change… as a website that isn’t working for you to deliver self-referrals is actually costing you a lot of money and would be worth spending some $$$ on!

But where most clinic owners go wrong is this:

They think they have to build a website from scratch – which usually takes months (and is painstakingly difficult and expensive to complete), then, when it’s FINALLY created, realise not much has changed in the way of getting more self-referrals.

And what’s more, by the time the new website is finished, there’s always the temptation to think it’s still not good enough – made worse when you take a look at someone else’s website that you like better and decide that yours is now “out of date”, or needs more work.

So they start planning ANOTHER website rebuild.

And yet all they change is the “colours”, or the fonts and add a few more pretty pictures to make it look like one they “like” and “think” works.

But, that’s not the best way to do.

No, you’re much better off making small, but very regular changes to your website after TESTING what is working and finding out what isn’t – such as your “enquiry forms” or pages that you’re asking for patients to do take action, such as “contact us”.

Use something like “Optimizely” (which I use) or “Visual Website Optimiser”, to do this and even track the number of phone calls you get from EACH PAGE of your website, using “call tracking metrics” which is the software I use to track it from my own website.

Tip 2.) Turn To “Direct Response” Style Pages

There’s essentially two different types of websites you could chose from.

One is known as a “brochure site” (…that most web designers will want to build and try to charge you a LOT of $$$), then there’s another other (which actually makes some money and costs a let less) and is called a “Direct Response” style website.

Now, most pt website’s I’ve been asked to critique are “brochure sites”.

Nothing wrong with that – UNLESS it’s bringing in referrals everyday like clockwork.

(But I suspect, most don’t).

See, the problem with brochure websites is that the OWNER judges his or her website by how nice they look – and is often guided by a web designer who is CLUELESS (respectfully) about direct response marketing – or leaves it to another company who designs their website just the same as everyone else who uses their templates too.

And the re-design project is considered a success based upon “subjective” things – like “whitespace”, “feel”, how many pretty pictures are up there and even on what it says about the company and the owner of the business on the home page (…as opposed to testing).

But non of that is going to influence visitors/new patients on your site to take action.


Well, let me explain it to you with an analogy from the “dating” world:

Think about going on a first date with a girl or guy you’ve just met…

Would you “ask for marriage” when you first hook up?

Course not!

Well, asking people who have JUST arrived on your pt website to “book an appointment” with you is a lot like talking about “marriage” (or having kids) on a first date.

Sure, he or she may look BEAUTIFUL (…just like many pt websites do) – but it’s just too big of a leap for anyone to say “yes” on that first date to marriage!

In fact, you’d scare them off so much that they’d never come back.

And the same thing is likely happening the first time someone lands on your website if all you do is give them the option to “book an appointment”.

It would be much more likely to lead to a life long and lasting relationship with that patient if you offer to get to know him or her first…

And besides, when it comes to websites (and not date nights!!) it’s often true that “ugly” work best – so there’s no need for expensive web design costs anyway.

Websites with compelling, emotive copy and REAL reasons to respond are much more profitable – even if they’re a little “ugly”.

So that’s one problem…

And the second biggest problem I see with brochure style websites is this:

They’re all about the clinic and the clinic owner or staff.

And NOT what the clinic can do or who it helps – which is what the visitor is really looking for.

Back to our dating analogy.

How long would the date last (or would you get another one?) if all you spoke about on your first date was “YOU”?


Now, contrast that with a “Direct Response” style website, and you’ll find that it’s ALL about the VISITOR and what the clinic can do to help them.

(Big difference, massive difference).

Even the “ABOUT” page should be written in a way that shows “WHO” the clinic helps and should start with “We Help…” and NOT, “We Are…”, like most do!

Same with the staff profiles: Instead of listing qualifications and hobbies and interests of the pt’s you employ, why not use this area to say “he helps people with….”, or “he is the pt you should choose if you have back pain”… etc etc etc.

Even just doing that is much more likely to bring the person looking on your site closer to you – and more like to book an appointment. What you’re doing here is magnetically attracting people towards you based on what you can do to help them, not shouting out at them about who you are and how good you are.

For an example of a very profitable direct response website, please click here:


It’s my own clinics website – there’s lots of testing gone into the pages and buttons and is based upon everything that I learned while studying studying “Direct Response” marketing techniques.

Now, what you’ll see is that on every single page, there’s a compelling reason for the visitor to RESPOND or take action – and not always just to “book an appointment”.

Sometimes it’s the simple things that make the difference, too:

For an example, look at the website and see how I use the words “ENQUIRE” (and not “BOOK”).

That’s because there’s much LESS commitment to enquire about my services, than to book!

I’m not saying “arrange a date with me”…

By using the word “enquire” I’m giving the visitor the option to find out more about me BEFORE they decide they would like me to take them to the movies or out for a meal!

Tip 3.) Begin A Relationship By Offering Something Valuable In Exchange For Contact Details (And Follow Up)

And what you’ll notice about my site is that I’m NOT just asking the person to call me off the back of reading a glowing reference (written by me) saying how good I am, how long I’ve been in business, or, that I pride my self on great customer service and am “highly qualified”.

(Like almost EVERY website does!)

I’m all of that – but would you go for dinner with someone after ONLY seeing their profile on a dating site – the one that everyone knows is written by them?

Of course not!

But if you’re kind of interested, you’re going to have a few back and forth style emails or SMS messages to see if what they say about them selves seems to be true, and IS what you’re looking for – before you commit to the date night!

It should be the same “low risk” process on your website.

Saying how professional you are, or how many qualifications you’ve got etc etc etc, those types of lines are not going to motivate anyone to book an appointment with you.

(And besides – all your competitors are saying the same thing and have the same qualifications anyway)

The reality is they’re the base line of what people expect these days – so to shout about it, well, it isn’t really going to give you an edge!

It’s much better to use your website to “begin a relationship with a visitor”.

Back to “dating”:

If you meet someone in a bar or online, chances are you’ll offer them your number or email address BEFORE you ask for the date.

Same with your website.

Offer visitors something valuable like a “free tips report” (something that looks like this):

Marketing ideas for pt's

…And which you’re happy to give away in exchange for their contact details. 


So that you can then follow up and explain multiple times over (using emails, direct mail or on the phone…) all about your pt clinic and how easy it is to self-refer – which is of course, the number 1 end goal of having a website in the first place.

For an example on how to do that on a pt website (not to pick up dates! lol), go here:

And see how I offer to HELP my new visitor (with back pain) before I ask them for money by booking an appointment.

Of course, on there, I leave a little message saying something like “if your need is urgent, please click here” which alerts the small number of visitors whose need is urgent to the fact that they can book an appointment, if they’re in a lot of pain and ready to book now.

(I do have dating analogy for that – but best not bring it up, lol)!!

The fact is, 99% of the people who visit your website are NOT ready to book now.

They’re NOT ready to commit to marriage.

They’re just looking for information and want to get to know you a little better.

Design your website so that you can give it to people and preferably  in exchange for contact details so that you can have repeated attempts at getting your message across.

Do that, and you’ll soon see that “self-referrals” from your website will go off the scale as people realise that they like you and trust you for offering to help them FIRST. Often that alone is enough to get you noticed above everyone else in town who is immediately asking for the sale – from someone who hardly even knows of them.

Click Here To Get Regular Tips To Make Your PT Website More Profitable >>>

Paul Gough

Author, Clinic Owner, Founder at PT Profit Academy

P.S For more website tips like this, come and join all the other pt’s in the USA on my email list: Click Here To Get Regular Tips To Make Your PT Website More Profitable >>>

How To Use Facebook To Get More “Self Referrals” At Your PT Clinic – Even If No One “Likes” You

Facebook remains one of the best ways to generate more self-referrals at your pt clinic.

But it’s not always as simple as posting a few status updates about what you or you clinic is up too – despite what you might have been told by “social media experts” out there.

So let’s look at a slightly different strategy to boost self referrals from Facebook.

One that I’m currently using at my own clinic so I can say for sure that it does work at delivering more self-referrals:

Essentially you’re going to pay for adverts to be placed right in the news feed of a specific target market.

Here’s how this one works:

Basically, you set up an advertising account on Facebook and choose a custom or target audience.

It could be people aged 50+, of a certain income level, say $50’000 +, who live within 10 miles of your clinic.

That will produce a list of about a few thousand people at least (depending upon where you live) and if you wanted to make that list even more targeted, you can select to only serve your ads to people who like to be “active”, and who have children or grandchildren.


Well, it’s been my experience that one of the biggest reasons for people to come and see me is NOT their back or knee pain.


It’s what their back or knee pain STOPS them for doing.

And if it’s from being socially active with friends or from playing with grandchildren, then they’re much more likely to want to come and see me (and not feel as though they “have” to – a.k.a a “grudge purchase” with lots of resistance to care plans).

And why would I target people aged 50+?

Because those people are MUCH more likely to care enough about their health to spend money on it and value the freedom that better health brings – than those younger.

So my ads from Facebook are going to people I don’t even know.

People who haven’t “liked” me and most probably don’t even know who I am!

But it doesn’t matter.

Because with the style of ads that I run, I’m not trying to convince anyone to come and see me – not yet, anyways!

See, Facebook “advertising” lends its self to running adverts that offer free tips and advice reports – like a pdf or an ebook that they can instantly download.

A bit like this one I currently run to begin a relationship with people suffering with neck pain:

Pt marketing ideas

So what happens is when that person sees this ad (which is served in their newsfeed), they click it, get taken to another webpage where they are then asked to enter their contact details in order for me to send the pdf to them.

I request their email address and I also insist on telephone number too.

And they’re nearly always happy to give it as the free tips report is of perceived value to them!

And when they give it to me (after clicking on my ad which they saw in their newsfeed), I send the pdf to them via an automated email.

This is a style of marketing known as “Lead Generation”.

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(And is pretty much how grew my clinic from one… to a chain of 4, in just a few short years).

See, I’m AWLAYS happy to give away free advice in exchange for contact details – because once I have their contact details, my FOLLOW UP SYSTEM can get to work automatically and explain all about how I can help ease their back pain *more quickly* (than going it alone with my tips report) and how easy it to self-refer to my clinic.

I send emails, follow up on the phone and even send direct mail if I can get their address – which we ask for the very first time we call them (usually about 24 hours after they opt in for the freebie pdf) and all we do is just start by answering any questions and over coming objections, until they say “yes” and decide to become a paying patient.

This strategy works like crazy and can be replicated across any advertising media – like newspapers, magazines or even google ad words too!


And what often happens as a result of getting these types of ads served into peoples newsfeed on Facebook is that people begin to “comment” and share the ad, or like it.

And sometimes, other people who do know you who see the ad, they begin to comment beneath it and say how good you are, or how positive the experiences are that they’ve had with you.

(A community of people talking about you is therefore created as a happy by product).

So as an added bonus to the lead generation that is happening and is my goal, I also get calls from people who saw the add, noticed the nice comments from other people, hopped on over to my website and decided to give us a call.

So we get self referrals even from people who don’t follow out intended path – which is to first take the tips pdf.

The “lead generation” strategy requires a follow up system and if you have one, will often deliver a self referred patient not long after they request the pdf.

The people who you’re targeting have a problem you can solve — they’ve told you that by requesting the report – now send them some more information via email or in the post to show how pt can help them get there faster.

To recap, here’s the 5 steps you need to make this work:

1.) Choose a custom audience inside Facebook

2.) Show adverts to that group that promise to solve a problem i.e. a free back pain tips report (not advertising you or your clinic)

3.) Have a webpage ready to collect contact details

4.) Send the free report via automated email

5.) Follow up with your new lead 24 hours later (and then again at regular intervals their after until they say “yes”).

Hope this helps.

Click Here To Get Regular Tips To Boost Self-Referrals Sent To You >>>

Paul Gough
Author, Clinic Owner, And Founder at PT Profit Academy

P.S If you want an idea of numbers and how much to spend…

I allocate the equivalent of just $500 per month for each “Pocket of People” I want to reach.

(A pocket of people being people with a specific injury – such as knee pain, back pain, shoulder pain etc etc).

And my return on investment, can, at certain times of the year reach as high as 6 : 1.

So for every $1 dollar I spend, I recoup about $6 back.

Lets break it down:

If your average patient value is $1000 (initially), then lets say 100 people each month request your free pdf guide (which could easily happen with a $500 budget), even if just 3% of those people said “yes” to pt, you’d show a net profit of $2500 upfront.

(3 patients x $1000 value = $3000 – $500 ad spend on Facebook = $2500)

That’s a 600% return on investment just by opting for a lead generation strategy that begins a relationship by offering to help people FIRST.

And then telling them more about you and pt, later.

And who knows what that figure might rise too in the long run…

Because if those 3 patients refer friends, tell people about you, come back to see you, or buy other products and services from you in the future, then you’re going to make even more by running these types of ads and adopting this type of strategy.

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How To Get More “Self Referrals” At Your PT Clinic Even In A Small Town Crowded By Chiropractors And Big Hospitals

If you’re NEW to Marketing your Physical Therapy Clinic, you might NOT be familiar with the term “Lead Generation”…

…but it’s an important one for you to know more about if you want to BOOST “self-referrals” so please let me help you out with an explanation of what it is and why using it in your marketing could be a game changer for your clinic numbers:

“Lead Generation” is simply running adverts with the sole goal of beginning a relationship with some one you can help.

In the beginning, you’re NOT asking for any money or an appointment in your ads.

No… You’re just going run adverts (in newspapers or magazines etc) with the sole intention of getting *contact details* so that you can have MULTIPLE attempts at following up on that initial enquiry – because not enough people know enough about pt and are ready to say “yes” straight away.

Why does this method work so well for pt’s in particular?

Well, it’s because in society there’s just too much confusion over what a pt actually does.

Some people think we only help sports people, others think it’s all about exercises or machines and most people with back pain think of a chiropractor before a pt – yet we’re just as able to help (if not more, given we get to the root cause of the problem!)

And because Direct Access is just as confusing for pt’s as it is patients, the smartest thing to is just forget about both completely in your ads.

Don’t try to explain who you are or what you do…

And most definitely do NOT try to explain the laws of direct access in ANY adverts or on your website.


Well, people are not really interested in it – and if you do highlight how easy it is for people to go and see a pt, you also run the risk of advertising on behalf of your competitors across the street who might see a bump in their referrals as result of your “it’s easy to self-refer to see a pt” style adverts (!!).

So, Lead Generation means you’re NOT asking for the person reading your adverts to call and book an appointment – you’re only asking for people to call your clinic and request something of perceived value to them (that you’re happy to give in exchange for contact details).

Now, that something of perceived value could be a “How To” style pdf or report that you’ve wrote containing your best advice to help some one recover from, say, “back pain” (or knee pain, etc).

Something that might look like this:

Marketing ideas for pt's

(This report ^ is the EXACT one I use for my own clinics marketing when I want to get the attention and contact details of people with back pain).

Now, you might be thinking that if people call to request FREE advice, they won’t go on to become a patient?

Well, there’s no need to worry about that, and here’s why:

No body really wants to do this on their own… they initially just think they do but are just too confused, unsure and even frightened of getting the decision wrong to actually pick up the phone and call a pt to book a pt appointment.

The fear of the unknown stalls most people from doing just about everything!

Advertising free appointments works for Chiropractors because 9 out of 10 people on the street would know that those guys specialise in back or neck pain.

So they almost automatically go and see one if they have either – simply because they know everyone else does – and all chiropractors have to do to help the referral process along is provide their phone number in the local newspapers.

But, unfortunately it’s not like that with physical therapy.

And when people are unsure, confused, skeptical, or even nervous about a decision that could result in both time and money wasted – not mention embarrassment about calling the wrong place – then they will do NOTHING!

It’s just too big of a step for most people to “cold call” a pt clinic and book an appointment right off the back of seeing an advert in a newspaper or google.

You’ve got to first earn their trust…

Give them a little hope and a reason to respond to your advert that isn’t going to cost them in either time or money – and give people a “lower barrier to entry”.

Give them what I call a “little win” (by following the tips in the report so they can see for themselves your advice works) and make it super easy for them to reach out to you with their resistance levels lowered.

And a free tips report which offers some expert advice on how to ease their pain WITHOUT any commitment needed (financially or in time) does both.

And of course, one of your tips is to visit your clinic 😉

So here’s how to make this Lead Generation strategy work for boosting self referrals even in a small town crowded by chiropractors:

If you run an advert in the local newspaper and promise a free tips report on ways to end back pain – the only people who call are people with what?…

That’s right, “BACK PAIN”.

(Or whatever pocket of people you want to target).

And so when they’re on the phone telling you all about their back pain troubles, why don’t you simply drop into the conversation that “you help people like them every day at your pt clinic?”

Explain how easy it is to “self refer”.

Maybe offer a free first visit.

And make it almost impossible for them to say no by offering to diagnose their problem (everyone wants to know what’s wrong!) and promise to provide much more specialist advice and hope for the future, if they come for a free visit to your clinic?

Explain that no referral from a doctor is needed.

Thats there’s no insurance or payment forms to sign and they’d be under no obligation to book any appointments after that first session?

Do you think that one or two might say “yes”?

Of course they would!

Having a conversation on the phone with someone is way cheaper than trying to explain all of this in an advert, or even on a website, as it can often and so very easily be mis-interpreted.

So know you know that the goal of your advert was simply to get the phone ringing off the hook with people wanting information about a problem that you know how to solve.

An example of how the dollars might stack up:

If a quarter page advert costs $300-400 to run, and your initial upfront patient value is “$1000”, then even just 2 people who “YES” is a very healthy immediate NET profit return of $1600 on your advertising.

But it gets better.

Because you’ll also get people who call and say “not right now thanks”, to your offer of pt.

But they are still somewhat interested and have a need for your skills.

So, what do you do with those people?

Well most clinic owners do nothing.

But those people are where the REAL gold is.

And all you have to do is put them put them into a follow up system… and continue to keep in touch with them using things like email, telephone calls and direct mail – providing the prospective patient with more information so that they can make a better, more educated decision about pt – as most times all that is holding them back is they just want to know a bit more first i.e. you need to earn their trust!

Some of the people who originally said no will “yes” within a week, others, maybe 30 days or so!

And as a general rule of thumb, the longer you stay in touch, by sending emails or direct mail, the more likely they will say “yes”.

After all…

WE know that chronic lower back pain isn’t going to go away unless it gets looked at properly — just stay in touch until they’ve realised it too and the patient decides for them self that pt IS the right choice to make 😉

So there you go – a proven strategy to boost self referrals at your pt clinic.

Paul Gough
Founder at the PT Profit Academy.

Click Here To Get Regular Tips To Boost Self-Referrals Sent To You >>>

P.S I say it’s PROVEN, because it is…

And just incase you think “this strategy won’t work for me in my state”… Talk to my client “Oliver Patalinghug” over at Restore PT LLC in Michigan – a state which has THE strictest Direct Access Laws in the whole of the United States…

…we made this precise lead generation strategy for him work to deliver a continuous stream of hot new patients that come to him first – and then HE decides which doctor to send them to for the necessary referral.

If it can work EVEN IN Michigan, it will work for you, too. 

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Marketing Systems: The PT Clinic New Patient Attraction System (Part 1 of 3)

So yesterday I introduced you to my “Pt Clinic Growth System…”

The one that solves the biggest problem that most pt’s have which is getting more people to realise how easy it is to self refer to a pt clinic.

(And does it in a clever way which DOESN’T raise the profits of your competitors, either).


It’s a MACHINE that is made up of *three components* and today I’m going to SHOW it to you by taking you behind the scenes of precisely how it works.

And let you see for your self if having this type of Marketing Machine in play at your clinic would help you over come the problem you’re having with things like doctors not referring to your clinic, no marking skills or even chiropractors who dominate in your town.

Press play here to watch the first tutorial: The Attraction System.

Tip: You’ll see it features some real life examples of the types of marketing pieces we’ve been creating for other PT’s in the USA…


An independent pt clinic owner from Michigan who came to me with no Marketing skills, large orthopaedic hospitals dominating in his town AND three chiropractors in his street – which was VERY frustrating for him as every time he looked outside his clinic he could see ten cars parked outside the chiropractor place next door, and not so many in his!

(Even though he specialised in back pain).

And basically, what he wanted, well, was just a better way of educating the community about how easy it is to “self refer” to HIS clinic.

(He’s now got that 😉

Press play to watch the first short video tutorial.


Paul Gough.

P.S The Rochester Hills Area (MI) is “locked out… “

Oliver, who you will see on this video, has claimed his right to “Area Exclusivity” on this “everything done for you” marketing system he invested in himself with me, so his competitors can ask all they want – but they ain’t getting close to this system being in place at their clinic!

(Wouldn’t be right and not how I work!)

Want to talk to me about getting exclusivity on this marketing system in your town (…before your competitors do)?


Note to physical therapist looking for marketing ideas…

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

The Maximum Cash Value System – Part 3 of Your Pt Clinic Marketing And Growth System

Let’s talk about the third component of your PT Clinic Growth System:

The Cash Value System.

I should really call it the MAXIMUM Cash Value System because it’s a method of extracting the absolute maximum value for the money you invested at the very beginning to find these new patients in the first place.

Remember the golden rule of direct response marketing:

“$1 in, $2.00.

Ideally, $1.00 in. $10.00 out.”

So let’s talk about how to get $10.00 of this new machine you’ve created.

(A “machine” is a nice way to think of it).

Let me take you back to my diagram…

It’s gotten a bit “fancier” since the day I mapped it out on a scrap piece of paper on the plane home from Chicago that day.

(Same rules apply though).

Here it is for you to look at.

Marketing ideas for physical therapy clinics

(Click the image to see it bigger)

We’re now over on the right hand side having passed through the ATTRACTION SYSTEM & The BUYER SYSTEM.

So, how do we Maximise Cash Value?


Find as many different ways as possible to re-sell to that same patient and turn a profit, over and over again.

i.e. introduce a new service or product such as massage or a monthly subscription Pilates class.

– OR-

Have a system in place to get your existing leads and patients to give you referrals.

I like both.

But lets talk about *referrals*.

Because people who have been referred are much easier to work with, happy to pay your prices and are nearly always going to follow through on the treatment plan you suggest.

And all you have to do to get more of them is build a referral process it into your system…

One way is to do it when people come to your website and “opt in” for a free report or ebook, OR, simply have your buyer (follow up) system do it for you.

Here’s an example of how I do it:

I email a link to a webpage which tells my patients what to do if they know anyone who is currently unhealthy.

Here it is:

Marketing ideas for physical therapists

(Click the image to make it bigger)

How it works…

First, note that I don’t ask for a referral.

I simply ask them to request some information from me.

(The exchange takes place – info for contact details).

And when they do that (by opting into my system), guess where they end up?

That’s right…

Into the same BUYER SYSTEM (as their friend or family member) and they will begin to receive the same offer of my book, emails, postcards and direct mail for however long it takes them to realise that physical therapy is their best option.

Now here’s the fun part:

Let’s say I spent $500 for some kind of advertising which brought in four new patients spending an average of $900 each.

You have spent $500 to make $3600, pretty good return on investment, right?

($1 in, about $7 out).

Well, what if immediately after those 4 new clients had their initial consultation with you – an automated system asked each one if they knew anyone “unhealthy?”

Let’s be pessimistic and say just two of them sent this web page to a friend who had back pain – he or she entered your system – and not long after became a client.

That would be an extra $1800 in revenue that you otherwise wouldn’t have got.

So now instead of generating the $3,600, the original investment in marketing would have generated $5,400.

That’s 50% more money for zero additional effort.

(It’s now $1 in, nearly $11 out).

But it doesn’t end there.

Because you’ve built a system to automatically do it for you, the two new referrals would also be asked for referrals.

If the stats remained the same, you’d get a further 1 patient and another $900, making a $6,300 return.

(It’s now $1 in, nearly $13 out).

In other words, having a simple automated referral system in place to maximise the referrals you get can DOUBLE your new patient in take and sales… on autopilot.


You won’t need me to tell you that the pt industry is getting more and more competitive by the day.

Do NOT try to figure this out for yourself.

You don’t have to understand how electricity works to turn lights on.

You don’t have to understand how web pages are programmed to be able to surf the internet.

You don’t have to understand how to build a system like this in your business for you to start profiting from it.

Let me and my team build it for you.

If you want to be the stand out physical therapy business in your town – perhaps even the USA – one with the type of business you’ve always dreamed about and making the income you deserve, SYSTEMS are the fastest way to do it.

Just imagine…

No more worrying over having no marketing skills or getting referrals from doctors.

In a few months time from now, you could wake up every day to a flood of hot new enquiries, eager, keen and ready to say yes to an examination or consultation at your clinic – meaning you’re much closer to achieving more free time, real wealth or financial security.

Your clinics car park is full everyday, your new patient numbers are through the roof and your bank account is full of cash, but most importantly, your business is working hard for you, rather than YOU working (excessively) hard for it.

I know that not every pt in the United States is ready for this…

But if you think you are, then go ahead, fill out this form here now:

Let Me Talk To Paul About Getting My Own Clinic Growth System >>>

And we’ll get on the phone or Skype and see how this type of system could radically increase profit for your clinic.

Here’s the form again:

Let Me Talk To Paul About Getting My Own Clinic Growth System >>>

I’ll see you on Skype.

Paul Gough.

P.S For obvious reasons…

My systems are “Area Exclusive”.

Meaning, if I’ve already agreed to work with one of your competitors, then I’m not able to do this for you.

With that in mind, please be quick to fill out the form and indicate that you want to talk to me before another pt in your area does:

Let Me Talk To Paul About Getting My Own Clinic Growth System >>>


Note to physical therapist looking for marketing ideas…

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

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Marketing Ideas: Offering Highly Specific Solutions To Emotionally Connected Patients (Real Life Example)

Let me tell you a true story.

About how PROFITABLE your clinic will become if you connect highly specific solutions to emotionally charged clients and prospect.

An example:

Just yesterday my clinic received an “online” enquiry (i.e via a form on my website) from a “prospective” patient with back pain.


She was also making enquires at all the other clinics in town and basically, well, price shopping.

Here’s what she wrote back to us just 30 minutes after her initial on-line enquiry:

“Hi I would like to cancel my enquiry
as I have sorted something else.“

– Erin.

Our response?

“Ok. No problem?”…

What, are you kidding me?

Of course not!

See, because of the questions we asked on the online form, we already knew what she wanted to achieve from going to see a pt.

That was, basically, to get back to dancing asap.

(Not to end back pain).

So, word for word, here’s what we wrote back:


“Hi Erin,

Thank you so much for getting in touch to let us know.

I’m so glad that you have found someone who is able to help you.

I was just chatting with our back pain specialist, Sammy, who said she would of loved to of helped you.

She *sees lots of dancers* here in clinic – and would of loved to of seen what she could of done for you.

If you need us for anything Erin, even any advice, please just get in touch 🙂

Best Wishes,

Vicki Smith”.


What to know how we converted this patient – one who was thinking of going to one of my competitors because they are cheaper – into a high paying patient of ours…

These words:

“Sammy see’s lots of dancers
here in clinic”.

Made it *impossible* for Erin (the prospective patient) to even contemplate going anywhere else because she now knows that we solve HER problem regularly.

Take a look at the exact email reply sequence here and start at the bottom:

Marketing ideas for physical therapists

(Click the image ^ to make it bigger).

The result?

Conversion to a high paying patient.

Took us less than a minute to compose – and Erin just 45 minutes to surrender to my offer of highly specific solution.

I’m happy.

She was happy.

My bank account is happy.

So, yeah, more proof that “highly specific solutions” are the only way to go.

Use this type of *message to market* match in your marketing to attract new patients to your clinic – and you can, well, basically charge what you want and put an end to worrying over your biggest business challenge.

This works especially well since most pt clinic owners don’t have the balls to do this type of thing – for fear of not appealing to a mass market.

Which, by the way, is the quickest and easiest way to blow through a marketing budget and go broke.

More questions answered next time…

In the mean time, go here if you want to talk about boosting profits at your clinic too:

– Marketing Strategy Call Application Info >>>

Paul Gough.


Note to physical therapist looking for marketing ideas…

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>