Author Archives: Paul Gough

About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.

Why An Automated (And Highly Specific) Buyer System Will Boost Profits At Your Small Town Physical Therapy Clinic

So, you’ve got your ATTRACTION SYSTEM in place.

And more calls and enquires are now happening at your clinic because more people are AWARE of the *specialist* solutions that you offer.

What next?

You need a BUYER SYSTEM.

Something that MOST clinics don’t have.

However well your receptionist handles an incoming fax from a physician, a phone call, or an email – this IS NOT a buyer system.

It’s a REACTIVE way of processing the “ready to buy now patients” – something which there aren’t a great deal of (in any industry).

So here’s what needs to happen next:

Now that you’ve got the phone to ring more, the goal is to convert as many of those “prospective” new patients – into high paying ones, as FAST as possible.

And that’s why it’s important to make your BUYER SYSTEM specific too.

Because the more targeted the message in your follow up system (involving: direct mail, phone calls and emails), the SOONER the conversion to new patient takes place.

And what’s more, the *higher fees* for your programs and sessions you can charge.

Now, before you go ahead and take a look at this:

marketing ideas for physical therapy clinics

(A real FOLLOW UP POSTCARD which we send to people with back pain – and is part of my clinics BUYER SYSTEM).

Let me first explain to you what happens when people contact my clinic in response to any of my adverts (attraction system).

My receptionist will ask specific questions.

And one is:

“What concerns you MOST
about your back pain”?

Of which one of the options (we provide), is:

“Fear of not being able
to keep active or mobile”.

(Perhaps the most common).

Knowing that…

We can then custom tailor all of the FOLLOW UP messages in the system so that we talk all about their problem.

If you like, we “AGITATE” it.

And we do it in emails and follow up telephone calls too.

We talk more about THAT than their back pain – because that’s what creates an emotionally charged buyer – and we’re easily able to match that to our “highly specific solution”.

Take a look at the headline on the postcard…

“My husband laughed when I told him I was going to see a physical therapist… but when I could walk further and for longer than him”.

It’s VERY clever.

Because it lets the reader ASSUME (…for themselves) that physical therapy is something that can help solve their real problem – which is “loss of activity” thanks to back pain – NOT THE back pain!

Big difference. Massive difference.

All right lesson over.

Take from it what ye will…

Hopefully that your pt clinic will be a LOT more profitable with an ATTRACTION SYSTEM and a highly specific follow up and BUYER SYSTEM in place.

One that works AUTOMATICALLY, with or without you, too.

Talk to me about how you get one, by filling out this form:

45 Minute Strategy Call With Paul – Application Form >>>

Paul Gough.


Note to physical therapist looking for marketing ideas…

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Marketing: Why “Focusing On The Life Time Value” Of Your Physical Therapy Clinic Patients Is Costly

“Focus on the life time value
of your patients”.

How about I show you how to get some cash back in the back IMMEDIATELY so you don’t have to worry about a budget?…


This “focus on the lifetime value” seems to be a hot topic at the minute.

So let’s chat about it.

It’s happening because there are so many physical therapy clinics out there competing for business that higher levels of profitability are becoming further and further “back end”.

(Which is a long winded way of saying it takes much longer to make any real money!)

But that’s only if you’re doing what everybody else does.

See, there’s a “secret” to fast-tracking the trust building process which enables patients to buy from independent and small town clinics much sooner (and before they consider large hospital based clinics) and, far more importantly – gets the right kind of patients to buy far sooner.


Once you’ve given your prospects the FREE information that they came looking for (via your ATTRACTION SYSTEM), the next thing is to very quickly offer them something else that is of perceived value to them.

Something else that promises to help them solve their problem.

I wrote a book called “The Healthy Habit” (aimed at my target audience – the 50+ age group) and I give it away FREE to my prospective clients immediately after they contact my clinic.

But here’s the catch – they have to pay for postage and packing.

(Which is just a few dollars!)

So why would I do that since I don’t make any money from it?

Because it separates the “Motel” customers from the “Marriot” ones.

(I want more of the latter 😉

Let me explain:

You’re a doctor right?

And people assume that you KNOW a lot of important things that can help them.

Well, why don’t you write a few of them down on a piece of paper – and sell it?

Think about how much information you have in your head and how much it’s worth to someone who has a problem you know how to solve…

And don’t tell me that people don’t buy this type of information.

(Imagine how many books Amazon has already sold today on the topic of health and well being).

It doesn’t even have to be “information”.

It maybe a small fee for a long term, chronic back pain sufferer to attend one of your wellness classes, or a Pilates class.

What ever it is, offer them something that is of perceived value to them for just a few dollars – and much cheaper than it would cost ordinarily.

Here’s the key:

This will test their *commitment*.

And lets you know whether or not to keep spending any more dollars on marketing to them via your BUYER SYSTEM.

Maybe you think this all seems a lot of work?

Perhaps it is.

But not if you AUTOMATE it using things like Infusionsoft.

Or, maybe you think you “can’t afford to spend money on marketing”?…

That’s the very same belief that keeps business owners poor, frustrated, stressed and usually sees them missing out on spending more time with their family than they could be.

If you have a way to immediately start making money from new leads as soon as they contact your clinic – then it’s like getting paid to get new patients.

Means you can stop worrying about a “marketing budget”…

…And focus more on the UP FRONT VALUE of your patients to get MORE of them to contact your clinic.


All you have to do is let your BUYER SYSTEM carry on until that person sees the REAL VALUE of your CORE service … and agrees to proceed with a consultation and then a 10 visit care plan – which is where you get to make the real BIG bucks!

Let me know if you want some help to create a system like this for your clinic.

Start here:

YES – Let Me Talk To Paul About Getting My Own Automated Marketing System Created For Me >>>

Paul Gough


Note to physical therapist looking for marketing ideas…

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

New Patient Attraction – The Need To Stand Out With Your PT Clinic Marketing Efforts And Why One Size NEVER Fits All

So yesterday I told you a little bit about my new patient “Attraction System”.

Just one of the THREE systems that I have in place at my clinic to AUTOMATICALLY attract enquires, and convert as many as possible in high paying, life long customers.

Today, let’s talk about the need to STAND OUT.

Because it’s never been more necessary!

The competition in the PT market place is “intense” and relying upon doctor referrals is no longer acceptable… not if you want your clinic to survive, let alone prosper.

Advertising for “free sessions” or simply showing your logo and asking people to “call now”, is no longer enough and the “democratisation” of health care in the USA means you’ve got to get smarter with your marketing efforts.

There are two different strategies I want to tell you about, which separately are awesome, combined, are explosive for clinic profits!…

1.) Turn to data capture (not immediate sale)

While the temptation WILL always be to ask people to book an appointment with you immediately, the way to get floods of enquires (and at the same time raise awareness of your clinic) is to exchange valuable information, for contact details.

What’s more, because a lot of people want to take the easiest possible route to accessing the information you’ve got, it is VITAL to give more than one option to get it from you.

An e.g:

I recently ran a “direct response” style newspaper advert talking specifically to people with knee pain.

And not only did I give them the option of *calling* my clinic to request a free “tips” report, I also included a *website address* AND an a 800 *free record message* option making it easy for people to just leave their contact details without talking to anyone.

This increase response to my ad by 550%.

(Compared to when I ran the ad with just one way to respond – my clinic telephone number).

2.) Customised follow up

So we’ve just dramatically increased the number of people who respond to your ads by offering more than one way to get in touch.

Now we’re going to use a super secret way of customising our follow up messages to them (part of the BUYER system).

You’ve heard of “niching”, right?

Well, the reason why niching works is because every body is different. One solution does not fit all.

The ideal solution…

Custom tailored “offers” and solutions dependant upon what your patients need.

For example:

Why do people come and see you for help with, say, “back pain”?

Some people do it because they don’t want to rely upon drugs or risk surgery.

Others can’t stand the prospect of loosing their independence or mobility and others because they want to keep socially active.

Same pt service being accessed, VERY different motivations for buying it.

(Rarely is back pain enough!)

The challenge USED to be that it was time consuming and expensive to find out your potential patients “real needs” – then tailor your message or offers to show how what you can do i.e. your pt skills, can solve THAT specifc problem (not just their back pain).

Not any more.

These days technology makes it not just possible, but quick and easy to actually automate the follow up (your buyer system) so that it customises your marketing to fit the needs of the prospect.

(“Infusionsoft” is one such example of software technology that would let you do that).

To sum up todays lesson:

The secret of overloading your clinic with more new patients than you’ll ever need is this…

Asking the right questions of your potential new patients however they respond to access your free information – and then let your BUYER system customise the follow up accordingly.

The month that I started doing this it increased the conversion rate of my marketing pieces by between 294-1593%!!!


That’s up to 16 times as much business from the same number of people who contacted my clinic.

Same service.

Talk soon.

Paul Gough.

P.S If you want me to help you create your own Automated Marketing System for your clinic to help you achieve your GOAL and over over come the problem you’re having with a lack of regular new patients, then, go ahead, fill out this form:

Yes! Let Me Talk To Paul About Creating My Own Automated Marketing Follow Up System >>>

…and we’ll arrange to talk on Sykpe in the next few days.


Note to physical therapist looking for marketing ideas…

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Physical Therapy Marketing Systems : Step One In The System That Could Solve Your Clinics Biggest Problem

So now you know about my secret SYSTEM.

I call it “New Patient Overload” because it quite literally works to OVERLOAD my clinic with more patients than we ever need.

(The reason I’ve been able to raise prices three times in the last 8 months and we’re able to make people pay UPFRONT and mostly in cash).

Want to see it?

Here you go:

Physical therapy Marketing ideas

That is my EXACT original idea for my *Clinic Growth System*.

I sketched it out onto an A4 piece of paper while on a flight heading home from a seminar in Chicago – one of the first sales and marketing seminars I ever attended.

Let me talk you through the first step in the system:

1.) An ATTRACTION system

This is a way for HOT qualified leads or prospective patients to find out who you are and get in touch with you, or, at the very least, onto a mailing list because they are interested in what you do – i.e they’ve got back pain, and you have some information to solve it – and they want it as they perceive it as valuable!

Here’s how this one works:

You place a highly targeted Advert in, say, the local newspaper, on Google, Facebook, or send out a postcard and the person who sees it feels compelled to HAVE to respond it – because the words you use makes them feel as though “that’s for me”… and this IS the solution they’ve been waiting for!

Your *message* could be something like: the promise of solving back pain without drugs that lets activity and mobility last longer.

The “bait” (that compels that person to call your clinic) is perhaps a free “tips” report.

In your ad you tell the reader how to get it i.e call your clinic.

And in that report, you tell that person what to do to end back pain.

(Of course, one of those ways is YOUR specialist service).


An *exchange* takes place here – their contact details, for your advice.

(On the image, it’s termed “lead capture”).

Those new “leads” contact details now go into your BUYING SYSTEM (via a form) with the goal of turning that initial enquiry, into a paying patient and a life long customer of your clinic.

Make sense?…

All right, lesson over for today.

I’ll talk to you more about that “BUYING SYSTEM”, tomorrow.

Paul Gough.

P.S If you want me to personally create a system like this for your clinic…

…where *I* do all of the copy writing, designing of your ads, create the “bait”, write the email follow up sequences and even teach your front desk staff sales techniques to better handle the flood of new enquires you’ll get from having a system like this, then let me know by reply to this email…


Fill out this form and we’ll arrange to talk on Skype when you can tell me more about your business and what you want me to achieve for you:

– Yes! I Want To Talk About How I Get My Marketing System Done For Me >>>


Note to physical therapist looking for marketing ideas…

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Discover The Three Vital Components To Creating A Profitable (And Automated) Marketing System For Your Physical Therapy Clinic

Let me tell you a story.

It was June 2012 and I was on holiday with Natalie in Orlando.

We were in Sea World to be precise.

And it was hot!

One of the hottest days of the year and we’d only been there for two days so the heat and humidity was hitting us hard.

The jet lag after a long flight wasn’t helping either and the night before, in the villa we were staying at in Reunion, the air conditioning unit had gone off – so it was a hot and sweaty night!

And what happened the next day was without doubt, one of the most “scary” of my life.

I was rushed to the Dr.Phillips hospital on International Drive suffering a suspected heart attack.

(I was only “31” at the time).

See, a couple of weeks before the flight I had noticed a few sharp pains in my chest.

Enough to make me go and visit my doctor and ask some questions.

But he said I was “fine”.

That I should just take it easy and the chest pains would go.

But they didn’t.

And in Orlando that day, because of the heat and exhaustion, they got worse.

So I spent the next few days of my “vacation” in a hospital bed – contemplating what the future held for me while waiting for my diagnosis.

And as I was hooked up to an ECG unit, went through every cardiac stress test possible and had my heart checked out by many different specialists, you know what my biggest fear was?

Not “death”…

But how would my business survive without me?

Because the reality hit me hard that it was over reliant on me.

So while I’d been making a lot of money from owning a pt clinic, I didn’t have a business that could work with out me.

And the harsh reality is, if you don’t have a business that makes money without you, you don’t have a business… you have a JOB!

And not only do you have a job, but as Michael Gerber says (E-Myth Author), “you have a lunatic for a boss… YOU!”

And after the doctors told me that I had a problem with my heart which would always get worse when I was either anxious, stressed or overly tired, I knew I needed to do something different.

Something that would make money for me and for my family – whether I was there or not.

I needed a “System”.

So I set about creating my own.

A system which would OVERLOAD my pt clinic with more patients than we ever needed to guarantee that I could ALWAYS achieve the goals that I had set for my self and my business – with or without me.

And my system involves just three simple steps:


1.) An ATTRACTION SYSTEM – in other words, you need a way that HOT qualified leads or prospective patients find out who you are and get in touch or onto your mailing list because they are interested in your service.

2.) A BUYING SYSTEM – a process that takes all the leads and enquiries you got from that Attraction system and turns those into paying patients… automatically!

3.) A patient VALUE SYSTEM – to get your existing patients to not only buy from you repeatedly, but also to refer their friends and colleagues to spend money with you too.

And here’s how it looks and flows:

Physical therapy marketing ideas

Marketing System Flow Image

(Click the image to enlarge)

Tell me this:

Which business do you know doesn’t want more HOT leads, more paying patients to not only buy from you REPEATEDLY, but also to refer their friends and colleagues as well?

And the real secret to this system…

To make is happen AUTOMATICALLY – so it’s NOT dependent on you (OR, any doctors, physicians or third party referals).

The concept of having an ATTRACTION system, a BUYING system and a Patient VALUE system is a principle that has been true to successful business growth since the beginning of time.

And guess what?

The Physical Therapy industry in the USA IS included in that, too.

Have you got a system like this in place at your clinic?

If you don’t, then it’s likely that you’ll never achieve your goal of financial freedom, security, real wealth or even just finding more time to spend with your family.

Want some help to create a SYSTEM and achieve any of those goals?

If so…

Fill out this form to let me know more about you and your clinic and we’ll arrange to talk on Skype about creating your own system for stunning success in business:

– Yes! I Want To Talk About How To Create My Own System >>>

Talk soon.

Paul Gough.

P.S EVENTUALLY, I was diagnosed with an “Ectopic Heart Beat” – not ideal for a business owner at the age of “31”, but also not life threatening.

Having a SYSTEM in play since that day in JUNE 2012 has kept me less worrisome, less tired, less stressed and less anxious – as well as making me financially richer – and has helped keep my heart beating safe too.


Note to physical therapist looking for marketing ideas…

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Why Advertising “Free Sessions” Can Hurt Physical Therapy Clinic Profits

An email subscriber asks:


“Paul… I’m running an advert in a local newspaper that offers a free consultation with me… a 60 minute one… and yet despite running this advert three times, I’ve had no calls.

What gives? Why can’t I get people to respond to a free session of pt?”

– Pt asked to remain nameless.


Let me tell you a story.

Last summer I co-taught a webinar that was basically doing marketing critiques for pt clinic owners. And I’ll never forget how many pt’s ran adverts just offering:

“Claim your free consultation with a
qualified physical therapist – call today!”.

My response?


(Should I “call today”)

Quite frankly, unless you give people a reason to claim that “freebie consultation”, most wont.

Then where do you go from “free”?

If they over look your offer of “free”, how will they ever consider paying for treatment — even if it’s just the deductible?

And saying it is pure neediness.

The signal you’re giving off is that you need their custom – and the last place any person wants to go to is to a health place that is desperate for some more business.

So, if you’re doing it too, listen up:

If there’s one thing that will destroy your sales, reputation, clinics profits and marketing efforts, and reduce your clinics integrity to less than zero, it’s being needy.

When it comes to “free”, there HAS to be a reason you’re doing it.

There must be a restriction on how many (scarcity).

The promotion MUST go away and come back (like a real promotion does).

And it must be something that is targeted to a specific group of people.

(So that not just anyone can walk in and get it).

So, if you’re giving away “free”… and struggling to make even that work, just stop.

It comes off as desperate.

(And, needy).

Start applying REAL terms, conditions and restrictions to any “free offers” that you make, or better yet, rid your self of “free” completely.

Replace “free sessions” with “information”.

Because sending out “information” (to help people make a better, more educated and more informed decision) forces people to see the true value in what you do – meaning, you can charge the maximum value for it.

How can you do that?


Get your own *automated marketing follow up system*.

Having a marketing system is the opposite of needy.

And, the opposite of what most pt’s do.

Want some help to create one?

We can do it together on a Strategy Call.

Info, here:

– 45 Minute Marketing Strategy Call For PT Clinic Owners >>>

Fill out the form and we’ll arrange to get on Skype in the next few days.

Paul Gough.


Note to physical therapist looking for marketing ideas…

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Physical Therapy Marketing Q&A Session.

Round up Q&A time…


Q.) “Paul, what’s been your biggest frustration in marketing?

Answer: Hearing everyone in seminars tell me that I needed a follow up system, not really sure or knowing what one was, or where to look to get started.


Q.) “Where would you advise to start at creating a marketing system?”

Simple. Create a free tips report for your ads (like “bait”) then send out follow up emails. Start with 12 emails or so over 30 days. Then later, add direct mail and telephone calls to the campaign too.


Q.) “Paul, what’s your biggest mistake you’ve made in Marketing?”

Easy. I was looking at and “copy-catting” the wrong people (like big corporate hospitals) & trying to advertise like they do (brand awareness) i.e. Not asking for an immediate response or giving a compelling enough of a reason to call my clinic from my ads.

One more:

Q.) “Which marketing media has made the fastest and biggest difference to your life and your clinic profits?”

Emails. I send regular broadcast emails to existing clients – and “automated”, follow up emails to leads and potential new clients” who show an interest in my service.

(See how I do it, by joining my patient email broadcast list here >>>)

Last one:

Q.) “To someone completely new to marketing, where would you advise running your first ads?”

Go “offline”! i.e. start with a newspaper ad or something like a postcard.

Offline is very easy to control costs and track response than something like Google or Facebook – which can easily eat through a budget in hours with nothing in return.


All right, that’s it for todays “Paul gets marketing questions, you get answers” show.

Get yours answered personally, here:

45 Minute Marketing Make Over – Claim Your Free Strategy Call >>>

Just fill out the form ^ and we’ll get together on Skype and work together to over come your biggest marketing challenges.

Paul Gough.


Note to physical therapist looking for marketing ideas…

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for you pt clinic sent to you by email:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Advice For “Newbie Marketing PT’s” Who Want To Take Control Of Their Own Email Marketing… And Make Tons More Profit By Doing So

Came a question about sending emails to patients:


“Currently I put email addresses to my new patients or people requesting my ebooks through my website.

But I can not individually or categorise the list. I can only send broadcast emails to all the people in the list.

There are no names only email addresses. I got this through the company called _____. They handle my website and they send monthly video newsletters to my subscribers.

After reading your report, I’m now thinking of doing this my self.

Which email marketing system would you recommend I use?

– Oliver. Restore Physical Therapy LLC, Rochester Hills, MI.



My advice is this:

You’ve got two options.

One is to get a simple email system to capture contact details and blast out emails only.

It’s the “cheaper” option in terms of up front cost and monthly payment.

If that’s what you would prefer, then there’s a few I could suggest.

“Aweber”, “Mail Chimp” or “Sendpepper” are all very similar and will do what you need.

Then there’s “Infusionsoft”.

It does everything.


Sure, it “costs” a little more in the beginning – but, (and in my humble opinion), if you’re running a busy clinic and want as many parts of your business and marketing AUTOMATED as is possible, then you should seriously consider it.

You’ll need to learn how to work it.

And it will only do what you tell it.

But which ever you choose… “Email Marketing” is something that I would urge you do – for your profits sake.

It is quite possibly the single fastest way to increase profits at your clinic – particularly if you already have a bunch of names and addresses in your clinic database.

(Easy to add them all to any of these email systems I just mentioned).

Then just do something like this:

Send your first email (using “Aweber”, “Infusionsoft” etc) and tell patients that you’ll be emailing regularly with some handy hints and tips, plus some fun stories about what you’ve been up to etc, even with offers to save some money on their health.

Make it VERY clear where they can “un-subscribe” in the first few emails – and you’ll find that 99.9% of patients you write to will be very happy to hear from you there after.

Do it right, and they’ll be passing your emails round to friends and even replying asking for you to send more.

Want to see how I profit from emails at my own clinic?


Use this special link and add your name to my clinics email list:

Join Paul’s Patient Broadcast Email List By Clicking Here >>>

You’ll get emails from me that all my patients do….

…and see precisely how I “work my email list” to continue my relationship long after a care plan is over – and how I encourage patients (and their friends) to come back to see me, time and time again.

Join Paul’s Patient Broadcast Email List By Clicking Here >>>

All right, lesson over for today.

Reply with your questions on this.

Paul Gough.


Note to physical therapist looking for marketing ideas…

Click here to join Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for you pt clinic sent to you by email:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

How To Swap Price Shoppers For Value Shoppers Meaning Higher Prices And More Profit At Your PT Clinic

“Paul, I’ve no idea what a follow up marketing system is, never mind how long it should be – can u enlighten me please?”.


This seemed like an odd question considering how much I’ve talked about this recently.

(Perhaps he’s new to the list).

Anyways, in case you are too, here are a few things about a marketing follow up system that every pt clinic owner would profit from:

1.) It should let you continue a relationship with someone long after they first visited your website, phoned your clinic, or saw your ad – and involve relentless follow up for at least 30 days.

2.) It should be automated when possible (meaning you do non of it).

3.) It should be “scalable” – meaning you can pay for more ads and the same system will continue to do the work for you – no matter how many people enter in it – producing more patients at the other end.

(I sometime call that a “pipeline” of patients).

And it should be made up of these 5 vital parts – cogs, if you like:


* Adverts that have a reason to respond TODAY.

* Irresistible offers or the offer of free valuable information – like “bait”.

* Data capture (of: name, phone number, email address – ideally, physical address too).

* Follow up UNTIL conversion to paying patient has taken place – using all of the following: phone call, emails, direct mail (postcards etc).

* A way to maximise cash value after conversion (i.e. by using email marketing or postcards).


And how long should the follow up system go on for?

As long as it takes to get them to say “yes”.

(Something most pt’s are not willing to do).

See, a follow up system, what it does is simply this:

It answers questions.

As well as knocks over any obstacles that patients have about going to see a pt.

And because many people will “accept pain” for weeks, months (and even years) before doing something about it i.e. paying to have it solved, *18 months* isn’t out of the question.

An e.g:

Right now, my “back pain” follow up system (which features emails, phone calls and direct mail pieces) lasts for 6 months.

(To join it for yourself : click here)

My goal by the end of the year is have it to *12 months*.

And then to *18* months.

And then to two years.

And so on.

Because I know that most people’s back pain isn’t going anywhere.

So the longer that I hang in with them, answering questions and providing helpful information, the more chance I have of being the pt they say “yes” too.


With a follow up system like this, it also means I’m not at the mercy of price shoppers too.

See, I want “value” shoppers.

And sometimes people just need a little more information before they see the value of what you do.

It’s your job to create a system that gives it to them.

Then bill ‘em for it when they show up!

All right, that’s it for today.

“Strategy call” application info is here:

– Let Me Talk To Paul About My Biggest Marketing Challenge >>>

Or, reply with any questions you want answering.

Paul Gough.


Note to physical therapist looking for marketing ideas:

Click here to join Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for you pt clinic sent to you by email:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Confused PT Admits : “I Know I Need A Marketing System, But…”

In which the question is asked:

“My question is, how do you create a marketing system from scratch when you’ve got no idea how to do it, nor the time.”

– Lucy. Birmingham, Alabama.

An interesting, and common, question.

Here’s my answer:

If I could do it over, I’d have learned about marketing and the systems needed to promote a business BEFORE I quit my job as a pt in pro-soccer to become a solo clinic owner.

Because right at the time you realise that you need the better marketing skills – say, to take your clinic from 30 patients per week, to 60, you feel like you’ve not got the time to do it.

And if you do invest the time to learn all about marketing – i.e. attend the seminars, read the books, take the courses, it costs you twice as much because of the time you loose in clinic, not to mention the time you miss out on with family.

So my advice is this:

I’d forget all about monthly newsletters, marketing to physicians and even put aside any frustration about needing a better “presence”, to “get your brand out there”, or to update your web site etc etc.

Pretty much everything, everyone else is telling you do.

And just start with a small and very simple follow up system.

That goes like this:

Pick or target a SPECIFIC problem that you know a lot of people need solving.

Ideally, one that you’re good at solving too.

It could be “back pain”.

Design a newspaper advert that offers a free piece of information – like a “tips” report.

In your Ad, ask people to call your clinic to get it.

Capture their details.

And then “follow up” on that inquiry.

Using things like email, a postcard, a “fake” newsletter, or a sales letter – each one talking only about the topic of back pain – challenging objections, showing why your clinic is the best option and explain precisely how you propose to help that person recover quickly.

And make it last for 30 days.

It could be 12 pre-written emails.

One postcard.

One newsletter and a mailer – all sent out by your assistant at set intervals.

So my advise is this:

Start small.

All you need to get going with a marketing system is an ad, a form to capture contact details, some emails and some cleverly worded direct mail pieces.

Then, as you see how effective this system is, make it last longer.

Maybe 60 days.

Ad in more emails.

More postcards.

Run more ads.

Because the longer you keep in touch with your prospective new patient, the more chance you have of over coming their objections and ultimately saying “yes” to you .

(And not your competitors or any of the big corporate hospitals).


You could then just repeat the “formula” for things like neck pain, knee pain, post-natal back pain.

Having a “marketing system” is NOT about rushing people to sign the consent forms and proceed with treatment right away.

But if you apply everything inside this email, you will attract more patients to your clinic than you’ll know what to do with.

Nurture each one.

Give them lots of information and help them make the BEST decision…

Answer their questions and knock over any objections…

And frankly, you’ll probably have to start a waiting list.

Bold claim?

Maybe so.

But that’s how it went for me.

Talk to me about this some more, by clicking here:

Get A Free 45 Minute Marketing Strategy Call For Your Clinic >>>



Note to physical therapist looking for marketing ideas…

Click here to join Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for you pt clinic sent to you by email:

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Physical Therapists – Why Your “Web Master” Is Costing You A Fortune

Q&A time…

“Paul, who does your website?”

– Click here to visit my clinic website >>>

My answer?

“It’s a secret!”

(Something I only ever reveal to my private coaching members).

But lets talk about why people always ask me.

It has to be because they’re not satisfied with their own.

Hardly surprising given the number of pt’s in America who have paid out a lot of cash for a website – often managed by some big online company for which they continue pay a monthly fee – and yet they see very few enquires coming in from it.

At least, not as many as they would like!

So here’s what I’d say on the website thing:

If I gave you the name of my webmaster (I call him “geeky Dave”), really, it wouldn’t make any difference to you.

Because, like most web masters, he knows nothing about “direct response marketing”.

(He’ll admit that, too).

But here’s the thing.

He doesn’t need too.

“Because I do”.

And so anything that you see on any of my websites, it’s been designed by me.

Often on a scrap piece of paper, even the back of a beer mat, and sent to him with clear instructions of how I want the page to look…

…what I want it to say…

And most importantly of all, what I want the visitor to do as a result of being on that page.

i.e. fill out a form., request a free report, call a special number etc etc etc.


The cure to an under performing website is NOT just jumping ship to ANOTHER webmaster.

Reality is, they’re all much the same.

And (unless you tell them to do anything different), will just produce a website that sure, LOOKS pretty, but fails to compel people to respond or take action.

(The SOLE reason for having it it up there in the first place).

Having a pretty website with no reason to respond or take action would be a lot like walking into an Apple store with no one to answer your questions or tills to take your money – you’re just going to walk right out and go somewhere else that can.

All right.

End of todays sermon.

The key to having a profitable website is just this one thing:

It has to follow the rules of “direct response marketing”.

Something that very few (if any) web masters will ever understand.

That’s just how it be.

Better to learn it for yourself.

Or, talk to someone about it who does.

To do that, go here:

– Claim A Free 45 Minute Marketing Strategy Call With Paul >>>>


Note to physical therapist looking for marketing ideas…

Click here to join Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for you pt clinic sent to you by email:

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Google Adwords – How To Avoid Blowing Through A $1000 Budget In A Week

Sometimes I get questions from pt’s asking me about if “google adwords” actually works.

Should they do it?

Or, just stick to the free listings like what everyone else does?

In short, here’s the very latest email reply I’ve had on this topic:


“My biggest problem is I have few marketing skills.

So I tried Google ads pay per click for a week – but I had to discontinue it because it seemed like more people clicking but no one was calling except telemarketers.”

– Brian. Portland, Oregon.



A common problem.

So let’s chat about this.

See, “paid for” google advertising, it DOES work.

…but only if you’re doing it in a certain way.

And that way is to run google ads (any ads) with the goal of capturing people’s contact details – in exchange for some valuable information, like a free tips report on ways to end back pain.

(This is called “direct response marketing”).

Yet, what most pt’s do is they set up the google ad’s account (or have someone do it for them), apply a budget of, say, $300-400 dollars a week – and blow through it in a day without getting any calls or inquiries.

(‘xcept, from telemarketers).



The ads are sending people to their main website.

Which, for most pt’s, isn’t written well enough to motivate people to take action immediately.

Nor does it offer any compelling reason to leave contact details to let any follow up take place.

Sure, some will display a free “ebook”…

But even the benefit of something FREE, needs to be sold hard.

What’s worse, most google adverts run right to the home page of that website.

Why so bad?

Because as a general rule, you’ve got *7* seconds to give people the information they came looking for – or they’re leaving your site!

If you’re running paid for google ad words – the very least you’ve got to do is send them to a webpage RICH in content and loaded with helpful information about the topic they searched for i.e. back pain, showing them precisely how you can solve their specific problem.

(A skilled copywriter is needed).

The next thing you’ve got to do is give them a reason to respond – right from that page.

It could be a simple form to fill out…

…A SPECIFIC 800 free number to call to “get seen quicker”.

Or, the most profitable way, ask the visitor to enter their name, phone number and email address and in return you’ll send out a very helpful “tips” report featuring all the best ways to end back pain.

(Of which, YOUR service is one of them).

Doing it this way gives you a chance to get on the phone next day to ask more about what that person needs….

Maybe even get their full address and send out some more information by post – something like a postcard or a compelling sales letter which shows off your service even more.

(Ideally, using an Automated “follow up” Marketing System).

Follow this strategy and you’ve got much more of a chance of turning a profit from using google ads.

All right.

‘nuff said?

Or do you want to know some more on how to get the best out of google ads?

If so, Hit Reply with your questions, or use this link to set up a Free Strategy Call with me, here:

Let Me Talk To Paul On The Phone And Have My Biggest Marketing Challenges Solved For Me >>>


To receive regular Pt marketing ideas like this, sign up to Paul’s email list. Do that here:

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Declining Insurance Reimbursements – What A Small Town PT Clinic Can Do To Fight Back

Let me tell you a story.

A few years back now, my clinics profit was completely at the mercy of a few big insurance companies, who, because they continued to drop fees and reimbursements, made it harder and harder for me to make a living that my skills deserved.

It meant I was working twice as hard, just to take home the same pay cheque, not to mention seeing less and less of my family.

Is that the kind of problem you’re having in your business right now????

You know what I mean…

Working more hours, feeling more rushed and spending less time with patients (and family), and all the while watching your clinic profit flat line!

(I used to feel just like that too).

And at first, I thought I had no choice but to do like everyone else did (and is still doing), and accept it.

But thanks to everything I learned in the seminar halls of the USA, I figured out how to move my clinic away from becoming a “starving insurance slave”, to one that is able to generate 85-90% of it’s own patients every month

– AND –

Ask for cash upfront.

And the way I see it, if decreasing insurance reimbursements are affecting your profits, you’ve got three options:

1.) Do nothing and accept hassle and crap from insurance companies who don’t value what you do

99% of pt’s will accept this and do it despite the insurance companies continuing to make millions of dollars in profit.

Yet, isn’t the whole idea of setting up your own business so that you could make your self rich, and not someone else?

2.) Create an automated marketing system which delivers an *abundance* of new patients to your door 

This means you’d be able to move from seeing, say, 40 patients per week, up towards 100 – and employ another pt and an assistant and let them do all of the work for you and increase profit that way 😉

3.) Create an automated marketing system which delivers an *abundance* of new patients to your door – and set your own prices and demand CASH!

The idea is simple: have a situation where by more people call your clinic asking to work with YOU (than you have time for), meaning you can confidently begin to ask for cash and set your own prices because you WANT some of those people to say no, and go some where else.

It’s not for debate that at least 20% of everyone who you’re seeing in clinic today WOULD transition to cash pay if you:

a.) Told them and gave them the option.

b.) Made the “reason why” (they should pay cash) compelling enough. i.e. deliver a GOLD treatment option/service – one that the insurance pay can’t have and is far superior and includes many more benefits.

It’s a mathematical law of EVERY business, that there are always 2 out of every 10 people who want more than you’re currently offering.

Offer it to ‘em.

Give it to ‘em.

Then bill ‘em. Instantly.


I assume that making the insurance companies (and now, the governments life easier), isn’t what you want to do.

So let’s talk about options 2 and 3.

The key word is *abundance*.

An abundance of patients.

An overflow.

More than you need.

Something you will achieve if you switch your marketing away from “brand awareness” and chasing doctors all the time, to something called “direct response marketing”.

Doing so will be a game changer for you, your family, your clinics profits and will undoubtedly help you achieve your main business goal.

Want to know more about how to use “direct response marketing” to make more profit in your business?

If so, look out for my next email to you when I’ll reveal all. 

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

In the mean time…

HIT REPLY to this email and let me know what you’re thinking…

Is a cash transition something that you’re hoping to achieve some time soon?

If so, what have you tried so far to get there?…

Have you been left frustrated by marketing efforts which have so far failed to deliver the number of patients you need?

Let me know by reply.

Talk soon.


P.S If you feel like you would benefit from talking to me personally, then just go ahead and fill out this form:

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Every week I give away one FREE strategy call where I work with you for 60 minutes to help you solve your biggest business challenge.

Get it before anyone else, here now:

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Big Corporate Hospitals – You Vs Them And One “Killer” Way To Get Patients To Choose Your Small Town PT Clinic, And By Pass Them

So the other day I mentioned that the big corporate hospitals (with a bunch of guys in suits, sitting round a board table sipping on coffee with stockholders to consider) have a completely different reason for marketing than you and I.

Here’s what I mean:


Their Agenda

1.) Please/appease that board of directors (most of ‘em who know zip about advertising and marketing but have lots of options)

2.) Please/appease those stockholders

3.) Look good, look appropriate (even to wall street perhaps, if they’re big enough!)

4.) Look good, appropriate to the media

5.) Look good, appropriate to the government/banks (for future funding)

6.) Build a brand identity (curse that word)

7.) Win awards for best advertising

8.) Get patients through the door and make a profit.

Your Agenda (and mine).

1.) Get patients through the door and make a profit. Now.


Here’s the thing…

Most small town pt clinics are “advertising victims”…

Prayed on by sales people and companies who promise to “do a newsletter”, build a website (and maintain it for a monthly fee), take care of all their advertising etc etc etc, yet, the people doing so, rarely do they know anymore about how to actually produce a patient or make a sale, than the clinic owners do!…

If in doubt, try to get that sales or marketing person to accurately tell you where and how they got those new patients for you — and what it cost from source A or B — or, what results specifically come from this new website, or that newsletter or the latest display ad, and usually,well, they can’t.

Enter Direct Response Marketing.

And let me show you how to use it to get ahead of your bigger competitors.

First, I need you to think about how a “typical” patient with, say, something like “back pain”, might think, and, take action.

As you know…

MOST patients don’t take action the minute they feel their back pain coming on.


Many wait weeks, months and even years before doing something about it.


Including, but not limited too:


* Not sure what a pt actually does

* Insurance hassles and headaches

* Time – everyone thinks that tomorrow will be the day it just disappears

* Self doubt – most people are so negative that they think nothing and no one can help “ME”.

* Easier to just suffer (than find time for 10 sessions of pt)

* Too much choice (pt, chiro, osteo, drugs, homeopath etc etc) meaning that it’s easy to get the decision wrong – so inaction seems the best and safest one.

* And many, many more.


So now think about how you could possibly motivate all of these people people, who think like this, to call your clinic?

Are you really going to do that by simply putting an advert in a newspaper or on Facebook which says “I’m here, call today” (i.e. brand awareness).


Now think about why a patient might choose a corporate hospital in the first place.

It’s all to do with “trust”!

Something that because of the perceived status and authority that a BIG hospital has in society, which is difficult for anyone to match – small town or independent pt’s included.

But there is a way to get round this…

By catching the attention of, a usually unsuspecting prospective patient, by OFFERING them something that is much easier, less hassle and comes with no effort, zero risk or finical outlay (than calling their network or visiting a hospital).

It could a “free tips report”.

Something that has a perceived benefit (and value) and promises to solve their problem — with very little effort required on their part.

That free tips report could be:

“How To End Back Pain Quickly
And Easily In 9 Simple Steps”…

(I call it “bait”.)

And would give people a reason to RESPOND to your advert by calling your clinic…

Therefore giving you an opportunity to, first get their contact details, and then later, begin to answer questions that your new prospective patient has.

And the real GOLD in this marketing strategy, is this:

Once you’ve got their contact details, you’ve also bought yourself some TIME.

TIME which you can use to build authority, trust and respect.

(Like what the corporate hospitals get automatically).


Now you can FOLLOW UP with that person (who you know has back pain) and convince them that YOU (and pt) are the best solution to solve their problem long term.

Maybe tell them all about how you help people just like them with some recent success stories…

Explain why coming to see you is going to be better in the long run, because you can offer the type of personalised and highly specialised care that the corporates can’t…

– AND –

That, you can take care of all the referral and insurance headaches for them, by having your assistant setting up appointments or getting forms faxed to and signed by doctors who you like.

To sum up todays lesson:

Use “direct response marketing” to exchange valuable information for contact details and you get a chance to explain what you really do and how you can really help – LONG before those people were even beginning to think about calling their network and ever get to parking their car outside a big hospital.

In essence…

You’re getting to all these people long before physicians at hospitals are even mentioned.

Make sense?

Let me know what questions you’ve got for me about this.

I love to hear from you and I read all replies personally.

(Just give me a day or so to respond as I’m busy with my own patients too – really busy with new patients at the minute ;-).

Go ahead, hit reply.


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P.S Look out for the next email in this series devoted to showing you how to put an end to worrying about doctor referrals at your clinic.

HIT REPLY and let me know what questions you want answering or fill out this form here to let me know what specific challenges your facing and I’ll work to solve them with you:

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What To Do If Corporate Hospitals Are Dominating Your Physical Therapy Clinic’s Market Place With Bigger Ad Budgets


So I read an interview the other day (on a well know pt marketing website) about a pt who thinks he can’t “out spend” the big corporate hospitals who dominate his town with their big advertising budgets…

And as a result…

“Thinks” he has no option but to “surrender”…

And accept that his pt clinic will never be as profitable as he would like, because he’s never going to be able to get his name out there in-front of the big corporates.

Here’s a teaser of what he said:


“I tried paid advertising once, but I really do not have the ability to compete with large orthopaedic practices or hospital based therapy centres for advertising space.

Large scale brand advertising campaigns could bankrupt a small town clinic like mine and is better left to the large corporates”!


And he’s right…

Large scale brand advertising campaigns ARE better left to the big corporates – because they have the money to *waste* and rarely does any form of brand advertising work anyway.

(Unless you’re coca-cola or apple).

And here are a few more things on his comment:

1.) You don’t need a marketing budget to beat the corporate hospitals

A “budget” implies that you’re going to spend the same amount of money EVERY month – whether your ads are successful, or not. Here’s what most people don’t get about advertising: if your ads are successful, spend more, run more, make more $$$.

If they’re not successful, stop and try something else.

2.) You shouldn’t even try and “copycat” what they do

Most small businesses think they should advertise and market much the same as the bigger “brands” (I loath that word), so they spend (waste) a lot of money on image, brand, and presence – often thanks to the advice of the “guru’s and practice management consultants. But that would be a lot like a rabbit trying to emulate a lion.

The big corporate’s have all sorts of reasons for the way they advertise and market that have nothing to do with getting a new patient or making sales.

3.) You do have the ability to not only compete, but WIN when it comes to advertising

Why? Because your agenda is much simpler. And all you have to do is find successful business with similar agendas to copycat. Those using direct response marketing (like what my own pt company uses) that share these two basic ideas:

* Spend a $1.00 on marketing, get $2.00 back. Preferably more, fast, and should be able to be accurately tracked back to that $1.00 spent.

* Never spend another $1.00 unless it directly and quickly brings in that $2.00 (or more).

And that, in a nutshell, is how something called “direct response marketing works”.

And, I don’t hold back in saying this, it could well a life changing principle that if you know more about – could solve your biggest business challenge and help you achieve your main business goal.

Want to know more Direct Response Marketing and how to use it to make more profit in your clinic?

If so, open up my emails across the course of the next few days I’ll tell you more about it…

Talk soon.


P.S Hit Reply if you have any questions for me, I love to hear from you.

Do you think that you’re “beat” because of the big corporate hospitals advertising power and budgets?

Want some help to overcome that?

If so, let me know what you need by reply to this email.

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