Author Archives: Paul Gough

About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.

Where To Look To Find Patients Before They Call Their Network And Even Get Close To A Physician

Let’s chat about “Media”…

(One component of the “Message – Media – Market”, Marketing Triangle).

Because you need to know precisely which one you’re going to use to locate your “WHO”.

Or, in reverse, you’ve got to know which media your “WHO” is tapped into – so that you can serve them highly specific messages to trigger response to your clinic.


the goal of why we’re using direct response marketing is to get your prospective patients – with, say, back pain – to take action BEFORE they ordinarily would have (had they not seen your advert) and most definitely before they call their insurance.

Sounds a little “cerebral”, right?

Well, it kinda’ is!

But it’s fun.

And hugely profitable.

And means for less worrying about getting referrals from doctors and more time thinking about what you’re going to do with your profit!

So let’s being another marketing lesson.

Got your pen and paper ready?

Off we go…

“Media” is where you choose to run your ads.

And the list of options is long – often so long that it can feel overwhelming and stop you in your tracks before you’ve even got going.

The Media includes but is not limited too:

* Facebook

* Google

* Newspapers

* Magazines

* Yell

* Coupons

* TV

* Radio

* Etc, Etc…

The question is, which is best?

And the answer.

There isn’t one.

It varies a lot by “WHO” YOU want to reach.

An example:

If you’re trying to reach a 65 year old gentlemen who loves to play golf and take cruises with his wife (because that’s “WHO” you have decided you want to work with), then is he likely to be looking on Google?


But maybe you’d have more chance of finding more gentlemen aged 65 with back pain, by running an ad in a golf magazine, appearing on a website for a cruise company or sending out a postcard to a list of highly targeted individuals who fit this description – and offering them a free “tips” report titled:

“Golfers – How To Swing Without Back Pain Even In Your 60’s”

And of course…

One of the “tips” that is going to be included in that report is YOUR service.

And the goal is to get the Gentlemen’s contact details when he calls to get his free report – so that you can have a nice chat with him to find out precisely what his problems are, what he wants and needs and politely make him aware that physical therapy is something that will help him get there faster.

The process that I’ve just described there, that’s called “direct response” advertising.

And my advice is that whatever Media you’re going to choose – it must allow for you to deliver a “direct response” message – or skip it.

With that said, your goal as captain of your ship should be to use as many different MEDIA as possible to seek out your preferred “WHO”.

Most clinic owners become very lazy at this…

…choosing to be dependent on only physician referrals which could be stopped at any time…

Or on only one, two or three means of getting new patients, leaving them very vulnerable to sudden disruptions in business and never really feeling as though they can move from, say, seeing 30 patients per week, to seeing something like 100 (and employing others to do the work for them) – not to mention the threat from competition opening up in the market place.


Have you got any questions for me about this?

What Media have you have the most success with?

OR, which one has swallowed up most of your marketing dollars?

(Google Ads or Facebook, I bet?…)

HIT REPLY to this email and let me know what frustrations you’re having…


Apply to talk to me personally on a *free strategy call*… and I’ll work with you to identify the best Media for your clinic… and how to get the best response from it!

I’m happy to help you figure this out faster…

And if your application for a FREE strategy call is successful, all I ask in return is you give me a nice testimonial for my website based on the good advice I give you 😉

Sound fair?

If so, hit reply and let me know that you want a strategy call, or fill out this form to let me know more about your challenges:

Yes! Let Me Talk To Paul Personally And Have My Biggest Marketing Challenges Solved Today >>>

Hope this helps,


P.S The free strategy call is limited to just one per week…

…and is offered on a first come first serve basis and is only for my email subscribers.

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Do it in time, here:

Yes! Let Me Talk To Paul Personally And Have My Biggest Marketing Challenges Solved Today >>>

End of blog post.


Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

What “Avatar” Has To Do With Running A Profitable PT Clinic (One That Makes A Profit With Out Knowing Any Doctors Or Physicians)

In today’s “episode”….

Let’s talk about what you need to create a *profitable marketing piece* using Direct Response Marketing – something that if you master, will let you put an end to your worries of no doctors referring to your clinic.

So, let me introduce you to something I call the “Marketing Triangle” which forms the foundation of all good marketing activity…

It’s made up of three components and they’re all as important as the other:

Market – Message – Media.

And the first I’ll teach you about is the Market.

This is your “WHO” you want to attract.

(Because you don’t just wan to try and attract everyone and anyone, right?)


You might hear me refer to the “WHO” as an AVATAR and it’s essentially WHO your IDEAL client or patient is.

Someone you love to work with.

Get great results for.

Someone whose hopes, dreams and goals that are perfectly aligned with your skills and specialist solutions.

Thing is, NOT many pt’s really know WHO their ideal patient is.


They will always be able to tell me that they see more people with back or neck pain etc…

…but rarely are they are able to describe to me their best patient in any more detail than that.

What I mean?

Well, let me tell you about my own “avatar” to help you understand:

“It’s” a lady – and she’s in her mid 50’s or 60’s.

For a whole bunch of reasons, but in a nut shell…

…simply because my clinics service is focused on helping people maintain independence, mobility and living free from drugs and without risk of surgery – all of the things that many women value most (MUCH more so than men).

And another reason…

Women are “preconditioned” to invest in their health – they’ve been going to hairdressers, beauty salons and care greatly about how things like their nails look – enough to spend money on it – so I want to tap into that pre-conditioned behaviour pattern (rather than try to create one with guys who don’t regularly spend time or money on their health).

Now back to my “avatar”…

She is married with children (and now have grandchildren who they adore), are politically “conservative”, pay using American Express Cards (rather than VISA or MasterCard) and are MORE interested in things like maintaing self worth, independence and mobility and playing with those grandchildren in the park – than they are ending “back pain”.

I even got it down to which newspaper and magazines she likes to read, what TV shows and which radio station she is more likely to be listening too.

What’s more…

I spend so much time thinking about her and talking about her, I felt I had to give her a name – so I did, and it’s “Mary”!

And whenever I’m preparing a marketing piece to attract more “Mary’s” to my clinic, I go so far as to look at a picture of a “best” patient of mine (called Mary) – one who accurately represents the type of person I love to work with and want to see more of in clinic.


When I sit down to write these marketing pieces, say for a newspaper advert, I have a clear understanding of what to write that will motivate many more people like “Mary”, to respond to my message.

And that “Message” (another part of the Marketing Triangle) has nothing to do with “me”, my services, how reputable I think I am, or how many years I’ve been in business.

I make NO attempt to be “all-inclusive” or to cast the net wide to catch as many fish as possible – like most of the guru’s will tell you to do.

Nor do I even give a minutes thought to who I might repel, even offend (usually doctors or drug companies!) when I do so either.

In fact, the more I mention those two in my ads in a negative way, the more calls to my clinic I seem to get from “Mary’s”!

I know my prime target (the “WHO”) – and I design my “Messages” and choose my “Media” accordingly.

How about you?

What messages are you writing?

Where are you placing them and who are they going to?

Are you doing what most other pt’s do and making the mistake of marketing “your services”?


Are you writing cleverly worded messages that seek out your ideal patients by aligning your specialist services with the values of highly motivated patients?

Ones who feel compelled to call your clinic because you seem to “get them” better than anyone else and because of that will pay any price you set?

If you’re NOT currently doing that…

*Want some help to get started?*

HIT REPLY to this email now and let me know what questions you have for me.

Or, if you want to talk on the phone or face to face on Skype, give me signal in the same reply.

Be quick though…

For obvious reasons, (like my own time famine), I can only give one free strategy call away per week.

Get it in time, by reply.

Talk soon.


P.S Now you know about one of the components in the Marketing Triangle you need to know to beat the POTs to the patients…

I’ll discuss the others in much more detail, next time.

Be sure to watch for my name appear in your inbox 😉

Note to reader: Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

Why People Choose Physicians Over Pt’s In The First Place – And What To Do To Reverse Engineer The Referral Process

So if I’m going to help you to defeat your number one business challenge – getting patients to your clinic in-spite of where doctors send referrals too – and achieve your business goals…

…then “Direct Response Marketing” is something that I need to teach you some more about.

So, off we go:

First, think about how a “typical” patient with, say, something like “back pain”, might think and take action.

As you know…

MOST patients don’t take action the minute they feel their back pain coming on.


Many wait weeks, months and even years before doing something about it.


Well there’s a whole bunch of reasons and the more of them that you know, the easier is it to get more patients to your clinic.

But I’d say there’s a few common ones why patients don’t move toward seeing a physical therapist at the same speed they would, say a dentist, at the first sign of tooth ache.

Including, but not limited too:


* Not sure what a pt actually does

* Insurance hassles and headaches

* Time – everyone thinks that tomorrow will be the day it just disappears

* Self doubt – most people are so negative that they think nothing and no one can help “ME”.

* Easier to just suffer (than find time for 10 sessions of pt)

* Too much choice (pt, chiro, osteo, drugs, homeopath etc etc) meaning that it’s easy to get the decision wrong – so inaction seems the best and safest one.

* And many, many more.


So now think about how you could possibly motivate all of these people people, who think like this, to call your clinic?

Are you really going to do that by simply putting an advert in a newspaper or on Facebook which says “I’m here, call today”.

Truth is, you’re not.

Not enough to forget about the physicians not referring thing, anyway.

Now think about why a patient might choose a physician or medical doctor in the first place – or better yet, WHY they will accept a referral to any pt clinic that the doctors sends them…


It’s all to do with “trust”!

Something that because of their perceived status and authority in society, is difficult for anyone to match – pt’s included.

But there is a way to get round this…

And you’ll do it by catching their attention of a (usually unsuspecting) prospective patient by offering them something that is much easier and less hassle and comes with no effort, zero risk or finical outlay – than calling their network.

And you’ll do that by using marketing which offers something like a “free tips report”.

Something that promises to solve their problem – with very little effort required on their part.

That free tips report could be:

“How To End Back Pain Quickly And Easily In 9 Simple Steps”…

And would Giving people a reason to RESPOND to your advert by calling your clinic and gives you an opportunity to first get their contact details, and then begin to answer questions that your new prospective patient has about pt and back pain.

And the real GOLD in this strategy, is this:

Once you’ve got their contact details, you’ve also bought yourself some TIME.

TIME which you can use to build authority, trust and respect – as well as over come all these objections I just listed.

(Like what the physicians get automatically).

Now you can FOLLOW UP with that person and convince them that YOU (and pt) are the best solution to solve their problem long term.

Tell them all about how you help people just like them… off your testimonials…

..add them to your mailing list…

…explain why coming to see you is going to be better in the long run

– AND –

That you CAN take care of all the referral and insurance headaches for them, by having your assistant setting up appointments or getting forms faxed to and signed by doctors.

To sum up todays lesson:

Use “direct response marketing” to exchange valuable information for contact details and you get a change to explain what you really do and how you can really help – LONG before those people were even beginning to think about calling their network as their pain inevitably got worse.

In essence, you’re getting to all these people before physicians are even mentioned.

Make sense?

Let me know what questions you’ve got for me about this.

I love to hear from you and I read all replies personally.

(Just give me a day or so to respond as I’m busy with my own patients too – really busy with new patients at the minute ;-).

Go ahead, hit reply.


P.S Look out for the next email in this series devoted to showing you how to put an end to worrying about doctor referrals at your clinic.

HIT REPLY and let me know what questions you want answering.


Note to reader: to receive regular marketing ideas emails like this, join Pauls email list by optioning in at the top or bottom of this webpage.

Marketing Tips For Physical Therapists Frustrated By A Lack Of Physician Referrals (And POTS)

If you’re anything like most of the other PT’s who I help, one of the challenges, (maybe even *threats* to your business), is from physicians and doctors.

(Either setting up against you, or just not referring regularly enough).

And I understand, how, if you’re a small town or independent physical therapy clinic just trying to make a living and hoping for a few referrals to boost your profits – it can be frustrating when they don’t come in – despite your best “marketing to physician” efforts.

And if you’re battling away against a physician owned therapy service positioned across the street, then that frustration must be even worse as you watch their car park fill up each day with patients (and not yours).

So, what are *we* going to do about it?

Well, I have a few solutions.

(Proven ones that work, too).

Want to know more?


Well, the first thing you’ve got to do is stop focusing all your efforts and energy on “marketing to physicians”.

Who wants to rely solely upon referrals for all the referrals, anyway?

What if the one that you’ve got a nice relationship with, the one who sends say, 60% of your clinics referrals, decides to take an extended vacation?

Or, retire early?

Worse yet, set up his own clinic against you because he realises how much cash is to be made from owning a pt clinic he and his friends can refer to?

(His reimbursements are dropping too, remember).

So lets focus on a different style of marketing.

“Marketing solutions”…

Preferably to patients you love to work with – hassle free, high paying, always show up, follow through on care plans etc etc.

Now, did you notice how I NEVER said “market your services”.

Despite what the “APTA” and the “guru’s” out there are telling you, doing that is a waste of your time.


Simply because patients don’t really care about “your services” and as much as the APTA want to “raise awareness” of how great a profession physical therapy IS, people don’t have the time to listen.

So what to do?


You’re going to need to know how to get the attention of prospective patients LONG BEFORE they decide to call there network (and end up in the care of a medical doctor).

And how to do it?

It starts with marketing solutions in the form of “bait”.

Offering something that somebody wants.

Something that makes their life EASY and hassle free – and less painful or more active, of course.

This bait has got to be something that can help someone solve a problem or pain in their life.

And your marketing has to at least let them know that there is a solution out there that doesn’t involve anything too strenuous or difficult – like calling their network or arranging to go and see a doctor – and tell them exactly how and where to get that solution (i.e. by calling your clinic).

This type of marketing is known as “Direct Response”…

And is way more effective than running adverts that “raise awareness”, “get your brand out there”, or wasting time “marketing to physicians” (who don’t have the time to read what you send them any way).

Interested to know more about how you can use direct response marketing to beat the POTS and generate your own continuous supply of new patients?

If so…

Watch for my name appearing in your inbox over the next few days when the marketing lessons will begin.

In the mean time, Hit Reply with your questions for me.

I’m interested to know what marketing you’ve tried so far…

Did it work successfully?

Was it an expensive flop?

What’s the single biggest thing that frustrates you about marketing that you’d love to know the answer too?

Go ahead, HIT REPLY…

I read all your replies and love to hear from you.

Talk soon.


P.S If you want me to help you solve your problems personally…

…Let by know by REPLY to this email and we’ll arrange to get on the phone or Skype and work through your challenges together.

Be quick though…

For obvious time reasons I can only offer one free 45 minute strategy call per week.

If you want to get it, let me know by reply in time.

How To Write A Marketing Piece That Can’t Fail To Get Your PT Clinic Phone Ringing “Off The Hook”…

Pull up a chair….

And let me give you a REAL marketing lesson…

…So I’ve told you all about the three different components of the *Marketing Triangle* that you need to know about to sharpen up your marketing tools and get more patients…

(Market – Message – Media).

And a couple times I mentioned something called “Direct Response” marketing.


I’ve had a flood of email replies asking to know more about what “direct response” advertising really is.

So, how about we take a look at an actual ad?

(One I ran recently myself.)

…I’ll walk through what makes it work so well and why people feel compelled to respond to it.

So take a look at this:

marketing ideas for physical therapists

(Use this link to down load it if you can’t see it in this email:

It’s the type of advert that you can use in any media, including but not limited too: Newspaper, yellow pages, radio, television (speak it!), direct mail, website, talks, even public relations.

Note that the ad is NOT about me.

Sure, it features me.

(Even has a picture of me).

But it doesn’t say much about me other than it positions me as an expert, coming along with proven solution to quickly easily end neck and shoulder pain.


Take a look at the headline.

It’s all about the prospective patient I want to attract to my clinic (because I know I can help).

It resonates with their frustrations.

And even their acknowledges their “anger” at being told by a medial doctor or other people to just accept neck pain, or take medication.

This ad even has some “reverse psychology” in play by encouraging the reader NOT to read on… because they’ll regret not knowing about what I’m offering years ago.

If you read down the ad…

You’ll see it’s more of a story.

It feels more like something written by an editor than an ad placed by a local physical therapist.

I do that on purpose as to let people decide to read it before the work out that it’s really an ad.

And as the COPY (the words in the main body of the ad) flows, it unravels a story about how so many people aged 45+ (my target “WHO”) are suffering needlessly because of being told the wrong things by drug companies, friends or family, even their doctor!

This creates an “us Vs them” type mentality.

And gets patients on MY side immediately – making the person reading the ad thinking that someone else is to blame for their problems – positioning me as their friend right away!

What also happens in the main copy is that it agrees with what the patient is thinking about his or her problem – that SOMETHING must be out there to help them – even if it is to just help them a little.

Pat attention to your patients and most will say something like:

“If I can just get a little bit of relief from this I think I could cope better”.

So all I do is write what patients tell me, in these ads.


The solution (my free tips report) doesn’t raise too much false hope, hype, or over the top expectations about being a new miracle cure – which actually puts people off from responding.

Given that we live in a very skeptical society, better to promise a little win, rather than a miracle cure and that’s what I’m doing in this Ad.

Note how I even give the reader a sneak preview of what’s inside the tips report…

I do that to confirm that the “tips” really are self help and simple, and that they’re the type that anyone can follow and benefit from.


Note how I ask for the Response.

The “hallmark” of a direct response ad is the call to action – to act NOW as a result of reading the ad and usually to get something before the offer ends. 

Now, in this ad I only give one way to respond.

(I was running a test…)

A week or so later I ran the same Ad again and I all I added was a website address to get the same report and a free recorded message for people to leave their details by calling a 800 toll free number.

Response increased by nearly a third…

And happened becauseI I added these “risk free” ways of the person getting in touch – no one to “sell them” on a pt session or anything like that!


Just by adding an option at the bottom (1 or 2)…

…I have the reader think about “which one”, rather than “should I call”…

…and the scarcity (the limit to the number of free copies of the guide) DRAMATICALLY increase response – and it happens faster – as a result too.

To sum up todays “lesson”:

The goal of this direct response ad was to stimulate a response from people aged 45+ who would have had ZERO intention of ever calling a physical therapist and paying for treatment had I not offered the “bait” of a free report.

Remember, I’m essentially exchanging my advice (inside a free DIY tips report) for their contact details…

…Because once I have their contact details: address, telephone number and email address – my assistant (and my automated follow up marketing system) can get to work at tackling the objections and showing the person who I now know has neck pain – PRECISELY what I do can help them achieve their goals.

All I have to do is keep showing up on the phone or in their inbox or in the post with some direct mail that says the right things to answer the questions these prospective patients have … and BOOM! I’ve got my self a new patient.

So there you go.

Direct Response Marketing and the Marketing Triangle explained in one go..

You got any questions for me?

Or do you want some help from me personally to help solve your biggest marketing challenges?

Hit Reply and let me know what you now need to make your clinic the go-to clinic in town.

Maybe it’s help with creating your own Marketing System?

Whatever it is, let me know.

I love to hear from you and I read all your replies.

Talk soon,


P.S If you have a marketing piece that you’d like me to critique and dissect for you, then send it over by reply 😉

Note to reader: you can receive regular marketing lessons like this by signing up to Pauls email list which you can do by opting in at the top or the bottom of this webpage – you’ll get some freebie marketing goodies too to help you 😉

Attention Physical Therapists : Why Marketing Your Services Doesn’t Work.

Over the last year, I’ve been hearing this term a lot:

“Market your service”.

I first heard it from a practice management “guru” I watched at a seminar in San Diego and I’ve continued to hear it ever more from companies advising PT’s on how to Market.

Sounds easy, doesn’t it.

Just, “market what you do”.

As in, run an advert in the paper, or send out a postcard to people in your town, buy some likes on Facebook (and now pay more to “boost your post”) and just make people more aware or YOU and what YOU do.

And if you do, they will call.

And hey, “yes”, I get the idea behind it and even the theory.

I just don’t don’t agree with it.

Simply because it doesn’t work.

(Even less so if you’re an independent or a small town clinic battling against the big hospitals or the POTS).



People don’t care about “you”.

Heck, most don’t even know that what you do – is what they need – so they won’t even call your clinic when the offer is a “freebie session”.

So, instead of the message in your Ad begin about you, why not switch it to say something about the problems you know how to solve?…

Say, or better yet, “offer”, like bait, something that can help someone (ideally your “WHO”), solve a problem or pain in their life and at least let them know there is a solution out there and tell them exactly how and where to get it – i.e. by calling your clinic.

We’re now talking about your “MESSAGE”.

(The third part of the Marketing Triangle).

Think of it this way:

To the person who is sat at home on his or her couch…

And starting to get frustrated with gradual and ever increasing intensity of their back pain, who really doesn’t want to have to go through the hassle of contacting their network and doesn’t even want to contemplate having to sift between all of the PT’s on display in the yellow pages, to choose between the self labelled “best in town”…

…is he or she more likely to be motivated to call YOUR clinic, if they see an advert with a message which offers a free “tips report” on the best ways to end back pain?

Or, one who offers a free telephone consultation with a PT before going any further and signing the forms – just to help them make the right decision?


So your MESSAGE – it has to be compelling enough to spark a response.

Preferably, one which is going to solve their particular problem, in the easiest and fastest possible way – that THEY See it.

(Which, at this stage, is NOT attending for 10 session of treatment).


When they are calling your clinic (to request the free “DIY tips report”), THEN you can begin a conversation which gets to the source of their pain point – i,e, the thing that concerns them most about back pain – such as loosing their ability to work, or play time with grandchildren.

And when you know that…

THEN you can begin to educate the person about how what you do, as in your PT skills, really is the best option to solve that specific problem.

(And you do that while on the phone and you’ve got all the time you need).

Most clinic owners get poor results from their advertising and marketing because they give no reason to respond (free sessions aren’t enough!), they offer no “bait” like a free report to self help, or they put out the wrong bait for the people they want to attract.

If you’re not giving people compelling reasons to respond in your messages, then your doing brand advertising – which is what the corporate hospitals love to waste money on – and I urge you not to copy.

Your marketing message should be “direct response” style.

It should have a deadline, a reason to respond TODAY and even include some scarcity too.

A free report is a good place to start.

But make it interesting.

Something that promises a benefit.

And the trick is to make this message magnetic – something which screams, “that’s for me”.

As soon as the person sees it….

…They get on to the phone to your clinic because it is so clearly written for them, is about them, and matches them for their pain, fears, goals, values and hopes for the future.

Make sense?

Hope so.

(Maybe I’ll come back to this in the next email with something to help you some more).

Look out for me in your inbox in a few days.

In the mean time, let me have your questions by reply.

I read all replies.

Talk soon,


P.S And if you want to talk with me personally on the phone or on Skype in a free strategy call to help you with this problem you’re having, then let me know in a REPLY to this email.

Marketing Ideas For Physical Therapists: Where To Look To Find All Your Best Patients (Part 3 of 5)

So now you know more about how to pick the “WHO”.

The next part of the Marketing Triangle is the “Media”.

Let me explain what this is:

It’s the where you choose to run your ads and the list is long – often so long that it can feel overwhelming and stop you in your tracks before you’ve even got going.

The Media includes but is not limited too:


* Facebook

* Google

* Newspapers

* Magazines

* Yell

* Coupons

* TV

* Radio

* Etc, Etc…


The question is, which is best?

And the answer.

There isn’t one.

It varies a lot by WHO, YOU, want to reach.

An example:

If you’re trying to reach a 65 year old gentlemen who loves to play golf and take cruises with his wife (because that’s WHO you have decided you want to work with), then is he likely to be looking on Google?


But maybe you’d have more chance of finding more gentlemen aged 65 with back pain, by running an ad in a golf magazine, appearing on a website for a cruise company or sending out a postcard to a list of highly targeted individuals who fit this description and offering them a free tips report titled:

“Golfers – how to swing without
back pain at 65”

And of course, one of the tips that is going to be included in that report is YOUR service.

And you’re also going to get the Gentlemen’s contact details when he calls to get his free report…

And here’s the real GOLD in today’s lesson…

…So that you can have a nice chat with him to find out precisely what his problems are, what he wants and needs for the future, and politely make him aware that physical therapy IS something that will help him get there faster.

And the process that I’ve just described there, that’s something called “direct response” advertising.

And my advice is that whatever Media you’re going to choose – it must allow for you to deliver a “direct response” message – or skip it.

(I’ll talk more about “direct response” in another email).

With that said…

Your goal as captain of your ship should be to use as many different MEDIA as possible to seek out your preferred “WHO”.

Most clinic owners become very lazy at this…

…choosing to be dependent on only physician referrals…

Or on only one, two or three means of getting new patients.

Leaving them very vulnerable to sudden disruptions in business – or never really feeling as though they can move from, say, seeing 30 patients per week, to seeing something like 100 (and employing others to do the work for them) – not to mention the threat from competition opening up in the same market place.


Have you got any questions for me?

If so, HIT REPLY to this email…

Or, apply to talk to me personally on a free strategy call and I’ll work with you to identify the best media for your clinic and how to get the best response from it.

Do that, here:

Yes! Let Me Talk To Paul And Have My Biggest Marketing Challenges Ended For Me >>>

I’m happy to help you figure this out faster…

And if you’re application for a FREE strategy call is successful, all I ask in return is you give me a testimonial for my website 😉

Sound fair?

If so, Hit Reply and let me know that you want a strategy call with me, or fill out this form to let me know more about your challenges:

Yes! Let Me Talk To Paul And Have My Biggest Marketing Challenges Ended For Me >>>

Hope this helps,


P.S The free stately call is limited to just one per week… and is offered on a first come first serve basis… and is only for my email subscribers.

(Note to blog post reader: join Paul’s email list by opting in at the top right of this webpage – there’s a free gift waiting for you there, too 😉

Do it in time, here:

Yes! Let Me Talk To Paul And Have My Biggest Marketing Challenges Ended For Me >>>

Marketing For Physical Therapists : A Lesson On How To Market To Find Your Own Patients

One of the most common reasons that a PT will ask for my help is, by their own admission, something that goes like this:


“I know I need to “market” to get more patients, I just don’t know how to do it as successfully as I would like”.


…Is that happening to you?

If it is…

Then over the course of the next few emails I’m going to help you out by giving you a few “tips” on how to better market to find more patients and make more cash.

(Opt in to Paul’s email list to receive all the lessons in this series – do that over on the top right of the page ^)

Ok, where to start…

“Ah yes…”

Well, the first thing I think I’m going to do is tell you that getting good at marketing is NOT easy.

No way.

And in a strange way, I hope that makes you feel a little better.


I sense that many PT’s get frustrated (and even stressed out!) at this whole “marketing their services” thing – even more so when they look around at their competitors who “appear” to be marketing better than they are.

But here’s the thing:

Most “marketing” efforts are ineffective and wasteful.

Done only because the business owner feels as though they HAVE to do something, just because the other PT’s around them are doing it.

And, as a general rule, there’s a “copy cat” mentality in play too.

One clinic looks across town at their competitors, see’s them advertising on TV, on the radio, appearing first in the paid for Google Ads, in newspapers or magazines, even buying up “likes” on Facebook – and feels forced to so the same.

Maybe even on a bigger scale, spending more, trying to gain the advantage.

But doing so with no real understanding of what to say (or write) in those AD’s to motivate people to respond.

And the number reason why the phone doesn’t ring as much as the business owner would like?…

Usually because they don’t know precisely “WHO” it is they’re trying to catch the attention of.

Truth is…

All successful marketing must start with a crystal clear idea of the type of person you want to see walk through your clinic doors.

In marketing terms, that’s known as identifying the “WHO” or the “Market” you’re going after.

And, is one of the three critical components that make up what I call a *Marketing Triangle* that is essential you know more about.

See, if you’re sending out postcards, trying your hand at Google Ad’s or even Facebook, you’ve got to know “WHO” it is you want to target FIRST – so that you can say the right words to motivate that specific person to take action i.e. call your clinic (and not your competitors across the street).

Want to know more about how to choose the right “WHO” and the “Marketing Triangle” that will help you solve your problem?

If so, be sure to open up the next email you get from me in a few days time where I’ll explain more on how to market to find your own patients successfully.

In the mean time…

If you have any questions for me about “marketing”, just REPLY TO THIS EMAIL and I will personally answer them for you.

Go ahead…

HIT REPLY to this email and let me know what concerns you most about marketing.

What have you tried so far?

How successful was it?

Are you frustrated by what your competitors appear to be doing successfully to market their services, and wondering why you can’t do the same?

Let me know by hitting Reply.

I read all replies and love to hear from you.

Talk soon.

Paul 😉

P.S Each week I give away just one free 45 minute strategy call to the PT’s on my email list… (note to reader: to subscribe to my email list, opt in for the free tips report at the top of the right hand side of the page).

And so if you want to finally get a grip on this “marketing” thing, and you feel as though someone like me could help you get there more quickly, then just fill out this form or Reply to this email and let me know that’s something you’re interested in.

HIT REPLY, or fill out the form to be with a chance:

Yes! I Want To Talk To Paul About Solving My Clinics Biggest Marketing Problems >>

Marketing Ideas For Physical Therapists: Why Offending Doctors And Drug Companies Is Often Profitable

Trying to figure out this marketing game is difficult enough…

But if you’re doing it with no real idea about who you want to attract as a result of running your ad’s or messages, then it’s the equivalent of playing a marketing version of “Blind Archery”.

Which, is a very dangerous (and costly) game.


Every *marketing system* I ever devise for a PT business owner has been based on a Marketing Triangle which has just three components.

And one of them is the “WHO”.

Yet sadly, most clinic owners cannot accurately and completely describe “WHO” they want to respond (from their ads), WHO their ideal patient is, even WHO their current patients are.

At best, I usually hear, “people with back or neck pain”.

But knowing that is not enough…

Let me explain with an example from my own clinic:

Personally, I discovered that my best clients – hassle free, high paying, less likely to “no show”, arrive on time, pay up front and follow through on every one of the visits I recommended in a care plan – are, FEMALE.

What’s more…

Are aged in their mid-50’s to mid 60’s.

Married with children (and now have grandchildren who they adore), are politically “conservative”, pay using American Express Cards (rather than VISA or Mastercard) and are MORE interested in things like maintaing self worth, independence and mobility and playing with those grandchildren in the park – than they are ending “back pain”.

I even got it down to which newspaper and magazines she likes to read, what TV shows and which radio station she is more likely to be listening too…


I spend so much time thinking about her and talking about her, I felt I had to give her a name – so I did, and it’s “Mary”!

And whenever I’m preparing a marketing piece to attract more “Mary’s” to my clinic…

I go so far as to look at a picture of a “best” patient of mine (called Mary) – one who accurately represents the type of person I love to work with and want to see more of.

Consequently, when I sit down to write these marketing pieces, say for a newspaper advert, I have a clear understanding of what to write that will motivate many more people like “Mary”, to respond to my message.

And that “Message” (another part of the triangle) has nothing to do with “me”, my services, how reputable I think I am, or how many years I’ve been in business.

I make NO attempt to be all-inclusive or to cast the net wide to catch as many fish as possible – like most of the guru’s will tell you to do…

Nor do I even give a minutes thought to who I might repel, even offend (usually doctors or drug companies!) when I do so either.

In fact, the more I mention those two in my ads in a negative way, the more calls I seem to get from Mary’s!

I know my prime target (the “WHO”) – and I design my “Messages” and choose my “Media” accordingly.

How about you?

What messages are you writing, where are you placing them and who are they going to?

Are you doing what most other PT’s do and making the mistake of “marketing your services”?

Or, are you writing cleverly worded messages that seek out your ideal patients by aligning your specialist services with the values of highly motivated patients…

…Ones who feel compelled to call YOUR clinic because you seem to “get them” better than anyone else?

If you’re NOT currently doing that…

Want some help to get started?

HIT REPLY to this email now and let me know what questions you have for me.

Or, if you want to talk on the phone or face to face on Skype, give me a signal in the same reply.

Be quick though…

For obvious reasons, like my own time, I can only give one free strategy call away per week.

If you think you need it, get it from me now by filling out this form:

Yes! I’d Like To Talk To Paul About Solving My Clinics Marketing Challenges >>>

Talk soon.


P.S Now you know about one of the components in the Marketing Triangle that is essential in your clinics success…

I’ve also mentioned the other TWO components in todays email… (Note to reader: join my email list by signing up on this webpage to get the other marketing lessons sent to you)

I’ll discuss them in much more detail, next time.

Be sure to watch for my name appear in your inbox 😉

Staff Training Ideas For PT’s: Protecting Profits And Sanity

Whether you’re a solo PT or in charge at a medium sized clinic, I know how hard it can be when some of the members of your team are not “up to par”!…

And you having staff that are ineffective or causing you trouble costs you serious money in two BIG ways:

1.) You LOSE vacation time because some of your staff can’t handle all of the responsibilities while you’re gone…

And –

2.) By dropping money from your clinic when clients aren’t given additional opportunities to spend money.

Either way, both are YOUR problem.
(But not your fault).

Let’s talk about the first:

You SACRIFICING time at home or being over worked in your own business.

Well, I know only too well how precious “time” can be.

…Since my little boy “Prince Harry” came along (no, not THE prince Harry), time is my most important asset and I’ve learned to rely upon my office staff more and more, so that I can get home earlier and earlier, to see him 😉

But, if you’ve got staff that are ineffective, or just giving you “grief”, then you’re the one who has to suffer.

The Secrets to Staff that Makes You MONEY….

I look at my expenses sheet each month and I always joke with my accountant that the staff wages should NOT be classed as an “expense”…


It’s because they each bring in 10 X the amount that I pay them.

So let me ask you this next question:

“How much are your office
staff really costing you?”

And which one is bothering you the most?

Is it the thought of all of the money you’re losing because they are NOT motivated to want to give MORE and BETTER service to your clients (who would come back more often if they did)?

Or, is it the amount of “stress” that you take home with you each night because you just can’t seem to get your office staff to care as much about your business as you do?
Which ever is worst, I can help you stop the *insanity* of both.

I know the best ways to permanently boost moral, improve staff attitude and have your PT office the kind of environment that will have your CLIENTS wishing that they worked for you….

I’m being serious too…

Nearly all of my office staff started out as paying clients and ASKED me for jobs!

How did I do it?

Well, I reveal my PROVEN methods for having “effective, profitable and hassle free staff”, on this new course for PT’s:


Whether it’s your profits or protecting your sanity that you’re more concerned by, this is too important for you too miss out on.

Making some more money is one thing…

…But you ENJOYING being at your workplace and being able to take a vacation anytime you please…

WITHOUT ever having to worry about what is happening “back at the ranch”, is, in my humble opinion, much more important.
Please get the training from me here, and in time==>

The price goes back up in a couple of days time.

Right now you can have for just $97 $67.

dvd box



PT Marketing Ideas: Why Newsletters Don’t Always Work

So everyone’s telling you to “market to physicians for more referrals”…

And it seems that everywhere you look for advice on how to do that…

Some company or other is “advising” you to send a monthly newsletter and promising you “85 more patients every month” if you let them do it for you.

But here’s the thing:

Usually, the only people who make money out of newsletters, (the type where someone else does them FOR YOU), are the guys who mass print them!

And worse…

“THEY” say that if you produce a newsletter every month and send it to a doctor or physician – then you’ll get some more referrals from him or her because they’ll have “a better awareness of what a PT does”.

But here’s something to consider:

1.) Since “Obama Care” it’s not just you who has to work longer to see more patients to make the same pay cheque as before (they’ve been hit hard too)!

…So, do they really have TIME to read ALL these newsletters they’re getting from PT’s?

2.) If everyone in your town is “marketing to them” with a “done for you” newsletter (which all look more or less the same), how are you ever going to get their attention and convince them you’re the best?

3.) If they’ve got a “special friendship” with a corporate hospital or worse still, a Doctor friend who owns a PT practice, which many have, your newsletter is going straight in the shredder!

4.) Unless it’s a newsletter about investment funds, making more money in their sleep, or retirement homes in Florida, most simply don’t care what you send them!

(Something to think about…)


I happen to think that “newsletters” to your best patients are great…

But only if done *right*…

…where the “content” and “offers” inside are matched perfectly to your patients needs (which only YOU can know best)…

…then “yes”, you can bring back a LOT of patients to your clinic each time you send it.

(But maybe NOT as high as they will promise).

Problem is this…

MOST newsletters I’ve been asked to critique (which are often “outsourced”), have dis-interesting, unimaginative and almost “HORRIFICALLY” boring content that is more of an irritant to patients then a pleasure to read.

(The only plus point is this: they’re nearly all as bad as each other).

So, just incase they duped you too…

I wanted to help make it more profitable for you then anyone else’s…

And that’s by showing you a “trick” that I use to get people to say GREAT things that ARE interesting to OTHER patients and importantly, that you can use as *ammunition* to persuade many more just like them, to want to do business with YOU;-).

And on this training, I show you THREE different ways to turn a profit from it:

Yes! Let Me Have All These 7 Money Making Tactics That My Competitors Don’t Know >>>

…Meaning you don’t have to have be doing a newsletter to make money off of it.

Best – this tactic is AUTOMATED.

…Meaning you can set it up (and forget it) and it will continue to work all day and night for you effortlessly producing more “FOR REAL” content for your newsletter in one week – than ANY of your competitors could ever get in a year.

On DVD 5… I reveal how to save time, money and even COMPEL people to want to do business with you, in ONE go.

I’d say your investment for this full course (just $197) will be worth it for this 1 video alone – never mind the other 4 DVD’s containing 6 more money-making tactics you’ll be getting at the same time too.

If you want them all, start here:

Yes! Let Me Have All These 7 Money Making Tactics That My Competitors Don’t Know >>>


P.S If you do like to keep in touch with the Doctors and show them proof of your skills and results in the hope of referrals…

…Then this tactic will make it easier for you to do that too 😉

Start here:

Yes! Let Me Have All These 7 Money Making Tactics That My Competitors Don’t Know >>>

Marketing Ideas For PT’s : How To Get 33% More Revenue In Your Physical Therapy Clinic.

I do a lot of travelling around the USA to attend Mastermind Groups I’m involved in and speak at seminars…

And on my travels, (because I’m British), I get asked these three questions all the time:

1.) Have I had “tea with the Queen”? (NO. But I have been to her house once or twice).

2.) Have I ever met Simon Cowell? (No. But I did brush past him once in Piccadilly Circus in London).

And, when I’m in a Seminar Hall in the USA, on “business”, I ALWAYS get asked this question by Physical Therapists:

3.) What’s an EASY way to grow my clinics revenue”?

In other words, what’s the quickest way to get more people into my clinic and make more money.

My answer…

“Start by understanding the THREE different types of PROSPECTIVE patients who visit our clinics”.

Which are these:

Prospective Patient 1 – he or she needs little or no information and is ready, able and willing to book an appointment right away.

Prospective Patient 2 – needs some convincing and will conduct SOME research into options but not exhaustive.

Prospective Patient 3 – can not get enough information, and will read and watch everything before making a decision – even if he’s been referred to a clinic by a Physician or Doctor (he or she wants to make up his own mind).


In my experience of running a clinic (and helping other PT’s to increase their profits too), most clinics are fairly “ok” at attracting patients 1 and 2.

All you have to be is fairly competent, have a steady reputation in your market place and you’ve got a chance of getting these fist 2 types (1 and 2) to give you their business.

– BUT –

Nearly all PT clinics are are failing at persuading patients from category 3 – the people who want some more information BEFORE they’ll go any further

So – if you want to increase the number of new patients and revenue at your clinic by 33%, you have to appeal to patients in category “3”.

And, if you’d like to experience the RUSH of charging HIGHER PRICES, or ASKING FOR CASH, then KNOWING HOW to appeal to ALL of these types of patients is critical.

The key word is “information”.

See, these people in category 3 can not get enough of it.

They want a TON of it and they’ll give their business to the PT who supplies it.

Thing is, how do you do it and what information do they REALLY want?

Well, I’ve spent a LOT of time testing how to appeal more to people in group 3 – and experienced HUGE growth in my business because of it.

And yet it really comes down to giving them just “two” pieces of information in order to move them closer to choosing YOU.

(And NOT your competitors)

And guess what?

I’ll teach you what each one is and how to profit from both of them on this new course:

YES Paul! Show Me How To Get 33% More Revenue In My Clinic >>>

Best, they are both AUTOMATED.

Which means you’re only going to have to do each one once (takes approx 15 mins to set up) and they’ll work over and over again for you to make it easier for 33% more people to choose you.

If that sounds like something that would help you achieve financial security, then you really would benefit from investing in this new training now.

Do it today and you’ll save $150 dollars.

Once you confirm your order, head straight to Video 5 and start getting 33% more people to choose you and your clinic.

pt marketing ideas

See you on the training,


P.S Now you know why many clinics are always “just surviving” or “just doing ok” and getting by…

But never really achieving SPECTACULAR results or profits that their “hands-on skills” are worthy of.

33% of people is a LOT of people to ignore…

Imagine what you could do with 33% more patients and 33% more profits this year.

The course is waiting for you here at a discounted rate of just $347 $197 which won’t last too much longer:

YES Paul! Show Me How To Get 33% More Revenue In My Clinic >>>

PT Marketing Ideas: “What A Frustrated PT Sounds Like After A Lack Of Progress When Trying To Reach Local Doctors And Physicians For Referrals”

Frustrated PT (and email subscriber of mine) “Brian” writes:


“Paul… I’m growing increasingly annoyed by the lack of progress I’m making with trying to reach out to surgeons and physicians.

And what frustrates me more is that everyone I talk to just seems to tell me to “market more” to them.

But I’ve tried everything – and non it seems to work that well for me.

Is it just me? Or am I doing something wrong?

I’ve sent testimonials through the post, asked patients to tell their Physician directly how pleased they are with my service and tried calling to set up meetings – but still nothing.

I spoke to one company who told me that I should produce a regular newsletter or a glossy brochure and send it all the Physicians in my area – but that seems costly, and I thought if they’re telling me to do the newsletter thing, then i guess they’re telling all the PT’s round here to do the same – so what good is it going to do?

So before I go any further, I’d like to know what you think?

Brian 48 – Lowell, Indiana.


Ok.. this is a common problem.

A natural consequence of having great hands on PT skills that you want to share with your local community – but not getting as many people through the doors as you need to run a successful practice.

And solved, it would appear, if you could only find a better way to reach Physicians to secure their referrals – agreed?

Well here’s what you should do:

“Turn the whole thing upside down”.

As in, change the way you see these “hard to reach Physicians” and hit them with something that they want just as much as you – and that’s more patients.

And it’s really easy to do.

You just got to get to these patients first.

BEFORE they even get to the point of being told by a Physician which PT they should go and see.

And Brian’s right…

What’s the point in sending a Physician testimonials of how good you?

Does he care?

Of course not!

Is he more likely to be “pandering” to the guys in suits higher up the ladder in the corporate hospital he has a special “friendship” with?

(…Who send him tones of referrals).


So no matter how hard you try – it’s an almost impossible “nut to crack”.

Made worse by marketing companies out there giving PT’s false hope and insisting that “newsletters” (which THEY print and PROFIT from), are going to make THE difference.

Possibly… but unlikely!


It’s simple – how many Physicians do you know with time to read a newsletter?

(Exactly!…you’re likely adding to their frustration by continually doing it.)

So, the only way to REALLY grab the attention of a local Physician is to send them something that they NEED just as much as you…

…And that’s a steady stream of patients so that their practice can make more money too.

And in return, you want some back!

(Or you send yours elsewhere).

The landscape is changing in the USA and NOW’s the time for YOU to be the one who decides where patients go next.

How do you get to that point?

Simple – improve your ability to quickly and easily acquire new patients early – BEFORE they even get close to picking up the phone to a Doctor in their Network.

And guess what?

Video 2 on this new training shows you PRECISELY how you can do that.

pt marketing ideas

Get it here before your competitors (and mine) find out about this new tactic:

7 Low Tech Ways to Get More Patients (including at least one way to get them to Choose You Before a Doctor >>> 

See you on the training 😉


P.S It’s fully Guaranteed too – it works for you and finds you more patients within 48 hours, or I give you your money back – in full – no questions asked.

Look here:

7 Low Tech Ways to Get More Patients (including at least one way to get them to Choose You Before a Doctor >>>

PT Marketing Strategies: Getting Money Back In the Bank Quickly After You Invest In Advertising Or Marketing Activities

Let’s chat about “getting money in the bank quickly”.

Because if you’re a “small town” clinic owner (like me), you’ll know the speed at which cash flows TO YOU, is one of the biggest challenges you face.

And I wanted to bring it up with an example.

Because what a lot of PT Marketing Companies out there fail to take into account with their “advice”, is that Marketing (your services) is not just about generating an increase in revenue for your clinic – it’s also about getting it *quickly*!

Here’s a true story:

A couple weeks back I got to chatting with a PT who told me:

“As a result of all the awareness we’ve raised about Direct Access
we’re now FINALLY cashing in it”.

(Good for him 😉

But here’s the thing…

This guy has had the Direct Access in his State since 2004.

And, I presume, that all this “awareness raising” (of direct access) has cost him a LOT of money to pull off.

And now, over 10 years later, he’s finally making a few dollars on the back of it!

Worse, he even thinks that it’s a “success story”!

I don’t know about you…

But I haven’t got 10 years to wait before I see the results of my labour!

I want paying by 5pm (at the latest) for work I’ve done that same day!

And, as for advertising and telling everyone in his town about the wonders of Direct Access, I couldn’t help but wonder, what impact has he also had on increasing his COMPETITORS revenue?

(An even bigger increase than his I bet – as THEY haven’t had to spend any time or money on doing it).

Now, I’m not suggesting that Direct Access isn’t to be taken advantage of…

It absolutely is!

Just do it in a way that is going to benefit YOU and YOUR patients, and not your competitors – and puts money in your account within days (and not years).

And the way to do that is to advertise “solutions to problems”.

(In the form of “free tips reports” etc etc).

And then, when a prospective new patients show an interest in that SOLUTION (i.e the Free Report), and they’re on the end of your telephone, during a private conversation with your office staff, THEN’S your chance to inform them of how easy it is to now get access to a PT.

Doing it any other way is going to take too long.

And let’s face it…

Patients couldn’t really care less about the new changes in the law until the PRECISE moment in time that they need your PT service to end their pain.

So, back to getting cash in the bank quickly!

Take a look at this:

7 Low Tech Ways To Get More Cash & Patients And 10X Your Money Back in 48 Hours >>>

It’s designed to get 5X, 10X maybe even 50X the money you’re going to invest (to access it), back into your bank account within 48 hours.

And if you’re too busy to do them all at once.

Just do no.1.

(Sit back and watch the phone ring as a result).

Then do no.2.

(Watch it ring some more).

And so on and so on…

Until you’ve applied them all to your business.

Tip: Please get these PROFIT BOOSTERS from me quickly…

I’m worried that my OWN competitors find out I’ve released them to the public…

Because if they do, I’ll have no choice but to pull this course down as I really don’t want them watching Video 2 and learning how to easily bring in 12-15 new patients every week 😉

Get it here now for $347 just $197:

7 Low Tech Ways To Get More Cash & Patients And 10X Your Money Back in 48 Hours >>>


P.S You’ve got 30 days to try it and if you don’t like any of them, or they just don’t work for you or bring new patients into your clinic quickly, then email me and ask for your investment back.

And I’ll give it you with no questions asked. Means it’s risk free to see if you make money from it:

7 Low Tech Ways To Get More Cash & Patients And 10X Your Money Back in 48 Hours >>>

Marketing Strategies: How To Make Even The “Worst” PT Website Deliver More Patients – And Your Clinic More Profitable

I know many PT’s feel this same way…

They’ve been sold a “fancy website” by a Marketing company or an expensive Web designer, paid a lot of money for it, and promised that they’ll get more new patients because of having it.

Some are even told a BIGGER lie.

Something that goes like this:

“The more you spend on your website & the nicer we make it look, the more money you’ll make”.

…In reality, that’s total “BS”!

When it comes to websites, UGLY often works best!

And besides…

It’s not just about what the website looks like, or even the information on there, which makes the biggest difference to RESPONSE.

(People actually contacting your clinic…).

No – it’s actually a LOT simpler than that to make money from owning a website.

And, assuming you know how, there’s a simple little addition you can make to your website that will turn even the WORST performing or UGLY looking website into to a 24-7 regular cash machine for your clinic.

And guess what?

I show you exactly what it is, how to make it work on ANY website – even the “worst” websites – and exactly where to get it from on this new course:

7 Low Tech Ways To Get More Cash & Patients In Your Pt Facility >>>>

So, if you’re dissatisfied or unhappy with you’re website right now…

Or, you just think that you should be getting a lot more new patients from it to justify the investment you made in it…

Join me on the training and let me show you how to get a guaranteed “5 or 6” new patients to your clinic EVERY WEEK by adding one simple thing to your website – that takes less than twenty minutes to do.

It’s going to have such a PROFOUND and LASTING impact on your profits
that I decided to put it right at the very beginning of this course.

A tactic so POWERFUL that I even recommend you SKIP the introduction on the course and just go straight to Video 1 – because 20 minutes after watching it, you’ll be seeing more patients contact your clinic.

Best, the NEW patients you’ll attract using this tactic will likely tell you that they would NEVER have booked, had you not given them this option to make contact with you.

7 Low Tech Ways To Get More Cash & Patients In Your Pt Facility >>>>

Imagine how many patients are on your website right now who AREN’T getting in touch – who WOULD do if only you’d make this one simple change – and then imagine how much money that would be worth to you!

So, if one of your problems is Not 100% sure how Market to find your own patients, and you REALLY want to achieve Real wealth ($1m), then this one tactic alone is something that is going to help you achieve it.

Right now, there’s a $150 saving on the course.

And it’s worth a TON more than the $197 I can let you have access to it for right now…

I’m giving you this great deal because I want to make it as easy as possible for you to achieve your business goals.

It’s waiting for you here:

7 Low Tech Ways To Get More Cash & Patients In Your Pt Facility >>>>

Paul 😉

P.S It’s fully Guaranteed too…

So confident am I that I’m going to be able to help you get more new patients by you using this tactic and using it like I show you that if it doesn’t RAPIDLY BOOST your clinic profits, then I’ll personally refund your payment in full with no questions asked…

I’ll go one better than that, if any of these tactics don’t give you the benefit that I promise, then I’ll personally get on the phone with you and I’ll work to solve your biggest problems for FREE!

Sound good?

Get it here now before the price of getting new patients into your clinic goes back up to:

7 Low Tech Ways To Get More Cash & Patients In Your Pt Facility >>>>