Author Archives: Paul Gough

About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.

Viva Las Vegas! (…And Then Onto Phoenix)

So I’m sat in the departure lounge of San Diego Airport…

…hoping that my short 47 minute flight with “Spirit” will actually take off on time – and that I don’t get yet ANOTHER email from them in a few hours to say “we are sorry for the delay” and offer me a $50 credit off my next flight with them!

(Has happened a few times to me already lol 😉


It’s day 18/48 of the Tour– and I’m flying in to give a talk later today on “Lead Generation” at the Jeff Moore/Jerry Durham Patient Experience Event happening this weekend…

I have “4” hours to talk on this subject…

…and interestingly enough, I’m only planning on talking on it for about 60 minutes.


Because before I can teach the HOW – it’s important to teach the WHY.

As in, WHY is Lead Generation Marketing so important to PTs NOW??

And that’s a fundamental aspect of ANYTHING that involves asking people do things – that is important to know and understand.

For example:

Before you tell me about your amazing treatment plan – tell me why I need it (… don’t take for granted that just because I am in your treatment room I know why I need you..)

Before you put out “5 Exercises for Achilles Pain” on Youtube – tell me why I need to do them in the first place…

Before you teach your staff a new way to answer the phone – tell them why the old one wont work any more…

And so on and so on.

Failing to TEACH THE WHY is a big reason so many people don’t get done – what they try to get done.

The reason oh so many people do not teach the why?..

1. A lack of understanding of how people actually make decisions


2. A ‘perceived’ lack of time in how “busy” our lives are that we feel that we have to spend more time focusing on the HOW.

Could this be one of the reasons why so many business owners keep running in circles – never quite getting the outcome that the HOW they are teaching promises?…


Ok, so I gotta’ dash – looks like we are out on time.

If you are around the Las Vegas area later tonight – let me know and we’ll meet up at 7pm – venue to be confirmed (check out my Facebook)…

…and if you are in the Phoenix Area – the Meet Up is happening on Sunday 5th, 5pm, Downtown Sheraton Hotel.


Paul Gough

P.S. Seats for my next 3-Day Marketing Workshop are filling up already

(How your 3-Day Learning Experience with me will look…)

Click here if you’d like yo find out when the next workshop is coming to a city near you:

3-Day Marketing Workshop – More Patients More Profits >

If you want to come and get given a completely new Marketing Plan – and learn how to write marketing campaigns to connect with your perfect patient, then this event will show you how.

It’s limited to 10 seats per event.

I’ll be revealing everything I know about creating a 12-Month Marketing Plan to attract cash paying clients to your clinic…

If you know you need to Market to people in your community – and you so far have not been able to make a success of it – but you want to – then this is perfect for you.

You’ll get to sit in a Mastermind style room with me and 9 other business owners and I’ll personally help you to create a winning Marketing Message and Plan for your clinic.

It’ll be a lot quicker, cheaper and less hassle to learn it from me inside 3-Days – than spend years trying to figure it out on your own!

It’s by Application only – more details here:

3-Day Marketing Workshop – More Patients More Profits, Alexandria >


Click here to find out more about the “More Patients, More Profits 2017” 3 Day Marketing Workshop – and when I’ll be in a city near you!…

Click here to watch The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Show EP:021 Helping Patients Overcome The Resistance To Booking PT >

Click here to listen to Audio Experience EP:02: Creating A Marketing Plan For The Crossfit Open >

And when you listen to the podcast and show, be sure to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and the show on Youtube, to be notified of the latest episodes.


For more PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

San Diego PTs come out to play (PLUS, Marketing 4 the CrossFit Open)


So what a great weekend we had here in “San Diego”…

I held another “Meet Up” – this time on the gorgeous Island of “Coronado” – and San Diego PTs did.not disappoint…

We had a table full of the best PTs (…and one very welcome Chiropractor) at the Hotel Del Coronado – some had travelled for miles to join us – and many made the most of the famous “champagne cocktails” on offer at sunset…

Here’s a photo that sums up the evening:

(Starring: Oscar Andalon and Chris Ingstad from the Carlsbad Area, Sean Kuhn from OB, Graig Gubello of Mission Hills, Ben Ramos of Solana Beach and Michael Caisse of Del Mar …PLUS, my two boys Harry and Tobias loving getting all of the attention from the girls… 😉

Now, what I love about doing these “meet ups” is that I get chance to sit face-to-face with you – my community – and the conversation is always so much more REAL when that happens…

And as I reflect on these evenings the next day, I always look for a stand-out conversation that I can share with you…

And on this occasion, I think it was the one, RE:

“Marketing for The CrossFit Open”…

…which was kick-started by my latest Podcast in which I shared with you a snippet from my recent 3-Day Marketing Workshop in San Antonio

Click here to listen to it!

In it, I spoke about the big-mistake that so many make when it comes to trying to Market to this community at this time of the year…

What mistake??

“To shoot from the hip”… as they say!

Meaning, that in response to an impending event – such as the CrossFit Open – a PT realizes that he/she should be “doing something” – anything – to Market to this audience to try to get some business!

The result?:

Often, very little.

And nothing happens simply because there is NO PLAN.

Just a somewhat “bodged” attempt to put out some content in the week before and hope that it catches the eye of enough athletes interested.

And sure, it might.

But it’s not going to catch the eye of ENOUGH to justify the activity…

Better to PLAN it, 3 months in advance…

…and create your content and ads according to the “place” and “state” that the CrossFit Athlete is in, during the run up to the event – and then after.

For example:

* In January: the content/ads should reflect that the Athlete is in “serious training” mode and you may wish to provide advice that assists this or their speedy recovery.

* In February: your content should reflect the fact that because so many Athletes have likely overworked your content offers “last-minute” injury recovery tips…

* And in March: your content reflects the fact that so many will be injured, feeling over-worked or completely burned out – and you offer advice to help them over come that.

If you executed on that type of PLAN – one that builds upon its self month on month – do you think you would be more successful than all of the other PTs who will be “shooting from the hip”, this week??

(Of course you would).

The same goes for ALL your Business and Marketing decisions.

When you have a PLAN – you win.

When you “shoot from the hip”, you miss.

It’s that simple.

And there’s more on this topic on this new feature of the Podcast:

Audio Experience 02: Creating A Marketing Plan For The CrossFit Open.

Click to listen to it – then subscribe on Soundcloud or ITunes to keep ahead of the pack.


Paul Gough.

P.S The Audio Experience you are about to listen to features just 20 minutes of an entire 3-Day Event dedicated to showing you how to create a 12 Month Marketing Plan and refine a Marketing Message to connect with your ideal patient.

Click here to find out when the next 3-Day Marketing Workshop: “More Patients, More Profits” will be in a town and city near you

If you want to come learn from me for 3 entire days – so that you can put an end to “shooting from the hip” with your Marketing and continually wasting time, money and energy – please complete the Application form on the next page:

3-Day Marketing Workshop: “More Patients, More Profits 2017”


Click here to find out more about the “More Patients, More Profits 2017” 3 Day Marketing Workshop – and when I’ll be in a city near you!…

Click here to watch The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Show EP:021 Helping Patients Overcome The Resistance To Booking PT >

Click here to listen to Audio Experience EP:02: Creating A Marketing Plan For The Crossfit Open >

And when you listen to the podcast and show, be sure to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and the show on Youtube, to be notified of the latest episodes.


For more PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>


How to Raise Prices at Your Physiotherapy Clinic – Without Losing All Your Patients

This article is written by Physio Paul Gough – founder of the Paul Gough Physio Rooms, a successful 4-clinic Private Physio Practice in the North East of England. Paul is a former professional football physio, a published author, host of a top rated Business Podcast on iTunes, winner of the “Small Business Icon” award – and he now helps Physiotherapy Business Owners in America and across the world to grow their clinics profits using internet and direct marketing strategies.

If you are a UK or Ireland based Private Physiotherapy Clinic Owner – chances are that you’re not making the profits you deserve.


Simply because so many private physio’s are charging way LESS than they should be…

And it’s hard to make a profit if you’re only charging £35-£40 per visit.

Every successful Physiotherapy Clinic has one thing in common – they are able to command DRASTICALLY higher prices than their competition.

They are not only able to charge higher prices than most – they’re able to do it without the fear of loosing any patients.

At my own clinic – the Paul Gough Physio Rooms – we are charging “£65” for a 30 minute visit – and “£99” for a 60 minute visit.

And that’s in a small, economically challenged town in the North East of England – “Hartlepool”.

For context – most of the private physio clinic owners in my area are charing “£40” (at best)…

So how can we charge 50%-120% more than them for providing the “same” service – and without fear of losing all our patients?

Well, here’s how:

The REAL problem that most physio clinic owners have is that there is an abundance of choice when it comes to a patient choosing a private physio (not to mention the free NHS option)…

If I search in your small town for a physio on Google – I won’t have to scroll to far to find a few numbers of who I could call.

And that’s what a lot of patients are doing….

Now lets say that the person looking, decided to call each one of those physio’s and asks the question:

“How much is a each session?”.

Now what happens next is what is vital for you to understand…

Given that every physio in that town is all looking at what each other is charging, they’re all going to be round about the same.

Lets say for argument’s sake your competition is charging £35.

You might go “brave” and charge £40 per session just because you believe that you provide a superior service.


But the problem with that is, you are still within sight of the clinic round the corner in terms of the perceived value that you offer.

And PERCEIVED VALUE is ALL that matters in the beginning.

Lets face it, is anyone really going to miss that extra £5?..

Especially when it comes to their health?..

Of course not.

But because “£35” and “£40” occupy the same space in the brain when it comes to the decision to buy something – the person thinking about buying comes to the conclusions that because the price is “similar” – almost exactly the same – there’s not going to be that much difference in the quality of provider.

How can it be? Their fees are so similar…

And in the absence of any other reason to buy, people will always come down on the side of the cheaper provider (for everything).

The key word there are: “In the absence of any other reason” – which most businesses never provide to a consumer thinking of making a purchase.

Now lets look at what happens when someone calls my clinic:

If they ring my competition, they are comparing a provider who says their skills are worth “£35” – with someone (me) who says their skills are worth “£99”.

If you are the patient, your first instinct is to think “what the hell are these guys going to do differently if they are charging £99?”.

We are so far above the competition – that we are in a league of our own.

They are not making a decision on price anymore.

They are now making a decision that is about RISK…

DO you RISK the “cheaper” health care provider.

Or go with the more expensive one?

Very few people can not sit comfortably with choosing the REALLY cheap option.

And if they do – you don’t want them in your clinic.

We create such a gap between us an our competition that we attract people to us who WANT to pay that higher fee because they’re buying into the certainty that comes with choosing a company that feels confident enough to command a much higher fee.

Sure, you’ll lose one or two patients – but in our experience, they are not the type of clients that we would want to work with any ways…

…and most people who do object to our prices – when you ask them, they would never have paid £30 – never mind £40 or £45.

So you really have got nothing to loose.

At best, you’ll see less patients – and make more profit.

Isn’t that the reason you are in business in the first place??

I put it to you that this type of Price Strategy is happening to YOU everywhere you shop – and in every decision that you make as a consumer…

…why not make it happen for you as a business owner??

If you believe that your service is more superior than your competition – and that the value you add to your patients life goes way beyond the “average” £35 per session that most physios accept, then why not do something about it, starting today?

All that stands in the way is a little “mind-set” shift on how you see what you – and what you stand for.

To help you, here are 5 simple strategies that make raising your fees much easier:


1. Give people an option and let them decide what they want to pay – have a higher priced session and a lower priced session (less time) that lets them go lower and start there if they want to.

2. Offer Packages – people like to buy packages and it’s much less “painful” to pay once, upfront, than it is to keep paying at the end of every session

3. Communicate what makes you different – this is called your “USP” (Unique Serving Proposition). It’s how you describe to people why and how you are different to all of the other options that they have got (including the NHS where it’s free)

4. Spend more time talking to the patient on the phone – The more time you talking about THEM and their problems on the first phone call (we aim for 20 min first calls), the more that you are able to custom tailor a solution that is perfect for them – one that they will be happy to pay more for.

5. Create “Deal Flow” – this is where you have so many people wanting to hire you that you can pretty much charge what you want because people need you more than you need them. Most physio businesses never ever experience this situation in their lives because they do not invest in their Marketing – at all.

Instead, they rely upon “word of mouth” referrals or those coming from third party like Medical Agencies or Insurance companies and are there never in a position of authority to set the fees they want.


So there you have it…

Start with understanding how people do actually make their purchase decisions – not how you “think” or “feel”…

People do not make decisions to always buy the “cheapest” – if they did, they would all be driving rusty second hand cars, wearing the cheapest clothes, eating in the worst restaurants and no-one would ever be going to anywhere nice for their holiday.

How people make purchase decisions is very simple and very predictable and the more that you invest the time to learn about these types of things – the more successful your physiotherapy clinic will be.

That’s it for now, if you want more information like this from me, be sure to go here to listen to the Podcast that I created on this topic:

And, join my email list to get notified of when my podcasts, blogs and video training get released.

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

Tour Update: Las Cruces > San Diego (+ Alexandria, VA, in May)

So the Tour is now at Day 11/48…

I’m sleeping in my 4th time time zone – and settled in my “second home” of La Jolla, CA, enjoying catching up with my family who arrived 3 days ago…

I have a “6” month old – and a “3” year old with me now – both adjusting nicely to life “8” hours behind that which they are used to…

(The nights are fun in our Apartment right now! 😉

The easy to find swing parks, beaches, fresh air – and soft and slow paced way of living here in Southern California make it very easy to settle my family into a place that feels more and more like home, every time we land back.

So what else have I been up to on Tour so far?:

Well, on Tuesday I got to speak in front of another group of amazing PT Owners in Las Cruces, NM…

(Turn on images to see your picture)

I spoke for almost “3” hours…

And amongst other things, I reminded the audience that as you consider creating this often “elusive” thing called a Marketing Plan…

…it’s vital to factor in that not all patients are created equal. 

For example:

It’s easy to set out a plan that says we need “10” new patients this week…

And that’s fine.

But out of those “10” new patients, what’s important to factor in is where they are coming from…

Or, “how they show up”…

Because “10” new patients acquired via Direct to the Public Marketing – Facebook, Google, Newspaper etc, – probably requires that you need “30” or so inquires as not everyone who responds, will actually book.

And if you wanted to find those “10” patients from referrals from your past patients, then maybe you need about “20” inquires…

The % of inquires to converted patient from past patients is higher than from direct Marketing, but it’s never going to be 100%.

And if you’re still knocking on the doctors doors, then maybe you need about 15 referrals sent your way to hit you goal…

Now, what I’ve just described to you is what a lot of people are not factoring in to their Marketing Plan…

That there is a very different level of TRUST/SKEPTICISM that a patient brings to your office – based upon the HOW they arrived at your office in the first place – must be considered.

Most Business Owners think that their patients simply arrive in an Uber, a Taxi or in a Motor Vehicle.

That’s a naive (at best) way to look at it…

Amongst other things, they show up “ready to book”, “thinking that they might book”, and even “looking for any excuse to NOT book”…

People are predictable – AND irrational…

And it helps if you can know which one they are when they are calling your office…

…for if you do?

The ability to budget and forecast a Marketing Plan that actually hits target month on month – is much easier to come by.

And guess what??

I’ll be creating 12 more Bespoke Marketing Plans – over three content packed days – for 12 amazing PT Business Owners at the next “More Patients, More Profits” 3-Day Marketing Workshop that is happening in Alexandria, VA, on May 20-22

We packed out the last one in San Antonio – so how could I not do it again?…

Want a seat at the table to learn from me for 3 full days??

If so, go here next for details:

Tour Update: London > Austin > San Antonio > New Mexico

As I write this note to you, I am sat in a McCafe, just off the “10”, enjoying a Latte, waiting patiently to speak at an Event in Las Cruces, New Mexico…

I’ve stepped out from the Event Hotel to break away and reflect on the last 7 days since I left the UK.

I have travelled from London, to Austin, to San Antonio and Las Cruces – and along the way, I have met some incredible PTs who continue to thrive in the awesome community that we are all creating for each other.


On the weekend before I left the UK I took to the stage at a huge healthcare seminar in London – sharing my new Keynote to a room choc-full of Physical Therapists AND Chiropractors.

(It’ll be on the Podcast in full, in the next week or two when producer Dan gets it ready…)

I got to meet up with some Amazing PTs in the Austin area…

And, I travelled in Dr. Jarod Carters car and talked business all the way to San Antonio and CSM to hang out with over 14,000 PTs on the River Walk.

Even more:

We completed the “More Patients More Profits 2017” 3-Day Marketing Workshop where I had a “Boardroom” style room full of 15 of the best PTs in America, Canada and the UK.

It was Epic.

Here’s a picture of how it played out:

Jarod and Jerry Durham showed up too – and my students learned a lot.

As did I…

Mainly, what I took from it is that there are a lot of *confused minds* out there over what Marketing actually is – and how it really works.

For example:

So many PTs are failing to recognize that when you Directly Market to a consumer, the person that you are talking to is in a completely different decision making place than someone referred to you via a doctor…

I believe this is just one of the reasons why so many PTs are trying faithfully – but failing to make Direct Marketing (and Direct Access) actually work for them.

If you are “dabbling” in the Direct Marketing process – you know, running a few ads here and there, putting up a one off Facebook Ad, shooting from the hip and taking a random-guess that your Message connects – then it’s non the wonder than the ROI that you want, isn’t there.

I’ve just spent an entire 3-Days (we ran over most days) teaching the strategic, step-by-step process that goes into creating ANY ad – and a detailed 12 Month Marketing Plan – so that they can use that formula on ANY media and expect to be successful.

It’s not about obsessing over Facebook or your Website – it’s about obsessing over your CLIENT.


I spoke at length about the absolute need to create “bridges” – or “trust builders” – that move people form a place of complete skepticism and the uncertainty that comes with investing in anything over $100…

….to a place where they’re comfortable in that decision and happy to go ahead with it.

All of this – and so much more – is a pre-requisite to understand and know how to apply IF you’re wanting to make your Direct Marketing a success…

And guess what??

Due to the stunning success of this Event – I’ve decided to add another to my busy schedule.

I haven’t 100% confirmed the exact location or date in May…

…BUT, all I will say is I’m very keen on taking my next US Tour up to the Viginia/Metro D.C Area in May…

I’ve heard that the Alexandria (VA) area is beautiful in May…?

Maybe the next 3-Day Marketing Workshop COULD be heading there….


Paul Gough


Click here to find out more about the “More Patients, More Profits 2017” 3 Day Marketing Workshop – and when I’ll be in a city near you!…

Click here to watch The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Show EP:021 Helping Patients Overcome The Resistance To Booking PT >

Click here to listen to Audio Experience EP:01: Finding The Real Reason Why Patients Come To See You > 

And when you listen to the podcast and show, be sure to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and the show on Youtube, to be notified of the latest episodes.


For more PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

Successful PT Clinic Owners – Stuck In “No-Mans Land”

“Hello from the other side”

It’s day 2/48 of my latest USA Tour.

It’s 4.38am CST (gotta’ love jet lag!) – and I’m writing to you from my hotel room, just 6 blocks away from Austin’s “The Capital” building, on Congress Street.

So far I’m “2 for 2” on old-pit style Texan BBQ food for dinner – and I’ve already had the pleasure of spending time with some of the best PTs in America…

Pull up a chair – and let me tell you more:

Yesterday I took a trip out to a town called “Lakeway” – the home of top PT “Paul Hendricks” who is the founder of “Body Balance PT” a clinic that is set up to help athletes and golfers.

Paul already runs an incredibly successful clinic and he invited me into take a look around and talk strategy for his businesses growth.

Pauls story was interesting – and very familiar to me:

See, he’s been growing his business for the last “12” years by “word of mouth” referrals…

And by his own admission, he’s done “ZERO” external Marketing.

I sensed a little hesitation in his voice as he said it – as if he KNEW, that he could and should of been doing more…

Now one of the things I always point out is that although “word of mouth” is obviously good for business…

…the problem is that it can be slow – and very unpredictable.

And this is, by the way, chief culprit and reason no.1 why most clinics do take 10,15, 20 years to get to the point where the business owner – you – can start to step back.

But my question to that business owner – and to Paul – is always this:

“Why wait 20 years?”


“Who told you it has
to be that way?”

(Because it doesn’t – not in 2017).

And as I walked around Paul’s gorgeous clinic it was clear that he really is the REAL DEAL when it comes to his ability to help golfers both stay fit – and get fit!

So I asked him…

“How far do people travel
to come to see you?”

“From all across Texas”, he replied.

So it’s safe to assume that he’s pretty good at what he does (PT) – and people are talking about him…

My follow up question:

“What about all the 100,000’s of
golfers who don’t know you exist…?”

And my next question:

“What are you putting out on Social Media to connect with these golfers to show that you’re the expert – and how are you using Facebook to find more top golfers in the state?”

There was silence…

And then came the realization for “Paul” at just how much possibility lay ahead for his clinic’s growth in the next 12-18 months…

If he’s got this far without any Marketing, how far and how fast can he grow with the right Marketing Plan??

All that it takes to speed up clinic growth is the execution of the right Marketing Pan.

Without a Plan, it’s easy to get “stuck”.

And as I step-in-side and go eye-ball to eye-ball with PT clinic owners on this 48 day Tour, I suspect I am going to hear the same story daily…

A clinic doing “ok” – that has taken 10,15, 20 years to get going – and an Owner currently working too hard who now wants to step back to enjoy the fruits of his labor.

The big QUESTION is, then:

“How do you get across
“no-mans land”?

From that point where you have just enough referrals coming in to keep you busy…

…but not quite enough yet to feel comfortable in hiring another staff PT or front desk to do everything for you.

Is that you??…

Because the reality for most Business Owners is they stay STUCK in that “no-mans land” for years…

…and that’s because they don’t do the one thing that every single business on the planet has to do if they want to SCALE.

Which is???

Drum roll please…

“Acquire more new patients at a rate faster than they can accommodate the demand”.

And with things like Facebook, Google Ads, Newspapers (cheaper than ever), Re-marketing, Social Media, Emails, and countless other platforms to get your message out there to the right person you want to help…

…there really has never been a better time to run a PT Clinic – anywhere in the world – if you step out side of the “word of mouth” and “doctors luncheons” trap most are still stuck in.

Can you do it??


Paul Gough


Click here to find out when I’m in a city near you this Feb/March! 

New USA Tour Dates For Feb/March 2017 – Want To Come And Meet Me In A City Near You?

Dear US Physical Therapist,

Over the next 7 weeks….

I’m taking in “8” different cities, attending business meetings, Masterminds, conferences and most importantly – meeting up with more amazing PT’s like you.

As well as that, I am also actively looking for my first US business office – in the San Diego Area.

I’m taking in “8” different cities, attending business meetings, Masterminds, conferences and most importantly – meeting up with more amazing PTs like you.

As well as that, I am also actively looking for my first US business office – in the San Diego Area…

Anyhow, here’s the dates of where you can find me in the next 7 weeks:

Want To Come And Meet Me?

Here’s My Tour Dates And Venues For The Next 7 Weeks:

Catch up with friends, colleagues and visit a clients clinic – “Stephen Dunn” – PLUS, dinner with Dr.Jared Carter and other top PT’s in one of the coolest cities on earth.

…CSM! “10,000”+ PT’s in one city – PLUS, enjoy a beer or two on the
gorgeous river walk at the end of each day

…Guest speaker at the Mastermind Event
of the top numbers man, Andrew Vertson

…”Base camp” for the majority of the trip, My family join the Tour at this point… I land at 6pm, my two kids and girlfriend land at 8pm on their flight coming over from London before taking an Uber to our place in La Jolla

…Guest speaker at Jerry Durham and Jeff Moore’s Patient Experience Event – maybe get to re-watch Britney 😉

…I am now an official “certified partner of the software “Infusionsoft” and for two days I am meeting with the top guys of the company to map out a plan to bring this amazing software to more top PT’s across the world

…Spend some time with Natalie and the boys, maybe head to the “Zoo” to keep “Harry” happy, and then over to “Coronado” for cocktails at sunset to keep his Mammy happy lol 😉

…Natalie LOVES to shop and maybe I’ll bump into Jerry Durham
while we are there for a few days

Host 2-Day Business Planning/Development Event in La Jolla for 40 top PT’s who are part of my Mastermind Program. This 2-days will be Epic – look out La Jolla

… Guest speaker at the Washington State Private Practice
Section Annual Conference in Chedale

Fly back to Terminal 5, Heathrow, London and return to overseeing the running of the Paul Gough Physio Rooms and plan for family’s next trip out to the USA in May

So there you have it…

My tour itinerary for the next 48 days…

If I’m close to a city near you – why not come and say “hello”??

Email, Skype and video are great – but nothing beats the warmth and connection of an in-person, face-to-face meet, wouldn’t you agree???

I’m excited to get to meet more of my community – and I’ll be keeping my Social Media channels a-wash with updates, selfies, videos and footage from the tour.

Be sure to keep up by joining the community here.


Email me: if you want to meet up for a beer or grab coffee in any of these locations!

I’ll see Y’all soon – starting in Austin!

Paul Gough 🙂

PT Marketing – In The Age Of Trump And Brexit

So today is a pretty historic day in the US…

In Britain, last Summer, with “Brexit”, we experienced the same significant shift in the way that people think and make decisions about what they WANT from their life.

On the news, they are telling us we are in an age of “crisis”, “chaos” – and “uncertainty”.

I’m not so sure about the “crisis” or “chaos” – I think if you look back at the last 20 years leading up to both of these events – and not at the actual day each happened – both were inevitable.

But I do agree that we are in “uncertain” times.

Not just politically, but in terms of what people believe is truly possible for themselves.

In Britain, socialist health-care is a tremendous ASSET to our nation – especially if you are in an emergency situation.

But it’s not so great if you are classed as a “non-urgent” need, like living with chronic lower back pain.

In the US, insurance based medicine was fine for many – but not everyone.

So they decided to change it.

It now suits a few more, but not the many who pay for it.

Things change – but not always for the better.

So the question is, how will today REALLY affect you?

Let me tell you:

As YOUR potential patient watches CNN, FOX, the BBC, Sky NEWS, CNBC – or which ever broadcast station they prefer – what will happen is the “SEED OF DOUBT” will continue to be sewn.

CNN and FOX don’t want to paint a picture of a “certain” America…

The BBC doesn’t want to paint a picture of a “certain” future Britain…


Because you’ll stop tuning in to find out if anything has CHANGED!

So as millions of your potential patients get more “gripped” by the “uncertainty” of the future…

…guess what happens to their ability to make decisions?

That’s right, its going to get harder.

And ultimately, THAT is what is bad for small business.

If people can’t make DECISIONS – how can they show up at your office?

And if they can’t show up at your office, how can you ever use your skills to help them??

And if you cant use your great skills, how will you ever get paid???

I put it to you that the real issue facing small business TODAY, is the cocktail mix of SKEPTICIM mixed with a ton of FEAR and UNCERTAINTY in the future…

It’s not that they haven’t got the money to spend – it’s just that they’re a lot more fearful of wasting it.

Why wouldn’t they?

Because as “Megan Kelly” and “Wolf Blitzer” will be pointing out aaaaaallllll weekend long, “we just don’t know what’s going to happen next”.

Do you?

So now you know what the real issue is, the question is, how can you be successful in-spite of it?..

The answer is simple:

“Accept it”.

And build your business from that point.

Change your own mindset, design your Marketing Plan and communicate with potential patients as if they are living, breathing, walking, talking SKEPTICS who don’t believe a single word that you’re telling them…

And when you do that – it’s much easier to get on their level.

In Marketing we call it “meeting them where they are”…

…and it’s never been more important for you to do that than on this day, and every day after in 2017 and beyond.

This is one of the reasons I’ve created the “More Patients, More Profits 2017” 3-Day Workshop…

More Patients, More Profits 2017 3-Day Workshop >

It’s about showing you how to create a Marketing Plan to defeat “Skepticisim” – pretty much the only thing that is getting in the way of you being more successful.

In these workshops I’ll be sharing with you:


* The NEW RIULES of Marketing for 2017-21 (in the Trump/Post Brexit years)

* A Marketing Plan to combat “scepticism”, “fear” (and “buyers remorse”) that REALLY stops patients making appointments at your clinic…

* The 80/20 rule of Marketing – and how to know where to focus your time and energy to find the right patients for your clinic

* How to stop treading water – succumbing to inertia… remaining content with a status quo far below the level of that which is possible for a highly qualified, and highly talented health care professional like you…

* As well as everything else that I have used to grow my own clinic from zero to 10,000 cash paying patients in just 7 years.


If you are watching the TV today – or seeing the highlights reel later tonight – count how many times the newscasters talk about “un-certainty” or proclaim:

…“we just don’t know what’s to come”…

…and every time you hear it, “shudder” at the thought that 1000’s of your potential patients are being paralysed with fear over what may (or may not) be around the corner for them.

And one final thought:

If your patients can be influenced by the words they’ll see on TV today…

…they can be influenced by the words that you’ll use on your website, on your Facebook ads, your newspaper ads – even on the phone as they inquire about price.

The only difference is, we will use those words to paint a MORE CERTAIN picture of how healthy their life could be – by coming to see you!

Your future business success, is that simple.

Click here to find out when I’ll be holding a workshop in a town near you:

More Patients, More Profits 2017 3-Day Workshop > 

Enjoy the fireworks today – I’m sure there’s A LOT to come…


Paul Gough


Click here to listen to – Podcast EP:012: My Best Advice For Starting Out Or Scaling Up In The Face Of Fear, Negativity, Doubt, Criticism And Even Resentment From Your Friends And Family

And Click here to watch Youtube Show EP:30: How To Get A Big Breakthrough In Your Business

And when you listen to the podcast and show, be sure to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and the show on Youtube, to be notified of the latest episodes.


For more PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

The Secret Of A Great Marketing Plan

Lets talk more about a Marketing Plan:

Every PT business owner needs one…

…BUT, not everyone has one.

Do you??

For most, Marketing is something that happens when new patients dry up…

…OR, the local newspaper calls and offers a discount to run an ad because there’s a “special promotion” on this weekend – and they’ll put you in the “special section” of the paper with every one else trying to sell their services!

(Either sound familiar? lol 😉

The problem?

Neither is a good place from which to start…

One is doomed to fail – just because you’re running “any old ad” out of a desperate need to bring in patients – and ANY patients will do at that point!

And the second, you are saving money on ads that you had no intention of ever even running…

What sort of a deal is that?

(It’s like saving 20% on a pair of shoes from Macys – that you didn’t even want to buy).

Successful “Marketing Plans” are created at least 90 days in advance…

For some businesses, like mine for instance, Marketing Plans are created an ENTIRE YEAR in advance.

The difference?


Because if you don’t allow enough – there isn’t enough TIME to build up the “energy” required to create a rush of people calling your office…

Each ad in a well thought out Marketing Plan is designed to build upon itself – I call this the “snow ball effect of a successful Marketing plan”.

Even every post on Facebook is supposed to form part of that Plan – and move people closer to the goal of the Campaign you are running that week or that month…

It’s got to be that detailed.

But sadly, most people think that a Marketing Plan consists of shooting a video of some exercises in their local gym – and sticking it up online, HOPING that someone will see it – and book an appointment as a result.

But that’s not a plan – and is precisely why so many PTs are not at anywhere near their capacity…

If it’s quick and easy – it’s usually poor in it’s return…

If it’s well thought out, methodical and systematic – the returns are often stunning.


How about you?

Which bracket do you fall into?

And which one do you WANT TO FALL INTO?

The quick and easy “throw a video up on Facebook” and “hope” approach…

…or would you prefer the “methodical and systematic” approach that gives you a much better chance of hitting full capacity in 2017??

If it’s the latter…

Then click here to find out when I’ll be in a town near you and I’ll show you how to do it:

More Patients, More Profits 3-Day Workshop – Apply Here.

And when you do I’ll be spending “3” days showing you:

1. How to create a real Marketing Plan (…so you don’t waste any more money on ads that you run JUST because the local paper calls with a “special”)

2. The exact Message that you should put out across things like Facebook, Newspaper, on your Website, Social Media and in all of your Marketing pieces…


3. How to actually convert the inquires that you’ll get so that they’re on your schedule.

It’s like I always say…

It’s one thing to get an “inquiry” – it’s another thing to get a paying patient.

If you are interested, use this link to look at when I’ll be holding this workshop at a town near you:

More Patients, More Profits 3-Day Workshop – Apply Here

Maybe we’ll get to grab a beer or two as well?


Paul Gough


Click here to listen to – Podcast EP:012: My Best Advice For Starting Out Or Scaling Up In The Face Of Fear, Negativity, Doubt, Criticism And Even Resentment From Your Friends And Family

And Click here to watch Youtube Show EP:30: How To Get A Big Breakthrough In Your Business

And when you listen to the podcast and show, be sure to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and the show on Youtube, to be notified of the latest episodes.


For more PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

The Most Vital Part Of Your Clinic’s Marketing Plan

Comes a question on my Facebook Page:


“I know I need a Marketing Plan – but I’m stuck on trying to decide what actually goes into making one happen!

Any in-put would be welcome.”


So, let’s dig-in and talk through this…

(I have a video for you to watch – so read right to the end)

First, a definition:

“A Marketing Plan is something that describes activities involved in achieving specific Marketing Objectives – within a set time frame”.

For it to work – you need to know how many patients/visits you want to see each week – then work backwards.

So if I want “50” visits per week – and each patient has 10 sessions with me – I need “5” new patients every week.

That’s about 23 NP’s per month.

Now here’s where the plan takes over:

I then have to work out where I am going to get those “23” patients from.

For example:

5 from Facebook…

Another 5 from Google…

5 from Website…

And so on and so on…

This is my “budget” – and I need to forecast – until I hit the said goals.

Simple “do this, do that” type stuff so far.

Now, where all of this breaks down, is often in the EXECUTION of this Plan…

PTs are rushing to Facebook right now to “get there message out there”…


Running ads in the Newspaper to “get noticed” and acquire NPS that way.

The problem is this:

“Most of these ads aren’t working”.


Because before you even consider creating a Marketing PLAN…

…you need a MESSAGE that drives that plan.

The MESSAGE is like the FUEL of your vehicle.

You can have the best VEHICLE, but without the right FUEL, it ain’t going anywhere!

Likewise, I can have the best PLAN in the world – but if the Message that I put out (to the people in my community) isn’t RESONATING, then my Plan is going to fail.

Rather than explain it, let me show you it in action…

Here’s a video that demonstrates what I’m trying to say:

(Click play to watch it)

It shows a blind man in the streets “begging” for money…


“I’m blind – please help”!

No-one leaves him any money.

THEN all of a sudden…

…the MESSAGE gets changed to:

“It’s a beautiful day –
and I won’t see any of it”

And when it does, guess what happens?

That’s right – his begging cup gets loaded with cash.

It is WITHOUT DOUBT the No.1 Marketing training Video I have ever seen – and is something that completely changed the way that I Market my practice…

When you’ve watched it…

…if you then believe in the power of the MESSAGE – and want some help to refine (or create from scratch) YOUR CLINICS MARKETING MESSAGE…

…then take a look at this:

3-Day Workshop With Paul Gough – More Patients, More Profits 2017! >

It’s where I spend an entire day helping you to create the right MESSAGE, another Day creating a solid Marketing PLAN that leverages that new Message…

…and another day showing you how to CONVERT more of your new leads to paying patients – so that the numbers in your new PLAN, come to fruition.

Click here to find out when I’ll be coming to a clinic near you:

3-Day Workshop With Paul Gough – More Patients, More Profits 2017! >


Paul Gough.

P.S When you attend, here’s how the 3-Day Event will look:
Click here for the details.


Click here to listen to – Podcast EP:011: The Power Of Words: The One Single Word That Donald Trump Used To Influence 60 Million Americans

And Click here to watch Youtube Show EP:30: How To Get A Big Breakthrough In Your Business

And when you listen to the podcast and show, be sure to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and the show on Youtube, to be notified of the latest episodes.


For more PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

Lessons From The NFL About Running A PT Clinic

Comes a question on Facebook last night:


“Anyone have trouble attracting the people who value the services you’re providing?

I keep getting patients whose first response is “do you accept insurance?”.

They don’t do their research and look at my website to view that info – if they contact me by phone I give them the private pay talk, ideally I’d like to by-pass that talk… I want those patients that know they’re getting premier care.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated”.

– Amy Savarese Moore, Posted on the Cash PT Nation Facebook Message Board.


I have a few things to say on this…

And the first is that for most PTs, they’re not actually “attracting” anyone.

What’s really happening is they are at the mercy of the small number of people searching for a PT – looking (and expecting) to find someone who accepts their insurance.

See, most clinics waking up today are in what I call “reactive” mode.

Reacting to the people who “stumble” upon their website – the same people who also “stumbled” on the websites of the other 7 PTs in town, who also have a free listing on Google.

There’s usually nothing different about the websites – maybe the color of the font – and it’s almost impossible to differentiate yourself from the rest, once you’re part of the pack.

Another way to look at the problem is through the style of play of an “NFL” team:

PT clinics have existed playing a “defensive” style of game.

They wait for referrals to arrive, usually from a doctor, a third party referral or a past patient…

Either way, they are sitting back and waiting for the patient to come to them.

That’s fine.

But they come with all sorts of false beliefs about the value and pre-conceived ideas about what they should be getting – and one of them is often a “PT who takes insurance”…

So the answer is to switch your model to a more “OFFENSIVE” type of game and actively go looking for the type of patients you want.

(That’s what REAL Marketing is).

We are now essentially “running at them” – instead of waiting for them to run at us.

It’s much easier to get the ball back when you are already “on the move” – wouldn’t you agree?

So in this new game, what we have to do is expose them to information that changes the way they feel about you – BEFORE they call you…

That means when the “private pay” talk comes up – which it has to – it’s more likely to be a successful one because these people already know the true value of what you do.

That’s what a “Marketing Plan” is for.

In a nut shell, it is a sustained effort to influence a certain pocket of people and help them feel a certain way about how they view how YOU can solve their problem, better than anyone else.

And preferably, we need them to see it in a way that no one else has ever presented to them before – and if we can do that, they are happy to pay in cash or out-of-pocket, at any fee you set.

And guess what??

This is one of the topics we’ll cover at my 3-day Workshop Event in San Antonio, happening in Feb this year.

I’ll be showing you how to create a Marketing Plan that means you’re attracting the right people who value the services you provide.

Go here next for more details:

3 Day Workshop: More Patients, More Profits 2017. RSVP HERE! >

It’s limited to just 10 people – and there’s just 3 spaces left.

3 Day Workshop: More Patients, More Profits 2017. RSVP HERE! >


Paul Gough



Click here to listen to – podcast EP:005 Why No One Wants To Pay For Physical Therapy Anymore…

And Click here to watch Youtube Show EP:009 Why Patients Value A Hairdresser More Than PT

And when you listen to the podcast and show, be sure to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and the show on Youtube, to be notified of the latest episodes.


For more PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

What Do You Mean By “Cash-Pay”?

Came a question earlier this week from Canada:


“Paul, What do you mean by “cash-pay”?

– Marco Chiasson, Physio Max, New Brunswick (Canada).


My Answer:

Any time someone has to put their hand into their pocket…

…or reach for a purse or wallet…

…to whip out a crisp bill/credit/debit or visa card to fund in some way shape or form a contribution to, or pay in full for, a Physical Therapy appointment – then that is CASH PAY.

Lets clear this up:

If they are making ANY form of contribution to the service you provide, out of their own pocket, then that’s cash pay.

(As the PATIENT sees it).

And that’s where the problems are arising…

It’s a lot more difficult to run a PT Business when one person ENJOYS the treatment – and someone foots the bill.

(AKA, the traditional insurance model that MOST clinics WERE built upon).

But those days are all but over.

Almost every single patient walking into a clinic today is needing to pay SOMETHING towards the service.

All of a sudden, it feels a little different for the patient…

Especially if they’ve assumed, or falsely believed, that they’ll be able to have it ALL covered by insurance.

(We take for granted that they actually read their policy before singing it…)

So when you tell me I need to pay my “$50 co-pay” – I’m going to be paying that in cash, and usually with some form of resentment to doing it.

If you tell me you are “out-of-network” and I need to pay the $150 in full – then I’ve paid you with cash.

I just have to HOPE that I fill out the forms correctly to get my money back!

The significance of “cash”?:

There’s a pain associated with handing over cash.

It’s why shops switched to credit cards…

Then it’s why shops switched to “contactless”…

(The less pain that’s involved in paying for something, the better – they don’t even want you hearing the beeps of your PIN anymore).

The really bad news for Physical Therapists – is that we are primarily a “grudge purchase”…

They like us – but they don’t really want to be there with us.

And secondly, we don’t give them a “box of stuff” when they check out…

We give them a lot of “education” – we talk to them about funny things called “nerves” and “ligaments” – but they don’t always know how that equates to value.

So the moral of todays story?

If any single one of your patients is having to contribute in cash to fund your service – you are in the cash-pay game.

And that, my business building friend, and for all the reasons described above, requires a completely different game plan…

What type of game plan?

A “Marketing Game Plan” of course.

How you let them perceive what you’ll do for them BEFORE they show up determines how they show up.

If they think you’re “just another PT”… they’ll treat you like “just another PT”.

If they think you understand them better than anyone else – they’ll treat you better than anyone else.

It’s simple – but very powerful stuff.

And guess what?

I’m spending 3 days showing you how to be more successful in the “pay-me-with-cash” era that we’re all in…

It’s a 3-day Workshop happening in San Antonio (February 17-19th ) and it’s dedicated to showing you how to create a Marketing Plan so that you’re able to attract and schedule more patients whatever the size of their contribution to your fees.

Apply here:

Click here to apply for the More Patients, More Profits 2017 Workshop.

Be quick – just 10 seats available (and “6” have already gone).

Click here to apply for the More Patients, More Profits 2017 Workshop.


Paul Gough

P.S Here’s how your 3-Day Learning experience will look:



Click here to listen to – podcast EP:008 Cash PT Special: Helping People Make Better Decisions About Their Health!

And Click here to watch Youtube Show EP:009 Why Patients Value A Hairdresser More Than PT

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and the show on Youtube


For more PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

Why I Don’t Use These Two Words (…When Marketing To Patients)

While back, (few years maybe), and not long after I realised most of the public has no clue what a Physical Therapist even does…

…I decided to play a little game in my clinic with the words we were using.

The game was to see if we could make it through the entire day without using the word “Physiotherapy”…

And we did.

We swapped it for “solution”.

We also decided to swap out the word “pain” – and exchange it for “problem”.

Long story short, we realised what we’d done…

We were actually starting to use words that DEEPLY connected us to more of the people we wanted to help.

That meant we had a better shot at talking to them about what we could do for them (…which was for many, pain relief, using physiotherapy techniques – the IRONY!)

Think about it:

Human beings are hard-wired to accept/find a way to live with pain…

It’s why so many have lived with it for months/years before they arrive at your clinic.

Now think about what life is like with a “problem”….

We’re not that good at living with one of them.

And if we have a problem, what do we need to start to find??…

Is it Physiotherapy??

(Of course not).


A solution to a problem – THAT’S what humans beings REALLY need.

So what did I do next?

I flipped my clinics entire Marketing Plan from one which offered “Physiotherapy for anyone in pain” – to positioning me as a SPECIALIST provider of solutions to people with problems (…in their 50’s and above).

As I talk about solutions in my Marketing, I get more Physiotherapy patients.

As my competition talk about Physiotherapy – they get frustrated and waste ad dollars.

And I’ve since realised that it’s the words that you use at the front of your Marketing System that determines not just who you attract – but HOW they show up.

For example:

Are they wanting a few sessions to “ease their pain”?

OR, are they committed to a full plan of care (solution) that promises to solve their PROBLEM, and happy to pay out of pocket for it??

Whatever you are getting today, it’s likely to be because of what you’ve let them believe BEFORE they actually call.

Now, you can use your Marketing to do what everyone else does and try to compete with “The Mill” like clinics and offer a “better standard of the same PT”…

Or, you can use your Marketing to paint a picture of what life could be like without the problem they’re living with – that your unique solution can make disappear.

See the difference?

It’s just one of the simple switches to my clinics Marketing Plan like that has helped me to attract 10,000+ self referred, happy to pay-in-cash patients at my own practice.

And speaking of a “Marketing Plan” to attract more people who are happy to pay cash:

My 3-Day Workshop goes into a lot more detail about creating a Marketing Plan, including the step-by-step process of choosing which words to use to attract the right type of person to YOUR clinic – PLUS, how to answer objections to your fees (because they inevitably arise in the cash-pay model).

Here’s how to apply to get one of the “5” remaining seats at the San Antonio Event, in Feb’:

3 Day Workshop: More Patients, More Profits 2017.


Paul Gough

P.S Here’s how your 3-day learning experience with me will look like when you get to San Antonio:

It’s you and 10 other VERY smart business owners gathered around a table discussing solutions to problems in your business.

===> Full Details here.



Click here to listen to – podcast EP:008 Cash PT Special: Helping People Make Better Decisions About Their Health!

And Click here to watch Youtube Show EP:031 Why So Many Physios Are Failing In Private Practice 

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and the show on Youtube


For more PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

Two Little Words (Said By A Receptionist That Costs You $$$)

On the face of it, “probably won’t” – isn’t all that much of a phrase that you would ordinarily pay much attention to…

But with some context, it becomes so.

For example:

When it’s said by the well-meaning secretary of an in-demand PT explaining why “you probably won’t get to see him after the initial Eval’”, to a new patient calling…

…then all of a sudden it’s worth paying attention to what it means to the person hearing it.

Or, more importantly, how it makes that person FEEL about doing business with you.

Think about a typical patients journey…

They pick up the phone to talk to a stranger…

They admit that they have a problem to that stranger (not easy to do…)…

Then they are then told that the person they want to see CAN SEE THEM…

…BUT, that it’s unlikely to be for anything more than one session.

What’ll happen next??

“Who knows”…

(They don’t know either).

Will I get the outcome?

Will I be seen as many times as I need?

Will I get the service that I’m looking for?

And you want me to pay “how much” out-of-pocket for this???

And so it goes on and on – and on…

Doubts raised about the CERTAINTY in which the patient will get the outcome that they plucked up the courage to call for – and will have to *pay* for…

Value is something that a patient PERCEIVES.

It’s a concept.

It’s a feeling.

And when enough of a feeling “conjures” inside, people take action – and sometimes do stuff they otherwise wouldn’t…

It’s like I keep saying…

There’s NO money problems in this world…

There’s a reason the US and UK collectively are in multi-TRILLIONS $$$ worth of debt…

And that’s because people with “no-money”, often buy things based upon how the words of the people offering it to them made them FEEL.

How are your marketing and office staff making your patients FEEL about paying your fees?

To wrap up:

The secret to cash-pay or self-referral success for ANY PT clinic, anywhere in the world, is found in the way that you are able to make someone FEEL about WANTING to do business with you…

It starts with what you say in your Marketing – and continues on the phone.


Paul Gough


Click here to listen to – podcast EP:001: Marketing 101 – How To Tap Into The 93% Of People In Pain, Currently Being Overlooked… 

And Click here to watch Youtube Show EP:022 – Giving My Staff A License To Thrill

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and the show on Youtube


For more PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>



What Is The Real VALUE Of PT Anyway??

Story Time:

So there I was in “Tampa Bay” last week…

…visiting the clinic of “Renewal PT” (Greg Todd)…

…when a couple of noteworthy things happened:

1. The owner of a PT clinic flew out to join the “Impact Tour” all the way from Memphis.

She was not your typical owner…

Instead, a PT *ASSISTANT*, who owns her own clinic…


2. At the meet up, I heard the words:

“We don’t fit in”…

It was said by one of “5” students who came out from all over South Florida to meet me…

(I was inspired to say the least).

And, over a glass of “wine”, and a cold IPA, I got a glimpse of what the school system is doing (or not doing) to create more successful PTs…

Their gripe??

“No business education”.

It seems that School is doing an amazing job at creating “skilled” practitioners…

The problem being, many who graduate feel unconfident at being able to start their own “gig”.

And it’s no wonder…

PTs are never taught how to actually communicate what we do in such a way that people can confidently make a decision…

(So confident that they’re happy to. 
Because that’s all business is…)

An ability to communicate in such a way that people can understand what they’ll get when they hand over an excess of $500 – and give up 12-15 hours of their time.

So why don’t they teach you how to do that??

Well, as I explained to the “5” students, it’s a bitter pill to swallow when you’ve just spent $150k on an education to be told you have to attend an entire semester on “how to speak” so that people can make a decision on choosing you as a provider.

The establishments argument is, “you now have a “D” before your name… that’s all you will never need”.


For a non-essential, non-urgent therapy, that most people see as a grudge purchase???…


As the conversation continued…

…it became more and more obvious that students ARE being told to “add more value” to the lives of patients…

…BUT that it involves being a better, more skilled practitioner.

I disagree.

Value is a *concept*…

It’s what ever the person you are speaking with at the time, decides it is…

It’s increased by spending “TIME” to help someone understand the MEANING of how what is about to happen, is likely to affect them.

Think about the typical process for how most patients find themselves as a “patient” at a PT clinic – and you’ll see that there’s very little time factored in to help someone actually understand what the heck is about to happen to them…

…and, what they’re about to pay for!

So here’s my final thing:

Think about your own life…

If you have a problem, do you rush to see “Uncle Jim” who is always too busy watching M.N.F to listen to you…

…or do you call on “Aunt Betsy” who switches off the TV set and stops everything she’s doing to listen to you at the first sign of an issue in your life????…

To be successful in the new health care economy you absolutely do need better business and marketing skills…

…but you also need to act a little more like your favourite Aunt Betsy…

TIME – and the ability to make a better decision because of that – is the thing your patients VALUE most.

Build it into your clinic modus-operandi and watch how easy it is to become more successful.


Lesson over…

I gotta’ dash – the Impact Tour is making its way to Hollywood Studios later today…


Paul Gough

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P.S Here’s a picture or two from the “Tampa Bay” meet up last week:


That’s me with some of the top PTs in Florida ^^^…


And that’s me with Gregg Todd ^^^ – we had a fun time shooting some videos for Social Media at his beautiful house…

P.P.S The Impact Tour moves to the North East this weekend (Day 55/63)…

I’m headed to New Jersey, Delaware, then on to Charlotte and Myrtle Beach.

Full details here.