Author Archives: Paul Gough

About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.

Accelerator Method – Achieve Price Freedom (Part 6)


Week 6 of Accelerator is here and I can’t believe it’s our final class…

First a quick re-cap:

Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Accelerator were all about teaching my students how to increase the number of people who want to do business with them…

You can catch up on the highlights here…

Accelerator Week 1
Accelerator Week 2
Accelerator Week 3
Accelerator Week 4
Accelerator Week 5

This week I showed my group of great Physical Therapy business owners how to achieve ‘Price Freedom’.

What is Price Freedom? It’s the ability to charge whatever prices you want (the prices you deserve) without losing patients, and growing your business at the same time.

It’s all about creating a price structure that makes you more profitable AND offering other products and services that are aligned with your perfect patient, that they’ll want to buy from you… forever.

So with that said, lets get into “10″ of the biggest highlights from the final week of the New Patient Accelerator Program, week 6, so you too can discover how to MAXIMISE the cash value of your new patients…

Key Takeaways

#1 The Number 1 Thing That Allows You To Charge Higher Prices…

Raising prices is often hard for many business owners – we get emotionally attached and worry that people will say ‘no’ to paying what we really want to charge.

But there’s a way around that – GREAT Marketing (and continued investment in your clinic Marketing)

Which is why your Message to Market match is so vital…

It’s the job of your Marketing to attract your perfect patients to your clinic with messages that resonate with them so powerfully, that they wouldn’t ever dare risk going anywhere else.

Get that right and you’ll be able to charge more than your competition.

#2 Patients Really CAN Afford Your Fees

A lot of business owners face people telling them ‘they can’t afford their fees’ – it happens in every industry, in every town…

And unfortunately it’s happening more and MORE in the PT industry, especially as the cost of health care rises!

So do you have to suffer? Nope!

This is another reason why investing in your clinics Marketing is KEY to being more profitable… If more people know who you are, and more people want to do business with you, then essentially you’ll have a steady stream of people lining up in your waiting room – so you can confidently raise your prices.

(And not live in fear of losing one or two people just because you’re charging a higher fee).

#3 Selling Is An Exchange Of Value

When you can get your customers to understand the value of what you’re selling (the benefit to them of a monthly massage, or maintenance Physical Therapy) they will be more inclined to spend money with you.

If you don’t present the value to them on a sliver plate over and over and over again – a LACK of value will automatically be assumed.

The day you STOP communicating the value – is the day they drop-off.

People don’t buy ‘massages’ and ‘PT’ – they buy how it makes them feel.

Get this right and you’ll bust this next thing I’m about to tell you…


#4 The Myth About Higher Prices

One of the most worrying myths in business is that people buy primarily on price.

NOTHING could be further from the truth – we’ve just been conditioned to believe it’s true.

If people bought primarily on price, we’d be driving the cheapest, oldest cars, we’d never eat out in restaurants, very few people would own iPhones or iPads.

Again, this is why we need provide value up front (over and over again), and give them tons of information first – then they’ll be happy to exchange $1000 to do business with us.

#5 Remove The ‘Professional Ego’

And I mean this with total respect…

…As PT business owners we’ve got to throw our ego under the bus otherwise it can stand in the way of having a conversation about the value of what you’re providing with someone who questions price.

This is the reason WHY I do free telephone consultations…

WHY I hold free ‘discovery visits’…

Because these free options I give to people, who need to know more before they say ‘yes’ to my services, don’t cost me money, they make me money in the long-run.


#6 The Wrong Way To Set Prices

One of the big mistakes a lot of Physical Therapists make when it comes to setting their prices is that they either:…

  • Look at their competition and base their pricing on the average (who wants to be average?!)
  • OR they pull a number out of thin air that THEY are comfortable with.

BIG mistake – these pricing strategies are what will keep you from making a profit and charging what you deserve.

Which brings me onto this:

#7 The Best Person To Decide What You Charge

And nope, it’s not you – in fact, you’re the WORST person to decide what to charge.

Simply because you’re too close to your business and customers. So, who should make the decision??

Your customers!

When you test your prices, your patients will tell you what they’re willing to spend.

So go ahead, test it, don’t be fearful – you’ll soon find out 😉

(And I bet most people won’t even notice)…

#8 Don’t Become A ‘Commodity’

Most PT clinics allow for ‘apples to apples’ comparison.


When you do that you’re allowing customers to assume that all Physical Therapists do the same thing – which means they’ll ring round alllll the other clinics in town and ask about the prices they charge.

If you take part in this – you’ll become a commodity, and people will assume they can get what you do – for less.

Now, I know you’ll be wondering…

‘What are some ways I can avoid this
and charge MORE than other clinics??’

So I’ll let you in on one…

#9 Change The Name Of Your Services

A simple way to remove yourself from the “apples to apples” comparison trap is to get creative with the NAMES of your services.

People LOVE walking into a shop, purchasing a product, and being certain of what they have bought – but the problem with PT is, that people are not really sure what they’re buying – no one really knows what we do!

By giving a patient the service they’re buying a name, they’ll feel as if they’re paying for something special that they’re certain of (and it’ll make compliance much more likely!)

As well as PT services, do this…

#10 Offer Something Else!

You may have heard of a “cash up-sell”…

A cash up-sell is an added bonus – once you’ve been able to attract your Perfect Patient…

…once they see the value in what you do, and once they have experienced your unique service…

They usually want to come back for MORE.

Just think how easy it would be to offer a massage package or pilates class to a lady in her 50’s… if your entire clinic is packed with these 50 year old ladies then it becomes very easy to offer this to them – and for you to be successful with it.

It doesn’t have to be massages, and it doesn’t have to be 50 year old ladies…

…what that is, is an example from my clinic. And it’s so successful that our cash up-sell process covers just about all of my expenses… meaning that the actual PT service is 100% profit.

So in your clinic – once you know who your perfect patient is, you’re then much more likely to be able to offer a Cross Fit athlete some sort of cash pay option that is in-line with keeping him fit and healthy so that he can stay in the gym.

To sum it up: you can only raise profits in “3” ways:

1. Increase the number of people who buy from you
2. Increase the amount they spend with you


3. Increase the FREQUENCY of times they spend money with you

It all starts and ends with knowing your perfect patient…

…adding value to their life…

…building that TRUST, and getting them to the point where they will want to buy from you at your rates – including any other service you’ve got.

Which is 100% possible using the Accelerator Method.

If you’d like to get notified of when this class next becomes available – please click here and we’ll be sure to add you to the early priority list, next time.

Here’s to charging higher prices like you deserve.


If you’re brand new to my PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

Acquiring New Patients – Even When You’re Stood In The Line For A Ride At Disney Land

The Impact Tour has made it’s way to the East Coast.

As I write this to you I’m in a gorgeous little town in Orlando called “Celebration” – sipping on an early morning coffee at Starbucks watching the sun come up over the lake.

(Headed to “Tampa Bay” next – coming to meet me?)

On the flight over here yesterday I had chance to reflect on a few things from the West Coast Tour…

One of the main things that stood out for me was a conversation that I had with “Andrew Vertson” (top PT owner at Intecore PT in Orange Count)…

Here’s the story:

We took our kids to Disney LAND (Anaheim) on Friday just gone…

…and while we were there, he showed me an email from a “prospective patient”…

Now this patient had opted in (online) from a newspaper ad that I had recently wrote for Andrew…

The ad was ALL about how he could help people with low back pain – avoid back surgery – and live a life without pills.

(Simple stuff that we PTs are really good at).


The lady (in her 50s), had requested the Free Report that Andrew was offering in his newspaper ad…

She had read “6” emails in his follow up sequence…

And replied to the “7th” while he was in-line for “It’s a small world”…

Her response?

Well, basically, Andrew got chapter and Verse about how fearful she was about having to “go down the surgery route” if she doesn’t do something soon.

Her one question in the lengthy email, was this:

“Can you help me avoid surgery”.

His reply?

“Yes… we help people avoid surgery all the time”.

Her response?

“Can I have an appointment please”…

(Not a single mention of the word “PT” or “pain”.)

The lesson to be learned in this??:

Having a real marketing system allows you to acquire new patients – even when you’re at Disney Land with your kids.

And, if you are moving into a world of trying to acquire new patients from direct access, via direct marketing, it can NEVER be about PT.

It has to be about them – and there internal problems and fears.

Once they start the relationship by wanting some help for an internal problem – such as avoiding surgery – never stop talking about it until the problem is fixed…

It’ll be PT that’ll fix it but that’s what they need to know at the beginning…

Take your car to the garage today – they won’t tell you what machines they’re using to fix your brakes and nor do you care…

All you want to know is that your car stops 3 feet from the one in front as it breaks sharply.

(Your patients are no different).


I gotta’ dash…

Came out without my suncream and I think this “half-Irish” skin of mine might need to get out of the hot Florida sun, before it turns red.


Paul Gough

P.S Did you see my Wedding Video from Las Vegas???

Click here to watch it – and subscribe to my channel when you are there…
it’s where all of my best videos get released first…


For more PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

Are You Living Life One Way… Building Your PT Business Another??

Can you guess where I am??

“Another airport”!

(Phoenix Skyharbour, travelling back to San Diego to see Harry and Tobias!)

Drinking a nice cold “IPA”?…

You bet!!

And, I’m thinking about the past “28” hours that I’ve spent in this cool (but hot) city…

I spent last night with a dozen or so of the top PTs who are in my wider community…

…I had breakfast with 3 more…

…then I spent the day at one of the most forward thinking PT clinics in the entire “US”.

The owner?

“Scott Gilbert”… (Canyon PT)

I’ve been working with Scott since early 2015…

…and in that time he’s embraced the change that has hit the US PT profession – and he is a true success story.

Scott has flipped his clinic from one that was 80% reliant upon referrals from doctors…

…to one that is now 80% IN CONTROL OF referrals coming to him from places like newspaper ads, Facebook, email and social media – his website – and even direct mail to people in the community he serves.

Basically, doing all of the things that most people are happy to have done to them – but not prepared to make work FOR THEM.

(Big difference).

And it’s a topic that I seem to continue to speak about on this Tour…

Too many business owners are being held back from the success they could be enjoying, simply because they are determined to live their life one way….

…then run their business another.

For example:

It wasn’t long ago that I spoke at a conference in Orlando and asked the entire audience “who thinks email marketing is a waste of time?”…

Almost everyone in the room raised their hand.

I then asked everyone in the room to keep their hand RAISED if they bought a ticket for the event via an EMAIL.

Can you guess how many hands dropped??


So the interesting thing to understand is this:

As you read this…

As you play around on “Facebook” after the kids have gone to bed…

As you use your iPhone to ask Google questions for solutions to problems…


As you research blogs looking for credible information to advance the decisions you need to make…

Ask yourself this:

If a patient in your town, who was suffering with lower back pain was doing the same thing, would they find YOU???

If the answer is “no”…

…my question is “why not?”

If you are using all of those things to solve problems in your life…

…who told you that your prospective patients are NOT doing the same thing if they’ve got pain??…

There’s a reason that the “1%” exist…

…and it’s not because they’re born into money or land (like 200 years ago)…

…it’s because they’re doing something radically and completely different from everyone else.

And in our case, that difference is no difference at all from what you are likely doing right now.

Business success is THAT simple.


I think I can hear my flight calling me…

…it’s with SouthWest…

…best dash to make sure I don’t get left with nothing but a middle seat to choose from! 😉


Paul Gough

P.S Some pics and selfies from the last stop of the WEST COAST Tour:

impact-tour-phoenix1That’s me with top PT’s Andrew Vertson, Amy Brannagan, Matt Damaggio, Nick and Jessica Hunter, Judy Curillo, Lois Wolf, Scott Gilbert, Adrienne Yamamoto , Cassidee Ranger, Eric Bloom and Infusionsoft superstar Jeremiah Sarket…


That’s me with “Scott Gilbert” and his amazing Marketing assistant Heather…


That’s me with top PT Sean Flannagan at breakfast…

For all of the Impact Tour dates click here! 

See you in a city near you soon 😉


For more PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

Accelerator Method – 24/7 Inquiries From Your Clinic Website (Part 5)


Week 5 of Accelerator is here, and this week we talk about how to acquire new patients using your website by following the Accelerator Method.

But before we begin… if you’re only just joining us on this 6 part highlights series, you can catch up on the previous ones here:

Week 1 – Picking Your Perfect Patient
Week 2 – Proving Value Upfront
Week 3 – Attracting Patients Offline
Week 4 – Getting Potential Patients Online

In week 5 I taught my group of amazing PT Business Owners how to effectively use their website to win more of the massive pocket of people currently being overlooked for PT by most clinic owners when they’re marketing their services.

Most people have no clue what we do as Physical Therapists, or if a PT can even help them with the problem they’ve got…

And many people are just simply too “skeptical”, lack motivation, or remain confused about the benefits of what a PT even does.

So when you take that into consideration, it makes sense to STOP communicating with people about Physical Therapy… And start talking to them about their CURRENT problems, and show them how you can be the solution to overcome those problems.

And we can most definitely do that on our website.

So, with that said here’s 10 of the biggest takeaways from week 5 of Accelerator that I share with my students, so they can help people make better decisions and stand out from the other clinics in their town, online…

Key Takeaways

1. Your Website IS Your Business

It’s amazing just how “neglectful” of their website many business owners are – in any industry, not just PT!

Most won’t, or don’t want to accept it, BUT, your website IS your business.

With over three billion internet users worldwide (and with that number of users growing by as much as 10% each year)… if you don’t have a good website that compels people to become paying patients, and multiple streams of getting prospects to land on your website…

…Then you’re missing out on a great opportunity to generate more revenue and profit for your PT clinic, as well as the golden area of opportunity to serve the 93% of people who are going to a doctor in pain, and still NOT leaving with a referral for PT.

Why is this?…

2. Your Clinic’s Website Is The Profit Center To Your Business

Basically everything online is changing and just like the iPhone, the internet is rapidly evolving too.

Your clinic’s website now, is the profit center to your business.

Once upon a time a website was just a sideline. It was something as a business owner you quickly set-up without much thought because people said you needed one.

And you probably had a lot of people tell you that if your practice has a website that looks nice, is dressed with lots of fancy buttons and pretty pictures, then people would be calling your clinic and simply come to you…

That’s not the case.

Essentially your website, and the online presence that you have, is the defining presence of your business. Having an online presence where people can effortlessly find you – is now critical to you serving more people.

3. All Roads Lead Back To Websites

Just think about the process you go through before you make a decision about purchasing something, or handing your money over for a service…

9 out of 10 purchase decisions lead back to a website.

If you see something in a newspaper – you check it out online.

See something on Facebook – you check out the website.

Want to buy something – you go to google and browse websites online before you purchase.

Your patients are exactly the same – people make the same purchase decisions on a Physical Therapy Website as they do on any other industry website – and it’s done more successfully by providing as much information as possible to help the customer make a BETTER more informed decision.

So if you’re not online, or your website isn’t geared towards helping people make better decisions – you’re losing out on a lot of valuable inquiries.

4. Your Website Is Key To Business Success

What a lot of people don’t get, is that if their website isn’t set up properly, it can be the one thing that’s stopping you from making BIG money.

The majority of clinic owners believe that the purpose of their website is to sell something – that people will find you online, and simply book appointments right away.

And some people do… But the reality is, not many will.

Take this for example…

Did you know that less than 6% of all commerce is actually done online?…

And that a huge 85% of people who visit your website will leave and NEVER take any action?…

Think about that for a moment, just how much money could your clinic’s website be losing you?… Thousands, upon thousands of dollars??

And with less and less people being referred by a Doctor, and re-imbursement fees being slashed, you definitely can’t afford to let this happen.

5. The Purpose Of Websites Has Evolved

…They’re no longer just for selling, or getting people to book appointments.

Your PT website is there for people to make inquiries, to build trust and relationships, to establish authority and expert status.

6. Websites Are No Good Just Looking ‘Pretty’

Most PT websites are built to communicate with people actively looking for a PT clinic…

…you now know that there’s NOT that many, and that explains why so many business owners are so frustrated by the performance of their sites.

And given that there’s Physical Therapy clinics aplenty in your small town…

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…the chances of being successful just because you have a nice looking “me-too” style website all about you and your PT – is slim.

Does that mean that having a website is a waste of time?

Far from it…

It just means we have to design your website slightly different…

7. You Need A CLEAR Message

Most websites start with something ego-centric with a message that’s all about them, and how great PT is…

And of course you and I know that PT is what a lot of people need, but when most of the world have no idea what we do, it’s vital that your website has to have a clear message about what you can do FOR THEM.

An example of what mine is for the Paul Gough Physio Rooms?

Screen Shot 2016-08-12 at 16.59.45

Which brings me onto this…

8. Know How Your Patients Use Google

Think about someone with chronic low back pain right now…

How do they use “Google” to solve their problem?

We know that most people are NOT searching for PT.

So what are they searching for?

INFORMATION – in the form of ADVICE – on WHY their back pain is happening…

…and THEN what they can do about it.

So, how about we design websites to reflect what consumers are actually DOING and LOOKING for?

(Rather than creating a site which is only about our services?)

9. The BIG Mistake A Lot Of PT’s Make…

…With their website is this – they use a “done for you” style company to design their website, who are WRONGLY assuming that anyone with low back, or knee pain etc, is thinking about choosing a PT.

(And it’s not their fault!)

But nothing could be further from the truth.

Google is a QUESTION engine – meaning most people who use it, do so to get ANSWERS to problems.

I know for sure there’s 100X more people in your town today typing “back pain advice”…

…than typing “good physical therapist” into their iPhone. .

So, one of the easiest ways to boost response from your website is to design it in such a way that you’re the one able to answer their questions.

10. A Great Tactic To BOOST Website Response

One of the biggest mistakes of any PT site is to ask people to “Book An Appointment” or “Schedule Now”.

You might get one or two people who are ready to “book now”…

…but you’re NEGLECTING to consider the HUGE amount who aren’t.

Asking me to “book now” is like asking me to get married when we’re on our first date.

You wouldn’t do it.

Better to ask people to MAKE AN INQUIRY which is much less of a commitment, and easier for them to do…

This “Book Now” issue explains in a “New York minute” why so many owners look at their website, see that 400 people have been on the site, and yet only 3 people booked.

It’s less than a 1% response rate – which is TYPICAL FOR MOST SITES…

…And yet on my site, the “Paul Gough Physio Rooms”, we get anything from a 15-20% RESPONSE/CONVERSION rate.

Why? Simply because on my site, we let people take “baby steps”…

To sum it up: Remember, success in business is simply about working out how humans interact in every day life – then re-creating that, inside of our business.

When it comes to marketing – contact details is the new currency you should be thinking about.

Not “how many referrals did I get today…”

It’s “how many INQUIRIES did we get today, that we can begin relationships with”.

It’s just a matter of earning their trust – which takes a little time, but once you do have their TRUST, you inherit a very valuable patient that is likely to stay with you for life.

See you here next week, for Module 6 where we’ll cover how to leverage everything we’ve covered so far to raise your prices above the $160 mark, and achieve “price freedom”.


If you’d like to get notified of when this class next becomes available – please click here and we’ll be sure to add you to the early priority list, next time.

OR If you’re brand new to my PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

Why So Many PT Patients Leave Bad Reviews – Even If You Fix Their Pain!

True Story:

So there I was in a queue for a cab on Friday night after watching the “Britney Spears” concert at Planet Hollywood, Las Vegas…

(She was awesome BTW!)

In front of me in the line, were two girls – both in their early 20’s – both having been to the gig and both staring at a photo of one of them with Britney.

I politely asked:

“Is that real?”

The girl in the photo replied:

“Yes – I got it taken before the show”.


“How much did it cost?”

Britney Fan:



“WOW!…Was it worth it?”

Britney Fan:

“Well, I’m a huge Britney fan – she’s like my idol, and I always wanted to meet her and the photo turned out really well…”


“So, was it worth it?”

Britney Fan:

“Wellllllllllll…… the thing is……
I was a little disappointed.

I paid all the that money to have a picture with her and she didn’t even take the time to ask my name or answer any of my questions”…

Britney Fan:


Way NOT to make an impression on your bill payers!

And it got me thinking…

In every profession, in every city, anywhere in the world, PEOPLE are motivated in the exact same way…

We THINK we want EXTERNAL stimulation (like pictures with celebrities)…

…and yet we judge how we feel about stuff, INTERNALLY.

This girl got her picture taken with Britney…

…but STILL left disappointed.


Or course not.



People are very “predictably irrational”.

The lessons to be learned for PT’s from this?

There’s two:

1. This girl admitted to me that she didn’t really have the money to pay $1500 for a PHOTO – but she paid it any way.

How many patients will this week tell you they can’t afford you?

(And how will you respond?!)

2. The girl paid $1500 for a photo – she got the photo, and yet was disappointed…

In our world we THINK (or are led to believe) that it’s all about the OUTCOME – the relief from PAIN.

The problem is, they judge you on EMOTIONAL and INTERNAL factors…

Don’t believe me?

Take one look at the review sites and you’ll see that almost every review ever left – good or bad – is rarely about the thing that they were buying and is usually about how they were made to “feel”…

(You book a hotel room for a good nights sleep – why leave a bad review about how long it took to check in??)

So the question is, how do you take what I learned from Britney and apply it to make yourself more successful??


You start solving the INTERNAL problem FIRST.

How to do that?

In your Marketing of course.

Acknowledging that you UNDERSTAND that THEY don’t want to live on pills or risk losing their independence is a good place to start if your client is in his or her 50’s – and suffering with low-back pain…

If your client is a CrossFit athlete…

…put it out that you UNDERSTAND the pain and frustration that comes with being told to rest from the gym – and promise to find a solution that lets them keep active while you fix the shoulder pain…

It’s subtle marketing messages like this that checks the box for your patients and has them thinking “this guy or gal seems to get me… I think I’ll give them a try…”

It’s that easy.

After that, it’s up to you to put your great PT skills to great use.

Want some help to get your Marketing up to speed?


Paul Gough

P.S The latest “PT Business School Podcast” – EP10 – is available for download and it’s all about “healthcare consumerism”…

Basically, about how things that are happening to your patients OUTSIDE of the healthcare profession (like the Britney story) are influencing the way that patients view their healthcare providers – and how they choose them.

It’s REALLY important for you to hear early….

Download the Episode here.

Or, go here if you like to listen to it on iTunes!

P.P.S Some photos from the Las Vegas “Meet Up” as the Impact Tour continues:

That’s me and the team with Top PT “RJ WiIliams” after speaking with his staff at “Fyzical Therapy and Balance Centres” in Las Vegas…

And that’s me, Amy and Rachel (two of my marketing team) with RJ who took us out for dinner VIA the famous “Las Vegas” sign at the beginning of the strip…

(I LOVE to mix business with pleasure 😉

Full Tour dates are here.


For more PT Business Education like this:

– Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>


Why I Took The Longest Route To Get To Las Vegas On The Impact Tour

As I wrote this to you I was getting ready to set off on my trip to Las Vegas…

…or, “Lost Wages” as SouthWest like to call it! 😉

But here’s the thing:

I’ve decided not to fly the one hour 5 minute flight and instead, rent a car from Dollar.


Well, it was a Wednesday – and every Wednesday we “staff train”…

So I thought I’d use the time wisely (en-route to the APTA P.P.S Conference) to work with my staff.

See, I’ve flown two of them over from the UK to attend this event with me…

And, I know we can spend the “5” hours together in the car more wisely than jumping from an Uber to a line, into another line, waiting around a departure lounge – hoping that the flight takes off on time – and then getting back into another Uber when we land at McLaren airport…

Staff training is important.

On my list of the top “3” things that have helped the Paul Gough Physio Rooms to become so successful would be the time we have dedicated to investing in my company culture and excellence.

To be precise – 3 hours every week.

3 hours of relentlessly pursuing growth and learning so that my staff are never falling behind…

…because every week your staff don’t, they do! (Fall behind.)

Now when I tell people just how much time we put aside to train staff, many  “GASP” with disbelief that I would do such a thing and ask how it’s even possible (profitable) to do so.

My answer?

“It’s NOT possible to NOT do it
and still expect to be successful”.

One thing I’ve learned about running my own business – and now helping others all over the world – is that once you get to a certain level in business, as much money is lost by your staff as it is actually made.

Not “lost” as in someone forgot to call a new referral…

…but the significant difference between what the patient MIGHT have given you VS what they actually did give you.

See, it’s the little things that make the difference…

Like telling a patient that “you take patients with Anthem Blue Cross – but you don’t directly bill Anthem Blue Cross” that keeps them on the phone long enough to show them the benefits of your service…

(If you’re Out Of Network)…


Asking “3” of the right questions, in the right order, BEFORE a patient agrees to become a patient that completely changes the way they feel about you, meaning they’re happy to comply and spend more with you.


Having a therapist trained to take the time to actually find out why the patient is REALLY there in the first place – and not lazily assume that it’s “just” to ease low-back pain.

Tip: they are rarely ever there to just “ease back pain”… it’s always something much deeper than that and most PT’s who experience push back at their Eval’ simply haven’t addressed it.

Of course…

Those same PT’s will have you believe that “the patient just didn’t want to pay”…


And so it goes on…

The more training that we do, the more successful we get.

Just a thought…

But as 1000’s of PT’s head to the APTA conference today I’m 100% certain that the conversations in and around the event will be about how difficult the situation is for PT’s right now…

…and how “something needs to be done, by someone”…

Maybe that something is to spend more time on learning how to help people to make better decisions about their health – and using time wisely to set your self apart from everyone else??

Just another thought.


Paul Gough

P.S Here’s a picture of two of my amazing staff – Amy and Rachel – just after landing in San Diego on Saturday night:

Needless to say they are loving being part of the IMPACT TOUR and are excited to meet up with many of the successful PT Business Owners we have helped over the last year or two…

The full IMPACT TOUR dates are here – and it’s not long before I make my way to the EAST COAST.

P.P.S Did you see last weeks Paul Gough Physio Rooms show?

– Click here to Watch Episode 31 of the Show!

This one is LIVE from LA and is helpful for anyone who wants to grow and scale a CASH based practice.

Watch then Subscribe.

Accelerator Method – Get More New Patients Online (Part 4)

Week 4 of ‘Accelerator’ is here…

…and this week it’s all about how to use the internet to boost your online profits.

In the new health care economy, your Internet Marketing Strategy is an absolute vital component to your clinic success.

And without it – it’s going to be pretty tough to keep up!

In this post I’m going to share with you exactly why you need to be online to attract an ongoing stream of visitors to your website and convert those visitors into paying patients, 24/7, and how to use it to your advantage.

With that said, here’s the 10 biggest takeaways from week 4 of ‘Accelerator’ that I shared with my students – which are quite simply some of the newest, essential ways, to attract new patients online.

Key Takeaways

#1 Online Marketing – What Is It All About?

…It’s all about collecting leads.

But not just anyone and everyone you can get a hold of in your town – you want to use the internet to collect leads who are MORE like the type people that you WANT to be doing business with.

That are less hassle, and more enjoyable to do business with, a.k.a. your perfect patient.

Forget the out of date, Dinosaur ways of getting new patients the “Marketing Guru’s” are teaching you…

(You know… like putting out a ‘one time’ ad with your name, number and pretty logo on it with a big announcement that you’re a great PT so they should call).

That way just won’t cut it anymore.

People’s attention is harder to catch – so you’ve got to be everywhere they are and take advantage of all these different sources you can find them on.

Which brings me onto this…

#2 The No.1 Place To Find New Patients Online


Paid Facebook advertising is the “New Patient Gold Rush” – perfect for LEAD GENERATION.

But here’s the thing, a lot of people think the purpose of Facebook is to book appointments…

It’s not.

It’s job is to capture leads.

These days as well as hanging out in coffee shops reading the paper, your perfect patients are also spending a lot of time engaging and connecting on Facebook.

So when you get yourself on there, Facebook makes it really easy to do this…

#3 Use Facebook To Build Relationships

One of the BIG mistakes I see business owners doing on Facebook is trying to sell something – like a free visit, or asking someone to book an appointment.


Success on Facebook is all about targeting your ‘Perfect Patient’ and giving them free information, in exchange for their contact details.

Think of using it in terms of a romantic interest.

If you fancy someone – you’re not going to ask them to marry you on the first date, are you?

It’s the same on Facebook.

Use it to build a relationship with your perfect patient and nurture them down the path to coming to see you. And you’ll win.

#4 Familiarity Breeds Trust

I’m not saying offline advertising is dead, and not to use it at all…

I’m saying it’s important these days to make use of every platform you can, that your patients are using – so you’re in front of them!

Familiarity breeds TURST and remember, trust is one of the things that I need to win over if I want to access the “93%” who have been overlooked.

So, what I might do is run the SAME ad on Facebook – as I do in the newspapers…

This way I can keep in front of my prospects, every corner they turn, so they’ll see my message everywhere, and come to see me when they need help… Because I’ve made the decision process easier.

So, what message should I be putting out there?

#5 Don’t Advertise ‘PT’ Or Your Services

It’s one of the biggest online marketing mistakes I see.

I know having great skills is one of the things we pride ourselves on most – and we know it’s what most people need to get back to living life on their terms!

But I’m NOT, in a million years, going to run an ad that is all about physical therapy.


Because that’s NOT what my perfect patient is looking for.

Mary (my patient) is in need of a solution – but currently she doesn’t even know that solution she needs CAN even be physiotherapy.

So my ad in the newspaper OR on Facebook has to advertise a solution to her problem…

#6 Use Your Marketing To Solve ‘Internal’ Problems

Internal problems can be anything from:

* Fear of a life time dependency upon painkillers

* Risking dangerous spinal surgery for chronic back pain

* Losing independence or mobility…

So when you realize all of this, you can create an ad that talks about how your clinic can solve these PROBLEMS.

…And the companies that solve INTERNAL problems generally are a lot more successful – especially when the price is over “$100”.

#7 Keep Your Ads Specific To Your Perfect Patient

Instead of my ads running on Facebook to EVERYONE within a 5 mile radius of my clinic…

…I’m only running my ads to females in their 50’s and 60’s.

And all I’m doing is talking about the problems that she’s living with – and offering some easy way to make a difference.

So, when you talk about these internal problems in your marketing, to the specific person you want to target – a lot more people that you want to do business with are NOTICING you…

…giving you their attention…

…and much more likely to take action.

I can also find my perfect patient here:

#8 Google – The Best Way To Build Authority…

…And generate more leads!

This is a powerful short-cut to new patient riches on the internet.

And yet, almost no healthcare business owners are using it at all… Which blows my mind!

Because if people are scrolling through their phone on Facebook, they’re also scrolling through Google and searching for solutions to their problems of a night too.

Using Google allows me to be in front of them ANY time of day.

And if you’re on Facebook, Social Media, in the newspapers, and on Google too – patient’s will feel more confident about doing business with you.

As well as that, Google is also famous for this:

#9 The FASTEST Way To Get More Traffic To Your Website

Done right, there’s no quicker, or effortless way of getting hot prospects to your website than Google Ad Words.

Not sure what Google ad words is?

With Google you’re paying for your website to be in front of the eyes of people actively searching for ‘back pain’ advice.

And the reason why you need to do this, is because you can even capture those people who are living right by your clinic!


Now it’s clear to see why being online is essential for your business.

But, what about those people who DID visit your website, but never took action?…

#10 Introducing – Re-marketing

In a nutshell, this is when people who visit your website, or click on your Facebook ads, are tracked and then followed around by an advert from your clinic.

This is what sets you apart from your competition and keeps you ahead, because Re-marketing creates that ‘top of mind awareness’ that allows you to have a greater influence over people’s decisions, every time.

Not everyone is going to take action the first time they land on your website, it might take them a while to build that confidence in you first – but one thing that’s certain is that re-marketing stops you from losing them forever, and keeps you in front of them everywhere they go on the internet.

To sum it all up:

There’s an INFINITE number of ways to get noticed by your ideal patient ,but what always remains the same is the STRATEGY to make it work.

1. Pick the perfect patient.

2. Get their attention by offering them something of value…

3. And then give them more information about what ELSE you can do to build the relationship.

It’s that simple…

Stay tuned as next week – we’ll be showing you how to use ALL of this… to profit from your website and social media.

And how to actually turn all of those leads and visitors into paying patients.

See you then 😉


If you’d like to get notified of when this class next becomes available – please click here and we’ll be sure to add you to the early priority list, next time >

OR If you’re brand new to my PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >

What I Say When I’m Asked About Trump And Hillary…

In the last 5 days I’ve traveled from “San Diego” to “LA” via train…

…flew to “Seattle” and hopped over to “Spokane” – and as I write this to you I’m again sat in the airport of the Emerald City, about to jet back to San Diego to see my two little boys! 😉

(It’s been an IMPACTFUL fews days).

My exact location is a Chillis’ restaurant (Gate D4), I’ve got a cold draft, 16oz IPA in my eye line staring back at me waiting to be sipped, and I’m watching “CNN” on one screen – and something that looks like Football (but not as I know it) on the other TV screen.

And it’s what (or WHO) is on TV, that I want to write about today.

What is it??

The Race for the White House, of course…

It’s dominating the conversations of everywhere I am and whenever I’m quizzed on it by the endless Uber Drivers that I’ve shared a ride with lately – I give my ten cents worth on it.

Not that my opinion really matters – but everyone asks me…

“You Brits must think we are crazy
with what’s going on with Donald
and Hillary…?”

My reply?

“I think it’s perfectly normal”



Well, because we live in the most emotional of times…

And for the first time ever, what’s really going on is one of the candidates has entered the race as a “professional marketer”…

(Has been Marketing for Attention for years).

Saying emotional things…

Connecting with emotional human beings…

And when you say emotional things to emotional human beings, guess what happens?

They make decisions – and take action.

(Maybe not the action you agree with – but they take action).

The point?

And the lesson to be learned for PT’s?

Every time you run an ad that says:

“I’m a PT, here’s my website, here’s my number – give me a call if you are in pain…”

You’re running a LOGICAL ad.

In theory, it SHOULD work.

The word “pain”, should be emotional enough to make them (your patients) move and pick up the phone.

(But it doesn’t).

External pain is NOT enough for most people – like 97% – living with the types of things we can help with to take action.

So what does (motivate them)?

Well, how about something like:

“When you have low-back pain –
and you live on pills –
you really don’t have much
quality of life…”


(My patients often are too).

Because words like that, put in the right order and down on paper, IS what’ll hit an internal cord.

And when that INTERNAL PAIN gets spoken to – that’s when you are really in the RACE to get duly elected as the go-to PT in your small town…

It’s not rocket science…

It’s just having the ability to side-step everything that anyone’s ever told you about “how to market your service”…

…and get on the campaign bus that bangs the drum of the thing that you REALLY do to help people.

(Which is NOT, to end pain).


It’s much easier than you think- and there’s no “super-pac” needed to endorse your campaign.

For more PT Business Education like this:

– Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>


Paul Gough

P.S The IMPACT TOUR is now in day 24/63…

Here’s some pics of the Top PT’s (and Chiropractors) I met in Seattle:


(…w/Chris Johnson, Ryan DeBell, Andrea Grunberger Moore, Adam Schetselaar, Michael Li, Pierre-Yves Butheau…)


The full Impact Tour dates and venues are hereand due to the popularity of the Tour, we maybe adding more soon…

3 Big Questions To Consider When Trying To Grow And Scale A Cash Based PT Clinic

Greetings from “LA”,

It’s “Day 19” of my Impact Tour and I’m excited to do another “meet up” tonight, right next to LAX.

Over the last 19 days I’ve been up and down the West Coast talking to a lot of PT’s – and a lot of the same business growth challenges are popping up…

Take this one for example:


“Paul, we’re having some issues with choosing our perfect patient. Do you base this decision on:

1. Your personal preference?

2. Who is your most profitable?

3. The location you are in (the demographic that is in your area)?

– Carlo Sayo, Chino Hills, Orange County, Ca.


What’s the answer?

“The one that will let you grow
and scale your clinic the easiest
and fastest way possible”.

One of the reasons I’ve been able to scale a CASH-PAY clinic (to 4 locations) is because I choose to market to a pocket of people who:

a). Need what I do

b). Are happy to pay for what I do

c). Are easy to find with my marketing (this is HUGE)

(Ladies in their 50’s and 60’s).

I see so many PT’s who WANT to market to a pocket of people that they have a self-interest in…

…but who may not always be the easiest to get in front of – or want to pay out of pocket.

The question you always have to ask is “are there enough of them who are motivated enough to want to PAY FOR PT at $150 a pop”?

Things like “will they find cheaper alternatives” or “would they be easy to locate with your marketing”…

…all have to be carefully considered!

If not, you end up with a clinic that you might be happy treating the people that you do see – but there might not be that many of them to live the lifestyle or make the impact you want.

Make sense?


Everything that I teach is about marketing to the PUBLIC.

(Direct marketing to consumers).

The profession is currently at a “cross-roads” – and so many PT’s are stuck simply because they are looking at how the profession WAS BUILT in the past…

Which was, of course, relying upon referrals from doctors who didn’t ever consider a “perfect patient” for each clinic, as they wrote the script.

With direct access marketing the only way you can win is if you use your marketing to become EVERYTHING – the only logical choice – for a highly specific pocket of people.

If you do that – you’ll find you’re competing in a league of one.

You’ll be able to set your own fees and because they’ll be HOPING that you’ll take them on – rarely, if ever, will you get push-back from any patients about the treatment plans you prescribe…

(That’s how it’s played out for me, anyways!)

Some food for thought?

Last thing:

The answer to how you get to where you need to go WILL NOT be found in where we have come from….

The game has changed…

…and it’s now easier than ever to be successful – IF you follow the right path.


Paul Gough

P.S Here’s some pics from the Impact Tour’s trip to meet with No.1 Silicon Valley PT, Kim Gladfelter and her team:



unnamed-1I spent a full day talking with “Kim” and her team about the new way that we are seeing patients make decisions about their health care – and how they choose a PT…

…and, showing “Kim” specific strategies to help the upcoming transition “Out Of Network” she’s about to make, a stunning success.

(Full dates and locations are here.)


For more PT Business Education like this:

– Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

Accelerator Method – Get Your PT Clinic Noticed (Part 3)


Accelerator Week 3 is here and I can’t believe we’re halfway through already!

This week I taught my group of incredible PT business owners live from beautiful San Diego – one of my most favorite places, and on Module 3 we spoke all about something called  ‘old school marketing mastery’ – and when it’s done right, Direct Mail can be the key to a goldmine of additional profits for your clinic. More on that in a moment…

In case you’re only just joining us, here’s a quick re-cap of what we’ve covered so far:

In week 1 we spoke about the OPPORTUNITY that exists to access the 93% of people who are currently being overlooked for PT – defining your ‘perfect patient’click here to read more here.

Then, in week 2, once my students got clear on who that patient was, we dived right into why a lot of people don’t choose to come and see a Physical Therapist, objects, and how to overcome them – catch up on week 2 here.

Now that’s been covered, here’s where week 3 comes into play – this week it’s all about how to ACTUALLY get noticed, so you can serve more people, and build a bigger business.

We’ve put together the 10 biggest takeaways from Module 3 of Accelerator for you to enjoy, here’s a look behind the scenes!…


#1 The 3 Key Ingredients To Lasting Business Success…

1. Get Noticed.

2. Serve more people

3. Build a bigger business

Now you know that, the next big question is this:

“How do you go about getting NOTICED by your Perfect Patient?”…

…So you can grow and scale you business and serve more people better?

By knowing this:

#2 Know Your Perfect Patients Behaviour

Why is this important for your clinics marketing success?

Well, depending on WHO your perfect patient is, their age, and what they like to do – that’ll determine where you want to run your marketing.

Where do they hang out? Do they go to a coffee shop each morning to read the newspaper? Are they active on Social Media?

My ideal patient “Mary”, is aged 53… she’s still reading newspapers…

So if Mary is reading the daily newspaper, can you guess where I’m going to run my ads?

A newspaper!

#3 Newspapers STILL Work

A lot of people will say to me that ‘newspapers are no good’, that ‘nobody reads them anymore’this couldn’t be further from the truth.

If your perfect patient is 50 plus – running a newspaper ad (especially if you’re a small clinic), is one of the best areas of opportunity to get noticed.

Back to my perfect patient Mary, who is 53 – she’s read newspapers for years, and will continue to do so because it’s a habit

Put your ads in front of the people you want to target where they spend their time most – and you’ll grab their attention.

But keep this in mind…

#4 Forget ‘Pretty’ Looking Ads

Most people when they go about their Marketing – want something that looks ‘nice’.

But does a ‘nice’ looking ad make you money?


Not if the message isn’t right anyway!

Most designers would be horrified by the fact that my ads aren’t ‘flashy’, colourful and don’t have pretty images all over them – but they don’t all understand what we’re wanting to do…

Put an ad out there that talks to your perfect patient and an ad they can resonate with – and you’ll have tons of new people who need your help, calling your clinic.

#5 The Purpose Of Your Marketing Is To Build Trust

The message of your ad is the most important thing, don’t get the message right – you’ve lost them.

Remember, trust is one of the things that you need to win over if you want to access the “93%” of people who have been overlooked (who need your help!).

What will you say in my ad?

Well, believe it or not…

NOT an ad that is all about physical therapy.


Because that’s NOT what people are looking for.

So, what are people looking for?…


#6 Advertise Solutions To Problems

Your perfect patient is in need of a solution – but currently they don’t even realize the the solution they need can even be Physical Therapy.

So your marketing has to advertise a solution to their problem.

This problem could be anything from:

* Fear of a life time dependency upon painkillers

* Risking dangerous spinal surgery for chronic back pain

* Not knowing what’s wrong to cause her pain…

So when you realize all of this, you can create an ad that talks about how your clinic can solve those problems!

#7 Talk To The ‘Internal’ Problems…

Those 3 bullet points I just described above – they’re INTERNAL problems.

And the clinics that solve INTERNAL problems (and talk to those problems) are usually a lot more successful, and can charge higher prices.

For context – running an ad that says you solve ‘back pain’ is solving an EXTERNAL problem.

Fine on the face of it, and is definitely one step up from advertising physical therapy… but a lot of patients have learnt to live with the pain for so long, that an ad about ‘back pain’ is likely to be skipped over.

So, when you talk about these internal problems in your marketing – a lot more people will NOTICE you.

#8 Don’t Ask People To Book Appointments

Not in your newspaper ad (or on Facebook anyway).

Asking people to commit and make a decision as big as that in an ad right away, (when they don’t even know you), is a big mistake.

I’m NOT asking for appointments in the ads I run – I’m not asking for them to do anything but take some of my free advice and put one or two of the tips to good use…

…and if they do that, and they experience a “little win” in terms of how good they feel, then most likely they’ll want to know what else I have to offer them.

And when that happens, they ASK for more information – and that’s when you can talk to them all about your PT services.

#9 Reverse Engineer The Process

One of the best things you can do to get committed patients, is to reverse engineer the Marketing process…

What I mean by that is this – with my ads I’ve worked backwards from me wanting them…

…to making them want to ASK about me.

It lets me schedule from a position of authority and confidence, and means the patient is going to be much more committed and fully bought into my plan of care.

What small clinic owner doesn’t want that?

#10 One Form Of Marketing On Its Own – Isn’t Enough

Newspaper ads are great – especially if they get people to call, but what happens when you rely completely on one source, and the calls stop?

There’s plenty of other ways to find your perfect patient.

You could also find also find them using postcards, Social Media, giving talks at sports clubs, attending community events, taking a stall at a fundraising event, using Google Ad words, sending mail pieces to her home…

The number of ways is endless – putting your ad in more than one place, is a great way to establish expert status and build trust.

That’s it for week 3 of Accelerator!

Now you’re armed with 10 of the most powerful ways to grow your business and get noticed by more people who need your services.

To sum it up:

There’s an INFINITE number of ways to get noticed by your ideal patient, but what always remains the same is the STRATEGY to make it work.

1. Pick the perfect patient.

2. Get their attention either online or offline by offering them something of value…

3. And then give them more information about what ELSE you can do.

It’s that simple…

And it is why the “ACCELERATOR METHOD” is working so successfully for small clinics around the US and across the world.

Next week my students have a week devoted to implementing everything they’ve learnt so far into their practice, then in week 4 we’ll be expanding on even more ways to get noticed by prospects online.

So if your perfect patient can be found hanging out on google and Facebook, be sure to stick around for this 😉

P.S. Here’s some pics from the Impact Tour this week:

I got to hang out with Amazing PT “Scott McAfee” in L.A:


“Roxi Zilmer” of ZPT and “Jason Han” of  Healthfit: Performance and Wellness:


And then onto meet up with “Jerry Durham” in Hollywood:


If you’d like to know what city I’m in next, click here for all the tour dates, and lets meet!


If you’d like to get notified of when this class next becomes available – please click here and we’ll be sure to add you to the early priority list, next time.

OR If you’re brand new to my PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

Accelerator Method – Prove Value, Boost Profits (Week 2)


Week 2 of “Accelerator” is here…

…and this week it’s all about the most important part of ANY Marketing system – which is quite simply the missing link for a lot of PT Clinics…

It’s something called the ‘conversion system’.

We’ve all experienced this: patients referred by a doctor, a workers comp, or direct access client who makes an “inquiry” about your services… but for some reason will still stall over coming to see you.

But no matter what excuse they have, or what referral source they come from – there IS a way to put an end to people resisting.

Week 2 is where my students discovered how to do this.

There’s never been a better ROI on my time than building out this ‘conversion system’.

Sound like something you’d love to do too?

I’m about to share with you the 10 biggest takeaways from Accelerator that I shared with my students – which are quite simply the most important part of any PT Marketing system.

You’re going to want a pen and paper at the ready for this…

Key Takeaways

#1 The Consumer Has Changed

As the cost of health care rises, as co-pay and deductibles go up – it’s no wonder why people show resentment to paying extra fees.

A lot of Physical Therapists think that the consumer knows what we do – in reality, most have no clue what we do.

People don’t book PT because they haven’t got the money – they don’t book because they’re frightened, nervous, skeptical and just don’t know enough.

So how can we expect them to risk paying higher prices?…

Just like you would need more information before making a decision about paying $100 or more for a product or service – patients are the same.

Understand this – and you’ll be able to grow and scale your business with more ease.

What can you do to overcome the price objection?…

#2 Educate, Educate, Educate

After you’ve picked your ‘perfect patient’ (covered in week 1’s highlights of ‘Accelerator’)…

…the next thing we have to do is educate them on the VALUE of how you can impact their life so much, that they’ll want to pay you for it.

Doesn’t it make sense that if you want people to pay out of pocket, fund their “co-pay”, and even just give up their time, it has to appear to be worth it for them??

And at very least, they have to PERCEIVE that it’s going to be worth it to them…

No matter how good you think you are – or how good others say you are – if they don’t think you are the right fit for them, your Marketing won’t work.

And no one is ever going to give you time or money unless you prove value first VIA your marketing (…especially NOT when the cost is more than $100).

So, lets take a look at how we can begin this education process…

#3 The Power Of The Follow-Up System

In week 1 I covered the importance of giving away free information to begin building trust and educating more people on what we do – so they can make a better decision.

This is where the follow-up system comes into play.

People need to feel more certainty in the outcome they’ll get with you, and they need to feel more confident before they invest in your services.

Once they request free information with you – follow-up!

Provide even MORE information – you’ll keep building trust, and in the long-run, you’ll gain yourself a lifetime patient happy to pay for your services.

#4 Keep Building A Bridge

Once someone has seen your blog, your ad in the newspaper, your Facebook ad and they’ve made the first decision towards better health by requesting your free information report…

You’d think they’d be ready to say yes to your services, right?

Hoooold your horses, not quite yet (very few will be anyway).

So what can you do? You need to keep moving people in the right direction, making it easy for people to make ANOTHER decision.

The best way to do that is to offer something else!

Maybe a free telephone consultation, an in-house workshop, a taster session – something that allows them to ask you more questions, to build more trust…

Show people that you ‘get them’, and that you may just be the solution they need – and you’ll stand a higher chance of converting them into a full paying patient.

#5 Keep Communicating The Offer

Why? Because people rarely understand anything the first time…

Especially if they’re confused, unsure, or in pain – and that’s important for you to understand

The worst case for any clinic is that a patient arrives nervous, skeptical and in pain… And when we talk to them about sciatic nerves, about torn cartilage, or a disc problem that’s going to take weeks to get any better and it’s going to cost them $1500, is it any wonder that patients call up saying they won’t be able to make the number of sessions prescribed??

The clinics who fail to communicate in a way which people understand and are able to see the true value in what you do – will keep running into the same problems over, and over again…

Which brings me onto this:

#6 The Biggest Area Of Opportunity With Confused, Skeptical Patients

Is by keeping IN TOUCH.

(With an email follow-up system and the telephone).

I said it above – if we fail to keep in touch and communicate what we really do, we’ve lost them forever.

The FORTUNE is in the FOLLOW UP – is another one of my favourite sayings!

Most people will think they can get their problem solved elsewhere.

And some will!

…But many won’t!

And many will never think to get back in touch with you in fear of looking ‘silly’.

You likely know I’m BIG on having systems in place – and this one email follow-up system will address that you know why they might have gone elsewhere, but that you also know they won’t get what they NEED by going elsewhere!

This will get patients who drop-off them onto schedule quick, and those who are confused at the beginning, to gain trust.

#7 When New Patients Are MOST Motivated…

…As soon as they request free information!

The moment they request that free information – they are more motivated than ever!

And are likely to make another decision – which good news for you!

So, how do you get them when they’re most likely to say ‘yes’?

Within the first 24 hours – follow-up with that prospect right away on the phone and you won’t miss out on another opportunity to help someone get back to living the life they deserve.

#8 But What If You Can’t Get Them On The Phone?

Use other forms of communication!

If you can’t get hold of someone on the phone don’t stop.

This is where a lot of PT clinics miss out on an opportunity to get more patients on schedule – they think because someone hasn’t answered their phone, they’re not interested, so they don’t pick the phone up to get in touch with them again out of fear they’re ‘bothering’ them.

But the truth is, a lot of people don’t answer their phones! People are busy.

You’ll never get me to answer my cell phone – but most of the world will reply to an SMS or an email.

Use other forms of communication, and you’re likely to have more success with getting in touch.

#9 A New Way To Talk On The Phone

When you do get hold of someone on the phone – It’s important that you don’t get involved in a “transactional” phone call…

…and no matter how they are on the call, it’s about you being able to smoothly transition to a question that is both engaging and emotional.

This allows you to add EQUITY and VALUE to the relationship BEFORE you even get them on schedule.

What’s more, doing this will help you better answer the first question that almost all patients ask when they’re almost about to book an appointment:

“Do you take my insurance?”

#10 Get Them To Fall In Love With You!

As a small PT clinic owner you’re going to get a lot of patients come to you who have already experienced PT elsewhere, or have received treatment from a hospital system that treats them like a billable unit, and didn’t even know their name…

So how can you expect them to want to say yes right away, when they’re going to have false assumptions about PT because of a previous experience?

You want to find out what they already know about PT…

If they’ve had PT before what did the like? What did they dislike?

Are they aware that you can do more than just ease their back pain? That actually you can help them to feel more energized, walk further for longer, dance in their favourite pair of high heels with everyone telling them how great they look?…

Get on that level and hey presto!

You’ll get prospects to fall in love with you, happy to pay $100+ for a specialized service ‘they can’t get anywhere else’

Ok, there’s your ‘digest’ of Module 2…

To sum up:

It’s all about PROVING to people through communicating with them in such a way that they understand what it is a PT REALLY does (…not what they’ve been told, or led to believe, what you do!)…

…then, show that you understand them…

(Like no one else)

…that you’re able to connect and engage with them…

…that you “get them”…

…that you appreciate they may have been let down in the past by another provider who made a promise they didn’t keep (and still keep their money)…

AND, most importantly of all, that we know it may take a little time for them to TRUST themselves – and us – to make a decision about giving us their $700 or however much their contribution is.

Once you’ve created the SYSTEMS to educate and prove value it becomes very easy to raise your rates and get more patients on board.

Next week we’ll cover how to get noticed – how you get the attention of your ideal patient both ONLINE – using things like Facebook and Google – and OFFLINE – using things like newspaper ads or postcards.

Stay tuned for next week’s highlights from module 3 😉


If you’d like to get notified of when this class next becomes available – please click here and we’ll be sure to add you to the early priority list, next time.

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The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Show

The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Show 032: How To Spot The Different Patient Personality Types…

On this weeks Episode of the Paul Gough Physio Rooms show you can watch and learn as I talk to my staff about how to deal with TWO (of the 4) personality types that will enter your clinic each day…

It’s interesting stuff – and it makes your life a lot easier when you’re able to spot these things which’ll let you connect and engage with your patients even better…


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Show 031: Why So Many Physio’s Are Failing In Private Practice…

Physio School is all about teaching you the “skills” … yet what the patient wants just as much is EMPATHY AND A CONNECTION… this video reveals why so many Physios are struggling to run successful private practices – and the role that PT school is having on that…


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Show 030: How To Get A Big Breakthrough In Your Business

Most PT’s are one step away from a big breakthrough in their business. Here’s how to spot when it’s going to happen to YOU…


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Show 029: How To Deal With Negative Patients

We all get “negative patients” who like to moan! Yet what separates the good PT’s from the great PT’s is the ability to understand why it’s happening. Here’s how you do it…


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Show 028: What To Look Out For As Your Clinic Gets Bigger


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Show 027: What To Say To A Patient Who ‘No-Shows’!

How do you handle the “why didn’t you show up?” conversation?

Episode 27 of the Paul Gough Physio Rooms show is ready for you…

…and on this show, I talk to my staff about what to say to a patient who forgets to show up for a session!


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Show 026: Staff Training – Why It Helps Patients To See The Value In What You Do

On this weeks episode I talk to my staff about why a lot of PT clinics face issues with patients committing to PT, because they’d rather go to a hairdressers appointment instead…

WHY this happens…

And how to tackle it (with the beauty of weekly staff training workshops), so patients make room for you in their diary instead.


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Show 025: Why No One Wants To Pay For Physical Therapy Anymore

On this Episode of the Show I’m talking to my staff about why we should NEVER be talking about “PT” to anyone who makes an inquiry. 

And why it’s the job of my staff to find out what our patients REALLY want from us – which isn’t to get “great treatment”.


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Show 024: The Importance Of Making Your Patients Like Celebrities

On this weeks “Paul Gough Physio Rooms” show you can watch me talk all about the importance of turning your patients into “MINI-CELEBRITIES”, instantly recognized by everyone at your practice…

…because as I keep on saying – almost everything that is happening to you as a person, to make you FEEL GREAT about doing business with other companies, is what you should be implementing into your daily business practice.


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Show 023: Now Is The Best Time Ever To Beat The Big Hospital Systems [Explicit Content]

On this episode we talk about why there’s never been a better time for small companies like you and I to compete with the bigger hospital systems…


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Show 022: Giving My Staff A Licence To Thrill

On this episode I’m joined by a special guest – “Lois Wolf” of AZ Sports and Physical Therapy Centre in Glendale, Phoenix – “Lois” flew all the way from Phoenix to spend some time working with me and my team – looking behind the scenes of how we continue to grow the Paul Gough Physio Rooms enterprise.

You’ll see me talking to my front desk team about how important it is to “thrill” our patients with a service experience that goes way beyond “just providing great physical therapy”


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Show 021: Helping Patients Overcome Resistance To Booking PT

This week I’m working with my Physiotherapy team and on this show I’m talking to them about how to transition from talking all about a “free report” to fresh new leads to the OTHER options that we have for people at my practice…

The trick? When following up on new leads and prospects is move them away from the ‘report; conversation as fast as possible


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:


The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Show 020: How To Put Patients At Ease Using These ‘7’ Words

On this Episode I talk about how simple it is to make someone feel comfortable in the decision they are about to make in doing business with you… Because these days, that’s never been more important – and yet I see a lot of PT Business Owners who think that just because a patient has called up to schedule – it means they’re happy!

Far from it.


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:


The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Show 019: Work Your Magic Before They Experience Your PT

This week’s episode is all about recognizing when an absolute PERFECT PATIENT, with a high life time value, walks into your clinic…

…and doing everything you can to ensure that they feel loved.


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article: 

The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Show 018: The Importance Of Saying No To Paitients (Even If You Want Lasting Success)

On this episode I work with my Admin Staff and teach them the importance of saying “NO” to certain patients… If you’re wanting to grow your business – and live with the confidence to tell patients what they REALLY need – without the fear of any push back, or price objections…

…then you have to live from a place of being 100% certain in WHO you serve.

You do that by saying “NO”


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The Paul Gough Physio Rooms 017: Stopping “Drop Offs” With This One Simple Question

On this episode we’re joined in the Paul Gough Physio Rooms HQ by special guest Northern Ireland’s No.1 Physio – Gav Noble (Gav is one of the many PT’s involved in our Global Community of PT Entrepreneurs). On this week’s show we discuss what to do if patients try to “drop off” schedule…


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article: 

The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Show 016: Dealing With Obstructive Patients & Telling Staff What They Need To Hear

On this week’s episode we are talking all about the MINDSET, STRENGTH – and BALLS – it takes to deal with those one or two “obstructive” patients we all seem to pick up from time to time. And I’ve been more successful since because it means I have more time and energy to serve the right patients, BETTER!


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The New Wave PT Show 015: Trust In The Marketing Process And Never Take Rejection Personally

On this week’s episode we cover the no.1 thing that either gets a business the outcome they want… Or loses out on opportunity altogether: Reacting vs. Anticipating when it comes to the different scenarios we face daily in the clinic.


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The New Wave PT Show 014: Staff Training – How To Give Your Secretary A Double Shot Of Confidence

On this episode we focus on my FRONT DESK STAFF and improving the way they interact with all of my patients and prospects – because what happens out front – at the beginning of the relationship – is the most impactful part of the business


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The New Wave PT Show 013: Staff Training – How To Handle Difficult Front Desk Situations

On this episode Paul is in the “trenches” working “one-on-one” with our newest front desk person talking about how to “authoritatively” (…and lovingly), handle some of the more difficult front desk interactions that she’s going to have to deal with as we grow.


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The New Wave PT Show 012: Why Some Patients Resist Paying For Treatment (Even Though They Need It)

On this episode Paul teaches his newest member of staff the reason why some patients RESIST paying for treatment – eve though it’s so obvious that they need it. The reasons why might surprise you…


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The New Wave PT Show 011: How Do You Get Referrals Without Incentivizing Patients?

On this episode I talk about how easy it is to get people to talk about you (it really never has been easier)… The strategey we use at the Paul Gough Physio Rooms to turn online leads from Facebook, into paying patients fast, and the power of patient testimonials…


0:54 – Following on from EP 010… Question #1 – “If you don’t like incentivizing referrals from past patients, how do you do it?”… I explain how easy it is to get people to talk about you – it really has never been easier – and it’s as simple as entering their conversations OR better, BEING the conversation – and using all of the different Media that is now available to do this. If you commit to this, you’ll win BIG because no one else wants to do it. 

6:50 Back at the Paul Gough Physio Rooms,  and the weekly staff training workshops continue – I sit down with my team and talk through the exact strategy we use to turn online leads from Facebook, into paying patients, fast.

Success on Facebook is all about getting to talk to them while their motivation is HIGH. 

12:42 – Live from Celebration, Orlando on a Master Class all about the Power Of Patient Testimonials with a group of Successful PT Biz Owners – I talk about why you should NEVER ‘just copy’ strategies from Marketing ‘gurus’ without having any true understanding as to WHY you’re using it – and how it’s relevant to you…

Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The New Wave PT Show 010: Why Incentivizing Referrals With $10 Gift Cards Is Bad For Business

On this episode I talk about why my answer is “NO” when it comes to incentivizing past patients for referrals, a preview from a live coaching call with one of my incredible clients on how to to do the “incentivizing patient referrals” thing, the right way, and I discuss human psychology with my staff back at the Paul Gough Physio Rooms and how we can use it to help make people feel MORE confident FASTER about making the decision to come and see us…


00:51 – Question #1 – ‘Should you incentivize referrals from past patients by giving them a gift, or something of monetary value?‘… I tell you why my answer is always ‘NO’,, and what PT Owners can do for past patients instead which has everything to do with what happens AFTER they’ve referred to you … Listen in here!

05:18 – Back in San Diego, CA – listen in as I coach one of my amazing clients “Dean Volk” on precisely how to do the “incentivizing patient referrals” thing, the right way. Learn all about it here

08:11 – Back at HQ: I take you live inside my clinic (The Paul Gough Physio Rooms), and let you in on a highlight from this week’s staff training where I discuss *human psychology*, and how we can use it to help make people feel MORE confident FASTER about making the decision to come and see us…


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:


The New Wave PT Show 009: Why Patients Value A “Hairdresser” More Than Physical Therapy

On this episode I talk about why patients cancel PT appointments to go to the hairdresser instead (and what to so about it), Why “words” are the most important thing we can use to get people to say ‘yes’  to paying for PT, and why clinic owners need to play the LONG GAME with patients for huge success…


01:10Question #1 “I’ve had a problem with patients cancelling PT sessions for a hairdressers appointment instead – how can I stop it?” – I talk about WHY this happens – and how to tackle it so patients show up for your PT sessions instead… (hint – it’s all about helping them make decisions)

05:53 – Back at “The Paul Gough Physio Rooms” – Weekly staff training happens each Wednesday, no exceptions and this week I talk about why “words” are the most powerful thing we can use to get people to say ‘yes’ to paying for PT, and the exact decision process people go through, before they buy-in…

11:06 – A highlight from my live Q&A call with an amazing group of PT clinic owners – I teach you about the importance of being the Owner playing the LONG GAME with patients – and show you why the ones who do, are “WINNING BIG”.


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The New Wave PT Show 008: Market What Patients Want, But Give Them What They Need

On this episode I talk about why it’s so important to meet people where they are right NOW, so we can convert them into a paying patient, and the exact process we use at the Paul Gough Physio Rooms to do this. WHY people pay us money for PT and what the phrase “brand” really means for PT clinics…


00:50 – Question #1 “How do we get who are busying knee, back and ankle supports… to pay for PT sessions instead?” – I talk about why it’s so important to meet people where they are right now, so we can build a bridge, to convert them into a paying patient…

05:34 – Live from Austin, Texas – I teach an amazing group of PT Entrepreneurs from all corners of the world, exactly how we run the process of converting people who buy our products, into paying patients for PT sessions, at The Paul Gough Physio Rooms

09:48 – A look into my clinic’s weekly staff training at The Paul Gough Physio Rooms – I teach my staff the reason WHY people pay us money to take the decision process away from them, to build more trust…

13:53 – Back in San Diego I’m joined with one of California’s leading Physical Therapists, Andrew Vertson of Intecore PT – we talk all about ‘brand’ and what it really means (it’s nothing to do with your clinic’s logo, or website… it’s the most important thing for your consumer on the front end)


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The New Wave PT Show 007: Why The “D” In DPT Is Not Helping The PT Industry

On this episode I talk about why the “D” in DPT doesn’t mean a thing to anyone BUT Physical Therapists, a look behind the scenes of my clinics weekly staff training and why cost is never truly the issue for new patients, what Social Networks you should be using for your clinic right NOW, and why patient’s don’t want to see YOU, they just want what you do…


00:56Question #1 -” How important is Marketing the fact that you’re a Doctor of Physical Therapy?” –  I talk about why the “D” in DPT doesn’t mean a thing to anyone BUT Physical Therapists…(and certainly won’t win you new patients)

4:50 – Training with my staff – a look behind the scenes of my clinics weekly staff training – I discuss why cost is never truly an issue.

7:23 – A preview from a live Global Master Class I help recently all about how to use Social Media the right way – I’m joined by over 50 PT Entrepreneurs (I also let you in on what Social Networks you should be using NOW) 

10:41Question #2 – Live from San Diego, “how do you make the transition from therapist to business owner, when patients are used to seeing you?” – I tell you why patients don’t want to see YOU, they just want what you DO…


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The New Wave PT Show 006: Would You Take A 6 Figure Pay Cut To Grow Your Business?

On this episode I talk about the one thing PT business owners have to do, to increase profits AND grow their business – the question is, are you willing to do it? A highlight from my clinic’s staff training and how to handle conversations with people who want free services, how I pay my staff and increase staff loyalty and my theory on why most PT’s will never be successful…


1:06 – Question #1 – “How do you grow a business and pay yourself at the same time?” – I talk about the ONE thing PT entrepreneurs have to do, to increase profits AND grow their business, the question is – are you prepared to take a CUT to grow your organization?…

6:35 – Weekly Staff training at The Paul Gough Physio Rooms – on this episode I give a lesson to my staff on how to handle conversations with people who think that our services are free (remember, we compete with a 100% free health care system!)

9:46 – A behind the scenes preview of my Accelerator program week 3, with over 50 PTs from around the world and a question about I pay my staff and increase staff loyalty –

12:03 – Live from the Sheraton hotel in Downtown Phoenix – my theory on why most PT’s will never be successful in business simply because they’re waiting for something to happen – rather than making it happen – and how to start the process to achieve the lifestyle you’ve always dreamt of…


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The New Wave PT Show 005: How To Spot When It’s Time To Move Your Staff Out

On this episode I talk about why it’s crucial to get staff to buy into new scripts and procedures to help take your business to the next level, and if they don’t, what to do about it… another highlight from my clinic’s staff training at The Paul Gough Physio Rooms and a lesson about self-confidence, and a look behind the scenes of Week 3 of the New Patient Accelerator Program and why the internet is your BIGGEST area of opportunity right now…


1:00 – Question #1 – “How do you get your staff to buy into new scripts and procedures?”…the answer is, you need to realign them with WHY you’re in business in the first place – to help people. If they won’t buy in, then perhaps you’ve got the wrong staff on the bus and it’s time to move them on.

4:23 – A highlight from my clinic’s staff training at the Paul Gough Physio Rooms – on this episode I give the staff a lesson about self-confidence and why it’s crucial to getting new patients on board and seeing the value in what we do…

5:23 – A sneak loop behind the scenes of week 3 of the New Patient Accelerator program with my amazing group of PT Entrepreneurs… this one I share with you my theory on how the internet is THE biggest area of opportunity for you and me right now…


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The New Wave PT Show 004: PT’s Who Wrongly Copy Frank Kern & Kennedy

On this episode I talk about Workshops and how to convert visitors to paying patients, another highlight from my clinic’s weekly training sessions (held each Wednesday!), why newspaper ads are a gold mine for your PT clinic and why your STORY is key to future success…


1:13: Question #1: Workshops – Should I make an offer at the end an offer at the end about free discovery visits at the end to get workshop visitors into paying patients?… Even though anyone can get a free taster session at any time?

5:34: A highlight from my clinic’s weekly training sessions with my amazing team!

7:27: Question #2 from my Workshop Master Class with our group of PT Entrepreneurs all about newspaper advertising, and WHY it’s a gold mind for PT’s

10:06: A quick lesson live from John Wayne Airport, Orange County – why your STORY is a game-changer.


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The New Wave PT Show 003: Goodbye Grovelling To Doctors

On this episode I talk about why the physical therapy industry is getting stuck in the dark ages STILL teaching how to suck up to doctors, (get live insights from my three days at CSM in Anaheim, CA), Why I think some PT’s are being DISRESPECTFUL to the people they should be serving, and we give you a highlight from inside of my own clinic and how I train my awesome staff!


1:11 – Question #1 – Should you keep in touch with a patient with a follow-up system sending them Free Reports, phone calls and even emails, even thought they’ve told you that they have a high deductible and not quite sure about coming to see you again?

3:24 – Lesson #1 from APTA CSM – helping the consumer & the business that will WIN!

6:21 – Highlight from a live Next Level Coaching Group Master Class – “The Fortune is in the Follow-Up”

10:03 – A sneak peak into my clinic with my awesome staff!

13:07 – Lesson #2 from the APTA CSM why the physical therapy industry is getting stuck in the dark ages STILL teaching how to suck up to doctors


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The New Wave PT Show 002: “It’s Lazy To Rely Upon Referrals From Patients”

On this episode I talk about why it’s lazy to rely upon referrals from patients and other ways you can grow and scale your business on YOUR terms, a sneak peek into my clinic’s Staff Training (held every Wednesday), and how to break-free from dealing with insurance companies, FOR GOOD.


0:58 – Question #1 – Can you rely upon word of mouth referrals and past patients to grow a business, when you live in a town where VERY FEW people have the internet?

6:01 – A sneak peek into my clinic’s Staff Training I hold each Wednesday… We talk Workshops and weekly challenges.

9:30 – Question #2 How do I carry on being a PT providing services with passion when feeling ‘burnt out’ and overloaded with paperwork and dealing with insurance companies.


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:

The New Wave PT Show 001: Uncommitted PTs And Workshop Events

On this episode, I talked about (had a rant about), one of the BIG dilemmas you face when running a Physical Therapy business, an ‘interesting’ quote from a PT on Facebook about patients and valuing their health, and a question from one of my PT Entrepreneurs on in-house workshops – to attract NEW patients.


1:03 – Rant #1 One of the BIG dilemmas you face when running a PT business – and it’s not acquiring more new patients!

4:21 – Rant #2 an interesting ‘quote’ from a PT over on Facebook – and why it’s nonsense.

8:22 – A question from one of my PT Entrepreneurs who is about to run his first in-house live workshop, to attract more new patients.


Twitter: @ThePaulGough
My latest article:


Accelerator Method – Who Do You Want To See In Your Clinic? (Week 1)


Week one of “The New Patient Accelerator Method” kicked off this week, and just as I imagined, we had a GREAT time with a number of breakthroughs.

In week 1 we cover the essential foundation that all small business success is built upon.

It was eye opening…


And there were a lot of breakthroughs…

If you joined in with us, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

As we had a packed out class, and because I know some of you weren’t able to join us on the program this time – I wanted to keep you in the loop with everything we’re learning.

So here’s a look behind the scenes of what happened in Module 1 of the Accelerator Method, we’re going to share with you “10” of the most powerful highlights from week 1 of the class, get your pen and paper ready!

Key Takeaways

#1 Why Most PT Marketing Fails

Most PT clinics experience some kind of frustration when it comes to Marketing.

You might try putting an ad in a newspaper or local magazine, a letter, a leaflet or flyer – something that looks “pretty and nice” and is professionally designed – and on the face of it, is a GREAT ad for a Physical Therapy clinic…

But that’s the problem.

The ad is all about Physical Therapy and NOT about the person they can help.

Let me explain:

One of the main reasons why most PT clinic ads fail is simply because the ad lacks the one single thing that all great Marketing pieces must have – a clearly defined “pocket of people” who you want to pay attention to your ad!

Which brings me onto this:

#2 WHO Do You Want To Do Business With?

You can’t be successful with attracting new patients if you’re trying to reach everyone, which is why you’ve got to get clear on this:

WHO you want to do business with.

Unless you’ve got a multi-million dollar business – the real profit lies in the RELATIONSHIP you have with those people – and you BEGIN and ENHANCE that relationship with your clinic marketing.

Here’s an example:

At my clinic – the Paul Gough Physio Rooms – we call this person our “Perfect Patient”, who comes from the HUGE pocket of people who are being overlooked by most clinics in our area…

…The huge group of people who are living with some form of pain and restriction that they need some help with, but just don’t know what to do.

Our Perfect Patient is called Mary – she’s 53, has two children and 3 grandchildren, and loves to live an active lifestyle attending Pilates classes a few times a week and socializing with friends.

So, here’s something for you to think on – who is YOUR “Perfect Patient”?

#3 Why You Need To Get Crystal Clear On Who Your “Perfect Patient” Is…

The biggest area of opportunity lies within figuring out WHO is is you’re talking to.

Because if you don’t, then you can’t say the right things in your Marketing that’ll get their attention and instantly tell them that you have something that they should consider paying attention to – or reading on.

We have to be able to show them that we understand their problems and frustrations…

…and that you’re the place to go to for help to solve their problem.

These people are likely being overlooked by other Physical Therapy clinics in your town – because so many of them are focusing on getting referrals from Doctors that they’re neglecting the people who DON’T get given a referral from a doctor (even though they need us).

So it’s your job to help them.

But how do you find those people currently being overlooked?…

By understanding this:

#4 Your Patients Have Three Problems

External, Internal and Philosophical.

Most PT’s talk to people about their external problems when what they should be doing to stand out, is talk to them about INTERNAL problems.

What pain are they in emotionally? What are they struggling with and missing out on because of the physical pain they’re in?…

#5 The Most Important Point To Remember When “Selling Your Services”

As a general rule, we move people AWAY from pain and loss – not towards health and happiness – which is why Marketing that promises to “reach the peak of health”, doesn’t resonate with many people or compel them to make decisions.

People have a hard time imagining how good it feels to be happy and healthy right now when they’re suffering. Move them AWAY from pain, and co-pay won’t be an issue.

Which leads me onto this…

#6 The Real Purpose Of Your Marketing

Once you’ve become crystal clear on WHO it is you want to do business with, and you understand them on a deeper, emotional level…

It’s time to show up and drop the solution to their problems – in their lap.

With my Perfect Patient at the Paul Gough Physio Rooms, I know that ‘Mary’ is someone who doesn’t like taking pills, and doesn’t want to ‘bother’ the Doctor – and yet still wants a solution to her problem that resembles her lifestyle choice.

But the problem is, since she went to see her doctor and DIDN’T get a referral (because most don’t) – she’s a little “confused”…

..she was told to rest, accept it, and take pills.

Therefore if you show up and and give away free information that helps her to make a better decision – you’ll gain her trust and she’ll know that PT is the solution she’s been looking for all this time 😉

But keep this in mind…

#7 Marketing Is All About Building A Bridge

The rules of small business advertising have changed.

It’s almost impossible to get people to say “yes” and hand over money for your PT services immediately.

When stats suggest that just 3% of the population are confident enough and ready to buy now – the key for you is to build a relationship and develop trust with your Marketing messages, to help people make better decisions.

So how can you begin to do this?

#8 Give Away Free Information

For small businesses like you and I, providing people with MORE information to help them make better decisions, faster, is the ONLY way to win.

Because of TRUST issues, it’s much easier (and smarter!), to advertise helpful information than it is to ask people to buy from you immediately.

Putting out an ad that says something like: “Back pain evaluation – call today” will waste the attention of 9 out of 10 people and your precious dollars.

But offer free information as a solution to their problem, and you’ll be helping people to confidently say YES to PT services, and get back to living the life they deserve!

#9 Adopt The Strategy Of Pre-Eminence

What do I mean by this? You offer to help your Perfect Patient BEFORE you ask for any money.

Think about how trust was established in PT clinics years ago… by doctors who TOLD THEM to go and see a PT – patients didn’t have to make a decision!!

But now that times have changed (and more importantly if you want to move away from relying upon doctors for referrals…) you need to re-create that trust, so people can confidently make a decision on their own.

One of the ways we do it at the Paul Gough Physio Rooms? With free information reports:

Screen Shot 2016-08-12 at 17.01.27

There’s no effort required on your prospects part, it’s low-risk and easy to get – therefore MORE people are likely to respond to your ad.

A great way to understand this is to look at it like this:

#10 Think Of Going On A First Date

You wouldn’t ask someone to marry you on a first date, would you?…

Well, asking people to book an appointment with you in your Marketing is a lot like asking for marriage on a first date.

Slowwwww down, that’s too quick – you don’t know each other well enough yet, go for coffee first 😉

Remember, not everyone is ready to book now, offer free information, be helpful, get to know your prospects and nurture them.

Master this and issues with “co-pay”, “deductibles” and the increase in monthly premiums will become a thing of the past.

To sum up:

In PT school we’ve been led to believe that if people are in pain, they’ll book our services when they see us Marketing how great our clinic is in an ad…

But in reality, not enough people know what PT actually is – and not enough people are confident enough to make decisions about their health for themselves

When you really start to think about WHO your Perfect Patient is, and understand them at a deeper level that many health care professionals don’t take the time to do – you’ll be able to serve the MASSIVE pocket of people who are currently suffering with something you can help with – and who will be happy to do business with you – by helping them make better decisions.

See you right here next week, for Module 2 where we’ll cover one of THE fastest ways to boost your clinic’s profits, and how to get more patients on schedule from ANY referral source.


If you’d like to get notified of when this class next becomes available – please click here and we’ll be sure to add you to the early priority list, next time.

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Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

Want To Come And Meet Me In A City Near You This Fall??


Dear US Physical Therapist,

Over the next 9 weeks I’m going to be touring 18 different US cities that’ll take me from San Diego West Coast – to Orlando on the East Coast – and many cool places in between!

It’s going to be an epic tour as I get to meet more of you IN PERSON – and achieve my goal of bringing the IMPACT that my online videos, blogs, trainings and coaching is having upon you all – to real LIFE!

Wherever you are in the US right now – chances are I’m going to be stopping by as my US “Impact Tour” kicks off on Sunday Sept 18th.

I’ll be spending “63” days travelling with my young family, learning more about American culture, meeting new people, taking pictures of your best cities…

… Masterminding, attending business seminars and boot camps, doing clinic visits…

…AND, meeting up with and impacting as many of YOU, in person, as possible!

Want To Come And Meet Me?

Here’s My Dates And Venues For The Next 9 Weeks:


SEPT 18TH    SUN    San Diego
Touch Down

SEPT 19TH-20TH    MON-TUE   Orange County, CA
Speak at Andrew Vertson’s Mastermind Event

SEPT 21ST   WED   Aliso Viejo 
(Intecore PT Clinic Visit)

SEPT 22ND    THUR   San Diego
(Staying at Seaport Village Area)

SEPT 23RD-25TH   FRI-SUN   Palomar Hotel, San Diego
Speaking at Nittin Choda’s Referral Igniton Event

SEPT 25TH    SUN   La Jolla, San Diego
Collect my family from Lincoln Field Airport San Diego
who arrive that day from Britain

SEPT 27TH   TUE  San Francisco
 Meet “Jerry Durham” and “Sturdy McGhee”

SEPT 28TH   WED   San Francisco
Clinic visit of “San Francisco Sport and Spine”

SEPT 29TH    THUR   San Jose
Clinic visit to Kim Gladfelter’s “Physio-Fit” office

SEPT 30TH   FRI   San Diego
Back to San Diego

OCT 6TH   THUR   LA (5 miles from Santa Monica)
Travel to LA for 4 day Marketing event

OCT 9TH   SUN   Seattle (Downtown)
Fly to “Seattle” to meet PT Chris Johnson and
Ryan DeBell

OCT 11TH   TUE   Spokane
Clinic visit with Luke Gordon of Gordon PT.

OCT 12TH   WED   San Diego
Fly back to San Diego

OCT 19TH   WED   Las Vegas
Attend PPS Conference (Staying at the WYNN Hotel)

OCT 20TH   THUR   Las Vegas
Meet with RJ Williams and do a  Clinic Visit to his
Fyzical Therapy and Balance Centres office in Las Vegas

OCT 22ND   SAT   San Diego
Fly back to San Diego

OCT 24TH   TUE   Phoenix
 Meet Scott Gilbert, Julie Docter, Judy Cirullo, Lois Wolf, Jeremiah O. Sarkett

OCT 26TH – 17TH  WED – THUR   Phoenix
Meet-up at the Downtown Sheraton Hotel

OCT 27TH  THUR   San Diego
Fly back to San Diego


OCT 30TH   SUN   Orlando, FL
Fly to Orlando, FL

OCT 31ST   MON   Celebration, FL
Spend Halloween in “Celebration”

NOV 1ST   TUE   Tampa Bay, FL
Travel to Tampa Bay for 2 day Mastermind Event

NOV 3RD   THUR   Downtown Tampa Bay
Meet PT “Gregg Todd” for Dinner Downtown

NOV 4TH   FRI   Tampa Bay
Clinic Visit of Gregg Todd PT

NOV 5TH-10TH   SAT-THUR   Orlando, FL
FUN TIME – 6 days in Disney world with my Family! 😉

NOV 11TH   NOV   Newark
Fly to Newark, New Jersey for meet-up with Mike Werhrhahn
and other PT’s in the New York and New Jersey, Philly area

NOV 12TH   SAT   Wilmington, Delaware
Travel via AMTRAK to Willmington, Delaware
for clinic visit with “David Wilderman” of Wilderman PT

NOV 13TH   SUN   Charlotte, NC
Fly to Charlotte (NC) for meet up with various PT’s

NOV 14TH   MON   Harrisburg
Chair “Mastermind” event at VOLK PT in Harrisburg with
Dean Volk, Aaron LeBauer and various others.

NOV 14TH   MON   Myrtle Beach, SC
Last flight out to “Myrtle Beach”, SC 

NOV 15TH   TUE   Myrtle Beach, NC
 Mastermind day with the brightest business mind
in the whole of the US – Mr X.

NOV 16TH   WED   Orlando, FL
Fly back to Orlando for last day at Disney World with family 

NOV 17TH   THUR   Hartlepool, UK
Fly back to the UK – return to the Paul Gough Physio Rooms
to continue growth of own clinic – and catch up with staff and family 😉

Now you know where I am…
…where will you meet me??

Follow the TOUR on Facebook….

Catch up with the all the Video footage on my Youtube channel…


Email me: if you want to meet up for a beer or grab coffee in any of these locations!

I hope to see you soon! 😉

Paul Gough

Why PT’s Need To Get Out Of The “Pain Game” – And Into The “Transformations Club”…

Heard this from a PT just yesterday:


“I can’t seem to get them to attend all of the sessions that they need.

I especially have a hard time getting them to “9” – they always say they’ll just do “6” for now and see how it goes – I have to compromise even though it’s in their best interests that I see them 9 times”.


Common issue I suspect…

I talk regularly about the need to “market solutions to problems”…

…not market “PT” services.

And, I also talk about the need for PT’s to get out of the “pain” or “movement” game…

…and join the “transformations club”!

What A Patient -Price Objection- Really Means (6)

What do I mean by that?

Well, as most PT’s talk aaaaaaaallllll day long about “pain” and or “restoring function”…

…some even brag on it in their marketing or on websites…

…me and my team are talking aaaaaaaalllllll day long about things like “who my patient will become”, AFTER we have gotten rid of their pain AND restored function.

See the difference?

(Read it again).

Here’s the thing…

A lot of patients KNOW that you CAN solve their problem…

…they BELIEVE that you’re skilled and wonderful at what you do.

They just don’t know what life will look like WHEN you’ve done that…

…and they don’t BELIEVE that it’ll happen to them.

And if you can’t help them to do that – they ain’t ever going to be motivated to show up and pay, no matter how many letters before or after your name.

Not so bad if you’re relying upon referrals from doctors all day…

…but it’s catastrophic to communicate about pain and motion if you’re trying to market for direct access patients (who largely, have no clue what a PT even does).

So what’s the solution to this mis-communication issue?

Easy peasy:

Start to talk to patients about ‘who they’ll become’ AFTER your 9 sessions is done…

…talk to them about who they will NO LONGER be (which is right now someone stuck in the house and ageing fast while “pills” rot their stomach)…

…can your skills make a change in their IDENTITY?

What will their friends and family say about them after your 9 sessions of pain relief and movement techniques?

If, right now, they’re being told that they seem to be “slowing down” or are “not themselves anymore” – and AFTER you work your magic they’ll be acknowledged for moving as well as someone 20 years their junior…

…then they’ll attend your 9 sessions!

And they’ll be happy to pay – in cash or out of pocket, even in January.

(And they’ll most likely ASK for more).


Todays lesson summed up:

Get specific.

“Land the plane”.

Don’t do what most PT’s are doing and keep the plane hovering at 30,000 feet…

…S.P.E.L.L out the TRANSFORMATION in a way that even a 5 year old can relate, and if you do that, you’ll have no problems getting them to “9”.

Do that in your direct access marketing AS WELL…

…and you’ll have no problem getting them IN (through the doors), to get them to “9”.

Want some help to do it?


Paul Gough

P.S Here’s a REPLAY of a recent Paul Gough Physio Rooms Show where I spoke in-depth about this subject with my staff:

==> Episode 26: Helping People Overcome Resistance To Booking Out PT ! >


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