Lets talk about Donald Trump…
…and HOW he’s even got in this position in the first place.
What position you might ask??
A position of “Influence”.
Because, by simple definition, “Marketing” is the ability to influence and motivate enough people to take action and or feel a certain way.
(And, it’s pretty clear that Trump has MASTERED the ability to do just that).
So, as “Marketers” of our business’s, why don’t we see what lessons we can learn from the billionaire?
Right now, everyone is talking about Trump in “real time”…
Focusing on where he goes, what he says and what he does TODAY.
That’s the “effect”.
I’m more interested in the “cause”…
…as in, HOW and WHAT did he do in his life to even be in that position of “influence”, in the first place.
Having read books and old interviews, it’s obvious that his business success comes down to relentlessly asking him self these two questions:
1.) What decision can I make today that everyone else is *afraid* to do?
2.) What’s the worst that can happen if I do make this decision today – and can I handle it?
These are two questions that Trump asks that clearly led him to the “economic super success” he has today…
That economic success secured BACK THEN, is, perhaps, why he is the front runner for his party TODAY.
The relevance for PT’s?
Trump may or may not be your ticket…
You might not like what he says or does…
…but one of the things that I would urge you to do is copy HOW he’s got where he is.
Change has arrived in the PT industry and most people don’t like change…
Most people are “afraid” of it.
And, right now, many PT’s are “afraid” to make decisions.
Decisions about moving away from the old, dead or dying in the water methods for getting referrals to a PT practice from doctors
TOWARDS the NEW way to grow a PT clinic – marketing directly to the consumer.
Success in the New Health Care Economy, comes down to this:
“If you’re brave enough,
you’ll win”.
It’s that simple.
Sure, you’ll hit one or two road blocks along the way as you venture into the brave new world of running a PT Business – the modern way – the 2016 way – but you’ll be more successful in the end…
I’ve studied Marketing relentlessly…
It’s become an obsession.
(A passion).
But here’s the thing:
Learning about Marketing is a LOT EASIER than going to PT School…
If you’re able to master the science and mechanics of the most complicated thing ever invented – the human body – I know for sure you can learn simple strategies to WIN at bringing new patients to your clinic.
So, lets say you make a commitment to attracting new patients to your clinic starting today…
What’s the worst that can happen and can you handle it?…
Well, I’m not sure there is a down side to learning how to Market your PT clinic.
It’s the most important skill you’ll ever learn in life.
It’s a skill that puts you in control of your own destiny…
…and if you can handle the fact that your “peers” – the ones still stuck in their ways and banging on doctors doors, lunch in hand – might begin to DISLIKE you because you’re becoming more successful than them…
…then you’ll be just fine.
Lesson over for today.
Paul Gough
P.S. Note for Physical Therapists looking for Marketing Ideas…
Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

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