On this Physical Therapy Profit Academy Tutorial we show you how to maximise your patient cash value effortlessly, by selling any cash service you want, to any patient you treat.
“How do you make MORE money at your practice?…”
Many PT owners focus on bringing in more and more new patients.
Which, of course, is part of the equation…
But the fact is, with the majority of PTs relying on inbound referrals from Doctors, and with insurance reimbursement fees being “slashed” – keeping the doors open is only going to become harder, meaning you’ll work MORE, but go home with LE$$!
And although a ton of new patients WILL bring you more money when they pay for their first block of sessions…
What you REALLY need to know how to do, is CONTINUE that sale with that same customer for life – as this IS where the bigger profits are made.
So, instead of only thinking – ‘how can I get more new patients?’…
Turn it around and start thinking like the wealthy PT owners who are asking – ‘how can I get that one new customer to buy from me for life?’
Because if you can get one new customer, chances are you can get ten.
And so it’s just as important that you figure out a way to get that one customer to buy from you again and again – ideally, forever!
And when you crack that code, the wealth is infinite.
Let me show you how to do it:
Introducing, “The Cash Up Sell”
The “Cash up sell” is one of the best ways to maximise profits from the patients already coming to your clinic, and new ones.
Did you know that up to 60% of customers who’ve committed to a sale will make a last minute purchase when offered?…
Most PT owners don’t even realise this is possible, and there’s several reasons why…
One of the main reasons is simply because they rely mainly on patients being TOLD to visit them (via Dr referrals)
Hugely significant.
Put it this way, Chiropractors have incredible up-sells in their business – because the people paying to see them are actively doing so.
Contrast that with the PT clinics who are relying on inbound referrals, being told that because they have back pain, they should see a PT… the patents those owners attract have a completely different mindset.
Before I realised this, I had faced a challenge to figure out a way to get ice cold new patients, into red hot life long leads…
But now I have in place a step-by-step process to sell ANY service I want, at ANY price I want, to any patient – it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done for my business…
The best part?
You can use the exact same strategy too.
To discover precisely how to boost your income by doing this, go here next:
– The 6 Week New Patient Accelerator Program >
It’s the Ultimate Physical Therapy Marketing Course designed for clinic owners serious about achieving a 50% – 250% increase in profits for their business.
Take a look to see what’s in store for you here:
– The 6 Week New Patient Accelerator Program >
I’ve done the work for you – I’ll help you create you own Marketing GAME PLAN for 2016 and beyond…
You can bet that you will be MILES ahead any other PT clinic in your town when the doors re-open in January.
Don’t leave it too late to make 2016 your best year yet – like so many PT businesses do – or, risk relying upon referrals from doctors for a moment longer, because that ship is sailing…
Click here to achieve immediate results and create the success that you deserve.

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