Pull up a chair…
And let me tell you a quick story:
Earlier in my career I worked as a commission based PT at a Prestigious Private Hospital in the UK.
I’ve even been a “solo” (self employed) PT responsible for finding my own clients and doing all my own paper work (even answering my own phone).
As of this year, I am now a PT business owner who employees 13 PT’s (paying them all a good wage).
So what that means to you, is this:
Whatever stage you’re at in in your career, I’ve stood in your shoes.
And like yourself – I know how difficult it can be trying to grow your practice without sacrificing precious time with friends and family.
And one mistake I often see PT’s make when trying to grow successful practices or fill up schedules is they get distracted by unnecessary, non-revenue driving activities.
But what they should be focusing on is the 1 activity that drives revenue and keeps their practice from burning to the ground.
Which is simply this:
“Finding more clients and confidently being able to charge each one higher prices”.
And that’s why I put this new training together:
In this training ^ – you’ll discover the simple, yet powerful secrets to acquiring TONS of new patients plus how to stop your practice from bleeding money and losing out on potential clients.
PLUS, being a PT businessman myself, I had to design this training in a way that DID NOT add extra stress or hassle to your day but still reliably scaled profits.
And none of what I’m going to recommend to you do is going to cost much either.
In fact, 4 of my “easy ways to attract more patients”, are completely FREE!
And in this course I walk you through 7 different “tactics” that you can copy from me which I know will bring more clients through your doors and all are really easy and for you to set up quickly.
I’m using everyone of them right now in my own PT clinics.
Asuming that you’re NOT British (or plan on opening a PT clinic anywhere near to me), I’m happy to let you in on them all ;=)
So, come get all your 7 new and easy ways to get more cash patients, from here:
See You On The Training,
Paul 😉
Paul Gough’s P.T. Profit Academy
“Helping USA’s PT’s to Build Profitable,Cash-Based Practices”
P.S Each one is proven, pithy and are so simple to set up that they can be in play and making a difference to the number of inquiries you’re getting, within a few hours of opening the box.

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