This is an excerpt from Chapter 10 of my second, Amazon No.1 Best Selling Hiring Book for Physical Therapists, “The Physical Therapy Hiring Solution – How To Recruit, Hire & Train World-Class People You Can Trust”.
“At the beginning of the hiring process, I am simply looking to rule out the candidates who have applied for the wrong job. I’m looking to narrow down my candidate pool, from the 20 or so, to the 7 or 8 who are qualified and able to fulfill the role. There is a difference.
I do this by “screening” the initial candidates on the phone. Whether I am looking for a physical therapist, a front of house/admin, an operations manager for my marketing company, or a financial controller, I always start by narrowing down the pool of candidates to ones that are obviously more suitable.
Key point: I do not do this part. I will ask someone in my office to do it for me. I’ll ask one of my front desk people to do it for me, as it really is about getting a feel for who the person is and what they’re looking for. What’s more, trying to get 20 people on the phone is a mammoth task in and of itself!
The time it takes getting hold of all these candidates is often underestimated, as you’re often playing phone tag with people who could be great candidates. I trust the judgment of my staff implicitly, and this is their chance to take part in the development and progress of the clinic.
However, you must not relinquish complete control, give the staff member an objective (find the best 7 or 8), give them a time frame in which to do it (i.e. 7 days), and give instructions for what questions to ask.
This whole phase is about finding out if the person who applied for your role and their career goals, match up to what you can provide them.”
Interview questions continued on page 143…
Paul Gough’s Hiring Book for Physical Therapists –
“The Physical Therapy Hiring Solution” is OUT NOW!
To get your copy go here now:
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