A couple of weeks ago I did a talk for a group of Fitness Business Owners at an event here in Orlando (at Disney)…
I was asked to speak about Facebook Ads – but I ended up speaking for nearly two hours about things way more important than Facebook Ads – one of them being the fundamental principle that determines the success of marketing done on ANY platform.
What is that?
It’s what you say in your marketing – also known as the Marketing Message.
Take this example:
If you’re trying to fill up a wellness class at your clinic aimed at helping postpartum mum’s… it is tempting to market your class (or even program of care) as something like “Improve Your Core after pregnancy” OR, “get your core back after pregnancy”.
Yet, this is very unlikely to work.
So why wouldn’t this marketing message work?
After all, any lady who has had a baby and a subsequent post partum issue is likely to have a weakness at their core, right?
Well, yes, they do have a problem with their core after pregnancy.
But, the problem is that is not the way they see it…
Do they really lay awake at night worrying about getting their “core” back?
Or, do they lay awake at night worrying about their long term back pain… their inability to play with their baby without pain… their lack of energy… and now concerned that they’re a shadow of the person they were pre-baby – even now beginning to worry about if-and-when they’ll ever get back to the person they know they could be – the one they were before the baby?
Of course, it is the latter.
That is what they really want.
That is the problem your class solves.
And the key point here is that the mention of CORE and POSTPARTUM is our language.
(The language of a PT).
It is not the language used by a 30 year old lady having back pain following a pregnancy.
My point?
To be successful with your marketing you have too use THEIR language.
For example I could say to you,
“How to use Direct Response marketing and implement the message, media and market philosophy to win more patients”.
Or, I could just say, “how to get patients even if the local doctor won’t refer to you”.
Or, I could say, “how to get cash paying patients so you can make more profit with less hassle”.
Or, I could say, “how to get all your own patients so you can tell the insurance companies to go to hell”.
Which would resonate with you more? 🙂
Lesson over…
If you want to hear the entire talk I gave to this group of Fitness Business owners, where I cover this story in full, it is on the Podcast: Podcast EP50: How You Market Anything is How You Market Everything (Live Talk)

And, if you want some help to finally sort out your clinics marketing frustrations, click below and fill out the form for a 100% Free Marketing Plan Strategy call with a senior member of my team: Claim Your Free 60 Min Marketing Plan Strategy Call With a Senior Person In Pauls Team
Have a great weekend.
I just ordered my Florida Residents Annual Disney Passes last night… so guess where I will be all weekend…
Paul Gough
P.S If you want to take the Express Route to sorting out your clinics Marketing, here’s where to do it:
Get The Complete Marketing System To Grow Your Clinic By 50%-250% inside 12 Months.
More Resources by Paul Gough:
Paul Gough’s Cash Club Community: join the Cash Club coaching program: www.ptprofitacademy.com/cash-club
Check out Paul’s No.1 Best Selling PT Business Books:
Marketing Book For Physical Therapists – “New Patient Accelerator Method”:
Hiring Book for Physical Therapists – “The Physical Therapy Hiring Solution”:
Want to hire Paul to speak at your next Marketing or Business event? Or, talk to the students at your PT School? Get in touch here: www.paulgough.com/hire-me/

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