So just before I arrived here in “La Jolla”, an election took place back in the UK to decide the next Government.
And what was REALLY interesting about the result was NOT that the “Scottish” are going all out in their attempts to break up the United Kingdom as you know it, no, it’s the fact that “FACEBOOK” – with the help of some Direct Response Marketing principles – looks to have decided the outcome.
Before I tell you the full story, let me just make something clear…
I’m NOT particularly political in way shape or form.
I choose to “vote for my self” everyday by getting better and better at marketing (and sales) to the benefit of all of my businesses meaning I never have to worry about what any Government decides to do (or tax me on) — but as a fellow clinic owner, and regardless of your political views, this should grab your attention AND give you some hope.
Here’s what happened:
So *Labour* (the equivalent of the Democrats and the guys who lost) hired “David Axelrod” (Barack Obama’s adviser) to develop their MESSAGE, and the *Conservatives* (the equivalent of the Republicans) and the party that WON the election, hired another OBAMA man, Jim Messina.
And he (Jim) turned out to be orders of magnitude more useful as he set about displaying social media messages incredibly precisely, at just the right people (i.e the “Swing voters”).
To put it another way, it was always understood by Jim that the election was going to be decided by about 100,000 people in the key marginal constituencies.
And while MOST people were watching the campaign on TV or reading about it in the press – 100,000 people were being targeted by the Conservatives with laser like precision on Facebook, and other social media.
Here’s the relevance for you and your business:
Out there in your town are a certain number of people suffering with things like knee pain, neck pain or back pain, who, if we could convert them to becoming your patients, would change your business destiny and create your financial freedom.
It’s as simple as maybe finding just “10” people per month to come to your clinic.
Maybe it’s 50, or 100.
(How big to do you want to get?…)
The point is, it’s not a huge number.
Jim Messina essentially deployed DIRECT RESPONSE marketing tactics to win an election using social media because that was the “MEDIA” he knew he could get his message to the “WHO” he wanted to target.
If it can change the future of an entire election and a countries political destiny…
I wonder what Direct Response Marketing like this could do for your clinic.
Rule number 1 of DRM is to know the “WHO” you are targeting.
Rule number 2 is to know WHERE to find them.
And, Rule number 3 is just to say something – anything – that compels that person to respond to your offer of help (MESSAGE).
Not much more to it than that my fellow clinic owner.
Want some help to change the future of your clinic using DRM?…
If so, start here by filling out this short form:
— >>>
… and then we’ll talk all about the ENDLESS number of options that are open to you to, quite literally, flood your clinic with referrals from direct access.
Paul Gough.
P.S If you’re in or around the San Diego area… why don’t we meet up in person?…
HIT REPLY to let me know you want to talk to me about your clinics future prosperity.

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