I know it’s NOT easy running a PT business these days, trying to figure out new ways of keeping your business alive AND juggle a family…
…especially when you probably feel like you’re always being “dumped on” by big insurance companies and Doctors who keep making it harder for patients to do business with you.
And when you think about trying to piece all of this marketing and new patient acquisition stuff together, and find a place to start, I know it can seem overwhelming.
And, especially since you’re likely hearing a load of broke PT’s complaining that marketing and sales tactics “doesn’t work” for us.
So, I wanted to just take a minute and let you know that everything is going to work out OK.
How can I say this?
Because I know precisely how you feel.
Creating a “automated system” to find my own patients and making enough money so I could break away from being a slave to insurance companies all day wasn’t easy for me either… and I sure had challenges of my own… just like you do now.
I invested nearly everything I had, sacrificed time with my young son, borrowed money on credit cards (and from family) and almost went completely broke as a result of air fares, hotel bills and high price tickets to attend all those early seminars in the USA.
In total, I’d say I spent in excess of $50,000.00 in less than 10 months trying to figure it all out.
And, since those days, I’m really lucky that I did discover the one little thing that would change my life forever.
It’s the one thing that let’s me know I’ll never have a “job” again or ever have to beg any Physician for a referral, work with any patients, or deal with insurance company I don’t like, and it’s called an:
(The KEY words are “AUTOMATED” & “SYSTEM”)
Figuring it out has given me the ability to create new patient acquisition systems which run on auto-pilot, delivering new high paying cash patients to the doors of my clinic, that work even when I’m not in the office 😉
And anyway, I want to share them with you…
And on my new course, I reveal 7 of the most simple, easy to implement but hugely profitable ways of acquiring new patients for YOUR PT practice.
Best – you don’t even need to do them all at once.
Because I know how busy you are and that you’ll be anxious to see more cash come in quickly….
What I’ve done is placed them all in order for you so that you can start with the one that I know is going to make you the most money for the ease and speed with which you can implement it into your business.
Then just build on it from there!
While one is bringing in the money, go ahead and plug in your second one.
And so on and so on!
Until you’ve got all 7 of these powerful new Profit Boosters working for you in your business to drive up your new patient intake and even your cash sales.
It’s here for you now…
And you can have instant access to it for $347 just $197 for the next few days only:
<< New Training – 7 Low Tech Ways To Get More Patients At Your Clinic >>>>
It’s ^ got 7 of the fastest ways to BOOST a PT’s profits that you’re likely to find anywhere.
(PERFECT if you’re a small town or independent PT, too)
Please be quick to get them at this price as the discount won’t remain forever:
<< New Training – 7 Low Tech Ways To Get More Patients At Your Clinic >>>> (just two payments of $99)
Paul 😉
P.S It’s fully guaranteed to work too…
Meaning, if you apply these profit boosters to your business and they don’t give you the revenue boost that I’m promising, then you can rightly have ALL your money back – and give it you in full instantly.
Just send me an email paul@paulgough.com if you’re not 100% satisfied and I’ll give you your $197 investment back with no questions asked.
Means this is ZERO risk for you to invest in and start finding more new patients for your clinic right now:
<< New Training – 7 Low Tech Ways To Get More Patients At Your Clinic >>>>

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