Why Marketing To The 3% Rarely Works – And How To Market Your Physical Therapy Clinic More Successfully.

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Let’s play a (ball) game:

“Picture yourself in the middle of a Baseball Stadium with 100’000 people sitting in the stands – that you’re allowed to “pitch” your PT services too”.

Would you fancy your chances of getting a significant amount of new referrals?…

Why wouldn’t you?

With 100’000 people from in and around your town, don’t you think you’d have a great shot at adding to your patient numbers – once you got to explain to them all about what you do as a PT, and how easy it is to refer to you through Direct Access?…

Surely there’ll be 1000’s in that stadium you can help?…


But now imagine 97,000 of those people just got up and walked out as soon as you started (because they don’t think they need to hear about PT)… and you were left with just 3% of the audience to “pitch” your services too. (The ones who think they might need PT).

Would you still fancy your chances of getting some referrals?


But into the middle of that ball park your standing in… let’s introduce: all of your rival competitors, every local chiropractor, family doctor, osteopath, acupuncturist, massage therapist, some guys from Google and Youtube… and a few drug company reps, too.

Still think you get referrals from those 3%?…

Think about this for a moment.

What started out as 100,000 people in a Baseball Stadium, having the chance to pitch your services too, is the way that most business owners think about marketing how marketing works.

Wrongly assuming that “everybody is a potential client”… and all I have to do is show up with an ad, let them see my logo, give them my number, and they’ll buy!

(If only!!)

The reality is that just 3% of any population of people are “ready to buy”, any solution or service, TODAY!.

And what’s worse, is that all of the other potential alternatives (chiro’s, drug companies, your rivals etc) are all swinging for the same 3% with their “ready to buy today?” advertising bat, too!…

So your numbers are significantly low.

So too, your chances of success.

So what about the other 97% who walked out?…

Well, lets go back to the ball park:

And bring back 67,000 people… and ask them to sit in the stadium and listen to the end of your pitch.

And now let’s take away all of the competition.

And leave you standing their, on your own, to begin a relationship with these now 70,000 people… and let you hand out more information about YOUR PT service…

How would you NOW fancy your chances of getting some new patients for your business pitching, on your own, to 70,000 people who are interested?…


Of course!

See, standing alone in the middle of that ball bark, pitching your PT service to 70,000 people is akin to shifting your clinics marketing to a strategy known as “Lead Generation”.

(While everyone else is using the “sales” model… and asking for a referral right away!).

Lead Generation — it’s a model of advertising which talks to 70,000 potential patients interested in what you do, (but not quite ready to buy today!)… and NOT just the 3% who are (but is pitched to by everyone else in town, too).

It’s a little known fact that in every town, in every industry, anywhere in the world, people fall into one of these three categories:

a.) The 3% who are buying today.

b.) The 67% who are interested, have a problem they need solving and are beginning the buying process by looking for information to help them make a better decision.

c.) The 30% who flat out, don’t need what you do.

Now have a think about this:

I bet that for every 10 people who drive by your PT clinic today, at leat 6 will have some problem or discomfit that you could possibly help them to live with out.

And yet they continue to drive by your clinic?…

(Day after day, no doubt!)

Why would they do that?

Simply because they don’t know enough about what you do to confidently say “yes” to the cost of coming to see you.

Not that they won’t, or haven’t got the cash, it’s just that they have no idea how you can help.

(So they’re not going to give you their hard money until they do!).

However… maybe if your PT clinic marketing plan switched to providing these people with INFORMATION about what you do and WHO you help, a lot more of these 67% would stop by (AKA: “Lead Generation”).


* You now know the group of people in your small town where the money is (the 67%).

* You now know the strategy you need to deploy (“Lead Generation”).

* And you know that your competitors aren’t even in the same ball park anymore.

All that’s left to say, is, this:

Do you want some help to line up all four bases (with new patients) and knock the ball out of the park for a home run… day after day, after day?…

If so, you can get in the game with me and a bunch of other big hitting PT clinic owners, by clicking here:

Yes! I Want To Knock The Ball Out Of The Park With My Clinic Marketing! >
It’s a link to a “Strategy Call” request page that connects you to my advice and lets me and you talk about how you play ball with the 67% of people in your town who WOULD very likely buy from you, if only you’d switch your clinic marketing to providing information, rather than asking for appointments.

Yes! I Want To Knock The Ball Out Of The Park With My Clinic Marketing! >
I’ll talk to you soon.


Paul Gough

P.S Knowing this is the GAME CHANGER for the way you market and sell your PT services.

Switch your model of advertising from competing with your rivals for the 3% of people… to being out on your own and picking off the best of all the 67% by using the Lead Generation model IS the way to PT clinic riches.

There’s gold there waiting for you… IF you do.

P.P.S Note to physical therapist looking for Marketing Ideas.

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your PT clinic sent to you regularly, by email:

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About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.
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