So now you know more about how to pick the “WHO”.
The next part of the Marketing Triangle is the “Media”.
Let me explain what this is:
It’s the where you choose to run your ads and the list is long – often so long that it can feel overwhelming and stop you in your tracks before you’ve even got going.
The Media includes but is not limited too:
* Newspapers
* Magazines
* Yell
* Coupons
* TV
* Radio
* Etc, Etc…
The question is, which is best?
And the answer.
There isn’t one.
It varies a lot by WHO, YOU, want to reach.
An example:
If you’re trying to reach a 65 year old gentlemen who loves to play golf and take cruises with his wife (because that’s WHO you have decided you want to work with), then is he likely to be looking on Google?
But maybe you’d have more chance of finding more gentlemen aged 65 with back pain, by running an ad in a golf magazine, appearing on a website for a cruise company or sending out a postcard to a list of highly targeted individuals who fit this description and offering them a free tips report titled:
“Golfers – how to swing without
back pain at 65”
And of course, one of the tips that is going to be included in that report is YOUR service.
And you’re also going to get the Gentlemen’s contact details when he calls to get his free report…
And here’s the real GOLD in today’s lesson…
…So that you can have a nice chat with him to find out precisely what his problems are, what he wants and needs for the future, and politely make him aware that physical therapy IS something that will help him get there faster.
And the process that I’ve just described there, that’s something called “direct response” advertising.
And my advice is that whatever Media you’re going to choose – it must allow for you to deliver a “direct response” message – or skip it.
(I’ll talk more about “direct response” in another email).
With that said…
Your goal as captain of your ship should be to use as many different MEDIA as possible to seek out your preferred “WHO”.
Most clinic owners become very lazy at this…
…choosing to be dependent on only physician referrals…
Or on only one, two or three means of getting new patients.
Leaving them very vulnerable to sudden disruptions in business – or never really feeling as though they can move from, say, seeing 30 patients per week, to seeing something like 100 (and employing others to do the work for them) – not to mention the threat from competition opening up in the same market place.
Have you got any questions for me?
If so, HIT REPLY to this email…
Or, apply to talk to me personally on a free strategy call and I’ll work with you to identify the best media for your clinic and how to get the best response from it.
Do that, here:
Yes! Let Me Talk To Paul And Have My Biggest Marketing Challenges Ended For Me >>>
I’m happy to help you figure this out faster…
And if you’re application for a FREE strategy call is successful, all I ask in return is you give me a testimonial for my website 😉
Sound fair?
If so, Hit Reply and let me know that you want a strategy call with me, or fill out this form to let me know more about your challenges:
Yes! Let Me Talk To Paul And Have My Biggest Marketing Challenges Ended For Me >>>
Hope this helps,
P.S The free stately call is limited to just one per week… and is offered on a first come first serve basis… and is only for my email subscribers.
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