Let me tell you a story.
It was June 2012 and I was on holiday with Natalie in Orlando.
We were in Sea World to be precise.
And it was hot!
One of the hottest days of the year and we’d only been there for two days so the heat and humidity was hitting us hard.
The jet lag after a long flight wasn’t helping either and the night before, in the villa we were staying at in Reunion, the air conditioning unit had gone off – so it was a hot and sweaty night!
And what happened the next day was without doubt, one of the most “scary” of my life.
I was rushed to the Dr.Phillips hospital on International Drive suffering a suspected heart attack.
(I was only “31” at the time).
See, a couple of weeks before the flight I had noticed a few sharp pains in my chest.
Enough to make me go and visit my doctor and ask some questions.
But he said I was “fine”.
That I should just take it easy and the chest pains would go.
But they didn’t.
And in Orlando that day, because of the heat and exhaustion, they got worse.
So I spent the next few days of my “vacation” in a hospital bed – contemplating what the future held for me while waiting for my diagnosis.
And as I was hooked up to an ECG unit, went through every cardiac stress test possible and had my heart checked out by many different specialists, you know what my biggest fear was?
Not “death”…
But how would my business survive without me?
Because the reality hit me hard that it was over reliant on me.
So while I’d been making a lot of money from owning a pt clinic, I didn’t have a business that could work with out me.
And the harsh reality is, if you don’t have a business that makes money without you, you don’t have a business… you have a JOB!
And not only do you have a job, but as Michael Gerber says (E-Myth Author), “you have a lunatic for a boss… YOU!”
And after the doctors told me that I had a problem with my heart which would always get worse when I was either anxious, stressed or overly tired, I knew I needed to do something different.
Something that would make money for me and for my family – whether I was there or not.
I needed a “System”.
So I set about creating my own.
A system which would OVERLOAD my pt clinic with more patients than we ever needed to guarantee that I could ALWAYS achieve the goals that I had set for my self and my business – with or without me.
And my system involves just three simple steps:
1.) An ATTRACTION SYSTEM – in other words, you need a way that HOT qualified leads or prospective patients find out who you are and get in touch or onto your mailing list because they are interested in your service.
2.) A BUYING SYSTEM – a process that takes all the leads and enquiries you got from that Attraction system and turns those into paying patients… automatically!
3.) A patient VALUE SYSTEM – to get your existing patients to not only buy from you repeatedly, but also to refer their friends and colleagues to spend money with you too.
And here’s how it looks and flows:
(Click the image to enlarge)
Tell me this:
Which business do you know doesn’t want more HOT leads, more paying patients to not only buy from you REPEATEDLY, but also to refer their friends and colleagues as well?
And the real secret to this system…
To make is happen AUTOMATICALLY – so it’s NOT dependent on you (OR, any doctors, physicians or third party referals).
The concept of having an ATTRACTION system, a BUYING system and a Patient VALUE system is a principle that has been true to successful business growth since the beginning of time.
And guess what?
The Physical Therapy industry in the USA IS included in that, too.
Have you got a system like this in place at your clinic?
If you don’t, then it’s likely that you’ll never achieve your goal of financial freedom, security, real wealth or even just finding more time to spend with your family.
Want some help to create a SYSTEM and achieve any of those goals?
If so…
Fill out this form to let me know more about you and your clinic and we’ll arrange to talk on Skype about creating your own system for stunning success in business:
– Yes! I Want To Talk About How To Create My Own System >>>
Talk soon.
Paul Gough.
P.S EVENTUALLY, I was diagnosed with an “Ectopic Heart Beat” – not ideal for a business owner at the age of “31”, but also not life threatening.
Having a SYSTEM in play since that day in JUNE 2012 has kept me less worrisome, less tired, less stressed and less anxious – as well as making me financially richer – and has helped keep my heart beating safe too.
Note to physical therapist looking for marketing ideas…
Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:
Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

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