Another MD Who Won’t Be Sending Referrals To ANY PT Clinic

Ever pulled into a “Truck Stop” for diesel or fast food and had the opportunity to get an appointment with an “MD”?…

Not something you’d expect to have the chance to do, right?

Well, you would if you were travelling up and down the I-81 of Virginia.

See, there’s a small town doc over there who INSTEAD of “selling out”, taking a job at the mega hospitals (no doubt buying up everything in site in your town too), has positioned himself to be the answer to a currently “UNDER-SERVED” group of patients.

I.e “Truck Drivers”.

Instead of expecting these often “busy”, long haul truck drivers to come to him, he’s decided to go directly to them.

(An Xtreme example of direct to consumer marketing and sales).

The result…

Dr.Marsh is often paid in “cash”, has very FEW insurance hassle or headaches, and never has to worry about where his next patient is coming from.


Two reasons:

1.) He has an abundant (meaning more than he can handle) supply of truck drivers wanting his expert services (…therefore he can confidently do business on HIS terms and charge his prices!).

2.) He’s positioned him self as the “go-to-doc” for a currently UNDERSERVED group of people.

The point?

Here it is:

There’s TONS of pockets of people out there in your town who are currently UNDERSERVED.

And it’s easier than EVER to create your own abundant supply of these “underserved” people desperately hoping for someone to offer them the help they WANT.

And all that you have to do to get their business is STOP advertising your PT services…

… STOP thinking that what people want is an end to Back/knee/neck Pain (they don’t!)…

…and START positioning yourself as the only PT in town who solves the problems that these people REALLY want some help with.

You know the ones…

Things like: being able to walk further for longer, stand in line at the shops (with LESS back ache), play on the floor with Grandkids, or even make it round 18 holes of golf without using a “buggy”.

Those are the things that people WANT.

(What they NEED, is an end to back pain to be able to do it).

Problem is…

People don’t always want to pay for what they really NEED.

Show them how you can give them what they WANT (via your marketing), and like the “MD” in the Truck Stop on the I-81, they’ll come to you in their droves, purses and wallets already out open, chip and pin number at the ready – willing and able to pay their copay.

Just ask any of my clients in my Next Level Group Coaching Program.

(You’ll get to meet them all when you join us).

We’re talking about things like this on a now DAILY basis – meaning the results they’re getting are happening quicker than a speeding truck driver trying to get home for lunch.

Want to know more about it?

Ok, well, you gotta’ tell me more about what you WANT first.

Do that here:

Yes! I’m Interested In Taking My PT Clinic To The Next Level ! >
Talk to you soon.

Paul Gough.

P.S I read about this Doc’ in the Washington Post when in D.C last month on my extended “work-action” visiting some of the clinics of the PT Owners I help… mixing that with a nice break with my family.

(It’s a nice way to work…)

Here’s a picture of me and my boy “Harry” (…in his “New York Knicks” kit) outside of the White House at sun set, hoping to get a glimpse of the President.

whouse photo

Didn’t see him though…

(Maybe he was out playing another round of golf himself 😉