In-cometh’ a question from “Long Beach” this week from a PT Owner interested in working with me.
Word for word, here’s what she said:
“I have to be honest with you Paul, I am being a little gun shy from my past experiences working with other PT business coaches and marketing consultants.
I spent thousands of dollars while not really making a return on investment. I implemented their tactics only to keep gaining new patients from my own efforts.
I need to be very thorough with what I am getting out of your service before jumping on board and knowing that it’s a good fit.
I never really questioned these past consultants before signing on so learning from my past mistakes, I have to be very thorough with you.
My question is simply, what makes your program so different?
Please be as specific and transparent as you can.”
– Andrea, Long Beach. (Ca).
Here’s what I wrote back:
…The reason why a lot of PT Marketing FAILS is because of something I call “one hit wonder” campaigns.
And what I mean by the that is the PT owner is often given a wonderful new “postcard” to send, or shown how to write a cool, new, very informative and “pretty” looking newsletter…
And he (or she) fires it out.
Hoping for the best.
(And expecting to have the phone ringing off the hook within days).
This type of thing usually happens when the Owner is desperate for business.
It’s a case of… “the phone isn’t ringing” or “doctors ain’t referring, lets send out a newsletter!”.
But the problem is that there’s NO clear “strategy” in place here.
No thought gone into how to use that newsletter to create an “omni-presence”, as part of a sustained, on going, relentless, never ending, multi-media campaign to rhythmically and constantly acquire new patients.
And so it doesn’t work.
No bodies fault.
Not the owner, nor the marketing “guru”.
It just wasn’t part of a bigger, marketing strategy.
The solution?
Instead of that newsletter offering yet another “free screen” (yawn!)…
It might work better if something like this was to happen:
Step 1.) Send the Newsletter with the OFFER of a FREE REPORT.
Step 2.) Ask the past patient (or friends or family) to go online to get it (easy).
Step 3.) Make them “opt-in”.
Step 4.) Collect their contact details.
Step 5.) Follow up with email.
Step 6.) Retarget on Facebook and Google.
Step 7.) Have your front desk give them a call.
Step 8.) Send out a postcard (maybe two) reminding them of the initial offer in the newsletter.
Now what you’ve just read is the NEW (2015!) way to ensure that your PT adverts or promotions bring a SIGNIFICANT return on investment.
Times are changing.
And the problem is that not many people actually do this (…or did it before they sold out)!
So it’s hard for them to teach.
How do I know how to do it?…
I’m doing it EVERY SINGLE day in my own practice “killing it”, selling against a completely free health care system.
If it sounds a lot of work…
It is.
But if you want what it offers (…an abundance of new patients and an end to worrying over a lack of “MD” referrals)…
…Then my advice is to just go get some help from someone whose *actually doing it*, to short cut the process.
(And as luck would have it…)
I’m waiting for you, here 😉 :
– Show Me The Strategy I Need To Make My Marketing Actually Work! >
Have a great weekend.
Paul Gough.

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