Pull up a chair…
I got something good to share with you…
Sometimes the biggest breakthroughs in your PT career will come from the most unusual of sources.
Here’s an example of what I mean :
I love to learn all about new and improved ways of doing things.
And, I’m not afraid to spend $1000’s doing so.
In fact, in this last year alone, I’ve spent in excess of $50,000 traveling to and from the United States attending seminars, buying online business & marketing courses and attending MasterMind groups with super successful business owners.
I do it to learn as much as I can to make my practices grow rapidly, easier to manage & make my life easier.
I’m a huge reader, too!
I read books like they’re going out of fashion. Often the best place for me to read books is when I’m sitting on a plane for 8 hours or so (usually heading across the Atlantic) with my mind 100% focused on future business success.
Now, one time, when I was sitting in the airport lounge at Heathrow I happened to stumble across a book which was all about this company named “Zappos”.
And any way, after reading all about “Zappos” I immediately implemented a few of the phenomenal customer service strategies that Zappos uses, straight into my own PT clinics.
And then I went one step further.
I actually loved what I was reading about Tony Hsieh and his business…
I found myself WANTING to buy something from him, just to see if Zappos could deliver the same type of service that the book promises.
So, I went over to their website and noticed something that made my realize how easy Zappos made it for their customers to get in touch, ask questions about particular products and really just take the “friction” out of the buying process.
So, I did some research and found that to be able to replicate the “Zappos Method”, would cost me just $25 per month to “rent”.
And, ever since I plugged this concept of allowing patients to reach out to me, into my own PT business, not a week has gone by where at least 6 people have got in touch by using this and immediately gone on to become full and high paying cash patients.
Let’s do the Math:
4 x $550 (average client spend at my Pt practice) = $2200 per week.
That’s approx $8000 per month and it only costs me $25 per month to “hire”.
What’s more:
In less than 30 minutes from ordering it this software – I heard the “ping” alert from a patient who had landed on my site and wanted to get in touch and know more about my practice.
Want to know what it is and EXACTLY how to use it to get some more cash paying clients at your PT practice?
If so, look here:
In this new course I talk you through the whole thing – from choosing the right “one”, and crucially, how to use it to make it profitable.
Plus, there’s 6 more big, easy ideas to get more clients like this one, here too:
See you on the training ;=)
P.S The funny thing was that every single patients who had contacted us on our website using this tool ALL said that they would have NEVER even “dared” to pick up the phone or make contact in another way.
How many people like that are on your website RIGHT NOW – who “dare not” make contact with you but would love to – if you just made it easier for them to do so?
I show you how to quickly and easily “plug the hole” that is leaking $$$ from your website, on this new course.
Please don’t miss out and you can still save over 50% if you make the decision to get in on my training, today:

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