This is an excerpt from Chapter 2 of my new, Amazon No.1 Best Selling Marketing book for Physical Therapists, “New Patient Accelerator Method: How I Scaled A Four Location, $1,000,000 + Cash Pay Clinic – In A Place Where Health Care Is Free (…And, In One Of The Poorest Parts Of The Country)
“Think about a typical day in a typical clinic likes ours; the phone, if it is going to ring at all, will usually ring early on in the morning. Typically, the callers will be patients who decided the previous day or night that they need to call and finally make an appointment. By midday, the early morning “mad-rush” for appointments is over and the rest of the day is for processing invoices or catching up on paperwork, etc.
Not in my office. When the morning rush is over and people have stopped calling “in”, my staff are calling “out”. They are talking to leads. We are affecting the day actively. We are making a difference on bad days, always limiting the baron spells that so many clinic owners believe they have to accept as though it is somehow normal.
If there is anything that you take away from this book, it should be the importance of turning your business from one that is passive and waiting for the phone to ring (always relying on doctors or word of mouth), to one that is pro-active and able to make outbound calls, booking people in if and when it goes quiet.
If you are always waiting for the phone to ring and it doesn’t, and you have no pipeline to go-to to make a bad day great, then your clinic will always be stuck in the “boom and bust” scenario that we spoke about earlier in the book. I do not like the thought that my clinic’s profit, and my ability to pay my mortgage, are at the mercy of whether or not someone may or may not talk about me today. It is a very vulnerable place to be in as a business owner. It’s much better to have leads in a pipeline, ones you can go to and talk to if, and when, your phones go quiet.”
Paul Gough’s Marketing book for Physical Therapists –
“New Patient Accelerator Method” is OUT NOW!
To get your copy go here now:
NOTE: If you order it directly from the OFFICIAL WEBSITE (NOT AMAZON), you’ll pay the same price, BUT, I’ll be giving you some incredible bonuses for doing so… When you go to – choose purchase OPTION 2 to get the very best free BONUSES that will come with your book including my Wealth Marketing DVD program, Free Facebook Ads PDF, and two months worth of the Cash is King Publication and Coaching CD…
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