To look outside of the PT industry at OTHER companies for fresh new ideas, is something that I encourage all of my coaching clients to do.
(Doing it has been wildly successful for me in the rise of my own PT business).
And when you do look closely at the really successful companies, you often realize it’s the simple things that they do, which leave the biggest impression on customers.
A bit like ordering a cup of coffee at Starbucks:
Now, when I first started traveling to the USA, I would always make a point of getting to the nearest Starbucks for a Latte.
(Grande, extra hot, with NO foam – in case you were wondering how I like it).
And, I loved it when the “Barrister” would ask my name and then proceed to write “Paul” on the cup.
Now, at first I just went along with it and didn’t really think much about why they did it.
Then later, I realized why they do.
And it’s for two reasons:
1.) Because of the fact that the most special thing you can ever call anyone is by their own name (more: it elevates people to “celebrity” status when they hear their name called across the room)
2.) Because it’s the easiest way to REALLY personalize a “Grande, extra hot, no foam Latte”, and make it feel even more wanted by the person who just paid $4.50 to get it.
(It’s now “Paul’s grande, extra hot, no foam latte”).
So, what’s this got to do with running a successful PT clinic?
Well, as a result of spending many of UK Pounds converted to Dollars in various Starbucks around America, I realized that this small attention to detail was something I could copy and bring back to my PT clinics.
And so I did.
And now, whenever patients “frequent” my PT clinic, every time we give them their appointment cards we scribble in pen (and circle it), their first name.
It’s a simple way of taking a plain old appointment card that has all YOUR details on, and making it seem like it’s really theirs.
And, I can tell you that ever since we did it, the number of new appointment cards we have to keep giving to returning patients who would lose their old one, has fallen.
Because when it’s got YOUR NAME on it, it means so much more to you than without.
But that’s not why we do it.
The “affinity” that your client now has with you and your PT clinic has just increased.
And all that you had to do was write their name on the back of an appointment card with a ball point pen to make it happen.
It’s often simple ideas like this that make all the difference to your profits and it’s the kind of things that your competitors will never know that you’re doing – or why!
That’s why I produced a training course for PT’s that covers “7” really simple but DEVASTATINGLY effective ways of getting more cash clients to call you or walk through your doors.
You can get the training right here=>
So, if you like the sound of how I think relentlessly about my patients, and, how I run my PT clinic with a seriously detailed eye for opportunities to make it more profitable, then you will LOVE all 7 of these ideas too:
Each of the tactics included in this special training is specifically designed to scale your profits without adding stress or any additional tedious labor to your daily routine.
Below is a direct link to the training:
Paul ;=)
P.S The whole “put your name on the cup thing”…
It didn’t make it to the UK until recently…
And when it did, we even had our clients saying to us that Starbucks had “pinched my idea”…
Imagine what what our clients must think about us when a small town PT is credited with an idea that one of the biggest companies in the world is “copying from” ;=)
You can STEAL some more profitable ideas from me, here:

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