Pt Marketing Ideas: A “Secret” Way To “One-Up” Your Competitors And Physicians.

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So yesterday I got an email from a PT in Missouri – pronounced Missour-“a” (as I was once told by a local) – who recently invested in the new training and explains why he did:


“Paul.. curiosity got the better out of me man!

I’d been reading your emails for a few weeks and in the end I thought, “you know what”, I’m going to give it ago!

Because you’re “tropical”, and likely to have a some new ideas that my competitors wont know of, i thought your course was worth a try.

I have a mentor in Britain who has been a real source of inspiration to me and you seem a lot like him.

But I’d say what swayed me more than anything, was that i really got the impression that you understood my real problem, which is:

In the past, i’ve spent money with marketing companies and they never really understood the problems I was having – just kept trying to sell me on a newsletter and a new piece of software – which I didn’t want.

And by the way paul… the course is powerful man!

Particularly, I love what you demonstrated on the second video and since last Thursday (just 5 days ago), we’ve had 6 people walk inside the clinic and book new evaluations.

Money back AND then a profit from this course within 24 hours – niiiiice ;-)!

Keep up the great emails too”.

Rick – 47, Missouri.


So there you go…

Like I promised… your investment in this course back within 48 hours!

Anyhow, let’s talk about “curiosity”

Because in the end, it gets the better of most people.

Your patients included…

An “e.g.”…

When you first set up in that nice new clinic of yours, and the sign was going up above the door, and stickers in the window, people walking and driving past were “curious” about what was happening inside.

What were they thinking?

Something like, “I wonder if there’s anything inside that place for me!”

And when they realised it was a PT facility, pound bets ten that everyone of them “logged it”.

As in, thought to themselves, I’ll call into that place when I need too.

Problem is, since then, you’ve become “invisible”.

You’re there, and they know you’re there, but they’re not really noticing you anymore.

And, ironically…

Now they NEED you!

(But you’re not top of mind anymore…)

If only you could do something (or offer something) in a way that would raise their curiosity again – that would make them take note of your clinic, force them to stop and look, and then confirm to themselves “that’s for me”…

…Something that makes it almost IMPOSSIBLE for any person suffering with something you can help with, NOT to walk inside your clinic and asking “can you tell me more”.

And when they do that – “BOOM”!

They’re all yours!

Your receptionist or admin team presents the “welcome to the clinic forms” and does the rest.

And best, if you do it right, it’s a “secret” way that is going to put YOU in control of the referral process…

…”one up” your competitor down the road.

And even make one or two of those hard to reach physicians finally take notice as YOUR referrals begin to increase THEIR profits…

(The BEST way to get any physicians attention and much more effective than a “newsletter”…)

As for the corporate hospitals…

They simply couldn’t make this profit booster work, even if they knew about it!

And all you need to make it successful and profit from it like Rick, is a few cars driving past your facility, or one or two people walking by, and if you’ve got that, you’ve got yourself a very profitable new “referral source”.


It’s a way of making people remember that you’re there.

(No different to an ad in the paper, on google or posting on twitter or Facebook.)

Only this one is FREE and takes up NON of your time – and works like crazy to bring in people right at the beginning of the decision making process.

Find out how to do it, in time, here:

– YES PAUL! I’m Curious! Show Me How To Compel Patients TO Walk inside My Clinic.

You’ll get immediate access to 5 videos and jump straight to video 2 when you’ve entered your details after pressing the yellow button on the next page:

YES PAUL! I’m Curious! Show Me How To Compel Patients To Walk inside My Clinic.

See you on the training 😉


P.S It’s fully Guaranteed to work for you…

All you need to re-coup your investment is 3-4 billable units as a result of doing what I teach you…

…And if you don’t get that in the next 60 days, I’ll refund you in full – no questions asked.

And anyway…

If you get those 3-4 billable units once, because these strategies are often “automated”, they’ll work again and again and again, until you decide you’ve got too many patients.

Means it’s ZERO risk to you.

Invest in you and your clinics profits, here:

YES PAUL! I’m Curious! Show Me How To Compel Patients TO Walk inside My Clinic.

About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.
Want more referrals from direct access at your physical therapy clinic? Download PDF now