Frustrated PT (and email subscriber of mine) “Brian” writes:
“Paul… I’m growing increasingly annoyed by the lack of progress I’m making with trying to reach out to surgeons and physicians.
And what frustrates me more is that everyone I talk to just seems to tell me to “market more” to them.
But I’ve tried everything – and non it seems to work that well for me.
Is it just me? Or am I doing something wrong?
I’ve sent testimonials through the post, asked patients to tell their Physician directly how pleased they are with my service and tried calling to set up meetings – but still nothing.
I spoke to one company who told me that I should produce a regular newsletter or a glossy brochure and send it all the Physicians in my area – but that seems costly, and I thought if they’re telling me to do the newsletter thing, then i guess they’re telling all the PT’s round here to do the same – so what good is it going to do?
So before I go any further, I’d like to know what you think?
Brian 48 – Lowell, Indiana.
Ok.. this is a common problem.
A natural consequence of having great hands on PT skills that you want to share with your local community – but not getting as many people through the doors as you need to run a successful practice.
And solved, it would appear, if you could only find a better way to reach Physicians to secure their referrals – agreed?
Well here’s what you should do:
“Turn the whole thing upside down”.
As in, change the way you see these “hard to reach Physicians” and hit them with something that they want just as much as you – and that’s more patients.
And it’s really easy to do.
You just got to get to these patients first.
BEFORE they even get to the point of being told by a Physician which PT they should go and see.
And Brian’s right…
What’s the point in sending a Physician testimonials of how good you?
Does he care?
Of course not!
Is he more likely to be “pandering” to the guys in suits higher up the ladder in the corporate hospital he has a special “friendship” with?
(…Who send him tones of referrals).
So no matter how hard you try – it’s an almost impossible “nut to crack”.
Made worse by marketing companies out there giving PT’s false hope and insisting that “newsletters” (which THEY print and PROFIT from), are going to make THE difference.
Possibly… but unlikely!
It’s simple – how many Physicians do you know with time to read a newsletter?
(Exactly!…you’re likely adding to their frustration by continually doing it.)
So, the only way to REALLY grab the attention of a local Physician is to send them something that they NEED just as much as you…
…And that’s a steady stream of patients so that their practice can make more money too.
And in return, you want some back!
(Or you send yours elsewhere).
The landscape is changing in the USA and NOW’s the time for YOU to be the one who decides where patients go next.
How do you get to that point?
Simple – improve your ability to quickly and easily acquire new patients early – BEFORE they even get close to picking up the phone to a Doctor in their Network.
And guess what?
Video 2 on this new training shows you PRECISELY how you can do that.
Get it here before your competitors (and mine) find out about this new tactic:
See you on the training 😉
P.S It’s fully Guaranteed too – it works for you and finds you more patients within 48 hours, or I give you your money back – in full – no questions asked.
Look here:

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