“Hello from the other side”
It’s day 2/48 of my latest USA Tour.
It’s 4.38am CST (gotta’ love jet lag!) – and I’m writing to you from my hotel room, just 6 blocks away from Austin’s “The Capital” building, on Congress Street.
So far I’m “2 for 2” on old-pit style Texan BBQ food for dinner – and I’ve already had the pleasure of spending time with some of the best PTs in America…
Pull up a chair – and let me tell you more:
Yesterday I took a trip out to a town called “Lakeway” – the home of top PT “Paul Hendricks” who is the founder of “Body Balance PT” a clinic that is set up to help athletes and golfers.
Paul already runs an incredibly successful clinic and he invited me into take a look around and talk strategy for his businesses growth.
Pauls story was interesting – and very familiar to me:
See, he’s been growing his business for the last “12” years by “word of mouth” referrals…
And by his own admission, he’s done “ZERO” external Marketing.
I sensed a little hesitation in his voice as he said it – as if he KNEW, that he could and should of been doing more…
Now one of the things I always point out is that although “word of mouth” is obviously good for business…
…the problem is that it can be slow – and very unpredictable.
And this is, by the way, chief culprit and reason no.1 why most clinics do take 10,15, 20 years to get to the point where the business owner – you – can start to step back.
But my question to that business owner – and to Paul – is always this:
“Why wait 20 years?”
“Who told you it has
to be that way?”
(Because it doesn’t – not in 2017).
And as I walked around Paul’s gorgeous clinic it was clear that he really is the REAL DEAL when it comes to his ability to help golfers both stay fit – and get fit!
So I asked him…
“How far do people travel
to come to see you?”
“From all across Texas”, he replied.
So it’s safe to assume that he’s pretty good at what he does (PT) – and people are talking about him…
My follow up question:
“What about all the 100,000’s of
golfers who don’t know you exist…?”
And my next question:
“What are you putting out on Social Media to connect with these golfers to show that you’re the expert – and how are you using Facebook to find more top golfers in the state?”
There was silence…
And then came the realization for “Paul” at just how much possibility lay ahead for his clinic’s growth in the next 12-18 months…
If he’s got this far without any Marketing, how far and how fast can he grow with the right Marketing Plan??
All that it takes to speed up clinic growth is the execution of the right Marketing Pan.
Without a Plan, it’s easy to get “stuck”.
And as I step-in-side and go eye-ball to eye-ball with PT clinic owners on this 48 day Tour, I suspect I am going to hear the same story daily…
A clinic doing “ok” – that has taken 10,15, 20 years to get going – and an Owner currently working too hard who now wants to step back to enjoy the fruits of his labor.
The big QUESTION is, then:
“How do you get across
“no-mans land”?
From that point where you have just enough referrals coming in to keep you busy…
…but not quite enough yet to feel comfortable in hiring another staff PT or front desk to do everything for you.
Is that you??…
Because the reality for most Business Owners is they stay STUCK in that “no-mans land” for years…
…and that’s because they don’t do the one thing that every single business on the planet has to do if they want to SCALE.
Which is???
Drum roll please…
“Acquire more new patients at a rate faster than they can accommodate the demand”.
And with things like Facebook, Google Ads, Newspapers (cheaper than ever), Re-marketing, Social Media, Emails, and countless other platforms to get your message out there to the right person you want to help…
…there really has never been a better time to run a PT Clinic – anywhere in the world – if you step out side of the “word of mouth” and “doctors luncheons” trap most are still stuck in.
Can you do it??
Paul Gough
– Click here to find out when I’m in a city near you this Feb/March!

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