Tag Archives: marketing book

Physical Therapy Marketing Book: “You Cannot Grow A Clinic Without Lead Generation”


This is an excerpt from Chapter 5 of my new, Amazon No.1 Best Selling Marketing book for Physical Therapists, “New Patient Accelerator Method: How I Scaled A Four Location, $1,000,000 + Cash Pay Clinic – In A Place Where Health Care Is Free (…And, In One Of The Poorest Parts Of The Country)

“For all the reasons mentioned in chapter 1, you cannot grow a business without predictable lead generation. And you cannot make lead generation work without a follow-up system that takes your potential patient on a journey that leads to him to making a decision to buy from you. Lead generation marketing is about attracting qualified leads. It is not about asking people to book now. It is about starting a relationship with someone who has a problem you can solve, and it’s about educating them on how you can help them solve their problem.

The follow-up system is about guiding the potential patient along a series of steps so that they become ready to buy. Remember, we are marketing to the people in Group 2, those we identified in chapter 1; those who need what you do, but are just not quite ready to buy from you (yet!). This is the target market with the overwhelming majority, and focusing on this group is the only chance you have of being successful with your marketing. For that reason and more, you need a follow-up system.

The follow-up system bridges the gap between what they know now and what they need to know to confidently book and pay for your services.”

…Continued on page 89.

Paul Gough’s Marketing book for Physical Therapists –
“New Patient Accelerator Method” is OUT NOW!

To get your copy go here now: www.paulsmarketingbook.com

NOTE: If you order it directly from the OFFICIAL WEBSITE (NOT AMAZON), you’ll pay the same price, BUT, I’ll be giving you some incredible bonuses for doing so… When you go to www.paulsmarketingbook.comchoose purchase OPTION 2 to get the very best free BONUSES that will come with your book including my Wealth Marketing DVD program, Free Facebook Ads PDF, and two months worth of the Cash is King Publication and Coaching CD…

Go here now to get your copy:

Connect with me on Social Media – and use the hashtag #paulsmarketingbook when you get the book and share your selfie so I can reach out personally to say thank you!

The Physical Therapy Business School Podcast

Physical Therapy Marketing Book: “Marketing ‘Won’t Work In My Town”


This is an excerpt from Chapter 1 of my new, Amazon No.1 Best Selling Marketing book for Physical Therapists, “New Patient Accelerator Method: How I Scaled A Four Location, $1,000,000 + Cash Pay Clinic – In A Place Where Health Care Is Free (…And, In One Of The Poorest Parts Of The Country)

“Here’s the worst bit about a lack of early marketing success: the business owner, still scared from the loss and disappointment of the failed marketing campaign, now concludes that “marketing doesn’t work in my town” or that “marketing doesn’t work for physical therapy clinics”. He is convinced that the only way to grow is to do what everyone else does – market to doctors or wait for referrals from past patients.

With that way of thinking the business owner is now sentenced to a lifetime of perpetual struggle doing what everyone else does, and getting what everyone else gets – a practice struggling to make a profit.

I appreciate that some people are addicted to that struggle – but I assure you, it does not have to be that way. And, if any of that sounds familiar then you are not alone, as this is pretty much the same mistake that I made, and it is how my first two years trying to market my clinic directly to the public looked.

Thankfully though I discovered that marketing does work in my town and it does work for physical therapy clinics – I just needed to change what I was doing and how I was doing it. I needed to change the strategy.

I needed to accept that I couldn’t help anybody and everybody in pain and I needed to get clear on “who” it was I wanted to talk to (my target market). Once I knew that, it made it much easier to change the message in my ad.

I realized that words are powerful, and much like going on a first date, if I talked more about me (than her), I wouldn’t get a second one. The same is true with marketing. The ads have to talk more about them than you and you have to give them a reason to get in touch with you that is more exciting and less risky than the “call now to book an appointment” phrase that was the ruin of nearly every ad I ever ran.”

…Continued on page 14.

Paul Gough’s Marketing book for Physical Therapists –
“New Patient Accelerator Method” is OUT NOW!

To get your copy go here now: www.paulsmarketingbook.com

NOTE: If you order it directly from the OFFICIAL WEBSITE (NOT AMAZON), you’ll pay the same price, BUT, I’ll be giving you some incredible bonuses for doing so… When you go to www.paulsmarketingbook.comchoose purchase OPTION 2 to get the very best free BONUSES that will come with your book including my Wealth Marketing DVD program, Free Facebook Ads PDF, and two months worth of the Cash is King Publication and Coaching CD…

Go here now to get your copy:

Connect with me on Social Media – and use the hashtag #paulsmarketingbook when you get the book and share your selfie so I can reach out personally to say thank you!

The Physical Therapy Business School Podcast

Marketing Book For Physical Therapists: “Why You Don’t Get As Many Referrals As You’d Like”


This is an excerpt from Chapter 9 of my new, Amazon No.1 Best Selling Marketing book for Physical Therapists, “New Patient Accelerator Method: How I Scaled A Four Location, $1,000,000 + Cash Pay Clinic – In A Place Where Health Care Is Free (…And, In One Of The Poorest Parts Of The Country)

“Giving your patients information to give to their friends’ works because it stops your patients from having to become “salespeople” for you. This is the biggest mistake most clinics make when asking for referrals – they are asking their patients to do the selling for them. Chances are patients are telling their friends about you, but they often say the wrong things (they talk about what happens and not the outcome you deliver).

Have you ever stopped to consider what people say about what we do? Picture the coffee shop conversation where a past patient is telling someone about you. The inevitable question is “what’s it like”, or “what do they do?”, and if your patient starts to say things like “well, you have to take your clothes off”, “he put his elbow in my back right at the point where it hurt”, or “he stretched my leg into a position it has never been in before”, they’re hardly likely to call, are they? Compound that by how much it costs and they’re very unlikely to call no matter how good your past patient’s intentions are.

They are saying the wrong things, which is why so many patients who tell you that they will “tell everyone about you” fail to get them to come and see you. They are simply saying the wrong things. That’s what this system is designed to stop, therefore significantly increasing the likelihood that the potential patient has an accurate understanding of what you really do. If they have a better understanding of what you do they will make better and more confident decisions to hire you.

So, the solution to more referrals from past patients is to give them information that they can pass along for you. The best part is, you already have it (from what you are using in your attraction ads). Now you just need to create a system whereby a patient’s friend, colleague, or family member can get it from you.

Think about what this would mean for your clinic: having someone who booked an appointment at your clinic today refer someone else to you within a few days from now. It is as close to “two for one” as you can get, and it really is an explosive way of growing your business, on autopilot, with as much leverage as possible, making it significantly easier for you to grow profitably.”

…Continues on page 170.

Paul Gough’s Marketing book for Physical Therapists –
“New Patient Accelerator Method” is OUT NOW!

To get your copy go here now: www.paulsmarketingbook.com

NOTE: If you order it directly from the OFFICIAL WEBSITE (NOT AMAZON), you’ll pay the same price, BUT, I’ll be giving you some incredible bonuses for doing so… When you go to www.paulsmarketingbook.comchoose purchase OPTION 2 to get the very best free BONUSES that will come with your book including my Wealth Marketing DVD program, Free Facebook Ads PDF, and two months worth of the Cash is King Publication and Coaching CD…

Go here now to get your copy:

Connect with me on Social Media – and use the hashtag #paulsmarketingbook when you get the book and share your selfie so I can reach out personally to say thank you!

The Physical Therapy Business School Podcast

Marketing Book For Physical Therapists: “The 3 Fundamental Rules Of Direct Marketing Success”


This is an excerpt from Chapter 1 of my new, Amazon No.1 Best Selling Marketing book for Physical Therapists, “New Patient Accelerator Method: How I Scaled A Four Location, $1,000,000 + Cash Pay Clinic – In A Place Where Health Care Is Free (…And, In One Of The Poorest Parts Of The Country)

Successful marketing for physical therapy practices follows 3 fundamental rules:

1. You have to be clear on who your perfect patient is

2. You have to say the right things to your perfect patient

3. You have to reach your perfect patient in the places where they are

The usual scenario in most clinics is to decide to run an ad out of necessity because the patient volume is looking low, or even worse, the local newspaper called and offered a discount on a spot in the health feature that weekend. Neither is ideal, and the reason why is because there’s zero thought ever going into the strategy about “who” is being targeted, what “offer” will be made to them, or even if the “media” used is where the ideal target market (perfect patient) is going to be looking.

These are the 3 fundamental rules of direct marketing success and they are all being ignored in favor of a time-sensitive need to fill up the schedule or a looming deadline.

The only thought is to make the ad look aesthetically appealing and obsess over the color, the position of the logo, the font size and type, and have a designer dress it up with some attractive images.

Let me show you an example of what I mean – and YES, this was one of my own from the early days when I was dabbling with my clinic’s marketing:


Having spent all that time designing it the ad now “looks” perfect, the clinic owner is certain it represents his or her “brand identity” perfectly, and he can be sure that when everyone sees the ad, the phone is going to ring off the hook.

Except it doesn’t.

Then what happens next is this: the business owner, still reeling at the loss of the $500 it cost to run the ad, (and the disappointment of being rejected, and heartache of being overlooked), decides that the solution to the marketing issue must be to change the color, change the font, and perhaps make the ad a little bigger, as maybe the reason that no one called was that no one noticed it?

So the new, bigger, more visually appealing ad runs. The business owner is even more convinced that they’ve got the “look and feel” of the ad right, and he is beyond certain that this time the phone will ring off the hook.

Except it doesn’t.

There’s rarely an attempt at ad number 3. Instead, what happens next is to blame the marketing itself (to cover up the business owners inept marketing skill) and a retreat back into the comfort zone of the old-fashioned methods of marketing (to doctors or past patients) that didn’t work back then, but now, because the direct marketing isn’t working either, appears to be the only option.”

…Continued on page 13.

Paul Gough’s Marketing book for Physical Therapists –
“New Patient Accelerator Method” is OUT NOW!

To get your copy go here now: www.paulsmarketingbook.com

NOTE: If you order it directly from the OFFICIAL WEBSITE (NOT AMAZON), you’ll pay the same price, BUT, I’ll be giving you some incredible bonuses for doing so… When you go to www.paulsmarketingbook.comchoose purchase OPTION 2 to get the very best free BONUSES that will come with your book including my Wealth Marketing DVD program, Free Facebook Ads PDF, and two months worth of the Cash is King Publication and Coaching CD…

Go here now to get your copy:

Connect with me on Social Media – and use the hashtag #paulsmarketingbook when you get the book and share your selfie so I can reach out personally to say thank you!

The Physical Therapy Business School Podcast

Physical Therapy Marketing Book: “The Most Profitable Move I Made In Business”


This is an excerpt from Chapter 4 of my new, Amazon No.1 Best Selling Marketing book for Physical Therapists, “New Patient Accelerator Method: How I Scaled A Four Location, $1,000,000 + Cash Pay Clinic – In A Place Where Health Care Is Free (…And, In One Of The Poorest Parts Of The Country)

“Switching my clinic’s marketing to focus on cash pay patients was liberating for me – to exit the insurance system was easily the smartest and most profitable decision I ever made. I would recommend it to anyone.

However, if you are mostly an insurance-based clinic as you read this, I am NOT suggesting that you immediately end all of the contracts you have with insurance companies. That would be reckless. However, what I am suggesting is that you give at least some thought to the impact that it would have on your business profits if you dropped 20% of the worst payers and replaced $85 reimbursements, (that take weeks to arrive in your bank) with $250 “fee for service” cash pay patients instead who either pay upfront or as they go.

I’ve got Accelerator Method students all over the USA who have done exactly that. Let me introduce you to one of them, Kim Gladfelter of Physio-Fit in San Jose, Ca. Kim’s average reimbursement from the insurance companies was something like $85, and her running costs were something like $82 per hour. It was almost impossible for Kim to sustain running a business on margins so thin. Twelve months after implementing the Accelerator system in her practice, she had dropped many of those crappy insurance companies and swapped $85 reimbursements with cash-pay rates closer to $200 per visit. Not only is Kim significantly more profitable, her practice is seeing fewer patients and she also has a much better cash flow. Win-win.

Now, here’s a key point: it is important to have both profit and cash flow if you want to grow a sustainable business. I know a lot of insurance-based clinics who are “profitable” on paper but never have any money. They are spending it on expenses faster than they are getting paid, living month to month hoping that the big check will arrive on time, sweating that all claims will get approved. All it takes is one screw up by the billing company you hired and you are in the hole, struggling to pay the wages at the end of the month. All of those problems disappear when you are getting paid at the time of service, or even better when you’re paid up front for a 10-session plan of care.

When it comes to building a physical therapy clinic, cash really is “king”.”

Paul Gough’s Marketing book for Physical Therapists –
“New Patient Accelerator Method” is OUT NOW!

To get your copy go here now: www.paulsmarketingbook.com

NOTE: If you order it directly from the OFFICIAL WEBSITE (NOT AMAZON), you’ll pay the same price, BUT, I’ll be giving you some incredible bonuses for doing so… When you go to www.paulsmarketingbook.comchoose purchase OPTION 2 to get the very best free BONUSES that will come with your book including my Wealth Marketing DVD program, Free Facebook Ads PDF, and two months worth of the Cash is King Publication and Coaching CD…

Go here now to get your copy:

Connect with me on Social Media – and use the hashtag #paulsmarketingbook when you get the book and share your selfie so I can reach out personally to say thank you!

The Physical Therapy Business School Podcast