Let’s talk about the third component of your PT Clinic Growth System:
The Cash Value System.
I should really call it the MAXIMUM Cash Value System because it’s a method of extracting the absolute maximum value for the money you invested at the very beginning to find these new patients in the first place.
Remember the golden rule of direct response marketing:
“$1 in, $2.00.
Ideally, $1.00 in. $10.00 out.”
So let’s talk about how to get $10.00 of this new machine you’ve created.
(A “machine” is a nice way to think of it).
Let me take you back to my diagram…
It’s gotten a bit “fancier” since the day I mapped it out on a scrap piece of paper on the plane home from Chicago that day.
(Same rules apply though).
Here it is for you to look at.
(Click the image to see it bigger)
We’re now over on the right hand side having passed through the ATTRACTION SYSTEM & The BUYER SYSTEM.
So, how do we Maximise Cash Value?
Find as many different ways as possible to re-sell to that same patient and turn a profit, over and over again.
i.e. introduce a new service or product such as massage or a monthly subscription Pilates class.
– OR-
Have a system in place to get your existing leads and patients to give you referrals.
I like both.
But lets talk about *referrals*.
Because people who have been referred are much easier to work with, happy to pay your prices and are nearly always going to follow through on the treatment plan you suggest.
And all you have to do to get more of them is build a referral process it into your system…
One way is to do it when people come to your website and “opt in” for a free report or ebook, OR, simply have your buyer (follow up) system do it for you.
Here’s an example of how I do it:
I email a link to a webpage which tells my patients what to do if they know anyone who is currently unhealthy.
Here it is:
(Click the image to make it bigger)
How it works…
First, note that I don’t ask for a referral.
I simply ask them to request some information from me.
(The exchange takes place – info for contact details).
And when they do that (by opting into my system), guess where they end up?
That’s right…
Into the same BUYER SYSTEM (as their friend or family member) and they will begin to receive the same offer of my book, emails, postcards and direct mail for however long it takes them to realise that physical therapy is their best option.
Now here’s the fun part:
Let’s say I spent $500 for some kind of advertising which brought in four new patients spending an average of $900 each.
You have spent $500 to make $3600, pretty good return on investment, right?
($1 in, about $7 out).
Well, what if immediately after those 4 new clients had their initial consultation with you – an automated system asked each one if they knew anyone “unhealthy?”
Let’s be pessimistic and say just two of them sent this web page to a friend who had back pain – he or she entered your system – and not long after became a client.
That would be an extra $1800 in revenue that you otherwise wouldn’t have got.
So now instead of generating the $3,600, the original investment in marketing would have generated $5,400.
That’s 50% more money for zero additional effort.
(It’s now $1 in, nearly $11 out).
But it doesn’t end there.
Because you’ve built a system to automatically do it for you, the two new referrals would also be asked for referrals.
If the stats remained the same, you’d get a further 1 patient and another $900, making a $6,300 return.
(It’s now $1 in, nearly $13 out).
In other words, having a simple automated referral system in place to maximise the referrals you get can DOUBLE your new patient in take and sales… on autopilot.
You won’t need me to tell you that the pt industry is getting more and more competitive by the day.
Do NOT try to figure this out for yourself.
You don’t have to understand how electricity works to turn lights on.
You don’t have to understand how web pages are programmed to be able to surf the internet.
You don’t have to understand how to build a system like this in your business for you to start profiting from it.
Let me and my team build it for you.
If you want to be the stand out physical therapy business in your town – perhaps even the USA – one with the type of business you’ve always dreamed about and making the income you deserve, SYSTEMS are the fastest way to do it.
Just imagine…
No more worrying over having no marketing skills or getting referrals from doctors.
In a few months time from now, you could wake up every day to a flood of hot new enquiries, eager, keen and ready to say yes to an examination or consultation at your clinic – meaning you’re much closer to achieving more free time, real wealth or financial security.
Your clinics car park is full everyday, your new patient numbers are through the roof and your bank account is full of cash, but most importantly, your business is working hard for you, rather than YOU working (excessively) hard for it.
I know that not every pt in the United States is ready for this…
But if you think you are, then go ahead, fill out this form here now:
Let Me Talk To Paul About Getting My Own Clinic Growth System >>>
And we’ll get on the phone or Skype and see how this type of system could radically increase profit for your clinic.
Here’s the form again:
Let Me Talk To Paul About Getting My Own Clinic Growth System >>>
I’ll see you on Skype.
Paul Gough.
P.S For obvious reasons…
My systems are “Area Exclusive”.
Meaning, if I’ve already agreed to work with one of your competitors, then I’m not able to do this for you.
With that in mind, please be quick to fill out the form and indicate that you want to talk to me before another pt in your area does:
– Let Me Talk To Paul About Getting My Own Clinic Growth System >>>
Note to physical therapist looking for marketing ideas…
Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:
Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

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