Did another “Radio” interview yesterday.
My third in 7 days.
And the exposure that I’ve gotten… and the “expert status” that is perceived from doing such live, on-air interviews – has been nothing short of “explosive” for my clinic.
This one was BIG.
I made it onto the “BBC”…
(Turn on images to see your pic).
…which is the UK’s premier radio station and the average age of the people listening to the show was “50”.
The IDEAL target audience for me.
I was on there to talk about the launch of my new book “The Healthy Habit”.
Amongst other things… one of the questions the radio presenter asked me, was this:
“Paul… Why did you write
this book?”.
Straight forward question.
But I had a couple of answers.
The one I gave him “on-air”, was this:
“I want to help people in their 50’s and 60’s to make better decisions about their health – I think there is so much mis-information out there that too many people are deciding to do nothing and accept pain and restriction in their life, when really, it’s a often a simple case of “do this, but don’t do that”…
Reasonable answer to his question?
I thought so, too.
And LASER targeted to the people listening to the show WHO I want to be calling my clinic some time soon.
But it’s the answer that I gave him “OFF AIR”… that is most interesting to YOU and your PT clinic.
See, my new book… it’s a “LEAD GENERATION” tool.
Meaning, the SOLE purpose that I went to the lengths to write a 60,000 word book was so that I could make a million dollars from it — without selling a single copy of it!
See, I’m now positioned as a “trusted author” in the health field.
Which immediately lifts me above my competition and allows me to charge even higher prices than I already do and makes issues like copay or deductibles, well, just go away!…
But where I make the real money on writing a book like this is when we give it away FREE to new leads and potential customers.. and have those customers give it to friends and relatives, who end up calling my clinic.
Take this scenario for example:
Just yesterday, one of my clients over in California got “27” new leads from an advert we ran in a Sunday newspaper (yes, “27”!) – and all we did was offered some free information on ways to ease back pain.
Now, one of the ways to move 50% of these people even closer to his treatment room more quickly, could be to offer them some more information – as a gesture of even more goodwill, building even more trust.
Now imagine how those leads would feel knowing that my client had written that same book they were getting into bed to read each night?
You betcha’!
More likely to want to hand over $500 in copay or pay the excess in full for his services?
Because of one simple thing called “trust”.
Something that is granted immediately when they see your name and face on a published book.
The point?
“Information” is what people crave these days.
They NEED it before they make decisions.
(Just like you!)
And positioning yourself as the leading provider of trusted information is now the NEW way to grow a PT business.
And it gets better:
When you learn how to “re-purpose” all of the great content and information that you sit down to write…
…you can write it once, and get paid out on it multiple times over, for the rest of your life.
Want to know how I do it?
Ok then, take a look at this:
– Investigate Your Opportunity To Quickly Become A Trusted Celebrity Expert! >
On here I show you the same short cut I took to writing a book that simultaneously boosted new visitors to my clinic web site, attracted more clients than I could handle, AND, even landed me TWO weekly columns in the local newspapers as a result.
…and best, it only took me 30 minutes per WEEK to do!
– Investigate Your Opportunity To Quickly Become A Trusted Celebrity Expert! >
Maybe I’ll see you on the Radio? 😉
Paul Gough.

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