Story time:
So yesterday I did the traditional Sunday afternoon thing and took my family for a good-old fashioned, English “Sunday roast”.
After spending 8 weeks travelling across the US – eating out most evenings and dining at some very “authentic” fine cuisine places…
…it’s been nice to get back to “fish and chips” and a “Sunday Roast with beef and Yorkshire pudding”.
(Proper English delicacies that you’ll have to try when you come over here some time to visit 😉
So yesterday, we went to a restaurant that I’d been to before…
A place that provides EXCEPTIONAL FOOD…
And, DELIVERS on all of it’s promises.
But, also a place that inserts a “$8.50” plate charge for a “2” year old boy who, at most, had three small potatoes and a little bit of his Mammy’s pudding at the end.
We didn’t see that one coming!
The real impact of that “$8.50” charge?
I’d say “$1000’s” LOST in future revenue.
And here’s why:
See, I was happy to pay the “$8.50”…
But my girlfriend wasn’t…
Neither was my Mother…
And, neither was my Grandmother.
They just couldn’t see it…
Now obviously, I’m in business, so I accept that a business has to make a living by selling things to consumers – no matter what age – and if people are bringing their kids in, however old, then they should pay!
Fairs fair.
I’m talking from a place of “logic” and “reason”…
But, the average “consumer” – who walks in there and feeds their kids one or two items off of their plate – isn’t.
They’re FAR from it.
It’s aaaaaaaaall emotional – which is not always good for business!
So here’s what happened next:
Natalie, my Mother, and my Grandmother each spent the whole day telling EVERYONE how “BAD” that restaurant was.
And I mean, EVERYONE.
This being despite the fact that the service was incredible and the food just as good.
The conversation was ALL about what they made us pay for Harry…
…not what they did for us or how nice it was!
The point I’m trying to make?
There are a lot of “stupid” business owners out there…
Even though I can’t help but think that he was RIGHT to charge us…
…in theory…
…most EMOTIONAL consumers would never agree!
He positioned it all wrong and probably is riding high on his EGO – dining out on it – thinking that he’s right.
But but he is paying no attention to the DAMAGE it’s so obviously going to do to his restaurant – in the long run.
If my table was talking about it…
…how many other tables has it happened to since that place has been open?
Consumers are VERY predictable and all our emotional hot buttons are in the same place, pushed by the same act of “stupidity”.
And it doesn’t get much more emotional than when “kids” are involved.
The next point??
There is nothing more suicidal in business that an owner caught up inside his own ego…
…relying so much on his product and service that he NEGLECTS to consider how his words and actions influence what people say, think and feel.
Most restaurant businesses are NOT struggling because of a bad economy…
…AND, most PT businesses are not struggling because of a lack of referrals from doctors…
…they struggle quite simply because the owner is far too focused on the PRODUCT.
On being the “next best” and greatest ever PT that there’s ever been.
Want to know the recipe for long-lasting success in ANY ECONOMY?
Become TRULY world class at being “consumer centric”.
The rewards will ALWAYS go to the business owner who is OBSESSED with figuring out how customers think and feel…
…and how to get them to think and feel more favourable about their product or service.
It’s not about your new exercises or your latest techniques…
They only get you so far.
And it explains why so many PT’s are working harder at their “PT skills” or putting out more “advice on Youtube”…
…yet falling further and further behind when it comes to keeping up with their income and lifestyle goals.
Thankfully, MOST PT’s don’t agree with me on stuff like this…
…which makes it easier for the rest of us to be successful! 😉
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